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Reviews for Behind Slightly Closed Doors

By : SatanicMechanic
  • From AnimeLuver89 on January 29, 2008
    Hahahaha omg that wuz greeat i couldnt stop laughing it wuz a good story it wuz jus waay too funny i couldnt stop laughing ahhh good job i dont kno if it wuz meant to be funny or ironic so if i offended u by saying it wuz funny im sorry but i cannot lie it wuz funny as hell cause i could actually c that happening XD
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  • From Kyuubichan20 on December 29, 2007
    I say you should have continued. I really liked this story and I'm not even a fan of Yuan and Kratos! Could you pretty please write another chapter? Please? Please?
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  • From ANON - tamashii on February 01, 2006
    Wow, this was amazingly hot. Well written, too. It's so hard to find quality Tales of Symphonia yaoi smut... keep up the good work, yeah? I'll be waiting for your next masterpiece. I wouldn't complain if you wrote a sequel to this... ;)

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  • From ANON - Invadermeow (who doesnt have an account here yet) on December 12, 2005
    o_o *luff* XD oh man that was awesome!! i love everything being from zelos's POV cause zelos rocks! *snicker* i read something of this sort only it was kratos in the closet watching zelos and yuan but this one is so much funnyer! oh yes and you gotta love kratos's belts XDDD! write more pleaaase!
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  • From ANON - Dunno on November 27, 2005
    This fic is friggin hilarious! So many funny moments... Plus hawt smex... This has to be one of if not the best fanfics I've ever read... I congratulate you and hope for a second chapter... Maybe Kratos/Zelos?... Whatever you decide I'm still going to read and review... I Luff you! ^.^
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  • From ANON - Scarlet on November 10, 2005
    That was amazing and so perfect on the character parts I think. Please please please continue this story!
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  • From ANON - Aria-Chan on October 20, 2005
    Ahaha... I love this. =D You, my friend, are a genius (pun intended?).
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  • From ANON - Bob on September 08, 2005
    I think you should write a sequel, it'd be hawt!
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  • From ANON - DirtyHentaiGoddess (Too lazy to log in) on September 05, 2005
    Ooh! Sizzle! Burn! That was hott! ^_~

    This fic was amazing, funny, and overally totally awesome!

    I loved hearing things from Zelos's POV, he's such an interesting character. And what better pairing for him to see than Kratos and Yuan? ^__^
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  • From ANON - Zel-chan on August 24, 2005
    If you do a sequel please Yggy X Zelos XD
    the end was funny, the description was good;) I like that fic ^^
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  • From fairyvicki on August 21, 2005
    Good. God. Was this a gift for me, or something? I've just got home from my week away, craving the man-sex. This has just completely blown me away!

    Gotta love the snarkiness that is Kratos & Zelos's relationship in whatever form. And there were some highly comical moments that made me laugh out loud, particularly in reference to Kratos's wardrobe, hehe. And the smex was...well, it sent shivers down my spine; I'm all hot and flustered now! I'm surprised you chose Kratos as uke (did I turn you?!) but I think it worked really well. The general dynamic between Kratos and Yuan, with neither of them particularly bothered by one another's actions (for the most part), was really IC, I thought, and kind of amusing, too. I find Kratos's lack of graciousness quite entertaining, and it was nice to see it brought to the bedroom like this.

    I'm perfectly happy to take the blame for this appallingly smexy fic. ^__^ Oh, and Yggy/Zelos next? Oh yes. I'm waiting to see that one done well.
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  • From ANON - Yaoifanboy on August 21, 2005
    OMG! Best ToS porn EVER! Even though Yuan isn't really my fave character...

    YOU MUST WRITE A SEQUEL!! Zelos is hawt, so yeah... =3 I'd love to see a Kratos/Zelos, or a Yggdrasill/Zelos... I don't care which one, as long as it has Zelos in it ;)
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  • From ANON - Jenn on August 20, 2005
    Dies of Laughter.

    Loved the ending! Anyway, keep up the good work ^_^
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  • From ANON - RavenGhost on August 20, 2005
    I really liked this! And from Zelos' POV it was really funny.

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  • From animekisekae on August 20, 2005
    Oh, that was great. Very sexy and funny, I just love Zelos' thought on everything. Good job, a second chapter would be great! ^^

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