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Reviews for Rare Side Effects May Include the Following:

By : maiafay376
  • From ANON - Brittny on May 12, 2005
    *cries* Beautiful....just beautiful...The plot is fantastic! I love your writing style! Please update soon!
    (Hi Lazuli! ^0^)
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  • From ANON - Summer on May 11, 2005
    Excellent job I loved it. That is quite a cliff hanger though I can't wait to read more.

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  • From ANON - LukylADY123 on May 11, 2005
    yay! Took me a while to see that you had actually updated- cause I thought there were already 11 chapters XD What solid smut XD Agh XD poor leon! Very well done- however :-D I thought it was hilarious (if a little... sad- when Leon was being abused- but I laughed a lot too) I'm so glad I started this story!!! XD

    Agh- god- I can't wait till next chapter XD DEATH to ADA!!!

    :-D Wonderfl job again ^_^
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  • From ANON - ZombieDuke on May 10, 2005
    *cheers* Another glorious chapter! I love the way you've been treating Leon and Saddler, especially the fact that it takes time for Leon to be tammed.
    So someone is gonna appear? Is it Krauser? I'm not sure if you killed him off (although Leon and Ashley DID get de-bugged) so that's why I'm wondering. Or is it gonna be Wesker? Oh hoho! Wesker and Slave!Leon, now that is an odd pairing.

    But seriously...

    Is it Krauser? o_0
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  • From on May 06, 2005
    Eh, I don't want to join the masses here and be all freaking out about the flames guys DIDN'T have to keep reading it if you thought it was getting boring. And I think this whole flaming of someone else's story is really stupid -_-; Critisism is alright, but don't bash someone for writing something you don't like, get over it already. Another thing, if people are that anal about a few wrong spanish phrases so much to the extent they are rude about it and ignore the rest of the story there is something seriously wrong >>;

    I personally have not played Resident Evil but I was just searching for some slash to keep my muse occupied and thought, why not. Being really into words and grammar I liked all the lovely descriptive words that were used ^_^ I, myself, use a thesaurus and so does my sister who is writing her own novel right now (she's also 45); there is no harm in that, it shows that you are a talented enough writer to know not to repeat words because that gets boring. I'm also not saying I'm a wonderful writer, 'cause I'm not, but I have enough sense to not use the same word twice in one paragraph.

    Tehe, I'm also into tentacles, so...that was a huge plus right there and the hard domination of the submissive partner; that makes me grin.

    So, in really need to get the next part up...'cause I'm dying ^^;; I need to know what happens OO;

    :: KISSU! ::
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  • From ANON - Lazuli on May 06, 2005
    The best way to sum up my review is by simply posting the conversation I had with my friend concerning the subject of this work, the people it has attracted, and how matters of constructive criticism are viewed. Sorry if it seems like a long yarn, but I figured it was the best way, like I said. And it is written in parentheses because it's OOC text in an AIM roleplay that I'm doing with a friend of mine.


    Ragnarok Albion: (*is reading these reviews* -_-)
    Ragnarok Albion: (Oh for God's sake, get over yourself, Maiafay. Forty-two reviews from two-bits who wouldn't know good writing if it smacked them in the face does not a good story make. Do you know how many people there are on this site who can't even structure a grammatically correct sentence? Please, step down from your high horse before you make me snort my prune juice. Veil writes an honest, albeit blunt, review of your story, giving constructive criticism AS REVIEWERS ARE SUPPOSED TO DO, and you blow a gascket. Oh, that's VERY mature. Yes, you're just the paragon of mature virtue! Honestly, there's nothing that gets me pissed more than a writer who can't take criticism without whining about it.

    I've been on the sharp edge of Veil's criticism before, but you know what? She's honest, she points out what she thinks could be improved without dancing around, and sometimes she makes a really good point. Why don't you swallow your pride and look at what she said like a mature writer would do? At least give her criticism some consideration before you blow it out your ass.

