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Reviews for Every Time a New Experience

By : Samric
  • From ANON - misumisu on January 29, 2008
    Cute! Really, really cute! I have been looking for good Sora/Riku mpreg, and this was it. (The only other ones I've seen so far had him give birth to a heartless or die.) I needed something cute, and this was it. I also like your writting style. I can't wait to see more of your work!
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  • From Captara on January 15, 2008
    Well I would love to see more, but do what ever makes you happy. Even this little girl begs and cries to see more preggy Riku XD
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  • From ANON - Apsol on June 28, 2007
    Sorry, but could you please disregard the last sentence of my 1st review? I got really excited, and forgot that you weren't planning on continueing this...I'm SOOOOOOOOOO sorry. But really, it was a very cute, well written one-shot.
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  • From ANON - Apsol on June 28, 2007
    I Love this. It's hard to find SoraXRiku pairings where Riku is actually uke, and even harder to find Mpregs Riku. This is cute and well writen. I love baby Kaori -^_^-(though, what does he look like?)! I'm excited about the next update. ;)
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  • From sillyneko345 on June 26, 2007
    I'm just going to say it. That was ADORABLE! It's actually the first MPreg I've ever read, believe it or not, and darned if it wasn't fantastic! Riku and Sora make great parents :3 I love how Riku just ditched Sora the second their little one started to cry -- isn't that just how it really happens! Kids have a sixth sense that tells them when it's the absolute worst time for their parents to be interrupted, and then they cry. Luvable little buggers.

    On a personal note, your friend should be very proud. Lord knows babies are a huge responsibility, let alone when you're in it largely by yourself. I'm sure that no matter what, he'll wind up being the center of that kid's world.

    Congrats on a wonderful one-shot (no, I won't pester for a sequel, I'll just go read your other stories...:) and good luck on the rest of your projects!
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