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Reviews for Resident Primevil Urges

By : Kamui
  • From freaks123 on April 14, 2009
    Oh my god...that was seriously the hottest thing I've ever read on this site.
    Your writing is dark, flawless, and so richly, morbidly detailed that I couldn't pull myself away.
    Reading this (the sex scene with the zombies) was like a horror movie and highly erotic experience blended into one.
    Wow, I don't think I've ever read anything so twisted, but bloody hell I loved it so much. It's very clever that Wesker's
    the guy "behind the scenes" like the shady bastard he is, and hilarious that he's such a pervert and is whacking off to Jill getting gangbanged by the living dead. You should write a sequel to this where Jill and Claire pull a trick on Wesker, steal his lab, and lock HIM in a room full of sexy-crazed zombies that want to fuck his brains out lol. That would be so hot...
    Anyways, enough of my creepy fantasies, I applaud you for this brilliant series (oh, and by the way, the title "Primevil Urges" kicks ass). Keep on writing, you've got one hell of an awesome talent!

    Miss Sinful
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  • From ANON - Anon on April 08, 2008
    You should really make a sequel to this story dealing with RE3 since you dont like RE2...this was practically the best work in this section please dont end it here man, i know you can come up with more genius material. consider this a challenge/request
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  • From Myrna on February 25, 2008
    Hahahahaha!! Wesker's gonna have a promotion!! :D have a lot of imagination..or maybe fantazies??? ;)
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 26, 2008
    your dialogue was really good nothing wrong with it... so a good ending to a great fic case officially closed .... but a pity you dont like RE2 its actually my favorite of all the original RE games

    hmmm... so you like jill ..well then you can side step RE2 and just go straight to RE3 which happens during the events of RE2 so it really doesnt can still involve some creatures from RE2 like lickers, MR X and the mutated william birkin since theyre all in the same time frame and having jill as the main character should please you( and everyone else) and who knows you could have jill meet claire as a replacement for rebeccca .. cmon claire isnt that bad... with the story of RE3 you should have an even larger and more interesting cast of creatures
    coff coff.. nemesis...ahem ...then again youre the writer i cant force you to do aything you decide what and how you wanna do it.. at this point it doesnt matter it'll still be good
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  • From ClaireR55 on January 25, 2008 not the ending I was expecting. Plus, you didn't post chapter 22. You just totally left it out. I was definitely wondering how you would do an RE2 follow-up, since I too despise Ada Wong, even if her name is perfect for porn, and one of the other main female characters is TWELVE. my name I can guess you will realize that I am a fan of Claire...
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  • From Solarn on January 25, 2008
    Umm... where is Chapter 20? Because all I'm seeing there is that author's note you put up before the actual chapter, and the epilogue is already up, so I'm a bit confused here.
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  • From ClaireR55 on January 23, 2008
    Okay, at first I wasn't thrilled with this idea, but now you've reeled me in. I can't wait to see what's waiting for the girls at the end of this fic.
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 23, 2008
    well this is probably the best RE fic ive read so far(ive read alot in AFF) so you deserve it.. to tell you the truth its strange that you havent gotten tons of reviews guess everyone gave up on this section before your fic was posted...dont blame em this place is literally a desert with all the same nonsense with your your fic plus a couple others being exceptions however none have had as many chapters as yours or have even updated as fast as you which kinda impressed me.......i pray to god you EVENTUALLY continue this fic with an RE2 fic with a similar format you know lots of chapters exploring all the creatures RE2 offers... i said eventually because i know you must be tired and need a break from a 20 chapter fic so go ahead stretch your legs kick back for a while if you want just please continue it in lets say a month or maybe two max
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 21, 2008
    so..were finally down to the tyrant really cant imagine what its going to be like...and does this reference to ada/RE2 mean you will eventually continue the story with an RE2 fic( with same format)
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 21, 2008
    ...the chimeras!!! man that would be interesting to see, wonder what their reaction wil be... LOL
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  • From Solarn on January 20, 2008
    I love this story. I hope Jill and Rebecca get their revenge on Wesker (according to their expressed wishes to eliminate whoever created the S-Virus) and find someone to fuck that won't die under them. Well, what can I say, I'm the sentimental kind of pervert.
    In other words, keep up the good work!
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 16, 2008
    just a matter of time until tyrant...should be interesting...and theres also the spiders and chimera although youre the one deciding who apppears and i cant wait! update soon
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 10, 2008
    LOL that impregnation theme is smart not to mention funny i had almost forgotten that it was possible with all their "activities" with the creatures you should use this theme again in upcoming it seems like my opinion isnt mine anymore another person has suggsted you follow up this great fic with an RE2 fic and beyond
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  • From on January 10, 2008
    I am really loving this story, especially the "Wesker's Reports" sections at the end.... they are just so funny sometimes with what he says compared to what the girls actually went through.

    I really hope that you finish this story and then start doing more for the next chapters in the Resident Evil saga, because this story is just too good to leave as a 'one-off'.
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 08, 2008
    ok thats cool just one more question long do you plan to make this fic....? just out of curiousity............... i only suggested adding a sequel fic after you finish this one because you were doing so damn good with an RE1 fic i dont want you to just finish ths one off qiuckly but youre the author and can do whatever you want i just thought that it'd be a good idea to make at least one sequel fic to continue this fic's ....legacy or something of the sort plus an RE2 fic could really make it easy for you to bring out your genius you should add maybe at leat 2-3 chapters for each RE sequel story but if youre tired of doing them a one shot is fine
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