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Reviews for Mass Effect Monday @ Sex Arcade

By : TentacleFan
  • From Lunarsilver on June 28, 2017

    When does the borderland sex arcade story show up here and hope Tiny Tina is in it.

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  • From ninesenshi on October 28, 2015
    Fun stuff. I am a big Mass Effect fan. I enjoy seeing Jack dominated, Samara is another favorite for being dommed. Would enjoy a fic where femme-Shep decides to sexually dominate all the female crew members. Or where Jack rapes Miranda (or vice versa).
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  • From ANON - Guest on October 24, 2015
    Great stuff. Hope you write more from Mass Effect.
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  • From ANON - Good Job on October 15, 2015
    I agree with mty14 on a few points. Personally I liked having the descriptions of the characters' physical appearance, sets a strong visual image for the scene and also gives an interesting (IMO) perspective on how the author see the characters. Also liked how you introduced and set up the Sex Arcade itself. But the lack of variation in how the women were trussed up seemed to hamper your ability to keep the sex interesting. I feel if you worked more with the dynamic of the characters' personalities in relation to the men using them, rather than mostly just describing the physical act being carried out (in essence the same thing three times over), it would have kept things fresh. Perhaps some more dialogue to break up the heavy descriptive sections too; blocks of paragraphs aren't too enticing for this reader's eye.

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  • From ANON - Anon on October 15, 2015
    'The Witcher Wall – Oral only event, 80% off!'

    Where do I sign up???
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  • From mty14 on October 14, 2015
    I am familiar with (some) of your other work and am glad to see you write for ME. The Sex Arcade is a strangely popular subject matter, so I was interested to see how your take on it fits among the others.

    One thing I was able to guess before I even started reading that ended up being true: Having 3 primary characters in a story of this length was just too much. It splintered the focus, took away depth from each scene in an attempt to give each character their "due" and left me feeling a little unsatisfied.

    Liara and Miranda are two of the more popular characters in ME smut (and rightfully so!); I think I would've been fine if you cut Jack altogether. Another reason to do so is that I'm not sure her purpose was well-served/necessary. Being broken is a pretty black/white thing and it often felt like Jack was a less-needed version of Miranda.

    I think the sex and details were well-written, but it often felt very clinical. For example I'm not sure each girl needed a paragraph describing her appearance. I would think most of us are pretty familiar with them already. There was also a lot of focus on how the girls looked (how they were tied up, that they were drooling etc.), but how they were reacting to what was happening often felt lacking. Maybe this was a stylistic choice, but I feel there's a lot there that went unexamined. Lastly there wasn't much given about the patrons assaulting them, or much variation in what happened to the girls, although those are much smaller points.
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