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Reviews for Code Name: EVE

By : anacsadder
  • From ANON - Anon on January 03, 2016
    I have always loved this story. Any chance you can tell us how it was supposed to end if you're not gonna finish it? :C
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  • From Acal on January 06, 2009
    Wow the most amazing story ever, if you need help with finishing the last chapter i'm a published author, email me at I'd love to see this stroy completly finished. Also if you want to try and extend your summarized scenes. It will be a pity to have such an awesome story stay unfinished so close to the end
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  • From ANON - The Tyrant Hamster on September 12, 2008
    It happened again, after about 5 chapter the website seems to get upset with me and stops letting me leave reviews XD. Sorry about those gaps, but I wanted to come back and leave 1 more review to let you know my final thoughts even though I finished reading this yesterday. I've really enjoyed this story, the sex was a small part of it in a way and I appreciate how you gave plenty of room to the plot, non-sexual character interaction and other important elements, it made for a much more balanced fanfic than your conventional lemon. I cannot make heads or tails of this website XD, so I dunno how long ago you last updated, but I hope you come back and finish this sometime, since it's really cool and if I gather right, only has 2 more chapters to go by plan. I think as criticism goes, you sometimes don't flesh out scenes to the point they deserve, but I gather you know this already, and it's the only thing I can think to say, other than that all I can say is I've enjoyed it ^^.
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  • From ANON - The Tyrant Hamster on September 11, 2008
    Ooh, I wonder if this has anything to do with a game beyond RE4 or if it's your own work and thinking. Either way it's good, I'm really glad to see Leon again, whether or not you think you're writing him personally well I'm excited about the psychological elements you could play around with, having him about 8). Giving a brief bit of constructive criticism you sometimes employ surplus commas, for example "Seriously, though, did their commander have to be such a stone cold, plaga hating, bastard about all of this?", there's really no reason to not just hace "stone cold, plaga hating, bastard", or again with "sweeping a small, clip on flashlight over the shelves", the comma after small doesn't really fit, generally speaking (unless I'm mistaken), commas are good to separate descriptive elements, but you don't put one between the last description and whatever it is you're describing. Kinda like one, two, three and four, you don't need a comma after the three. Anyway, this is fun ^^!
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  • From ANON - The Tyrant Hamster on September 11, 2008
    Hahaha, oh man, that was so reckless and random and fun XD. I wondered what you'd do with this interlude, and now I know, I'm glad you did it. I don't know if there's any canonical history between Krauser and Leon pre-RE4, if there isn't. I think your invention of it is cool, and if there is, the way you went into it is about equally awesome to me. This was way fun, you made Krauser engagingly loopy and I loved it start to finish XD.
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  • From ANON - The Tyrant Hamster on September 11, 2008
    Ooh, there was a twist I honestly didn't expect. Since I don't know too much about RE4 I wasn't sure how plaga do spread, I figured it was a fairly controlled activity, so yeah, I thought something might happen to Ari and Heather at first, but you kept them around long enough, I thought they'd just be OK, not that they aren't now, but you know what I mean hopefully XD. I really liked this chapter, a lot of great plot development, character interaction and emotional content, one of my favourite so far, I'm looking forwards to whatever comes next :D.
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  • From ANON - The Tyrant Hamster on September 11, 2008
    Aww, that was a sweet ending, good going Jack ^^. Hehe, considering the lack of adventure, this was a pretty adventurous chapter XD. It was intetesting and a little funny to see the idea of sex spread past just Ashley and Krauser, I enjoyed the fairly adult but still entertaining way you went about it, and the sex itself was appreciably kinky and innovative, and I still managed to feel for Ashley's minor fumbles and worries too :).
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  • From ANON - The Tyrant Hamster on September 11, 2008
    For some reason it stopped accepting my reviews yesterday, I dunno why, but sorry for the gap in chapters :o. Anyway, this was a really interesting read for me, I enjoyed the shifting points of view even more than usual, and the psychological elements, mostly dealing with Ari, were lots of fun to see play out. The sex was pretty damned good too XD, hehe, and I'm enjoying seeing the development of Krauser, so all in all a good chapter ^^.
