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Reviews for Silverpine Dreams

By : AzureBonds
  • From AzureBonds on August 05, 2006
    Oh my! I just got Open Office Writer(freeware version of MS Office), and holy crap there were still tons of spelling mistakes in my story. Thankfully I have a spell checker now. YAY! So there shouldn't be anymore spelling mistakes. As for grammar, I'll have to work on that. :D Writing was never my stong suit in school. :)

    I've working on chapter 5 and 6 on Book Two now and hopefully will have them out by Wednesday, along with the corrections to my story. I also made a little change in chapter six of book one, where you've all read before about Zaba skinning the deer. Later in book two I had Lina skinning the deer. I fixed chapter six so that Lina could be the one to do the skinning. I felt really stupid when I realized my mistake. *smacks forehead repeatedly* You'll see those changes when I post the latest chapters.

    Thanks again to everyone who read and to those who are kind enough to review. Thanks for you patience with my spelling mistakes, bad grammer and writers block. :)

    Oh, and Tsume.*calls for Tsume's attention* I'm a she. hehehe! :D


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  • From AzureBonds on August 02, 2006
    Thanks for the review Tsume. If is seems pro, that's only because I'm a prefectionist. I drive myself nuts with this stuff.

    Which brings me to my next point. I don't think I'll get any chapters done this week. I've got writters block. And not for the usual reasons. It's so bloody hot where I live, I just can sit and concentrate long enough to get anything written down. Hopefully I'll be able to flesh something out over the weekend and post by the middle of next week.

    If you all have any ideas, please send them my way. :)

    ~Azure Bonds~
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  • From ANON - Tsume on August 02, 2006
    Wow, I must say that if this is your first fanfiction, than you are putting me to shame. ^^ Your writing really quite professional, and you're characters are really interesting. Keep up the good work, and thanks for the comments you've posted on mine.
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  • From AzureBonds on July 31, 2006
    I want to thank you for your input. And it's because you were nice enough to give me some input that I hate to tell you that you are wrong about the troll fingers.The last thing I want to do is piss of my readers.

    To be sure that I was right in making the corrections in my story, I logged on my troll female and my BF's troll male. I wanted to be sure that I was right and made a point to check both sexes just incase there was a difference between male and female troll fingers, but there wasn't. Trolls have only two fingers and a thumb on their hands.

    I still want to thank you for your review, and ask that you continue to read and review my story. If at anytime you see an error or spelling mistake, please email me at Quote the section with the error so that I know what I'm looking for, and I'll make the changes.

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  • From ANON - M.R.B. on July 30, 2006
    I just letting you know you did a great story, and I' looking forward for the next chapters.

    One more thing, in Book One-Chapter Ten, you said something about Trolls have only two fingers, not three.
    I was asking "What are you talking about?". Of course Trolls have three fingers on each hand. The only two fingers they have is their foot.
    I don't know where you get this idea, or someone just told you this one. That's means this person is dead wrong!
    So instead "Editing the errors", you made more errors than before. If you don't believe me, look very closely at their hands and see that they really do have three fingers after all. Better yet, at least look at the art gallery of Warcraft in

    Look, you did a great job on this story, really. So I don't see why you have to change it when you had it right.
    Remember, three fingers on each hand, and two fingers on each foot, okay?

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  • From AzureBonds on July 30, 2006
    Thank you all for the great reviews. As for the mistakes, I'll have my proof reader go over the story again and I'll fix up my errors. I hope to have a couple more chapters for you all by the end of next week. Until then.... ;)
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  • From ANON - Myke on July 30, 2006
    I started reading because the story captivated me, despite the various grammatical and spelling errors, and stayed because of the marvellous writing. Thing seemed to become neater as things moved on, maybe your boy/editor starting paying more attention when the sex started ;D

    Great character interaction, I can really feel the bond between them
    In depth intimate scenes; I can see it all running through my head (wow she catches on fast =p)
    I look forward to seeing more of the story, and of course, more of Zaba and Lina showing their affection for another.
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  • From ANON - tank on July 28, 2006
    sexy sexy sexy sexy! good stuff! very horny! please god keep writing

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  • From ANON - O.o on July 21, 2006
    I normally don't review until I've read the story through, but I just need to say, very impressive just on first chapter!! I'm very excited to see how this story develops!
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  • From ANON - Riodhr on July 19, 2006
    Beautiful story so far, you captured the day to day activities of the average WoW player seamlessly and wrapped them up in to this tale of yours. I can't wait for the following chapters and books, and hope this is a long time series.

    I'll definitely be checking back daily to see how things are turning out between the two of them.

    Keep up the great work.

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  • From AntiDolorifico on July 14, 2006
    I think I have a crush on Zaba. Yummy... tee hee. I can't wait for Book 2!
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  • From ANON - AntiDolorifico on July 13, 2006
    You are going to make me beg, aren't you? FINE. I beg. Please update soon... pretty please with sugar and cherries and everything ontop? =D
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  • From ANON - The PD on July 12, 2006
    Good story, but i gota say, she is PARANOID...

    But i guess after seeing your entire "vilage" die, your allowed to be... :) Good story!
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  • From AzureBonds on July 12, 2006
    Thanks everyone for the positive reviews. I should have chapeters 7 to 9 up in a day or two.

    Keep R&Ring :)
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  • From ANON - Shiros on July 12, 2006
    Wow, this is a great story so far, keep up the great work

    Shiros, 60NE hunter of frostmane(PvP).

    Hmm, male troll hunter, i love how they fire their bows.....Oh crap i guess i should defend myself. True story.
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