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Reviews for Resident Primevil Urges

By : Kamui
  • From ANON - Anon on January 07, 2008
    keep going man...oh and i have three questions, will the true effects and purpose of the S and F virus be told? and is anything going to happen to jill or rebecca since they keep getting.....uhhhh, filled with a certain substance...

    and finally is the F virus a replacement for the G virus if so does this mean your going to do a fic on RE2 and RE3
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 02, 2008
    you just love building everything up dont you ...LOL ive been at the edge of my seat the entire time all i can say is update soon man and tell me what you think of my suggestion for the RE2 and RE3 continuations of this fic
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  • From ANON - Anon on December 25, 2007
    hmmm well... very interesting to see what else will be included like the hunters or even those weird...chimeras and in the end the Tyrant LOL that'll be funny to see write really good after you finish this story which i hope still has several chapters to go you should really continue with a story on RE2 and then RE3 with a similar format and plot you 've done such a good job with this one i can only imagine what those would be like you also ost chapters quickly which is great not many people do that anymore
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  • From jackalman22 on December 19, 2007
    Praying Mantis,

    I haven't read the two most recent installments to this fic, but I will. Once I have, I'll post another review out of courtesy. I just want to say thanks for extending the same courtesy to me in your author's note. I do tend to come off as somewhat harsh when I write reviews, and for that, I apologize. I've been so busy with other stories (both fanfiction and other literature) that my time on the AFF boards (Resident Evil specifically) has been minimal. I saw your fic and decided to pitch my two cents. I'm relieved you weren't offended or put off, and I'm actually glad you recognized my criticism as being at least somewhat constructive. Always nice to run into readers/writers with a little patience.

    Thanks again, and I hope the writing process is both fun and exciting for you.

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  • From jackalman22 on December 13, 2007
    Wow. Okay. First, it's clear that you're not too familiar with formatting. Insert line breaks in between paragraphs to reduce clutter, first of all. It makes the prose less of an eyesore.

    As far as the story itself is concerned, your first chapter is entirely out of character. Luring STARS to the mansion was Wesker's plan all along. He plans for contingencies, and he doesn't show his frustration. I realize this is your first attempt at Resi fiction, but it helps to come up with a game plan. Also, writing chapters in the form of Character Logs may not be the best format to work with. Sure, it allows the perspectives to take on a more first-person feel, but it is ultimately quite clunky and unrealistic. Why in the HELL would Jill take the time to record a detailed log of herself getting violated by a zombie?

    My advice is to fix your format, first and foremost. People aren't going to even want to read it if it's not inviting.

    Best of luck.

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