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Reviews for Love, Trust and Betrayal

By : fightersbreath
  • From ANON - Richard L. Drakos AKA Gaddes on July 13, 2006
    Well done. And it's nice to see something other than fucking yaoi on this site.
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  • From ANON - CrazyIvan on June 07, 2006
    Two words. Unfricking believable.... If I had a nickle for every shoulder massager opera jimfry lost up her vagaina, i'd have a vagina full o nickles. Er herm, sorry, just got done watching the man show. Anyways, interesting fic, interesting pairings. Now, you hinted towards "sisterly love", I wonder if this will remain as such, or shall it become something more? that remains to be seen i suppose. Now then, I do hope you inttend on swordfighting and climactic battles, as is the way of the sc series. One thing that confounds me though, is the constant victory of the allied forces, even against a superior enemy. Well, play it out however you see fit, and i shall remain here to see.
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