    Oh, and don't put words in peoples' mouths. Neither Veil nor Six Six Seven said they had any problem with slash or sex. Instead, they VERY CLEARLY stated EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE. Looks like you need to work on your reading comprehension skills, not just your writing.)
    Ragnarok Albion: (I'm wondering if these last three big retards are the same person with three different s/ns -_-)
    AshiHotaruGuru: (...actually...)
    AshiHotaruGuru: (I have to agree with that one comment...)
    AshiHotaruGuru: (The one you posted here.)
    Ragnarok Albion: (hm? o.o)
    AshiHotaruGuru: (The one you posted above)
    AshiHotaruGuru: (Viel was just giving a constructive critizem)
    AshiHotaruGuru: (If *I* found a story that was once interesting, then got dull so, I would comment about it.)
    AshiHotaruGuru: (Same with Six Six Seven.
    AshiHotaruGuru: (Because I could see myself in that position, where people get really pissed at me for merely being honist and critical)
    AshiHotaruGuru: (I dont want to hurt Veil. I actually respect her for saying such a thing when everyone else was "OMGILOVEYOURFIC")
    AshiHotaruGuru: (Sorry if that makes you mad.)
    Ragnarok Albion: (well, not, but those three weren't speaking their constructive criticism...if a digestible manner. They honestly seemed like an asshole trifecta about it to me.)
    Ragnarok Albion: (oh, and how much of Rare Side Effects have you read? :O)
    AshiHotaruGuru: (I havnt.)
    AshiHotaruGuru: (I am just saying that their comments are...well, blunt and honest)
    AshiHotaruGuru: (Even if I wasnt giving constructiv crit, I am very honest about things o_o)
    AshiHotaruGuru: (Besides, if writers didnt want honesty/constructive crit, they should say so in a disclaimer or warnings or something..)
    Ragnarok Albion: (well, in this case, I guess its just a matter of if the fanfiction's been read or not to really related to it. In my honest opinion after reading this from the first chapter up to the chapter that it's stopped at, I think this is well written. They seemed to be complaining about the fact that it was one big fuckfest full of big words that annoyed them. Oh, and she DID put the warnings in her disclaimers)
    Ragnarok Albion: (for EVERY chapter o_o)
    AshiHotaruGuru: (I mean o_o)
    AshiHotaruGuru: (Warnings for NO CONSTRUCTIVE CRIT or something)
    AshiHotaruGuru: (because there are a lot of people who really hate getting it)
    Ragnarok Albion: (She didn't warn against constructive criticism o_o)
    Ragnarok Albion: (but again, this is a matter of having read Maiafay's work to begin with)
    Ragnarok Albion: (but yeah, what was I saying? o.o Oh yeah, the manners of giving criticism o.o)
    Ragnarok Albion: (But... *smacks head* Yeah @@ You can be blunt, but the way Veil did it wasn't in a way that would make the author feel that it was helpful in any way at all o_o)
    Ragnarok Albion: (I mean, did you read what she said? It was loaded with spite o_o;;)
    Ragnarok Albion: (Giving spitefully driven constructive criticism isn't even considered criticism by most people, it's considered being a large reeking asshole o_o Now, if you're just emotionless and still blunt, that tends to hurt a persons feelings, but they might take it, and then there's the more nice "Hey, I have a suggestion that could help..." kind of criticism, which istends to be more well taken, unless the person's a complete whino, then none of those tactics will work)
    Ragnarok Albion: (what I'm trying to say on that though, is that if you ask for constructive criticism, whether for art, music, whatever, it tends mean, "I want you to help me with things that apply to my story in a nice manner. Because being rude to me when I don't even know you is bullshit and I don't appreicate it.")
    Ragnarok Albion: (*gnars* So before I go on a yarn, yeah, these three were being unnecessary asses about the whole thing and after following and reading the whole thing, I think their all just being a lot of spiteful and narrowminded fools... *gnargnar*)
    Ragnarok Albion: (Okay, I'm done @_@)


    Yeah, like I said, I'm done with that yarn. But, to show my supportiveness for this work, after having actually read through it, I think this is a beautifully written work and the pacing is perfect. Obviously there are others who want this to be some kind of fast-paced maelstrom of angst, sex, and violence, but they seemed to have failed to realize that this what you're going for and suddenly bending to their will and instering that into your fanfiction all of a sudden would fuck everything up the wazoo. A slow and meandering pacing is ideal for such detailing of the intense stress and internal conflict thats battering Leon. HE is the important one here, so HE is the focus of these issues, so the story will revolve with a slower pacing than some might like around HIM, unless the author choses to shift her focus to another characters woes if they're planned to be a key factor in the progression of the story.

