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Reviews for Captain's Log 1

By : Castagnier
  • From wanderingaddict on May 20, 2009
    this shows promise! although, if this particular dude or set of dudes is going to be a theme for you, maybe you should reorganize the introductory story? like, start with the ship, where it is, what it plunders, the size of it and stuff. just setting kinda stuff, you know? so like, you get the point across without a lot of needless detail. like, I know that it's hot and stuffy in his cabin, but is that 'cause they're outside and around booty bay?

    much less is the ship one of those slim, fast, blood-elf cutters? or one of the massive human juggernauts? why is a paladin a pirate?

    hah, it's not that I'm trying to rip you apart or anything! I just ask this stuff because I would like to see more and find I personally find it helpful when people aske me questions about my own stuff.

    so yeah. take it or leave it as you will. oh, and because it niggles me- blood elves live for anywhere from 1000 to 3000 years (above 2000 is generally an exception though, I think). as such, 12 years isn't really a big deal- 120 might be, if one of htem is like, only 30 and the other is 150 or something, but for a race that lives that long? most of the time it's probably not that big of a deal. just an fyi!
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