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Reviews for Behind My Eyes

By : Breech_Loader
  • From ANON - MB17 on May 10, 2007
    THAT was the BEST Shadow X Anyone EVER! XD Excellent job! I absolutely loved the whole thing. XD
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  • From ANON - BurningBlaze on December 02, 2006
    that was very good for a Shadow/Amy fic. I honestly expected some serious, extreme, sonic-bashing and like making him a serious jerk, but you handled it very well. Not to mention the lovemaking scene was very sweet and intense. Good job.
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  • From ANON - Panku Tasuku on November 18, 2006
    Oh it's been such a long time since I've been on this site, and to read this makes me want to hit myself for being away for so long. That was hot - Very, very hot. Great job to both of ya. ;) Teach me your awesome ways. xD
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  • From ANON - Mlz23 on November 09, 2006
    Very good. Perfect actually. Every character was perfect. Every event was exactly the way it would be if it were real. I loved it!
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  • From funkman on November 01, 2006
    You guys have definitely improved. Although I don't think you should go back and rewrite ARAAT. Because it's a masterpiece the way it is, with the mistakes and all. Moving on to read ARAAT4 with enthusiasm.
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  • From ANON - BZLF on October 22, 2006
    Certainly interesting to read Shadow/Amy again.
    I liked the way it was set up and how the events took place.
    Imagining poor Amy crying over Sonic kinda made me feel sorry for her though.
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  • From kittynakajima on October 22, 2006
    Who knew Sonic could be that careless? XD

    This is definitely one of the better lemons I've seen in a good while, since it actually had a plot for a change, and a interesting spin on the general "Sonic will piss Amy off & she'll run straight into Shadow's arms/cock". Most that I've come across usually have him telling her off while calling her some derogatory term such as slut, bitch, whore, etc. before stumbling upon Shadow, pouring her soul out to him before they engage in hot sex. Which is most often than not really, REALLY bad.

    The sex scene in itself was great, with the exception that I wouldn't see someone bleed right after having their hymen broken, but moreso, after the deed was done. But then again, everyone's different, and I know it was the other way around for me.

    All in all, very well done.

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  • From ANON - Bobaskywalk on October 21, 2006
    Stupendous! Incredible! Amazing use of characters! Rich with emotion and creativity, this was a well-written romance of rare quality that I give 10 out of 10! I liked the fact that you actually put in some substance, not just a page of smut and awkward sexual positions. This was a realistic story for a change, and I for one liked it.
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