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Reviews for Cross Blades

By : WarlordEnfilade
  • From ShagsterP on February 17, 2009
    (Chapter 9)

    You don't seem capable of letting me down.

    Not just in writing or character development, but in your understanding of unconditional emotion. I appreciate the mature moments being erotic, though not overly explicit. The actions are indirectly arousing and yet their strongest roles are as enhancers for the characters themselves and not simply for the benefit of the act. It would be easy to devolve these two into the common natures of blatant sex, but instead each breath, each and every touch, is graciously handled with a surgeon's care. There is tenderness here, a real opening of the minds between this pair, and honest attention to the power of expression through intimacy. As is most of life, this is as far away from ideal as one can get, and yet more beautiful than one can possibly imagine.

    I'd be lying if I said this fic hasn't affected a portion of my life personally. Embarrassing as it is to admit, I can relate to Usze on a deep level, and my own ideals on love and intimacy, mistakes and imperfection, are all practically mirrored here. Great work, Fil. I look forward to more and hope Usze and N'tho thrive through whatever tribulations they encounter. Keep it up!
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  • From ShagsterP on February 10, 2009
    (Chapter 8)

    I.. am a living puddle of goo and it's all your fault. Someone has to scoop me off the floor. Worrying about the outcome of these two in their place in the war, it's been making me sweat bullets. N'tho and Usze would never discover anything if they didn't work to overcome the extremities of their flaws - or in Usze's case, his highly deliberating values that have been stifling his own sense of self. To see these perceptions slowly melt away between two very well defined characters, and the very deserving pair glimpsing what they've had all along, only now daring to share it.. makes my heart all aflutter =D

    Thank you for keeping this far from the ideal trappings of common romance, and for understanding the intricacies and vulnerabilities of male relationships; or natural relationships in general that have no gender limitations, I should say. I can't call this fandom writing. It has nothing to do with a fandom, or pandering some slash fic, or focusing on homosexual pairings. These are living, breathing characters with very understandable issues and thoughts. You are somebody who knows how to write, knows how to express complex characters and situations that never end up exactly how you expect. It's done with utter genius. And it all feels natural.

    And I love/hate you for it =D
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  • From ShagsterP on February 08, 2009
    How has nobody written a review on this?! I must first admit that my main priority was to seek out pornish fanfiction in relation to Elites *shame*. I hope you're glad to know that your story took someone with that mindset at the time and completely managed to engross him in your two Sangheili characters.

    I've read this completely through (to its current chapter of seven) and can't praise it enough. I know very little of the details of the Halo universe and can only work off general knowledge, but your two characters have so completely enthralled me with their alien and yet humanized mannerisms, their obvious flaws and cracks over solid characterizations, and your ability to keep the focus amidst these two without straying too far. As of this moment, I care about every single detail in the clashing lives of "Nitro" and "Uzi", and hold bated breath for their future. From the shared disgust and pity I shared with Usze's initial outlook of N'tho to their slowly dissolving perceptions of each other melding into a very plausible and redemptive coming together, I feel as if I've traveled right alongside them for the entire journey that's been made so far.
    I can only hope that the future of these two very relatable creatures' strange romance is bright (or at least as illuminated as possible), and I'll be on the edge of my seat waiting to find out. A very rare occurrence for one such as myself. Congratulations.
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