    Like you've pretty much said yourself, Maiafay(whether directly or not), the main three that have aggrivated you can get over themselves, buy a dictionary if they have a poor vocabulary, hit the back button, and GET OVER IT. If you want a fic to go your seperate(or singular and omnipresent) way, then write your own damn story. If someone vents all over your asses as you've done this author for no LOGICAL reason, I'll be vastly amused by the irony. But now I'm just getting spiteful with that note.

    Maiafay, I honestly don't think you should let all this foolishness make you bend and lower yourself down to a lower tier of intelligence just to appease whoever complains. If their stupid, then let them revel in their blissful idiocy. Those of us with braincells that we are well aware of and fully capable of using enjoy your fanfiction just the way it is and don't think it needs to be changed.(though, I'll point out that you frequently type "currant" instead of "current" and seeing the first term brings to mind "currant", the fruit, instead of "current", the word. but that's just a little quirk that gets at me. Its nothing major). Don't let all of this wear away at your integrity, I hate seeing flaming morons tearing down a good author like a bunch of wolves.

    I support you all the way, and I await the next entries to what is proving to be quite a dramatic conclusion. Sorry for this massive and needless yarn. I just had to get it off of my chest. Good luck to you!

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  • From ANON - redbrytea on May 04, 2005
    I've been one of the many silent readers that have followed this story from the very beginning. Like many RE4 fans out there, I've been a nerd and fantasized what Leon would be like if the plagas hadn't been removed. I love this story for several reasons- the plot is plausible, disturbingly plausible, it's extremely well written, and it keeps with the general feeling of Resident Evil, gritty survival horror. After reading your latest chapter and the notes that followed, I felt like I should give some positive feedback that's been a long time in coming- mostly because I'm a lazy arsehole. As a shameless fanfiction writer, I've also gotten ridiculous flames and tons of reviewer trolls, so now I generally don't read reviews and just write for personal pleasure. I hope the latest string of frustrating and unfortunate events don't keep you from writing more. There's quite a few silent readers like me that enjoy your writing and this story!
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  • From ANON - Gauge on May 03, 2005
    i think your story rocks,... i can't wait ta see what happens... to much suspense too wait for but i will... keep up the good work... i just wish i could write half as good as you... peace out with love... update soon i hope ....
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  • From Yamima on May 03, 2005
    What happens next?????????
    Update soon, it's good so far (Smile)
    Oooh! Resident Evil was one of my fav movies
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  • From on May 02, 2005
    ;__; I just read the bottom of 10 since you editted it for all the drama, I just wanted to respond to this:

    FYI: I AM going over this fic little by little, “dumbing” it down some. So that I do not confuse anyone further. Yes, I actually did take that advice, but your delivery of such helpful suggestions-- er, demands was poor, and rude.

    >>I just wanted to reiterate that I really loved the language you used in your fic. I hope you don't take away everything if you do decide to "dumb it down". I'm not sure if all your readers felt that way. However, I enjoy reading new words or words I may not be familiar with. I hope the drama is over though, you really didn't deserve any of those. Though you and other fellow reviewers did a good job of defending yourself. Anyhoo, just wanted to mention that, I hope the new chapter is up soon! Keep up the great work.
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  • From ANON - Tré on May 02, 2005
    I'm sorry people are giving you a hard time. Sometimes it happens though. I just want you to know that I like your story, and sure it has some mistakes, but nothing is perfect. You responded to the 'flames' in a calm, healthy manner though, and that's good. Don't let it get you down! ;) Life's too short to care what others think.

    Hope to see you update soon! :)

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  • From ANON - SammyB on May 02, 2005
    Great work on this chapter. Saddler is more annoying than ever and Leon’s mind is still on the fritz. I can see Saddler babbling so arrogantly during sex. You did a wonderful job with Leon’s thoughts, confusion, and feelings about the whole matter. I like how he is still trying to hold on to his last bit of humanity and he remains stubborn, but at the same time you can see him breaking slowly. Poor Leon, I feel so bad for him. I am curious to see how Saddler finally forces him to cave to his will, if he ever does. I hope to see an update soon.

    Veil, this story is not about Ashley and Ada, it’s about Leon. So why should she have to make a point to have a section dedicated to the two. She shouldn’t, because it has nothing to do with them really.

    “And you spelled Ozwell Spencer’s name wrong, but I can forgive that.”

