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Reviews for The Recreant of Rainwall (Cruel Twist of Fate)

By : Darkrogue
  • From Rezalda on July 07, 2010
    This is absolutely amazing. I, too, have fantasized about Euram in this kind of situation, although I couldn't see Gizel as a rapist. Your fic changed my mind! I couldn't believe how in-character both Gizel and Euram were. Every time Euram was raped, humiliated, or punished, I wanted to rush to his side and overwhelm him with love--bath him, cuddle him, look after his wounds, and take him to my bed, where I would be so gentle...

    Ahem. The only criticism I have for this story is that it's not finished. It hasn't been updated in years, apparently. I don't know if you will even get this review, but if you do, I am offering to finish it for you. I will absolutely not do this without your permission, but if you like, I will stay true to what has been established so far.

    Whether you respond or not, I just want to say this is the most wonderful, SEXIEST Suikoden fic I have ever read. In fact, it's quite up there in the sexiest stories I've read, ever, in any fandom. (No fic in particular has the #1 spot, so this is actually the highest any fic can go.) Thank you for writing this! It was an incredibly erotic read, and I only wish you had written more!
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  • From Freyawazhere on June 15, 2009
    Without a doubt this has to be the second best fanfiction I have ever read, and I've read alot! However if you evr do get this know that I am very dissapointed in it not being finished simply because it was such an amazing story. I evny you as a fellow writer. Keep writing!
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  • From Denkou on October 16, 2007
    I just wanted to tell you how much I adore you'r story. I'm so glade I stumbled on it late last night. I really want to see what happens next, I'm so excited I'm trembling. It's been a while since I've read something thats held on to me like this. I had to keep on reading, and completely ignored the time, you'r a wounderful author. I'll keep a eye out for the next update. ^.^
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  • From howlingwind on August 29, 2007
    Ooo it was great and so totally in charactor, you managed to mixed the game and the storyline very well. Thank you!
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  • From SnappedChopstick on July 06, 2007
    Just dropping by and letting you know I still love this fic, and still can't wait to see another update or several! Here's hoping!
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  • From NeonTiger on June 03, 2007
    First off, I've got to say that this was really well written. I can't believe how strongly you've evoked emotions within me for poor Euram. Not to mention, it's the only story I've ever found with Euram! I read the whole thing in one night!

    Since this story follows the game, I can feel satisfied that Gizel will get his for what he's done to Euram. Part of me unexpectedly feels a smidgen of dread at this, thanks to the latest developments, but I can't forget what he did to Euram before and will probably do again when it suits him. I'm also exceedingly glad that Euram will have a happy ending. He really deserves one. But what about Danver Bustof? I really hope he doesn't get away with what he's done. That would make me a very sad panda. ... Er, tiger. Please tell me that Danver's going to get it in the end, with a metaphorical red hot pocker. ;_;
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  • From maplesyrup on April 15, 2007
    o_o I'm on the edge of my seat. Omg x_x I can't wait for the next one! Sorry for such a slow reply though. I had to print this one off and read it because I didn't have acess to the net for ages D: But gosh this was so good! What are you all planning! x3x
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  • From Darkrogue on March 29, 2007
    I just wanted to say thanks once again to those of you who have taken the time to leave feedback. Yumiko, welcomed exile, SnappedChopstick, thank you guys so much for the encouragement. You guys totally rock.

    SnappedChopstick: I think you’re right to say “treachery”. LOL, poor Euram can’t scheme to save his life. And if you couldn’t tell, spanking is sort of a fetish for me, too. ;) I’m actually planning to have a happy ending, eventually, for Euram. Thanks so much for the comments.

    Yumiko: I’m glad you like the backstory. I don’t know where the idea with Euram and the sword came from, but he was very childish there, no? I’m also happy you like the interludes with the others. He’s really affected a lot of people and I wanted to illustrate that. :)

    Believe it or not, I have some ideas and an ending is in sight; and I have another "lover" in mind for Euram after the war.

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  • From maplesyrup on March 16, 2007
    Wow. That chapter was amazing. I loved Euram's backstory so much. It was really wonderful... In a sad way D: But it's a great explanation on how and where he is.

    I loved how childish Euram was with the sword and the punishment was also good >D I'm so very interested in seeing this next chapter. What is Euram up to D: Omg the suspense!

    I really like the little end sections as well x3 It's interesting the way you write different characters opinions on Euram. It's amazing how he's affected to many people.
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  • From SnappedChopstick on March 12, 2007
    Dun-dun-DUNNN, more treachery from Euram? (Or would that be "treachery" since he seems to be a bit on the sneaky side?) Damn, I'm impressed with how you're combining fascinating characterisation with regular hot, kinky sex. (Spanking is a fetish of mine. Bless you!) I'm really, REALLY interested in seeing how this is all going to end. Miserably? Happily? I'm on the edge of my seat here! Love your writing, and your sex scenes, and your subtle inclusions of original characters that don't steal the spotlight.
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  • From SnappedChopstick on March 11, 2007
    Oh man, *please* tell me you're going to to update. C'mon, you've made me empathise with *Euram Barows* of all people - it'd be too mean of you to not finish this.

    Good writing, slash, kinky sex, and angst? It's like all my favorite things rolled into one fic! Brilliant.
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  • From decadence9nin9 on February 15, 2007
    oh thank god there are still suikoden yaoi fans out there... this is definitely worth the look through despite the crowded hetero fanfics...

    and on the plus side it's great...thank you so much...

    please keep it up...
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  • From maplesyrup on February 06, 2007
    That was made of pure win :D The little dinner and chocolate scene was so cute and just made me squee. I'm so happy you managed to update. I'm always so excited to read where the story is heading. You are an amazing writer managing to get the emotions across amazingly and just the way you word things. I can't wait for the next chapter. I don't mind if it takes a while because it's worth it! Keep at it.
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  • From ANON - Yumiko on January 09, 2007
    Gosh you manage to achieve it everytime x3 I'm hanging there checking everyday waiting for a new update and now it's here *celebrates* I really loved this chapter. All of it was good and I really can't wait for you next one
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  • From ANON - Yumiko on December 21, 2006
    I am always anticipating your next update and you never fail to impress! I'm really loving where this is heading :3
    I'm happy that Euram got away from Butof *shakes fist at him*
    I love the Gizel is confused now but not quite attracted. You're characters are quite true in that sense :D And I loved that little scene with him and Euram >D
    Can't wait for the next update =D
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