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Reviews for What happens in Desolace

By : FilthintheClean
  • From FilthintheClean on February 16, 2009
    This may be a repost, if so sorry.

    But yea, feel free to take a swing at it. Next part was going to be female orc and the night elf sisters using an engineered strap on, and would then have the female orc and drugor getting it on. Chapter after that was going to be the elves escapign(sheorc old them that drugor was going to have them killed) and being captured by a group of centaur, we all know where that leads. Had no idea what further chapters would entail, may have ended it there. But feel free to do with it what you will.

    And I have a few ideas for one shots I want to do. They'll be of higher quality than this at least in spelling.
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  • From alkalide on February 15, 2009
    What wait hold on you quittin this story MAN it was getting good!!!
    I understand man i had a story for Harry Potter in Ficwad but had to cancel because of loss of inspiration
    But the good side is that your opening it for others to edit.... hmmm maybe i can put in some twists and turns in it lol
    Well hopefully you make another or so... also tip of advice try to have others help out in writing the story yes it may sound stupid cause dude im writing an adult fan fic... well heres the thing you can have a partner write parts of the story and you insert in all the juicy details lol... but anyways your talents will be missed and since your allowing it i can probably start where you left off my friend.... more power to you
    4 da ALLIANCE and sexy night elf chiks rawr!!!
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  • From James_R_Locke on November 13, 2008
    Are you going to update again? It's been over a month.
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  • From FilthintheClean on October 08, 2008
    Sorry for the long delay. Family, relationship, and work related problems have all piled on me during the last few months, but the next chapter should be up by the end of the week and will feature f/f/f, toys, a few other things, and a few new details about the plot.
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  • From kongel on September 17, 2008
    nice story add more chaps soon plz
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  • From James_R_Locke on September 03, 2008
    I don't condone rape and I don't think it's ever an appriopiate punishment but seeing as how this is fiction... I love this story. I can't wait to see what happens next, espiceally with what the female Orc will do to them.
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  • From Poisongirl on August 21, 2008
    EEEEEEE!!!!! Lovely! More??
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  • From Fawnheart on August 17, 2008
    OMG that was some funny shit...I love the sisters, they are CRAZY deadset, I read this about an hour ago and I'm still chuckling so I thought I'd stop being so slack and log in to review lol. Honestly, that was the best mix of smut and was probably hot but the grossness of some of the things that happened was too "aaaaaaaarggghhhh" for me to do anything but laugh. Far out, I love this. That's exactly the way I imagine night elves to be lol...every time I think of the part where the older sister could have escaped but didn't cos she was too much of a randy biatch, I burst out laughing. Just brilliant! Glad I checked to see if you'd updated, this is so much fun...gross but yeah, I have a thing for gross humour. I love it lol. and hey...there is a smorgasboard of Orc meat happening so yeah, I'm a fan lol! too funny...
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  • From firemage on August 13, 2008
    This is some of the best smut I've ever read! Thanks for updates :D
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  • From FilthintheClean on July 09, 2008
    Hello everyone. Just wanted to apologize for not updating in quite a while, I've been busy seeking employment among otherthings, and the urge to write smut just hasn't struck me in a while. I still have ideas in mind for this story if I ever get around to it.

    As for what will happen to the girls, I'm not much into beatings on a personal level so you probably won't see me writing them, but its likely I'll imply it. The next chapter is going to be M/F/F, and the one after that is going to be F/F/F, though there's going to be an implied F/F/M/M/M/M/M/M/M/M in between them, which I may or may not actually write out as a bonus(also not a huge fan of gangbangs, depending on what kind of mood i'm in.) After that there'll be atleast a F/F/beast/anthro(whatever centaur count as) chapter, which will probably be the end of the story. I also have ideas for other stories in the future which may see characters from this one returrning, or at the very least will have related characters involved.

    Thanks, I'll get back to work on this as soon as possible.
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  • From Fawnheart on June 10, 2008
    "She made an amendment to the promise she had made herself earlier; not only would she escape and kill every orc in this fortress, she would rape every male, then kill herself for enjoying it so much." hahaha, a girl after me own heart! I cracked up when i read that, too good!

    nice cliff hanger too!!!

    ...and one more thing? MORE ORCS lol... um...for the older sister, of course, ruthless biatch :P
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  • From Fawnheart on June 03, 2008
    Where was the little bit about the babies and war crimes? I must have missed that in the intensity of the 'action'. I was thinking about where they were hiding behind bushes picking off orcs in caravans and really, isn't that what hunters are supposed to do?

    I still feel sorry for them! Poor buggas, surrounded by all those randy orcs...I'd HATE that! :D
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  • From RagingPaladin on June 02, 2008
    Dir: ... They deserved every bit of that. I may be a killer of men; but I have never killed civilians or children because of my spite. They can have far worse done; /spit War criminals deserve far, far worse.

    And that's roughly my synopsis in my character's perspective. If it was FFAPVP they wouldn't be anything but a smear on his boot. Annnnd I might has some good Rp too! :D
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  • From Fawnheart on June 02, 2008
    Wonderboy, well true, skinning Orc bebbies is a bit harsh but their men can handle it surely! :D

    Looking forward to more chapters lol. and nah, centaurs aren't beasts if you look at them from the waist up :P
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  • From FilthintheClean on June 01, 2008
    Wanderingaddict, yes, ingame Thunder Axe Fortress is a stronghold for the Burning Blade cult, but in my warcraft campaign, Drugor and a few other characters of mine(who may or may not appear in future chapters/stories) took it over and turned it into a Horde fortress. I would have made it more clear in game, but it seemed to distract from the plot.

    Anyway, working on chapter two, which will focus on the sisters 'comforting' eachother after their ordeal, and I've got ideas for atleast three more chapters after that which will include M/F/F, F/F, and beast, if you count centaur as beast, that is.
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