    Oh thank god! You forgave her! How wonderful and kind of you to do so. It was such a horrendous mistake after all. I hope one day I will come to be as sweet and wonderful as you.

    Here, let me give it a try. Your review, I notice a few minor errors. There were a couple of times you had trouble forming proper sentence structure. Bear with me, because I’m not that smart so if I make errors after be an ass about this, just pretend they never happened.
    Improper Sentences:

    “A mildly interesting plot at that. Something pretty rare in the fruit basket of”

    “A shame, a real shame”
    “in-character”—This should have been “in character”. There is no dash in that word.

    “The description and word-usage would be flowing if it wasn't ringing bells” –In this sentence, the word “wasn’t” should actually be “weren’t”.

    Now, let me see if I can forgive you. NO! Ha! I won’t do it. Why, because I’m too immature and mean to do so. You should be ashamed. Disappointing me like that. I had expected you to have such flawless skills. Why else would you have the nerve to jump in and insult someone so rudely?

    What you did was far from constructive criticism. Constructive criticism is meant to be helpful and there shouldn’t have been such a spiteful hint to your review. It was a lot like I’m doing right now, being discourteous and wounding.

    I seriously believe that both Six Six Seven and Diamond are your friends, or you posting as different people. You all complain about the same thing, defend each other profusely and have the same tone as each other. If I’m wrong about this, whoops!

    Just in case, I’ll address them separately. I don’t want them to feel left out.

    “though I can't remember the last time Leon wasn't dying to fuck some hole somewhere in this story”

    Six Six Seven, If that’s what you really think, you’re wrong. I don’t remember Leon wanting to “fuck some hole” constantly. I do remember him dieing to feed off of them. He never said he wanted to have sex with them, only to feed and fulfill his hunger from the energy that radiated off of them. The only time he had sex was with the Ganado and that hadn’t been his actual intention.

    “I can only remember sex scenes and no story, character development, or even a coherent timeframe.”

    Really, then you had not been reading it. There has only been one real sex scene, the others were of him feeding and he did grope around, but no sex. The time frame apparently takes place directly after the attempted removal of plaga. What else do you need to know? That is the timeline! The character development is perfectly fine. Pay attention to Leon’s thoughts and actions, you’ll see what I mean.

    The pace of the Leon/Saddler scene works with the characters (Saddler in particular) and part of the purpose of the act. Saddler is very arrogant and loves to torment people. He doesn’t just want to screw Leon and be done with it; he wants Leon to bend to his will. He wanted Leon to comply unwillingly to him and to degrade Leon relentlessly. It wouldn’t make sense any other way.

    Diamond, well you’re just full of it. I think you and Veil are the same person. You defend her so much and insult her reviewers. Why did you insult them? I know, because they had gone against Veil which means they went against you! Poor little Diamond or Veil, did the mean Maiafay and reviewers hurt your feelings.

    It’s funny, where are these stories she reviewed. Oh and from what I read in the footnote of chapter 9, you’re supposedly a wonderful writer. I would love to read them. Come on, give us a link or send them to me.

    My e-mail is, I would love to hear from you guys. We can talk and play Internet checkers together. I’m sure will have a good time. We could be the best of friends. At least write something somewhere for me. I’d love to see if I sparked something in someone with this. Come on, let’s play.

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  • From ANON - RRR14 on May 02, 2005
    I love your story and just wanted to tell you that I read some other ppls reveiws and think that they are just talking crap. Your story is perfectly fine. I can understand it completly and it makes sense. You have no need to fix anything except maybe a few grammical errors, or anything your not happy with other wise I would just say ignore them and to keep up the good work.
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  • From ANON - Lin-chan on May 02, 2005
    Yay! You updated. I really liked the writing in this chapter. I think you did a great job of characterizing Saddler in particular. You captured his extreme arrogance and almost distain for everyone one else very well, and Leon's response as well to the whole situation I thought was very realistic. Also, this particular part of the story flowed very well, and the visual images you painted were excellent without being overdone. ^_^ Keep up the great work!!
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  • From ANON - Ryan on May 02, 2005
    I love your story... very, oh so very much. I cannot wait for the next chapter and I hope that you will get it up soon. And screw the stupid people who are against slash and comment poorly on your story. You have made it very clear that there is slash contained and if they are going to read it still then they should just keep their mouths shut! Anyway love it very much so get the next part up soon so I can read and be happy.
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