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Reviews for Sound: an Illidan/Kael'thas Story

By : flagfish
  • From wanderingaddict on September 08, 2017

    ah you brought in a'lar!

    it was neat to see this shaping up a bit more. I was a little surprised to see how much more ... hmm... "tenative" or perhaps just "soft" kael'thas is, especially when Illidan is Lord of the Broods 1000% of the time. haha you're mad that the bird takes up the bed Illidan? your HORNS probably make sleeping with you a nightmare! gah and the morning breath from all that fel energy? if anything I think Kael'thas should be hte one complaining!

    haha just having fun. good stuff!

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  • From wanderingaddict on March 23, 2017

    haha wow illidan and kael'thas getting dirty at the end there. maiev's crazy bondage must have rubbed off on illidan over the centuries and oh here kael'thas is looking for a powerful masculine figure to fill to fill some epitness in his life. and butt. hah! good work, illidan/kael'thas woo!

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  • From silenthunder on October 19, 2016

    I enjoyed this! I'm a huge fan of conflict and contradiction; Illidan's feelings and the way he handled Kael'thas are not what most would expect him to be, and Kael's inner demons also contradict with his outward demeanor. This is an interesting couple to explore. And kudos for fluidly squeezing in a "You are not prepared" in there, hehe.

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  • From wanderingaddict on July 30, 2015
    aww, it's always awesome to see illidan/kael'thas stories. also like, hit the nail on the head there with "Kael'thas being mad at Arthas for 'stealing' Jaina when Arthas butchered his entire race... yeah.. sure..."
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