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Reviews for Because You Loved Me--Even If I Didn't Want You To

By : KamirineGoddess
  • From KatPanikku on December 19, 2019

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  • From BlueBonnet on November 03, 2008
    Very nice story. I like yaoi but I hate ShadowxSonic but it's all up to you, the reader, what couple will be endgame. I vouch for Amy Rose to have a nice relationship! I really like her, even though she might be annoying. I feel so bad for her right now. :(
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  • From ANON - Xiander_s on February 12, 2006
    MARCH? That sucks so much ass it's not even funny just when the story was gettin good to.
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  • From ANON - pheonix on February 07, 2006
    ^We can't update yet. Some changes are being made so the edit option, and update/add chapter/etc. Is closed till March 1 until it is all finished. Or has someone been able to update already because I can't ...

    I can't wait till March.
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  • From ANON - Xiander_s on February 06, 2006
    Hm. This is taking longer than usual. Where's the update? Don't keep us in suspense!
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  • From ANON - pheonix on February 04, 2006
    This is the best Sonic fic ever!

    I love how you portray the characters. The situations, and etc.

    This last chapter almost made me laugh my head off. Sonic was being such an ass. LOL.

    I can't wait for you to update. This is what is all about great authors, great storys and enjoyment.

    The only complaint I have is the misspelling on expect in place of except and a few others. *but I understand wha you are saying so it isn't a big deal*

    Love this story and am now a fan of your work...

    Pheonix #1 fan... lol.
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  • From ANON - Noneya on February 03, 2006
    Cool, nice story. I like the pairings cause their interesting. You got some grammer mistakes though but otherwise, it really is a nice fic.
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  • From ANON - Draconis on February 03, 2006
    Ooookay, we totally need an updaaaaaate!
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  • From ANON - () on January 31, 2006
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  • From ANON - Friendly Advice on January 30, 2006
    Let me begin by saying I'm actually very happy to find an interesting story such as this. I rather like the way you capture the love triangle, more so that it's not the typical Shadow & Sonic both in love with Amy type that I'm very sick of reading about. That just gets old far too fast. As for the characters involved in generald:

    You seem to have matured Amy to a point. But more importantly, you gave us a reason why Amy was actually more mature in the ways of relationships and love because she took advice from Rouge, instead of depending on the same ole "Oh, she's just older" or just out and out taking her out of character by taking all the bad points of her personality (jealousy, annoying, stubborn) and taking them to the extreme or turning her into a carbon copy of Cream, only older. I've never understood how it's so 'hard' to capture Amy's personality. It's so easy and yet so very few can actually capture it. You haven't exactly got it either, but I'll at least give you points for explaining/giving a ligitmate reason why she wouldn't be the Amy we're used to seeing.

    He talks to much. Shadow doesn't talk nearly as much as he does in your story. And you need to find other words to describe him. Though I understand his character can be a little boring, try finding other words to describe him other than 'angry' and 'glare'. As a whole however, I am thankful for the way you have him in your story. He isn't an evil bastard (and I won't begin to explain how much that pisses me off) but he isn't overly sensitive and trying to sweep the person he's fighting for off their feet. Like in some horrible romantic novel. I actually like the interaction between himself and the other characters as a whole. I like that you actually gave him a relationship with Knuckles and the way he reacts to Sonic is just enjoyable to read. It actually gives the readers something to look forward to.

    He's not a cocky bastard that is trying to two-time the people in love with him and that's a good start. You make him playful, but not as much as is led to be believed from the games. You also make him think longer than two seconds and he seems to be one that does thing on a whim more often than not. Now don't take offense because this isn't a bad thing actually: it shows that his feelings and relationships with Amy and Shadow actually mean enough to him that he doesn't want to rush into anything to fast and actualy wants to sorts things out. It shows a true majority, not only on his part but his personality and I love it.

    As for the love triangle, I must say it's very interesting. Apart from what I mentioned above, it's just nice to see how Sonic reacts to each different persons advances, how Amy reacts to the boys relationship together and how Shadow reacts to well, everything as a whole. No one is reacting in the same light exactly and that's what makes the read so interesting, other than trying to figure out just who Sonic will actually end up with.

