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Reviews for To Douse A Bright Light

By : Freedert
  • From ANON - Kira on July 10, 2008

    Go to:

    It has a completely free suite, kind of like the Microsoft Office only 100% free. No Spyware or anything. I love it because the writer program is compatible with Word's files.

    I hope you get everything fixed up! I love this story so far.

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  • From emudii on July 10, 2008
    You may want to try copying the file onto a disk or online and trying to open it from a friend's house or some other public computer. Copy-paste into a text file or onto Google Docs--which is just as good as Word if you need a WYSIWYG editor. Text file is best for rough/first draft work, since it can be opened on or offline, from ANY computer. GDOCS is good for revision and beta work.

    Good luck with getting the rest of that fixed. Identity theft blows. :
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  • From on June 18, 2008
    nice *nod nod*
    and hott...personally i like saix/sephiroth yaoi...its good.
    im actually working on a Saipheroth right now it wil lbe up soon
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