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Reviews for Reds Under The Flower Bed

By : JayDee
  • From InBrightestDay on June 18, 2019

    Well, this was...something.

    So, here we have another story review by a guy who isn't in the target audience.  First, the story does highlight the importance of context and how it can affect my response to imagery and dialogue.  See, normally...

    "Princess Peach, you are deposed as ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom. We’re setting up a people’s collective. Long live the People’s Mushroom Republic!"

    ...hearing Toad say that would be just about the funniest thing ever written.  In isolation, it's hilarious, complete with a mental image of Toad with a hammer and sickle flag appearing behind him and the Soviet national anthem blasting in the background.  In context, though...

    As usual, you have a serious talent for giving the reader just the right sensory details to perfectly communicate pain, and there is actually something deeply unsettling about brutal murder taking place while happy music plays and the torturer features a happy, childlike smile.  It was likely intended to be funny, and sometimes it can work for dark comedy, but there's also something kind of Orwellian about it.

    I've never actually played any of the Super Mario games, strange though that may sound, so I don't have any attachment to these characters save by pop culture.  Nonetheless, you do a good job of establishing sympathy for Princess Peach, with her only line before the torture begins being a display of kindness.  Don't get me wrong, it's nowhere near the degree of character establishment you gave Luzurial, but Peach is a character in a well-established franchise, so not as much detail is necessary.

    By now, you're no doubt wondering why I'm reviewing this, given my snuff aversion.  Well, back in 2008, I stumbled upon this story, and somehow I read "brutal plant rape" in the summary and thought it was just going to be basic tentacle stuff, you know, rape in the Literotica mold where the victim begins enjoying it partway through.  I somehow missed the word "snuff" in the disclaimer, and it wasn't until you described the thorns tearing Peach's flesh that I realized where this was headed.

    Nonetheless, your writing style caught my attention, and I thought "If only I could find a story that doesn't feature snuff.  Hmm...well, this Whore of Heaven story isn't snuff, so that means this angel will come out of this okay!" *click*

    One hour later...

    "I'm sad now..."


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  • From Quondam on May 19, 2007
    What can I say? Jesus, I love all your stuff. Why can't I write as well as you?
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  • From TBoneTony on March 03, 2007
    Oh and one more thing I saw this and I congradulated you

    Disclaimer: This story contains content that should not be read by people underneath the age of 21. It is 100% fiction and has no bearing on reality whatsoever. 100% fiction means real life rape is WRONG. The author does not condone illegal and immoral actions described. If you feel rape in the real world is a good thing, bend over in a prison and whistle dixie.

    Yes, rape in real life is wrong. but in fiction and fantasy it's ok as long as it's not taken in reality.

    I hope that your stories don't get flamed like some of mine have been

    For I know only too well waht it is like for people to say...
    "This is wrong," and "The way you treat women in your stories is disgraceful"

    So I hope you don't get flamed because I agree with your point on 100% fiction 1000%.
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  • From TBoneTony on March 03, 2007
    Very dark and gruesome story.

    I enjoyed anything with Peach getting plant raped.

    And it is not unusural for Peach to be overthrown by her own people, and for Mario and Luigi to be killed, I have done that too but at a less detailed way.

    That was an enjoyable dark story to read.
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