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Reviews for Encephalon - Shion, The Brainwashed Whore

By : SlutWriter
  • From Elendraug on August 05, 2009
    dude just


    man though I've got to admit it was well-written, yeah. just. whaaaaat.

    I laughed my ass off at Shion's dialogue in this, HOW IS THIS SO STRANGELY IN-CHARACTER DESPITE ALL THE SHIT THAT'S GOING ON WTF. totally heard Margulis bitching at Jin, too, rofl. and Pellegri calling him a faggot = A++ would lol again

    just dude what. WHAT.

    why am I impressed by this 8[

    good show, sir, you glorious sick fuck
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  • From Xel on June 16, 2009
    You know, this is in no way my bag, particularly, but I felt compelled to drop a review based purely on the fact that it's, well... it's very, very well-written. Numerous times I could only laugh uproariously at your word choice, which is positively stunning. They are powerful weapons in your hands, friend. Positively epic.
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  • From ANON - Anonymous on October 16, 2008
    That was mind-numbingly fucked up. I actually feel a bit scandalized, and I'm a veteran of the 'chans.

    Do write another one.
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  • From Darkon on September 11, 2008
    Haha yeah some things were just meant to be ruined, not that that's a bad thing. Howard Stern ruined radio. ruined the internet. George Clooney ruined Batman...wait...scratch that one off...

    Anyways, if you keep writing, I'll keep reading.
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  • From SlutWriter on September 10, 2008
    Thanks. I felt like destroying something beautiful.

    - FS
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  • From Darkon on September 10, 2008
    This is quite possibly the trashiest story I've ever read so far...SHEER BRILLIANCE! This needs to be more than just a one-shot, I think...
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