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Reviews for Ridley's Relief

By : asylumofthedamned
  • From ANON - Anon on December 04, 2006

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  • From ANON - Vice n More Vice on July 25, 2006
    Wow this is even more sick then I expected. I think you need serious help along with anyone else who likes this. May the Lord have mercy on this fic.
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  • From Kayin on February 14, 2005
    Well written to be sure but not really my cup of tea. My fault though. I'm the one who read it. Not bad.
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  • From ANON - RVincent on December 06, 2004
    That was a great fanfic, throughly entertaining, I gave it a 5 out of 5!
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  • From ANON - Blah on July 31, 2004
    Okay, so it's not likely that Ridley would have a mammalian penis. It's also not likely that a giant dragon would speak English and fly around in outer space because an evil brain told him to. Artistic licence, dude, and willing suspension of disbelief.

    But on the upside at least we're tng ang about penises here. That's always good.
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  • From ANON - IBC on July 23, 2004
    "Ridley felt his pulse thob towards his hips, forcing his penis to stand up straight."
    "Ridley threw himself upon Samus, jamming himself into her body. Ridley forced himself to thrust feverishly, even though he was twice Samus' size, feeling Samus' insides stretch and tear from his thrusting."
    Now, you're right. Perhaps I should have clarified my statement. "He was given a mammalian penis. A fucking mammalian penis, etc., etc." Personally, I'd say Ridley is closer related to crocodilians than anything so here's a link.
    Check Figure 9.5. While somewhat similar at first glance, this is quite different from the penis described in the story, is it not fun function even more so.
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  • From ANON - Andemon on June 11, 2004
    The previous reviewer obviously *doesn't* know anything about 'reptilian anatomy'.

    All real reptiles have penii; crocodiles, snakes, geckos, turtlesmodomodo dragons, etera.era. Snakes and lizards have two -- called hemipenis.

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  • From InsomniacByChoice on June 01, 2004
    This story could have been good. It could have been so good. Not only does have it have Ridley winning, it has him thinking about his life Samus. It has him thinking about what she meant to him. Even the misplaced sexual attraction I can deal with. But a penis? A fucking penis? Do you not have any idea about reptilian anatomy? I mean come on.
    Really, the necrophelia/rape was just ridiculous. Not because of what it is, but just because what Ridley is. Had you treated it in a way closer to John Gardener's Grendel, where Ridley was looking in on another species it would have been better. Simply put, Ridley is not a human. He does not think with human thoughts. But of course you even gave him human genitals, so it stands to reason you'd just portray him as a human in a giant lizard's body.
    While better than a lot of stuff out there, this seems written for shock value more than anything and I wasn't shocked, so you didn't even accomplish that.
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  • From ANON - SusieQ on May 19, 2004
    You know, I never thought I'd find necrophilia understandable, let alone appealing.

    ...Okay, maybe not understandable, but it was a very, um, engaging story.
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  • From ANON - Anon on May 14, 2004
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  • From ANON - Smijey on May 04, 2004
    Ah, the return of one of the classics from before the fall of NC-17s from FFNet.

    You know, this story was one of the main inspirations for me to write Forget Me Not.
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  • From ANON - Anon on May 02, 2004
    Necrophelia! Creepy fun!
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