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  • From ANON - The Tyrant Hamster on September 10, 2008
    Aww man, this is getting really cool XD. I'm worried this is going to be a short review, cus everything fits together so well into one neat whole. The way everything flowed was smooth and fluid but interesting, not just run-of-the-mill, but it all came together when those villagers attacked Ashley. You did that part perfectly, she's in the middle of worrying about Krauser being not trustworthy, and then bang, not only does he save her, but also tends to a wound she wouldn't have got if she'd listened to him, now that'll have ramifications XD.
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  • From ANON - The Tyrant Hamster on September 10, 2008
    I really enjoyed how you played Krauser calculating the advantages of cutting the bridge, only to find it was already out. You paced it just right so that it caught me out just as much me, and I appreaciate that deft execution 8). Ashley's dream was nicely erotic, and the way you pitched it meant that even though I didn't think you'd jump into your first legitimate sex scene so suddenly, from a plot point of view, I wasn't sure enough of myself to not wonder, so when it did turn out to be a dream I didn't lose out from my second-guessing nature, thanks for that XD. I was a little surprised by how much time Ashley was able to sleep without any trouble coming after them, but I guess I'll see how things play out, I'm still enjoying this a lot :D.
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  • From ANON - The Tyrant Hamster on September 10, 2008
    Ooh, this is picking up nicely. I'm growing to increasingly admire your attention to detail and description, you pace it well, but still manage to really flesh out and convey what each character is thinking, feeling and experiencing, like the part about the straps keeping Ashley's breasts from jiggling, it's one of those entirely legitimate yet obscure details I'd honestly not think of most likely XD. The little perspective shift for the final paragraph made me read it twice, but then I got it, and now I gotta see what it leads to 8).
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  • From ANON - The Tyrant Hamster on September 10, 2008
    I noticed the first chapter was called Prologue, a very fitting title, like I said it set the scene and now we're really getting underway :D. It's interesting to see Ashley and Jack's chemistry (for lack of a better word XD), despite everything they've been through and all he's done to her you manage to keep it convicingly fresh and engaging, rather than turning stale. The perspective switching is another technique I appreciate, I like the almost desperate clinging on Ashley does, to her dignity, her composure, any hope and so forth, while Krauser's crude outlook is refreshingly different, I love how "breasts" become "tits" when we read from his point of view, that's exactly the kind of difference that counts XD. Finally, I'm enjoying the pacing here, I've got a fondness for the "Sorting out the basics" kind of situation, where the characters have to pull their act together more or less from square one, perhaps it's the gamer in me, but I'm enjoying reading that here ^^.
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  • From ANON - The Tyrant Hamster on September 10, 2008
    I said I'd get around to this one day XD. I guess this is the sequel to that other story I read at least most of, it linked something but I forgot to check it. In any case, it should be able to stand well on its own, so no worries :D. I still haven't played this game, so I'm at a handicap, but this seems a good start to things, nothing really intense or dramatic, but it sets the scene cleanly and clearly, and opens up a lot of possible paths for events to take, with Ada and Leon or Jack and, um, what's her name XD? I forgot, but good start ^^.
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  • From ANON - Nechi on August 31, 2008
    Dude....WTH!?!?This is one of the best Krauser/Ashley fics I've read ...EVER..And its not done yet....*whimpers* Is there gonna be more?
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  • From LDora on April 10, 2008
    Yay. I'm really happy to read something that sets so much emphasis on the plot-to-smut ratio for the RE universe. I'm not personally too big a fan of either Ashley or Krauser, but you write them very well, and the action is nicely paced. I'm also glad to see someone coming up with their own creatures, because let's face it, the series is ripe for that sort of imaginative work! As long as you keep writing, I'll keep coming back for it. Cheers!
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