    A few other points:
    -Tails not spending a lot of time with Sonic isn't exactly a bad thing, as he needs to get out of his shadow a bit. But in an off sense, because he usually is with Sonic, it's somewhat out of character.
    -Cream is perfect, don't change her at all. And while romance is flying all around, don't give her one with Tails. They're far to young to actually understand the complications that come with true romantic relationships.
    -I like how you seem to be telling four stories at once: Sonic's love life, Knuckles & Rouge and the Master Emerald drama, Eggman and this mysterious ring and Tails Cream and Team Chaotix? drama. It's all woven together nicely and it always has a little something for different readers to enjoy.
    -You story is a wee bit lengthy. This can be a good thing or a bad thing. In the beginning, it seems to drag on but as the story gets more interesting, the length doesn't bother a person as much. However, it's getting past the first chapter or two that's the trama to some readers. Most won't stick around and that's a shame because it's nice read.

    I look forward to seeing how the next installment will change the story, as this last chapter dropped lots of hints of up coming drama: Knuckles wanting to leave and then sleeping with Rouge. Shadow finding out about Amy and Sonic's possibly relationship (though I still believe it's partically one sided because I doubt Sonic actually sees it in the same light as Amy, what with him still being confused on how he truly feels about either hedgehog) and seeing how he will react to this. Tails going crazy with Team Chaotix and wanting to be alone with Cream. And then there's still the matter of the ring and Eggman.

    I'll be keeping tabs on this story in the future.
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  • From ANON - Shadow's Bane on January 30, 2006
    ~Continues to smack Amy with her own Piko mallet~

    Now if only she'd go down and stay there, you know?

    As for your new chapter, I rather liked it. It focused on another pairing more and well, need I go there? Very well written. Now Shadow know about Sonic and Amy, let's see a good reaction.
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  • From ANON - Rashella on January 30, 2006
    My, what a wonderful chapter! Beautiful, even if it was more comedic. But some parts were really touching. I look forward to reading more.
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  • From ANON - Roxxi Li on January 28, 2006
    I'd like to see this become a Shadon fic myself. Sure, other people right em, but this is one of the few that are actually creative and written well. As much as I read, the story is quite enjoyable. I love that Shadow and Sonic aren't complete pansies while Amy isn't nearly the annoying bitch she usually is. Cream isn't as annoying either and Tails is as cute as always, though I noticed he's not spending as much time with Sonic as he usually does in the actual game. Believe it or not though, I don't find that a problem: he need to be fleshed out of Sonic's shadow some.

    Respectively though, I must say I'm in it for Knuckles. This is one of the few stories where he isn't out obessesing about his emerald. It's a part of your story yes, but it isn't the main focus he has for the most part and I like that. Though when it did get caputred, I had to laugh at his reaction to Rouge. I'm real happy (from what I read) this didn't turn into two seperate stories: one with Sonic and the others and the second with Knuckles and Rouge searching for the emerald.

    Shadow's kiss was sweet, though I felt sorry for Amy. Though everyone's reaction to it was great. I loved Tails the most during this part because I could certainly see him acting that way.

    That's all I read, as your story is ridiculously long. (No offense) I look forward to reading the rest of what you got.
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  • From ANON - Demi's Shadow on January 28, 2006
    Ah, nice chapter this time. The kiss between Sonic and Amy was quite cute and it looks like everyone is taking a time out after what happened. Though why didn't Sonic apologize to Shadow? He really hurt his feelings as well, making fun of Maria's death. I really think he should have, not showing interest in him, but even just as a friend, Shadow deserves some sort of apology. It was very harsh.

    Knuckles and Rouge were very sweet and the doctor thinking they were married was priceless. Forshadowing perhapes? And Team Chaotix entry was great! Most people don't include them in stories and it was nice to see them at least make a cameo if they won't be here long.

    The singing was great, I loved so hard just picturing it. I can't wait to read the next chapter but I'll take a break. You write quite a bit and the chapters are very detailed. @_@
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  • From ANON - Annie the Anon on January 28, 2006
    Did you take my advice or write the chapter for me? Very awesome, I completely loved it. Very realistic love seen and you're making that pairing very interesting, even if it's not the main one. Another nice chapter, I look forward to more.
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