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Reviews for Room and Board

By : sillyneko345
  • From Jakkumon on March 27, 2013
    Ok wow, so I've been a way a long while and had to catch up.

    I've read all up and I'm loving it so far :D

    I really liked that last outtake at the end about the handjob and the tarantula its so funny!

    My only question now is; what is the spice man thing about?
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  • From grimreaperchibi on March 24, 2013
    I'm sorry it's taken me so long to review... I'm not quite sure how I managed to convince myself that I had, but, well, you know the kind of week I've been having for the last few.

    Anyway! As usual, you are awesome. You do hurt/comfort, and it's still fluffy and cute and ARGH! It makes me want to do fluff and cute and Razer totally won't go for it. At least, not in any sort of meaningful way. Yet. I may be wearing him down, and god knows that at this point, he's a world-class winner of the kicked puppy award. Like always, you've done a great job and I still adore this as much as I did when you sent me the very first part. I'm very glad you're letting me be a part of it.

    Now, onward to awkward sexy times!
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  • From TaintedEmerald on March 18, 2013
    You've outdone yourself again. That chapter was simply phenomenal! Perfect blend of plot, drama, comedy, and fluff I'd say. Daxter acting ottselish was a nice touch, Sig's role was hilarious, and Jak's situation was totally unexpected and awesome. I also liked how you're setting up some of the stuff for their next semester already with Vin.

    I said that I had an idea of what the "bad weather" would lead to, but I was completely off. I figured Dax would go to the game, get sick from the cold, and that Jak would have to nurse him back to health. Having Dax get stuck at work, and Jak get injured really fit much better with the narrative, and I'm glad you're gonna lead that into resolving some of the UST in the next few chapters. Just in time for their winter break I suppose.

    Anyways, it's great that the writing is getting easier for you, since that means we get to read it more often ;). Keep up the great work, although I still have no idea how you manage to make it better and better with each chapter.
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  • From ANON - donalgraeme on March 11, 2013
    Both the funniest and the most heartstring-tugging chapter yet. That last line was GENIUS! Keep up the fantastic work!

    P.S. Um, I'm almost afraid to ask, but who's topping the first time?
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  • From ANON - Darkmavrik on March 10, 2013
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  • From TaintedEmerald on February 11, 2013
    Glad to see that the outtakes and author's notes seems to be working for you. And if it's a cumulative thing, you can always edit the outtakes into the story in previous chapters if you need more room.

    Anyways, loved that Jak and Daxter have now both fantasized about each other. It was also a good way to throw in some action without rushing the plot. The build up to this eventual romance is one of the best things about this story, even if I just can't wait for them to finally confess to each other. Jak coddling poor Daxxie after he banged his head was just pure, concentrated warmth. I also liked that you drew attention to Jak's unblemished condition; switching them around like that really works great for this AU.

    Have to admit, I was kind of stunned by Razor's condition. Then again, when you've got half a football team going for your blood, I guess it's a testament to his skills that he managed to do as much damage as he did, and come out of it alive.

    Anyways, hope this fic is coming easier to you now. You really are doing an amazing job with it! Looking forward to more Keep Talking as well, but don't feel like you have to rush it. We know time spent on one fic means less time for the other, so don't feel bad about any gaps between updates.
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  • From ANON - MariMeeko on February 04, 2013
    ...Fantastic. I'm not going to lie, it was really hard suppressing my excitement and flails and happy noises when I came to the *ahem* Snow Jobs, as we have discussed. Hubby was right across the room. I had to be subtle. lol.

    And okay...Sig as the Old Spice guy? Good Lord are you trying to kill me? I imagined it. It was insanely awesome and surprisingly perfect! I may have to doodle it. Thank you. XD

    Daxter really is a good guy, though(when he's not eyeballing and having untoward thoughts about Jak)...After all...As they say, "Bros before psychotic, vindictive cheerleaders!" Even if your bro is Razer.
    And even as much as I'm anticipating the fireworks when they finally get their shit together and get with each other, part of me is really, almost sadistically enjoying the sexual tension and occasional panic they're both going through. I too am a horrible person. But I can't help it if these two make for the most appealing awkward sexual tension I've ever seen though!

    Killer is trying his best with these clueless boys, the poor little thing!
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  • From ANON - Darkmavrik on February 04, 2013
    Yay, new chapter. Gonna be honest, I squee whenever one comes out.
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  • From ANON - donalgraeme on February 03, 2013
    Resolve the sexual tension! At this point I'd settle for a complete wet dream or another accidental lip lock. Hell, a slip of the tongue that leads to awkward confessions would be nice! They are MEANT for each other, so let them get together alreadyq!
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  • From grimreaperchibi on February 03, 2013
    Yes, we have done an excellent job of being crafty wenches, making them all play nice. I am indeed very proud of us. It's a lot of fun, actually, throwing around these ideas and seeing what takes and what falls to the side. This whole project has been fun, even in the trying times. We should totally have all four going off together about stuff more often. should. I'll follow the next time, because god knows I can't keep my drama-neko under control. We can do something fluffy and that will totally make up for everything I just did, right? ...Right?

    And thank you, by the way. Between you and Muse, I will *never* be able to look at Sig or an Old Spice commercial again. It's just not going to happen. (Maybe if you're really good, the two of us can come up with something for on you that front. She totally ran with it--I'd just transcribe.)
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  • From ANON - MariMeeko on January 12, 2013
    Wow, I don't know the workings of this site, but that's ridic that it hid the story because of that...uck.

    ANYWAY, I figured I should review this chapter before the next one pops up, so...Okay, Dax is taking a CREATIVE WRITING CLASS? that so fits! I had a little happy fit because I did the Creative Writing thing when I was in college too...I wonder what stories he's going to tell?? ;D And they have 3 classes together, how awesome! I can't get the image of Daxter snoring on Jak's shoulder during lectures out of my head!
    VIN. The mere mention of Vin and his appearance is getting me all giddy!

    And wow, the fight. For a while between your little sneak peek and the actual chapter I was afraid it was going to be Daxter, but Razer makes a lot more sense at this stage(especially after reading his side of the incident!) Poor Phoenix though...
    And Sig was PERFECT in that scene. Love it.

    Aww, but the boys are both so stressed now, I can't wait to see them finally relax with each other after their horrible day...

    And I will have a broken heart if Daxter can't find a cover for his shift! I really will! (Jak needs his soft and fluffy rabbit's foot boyfriend!) And I'm all hyped up on football with playoff season and my team doing awesome, so I'm looking forward to more of the football stuff hopefully!

    Well, that's about it for now? I'll be watching for the new update with excitement! And it's so lovely to be seeing you on Tumblr! I promise to keep the Jaxter art coming, as much as I can manage!

    And I will have you know you are basically a catalyst to me officially wanting a pet Ferret because of this story!
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  • From TaintedEmerald on December 29, 2012
    Ouch, sorry to hear about the author's note situation, I was wondering why the fic disappeared like that. Perhaps you could move the outtakes out of the author's note and into the main body? They are kind of a part of the fic after all, and that would give plenty room for review replies. There's also the option of cutting the fic into separate parts, maybe based on semesters ("Room and Board: Semester 2", etc.), which might allow for a few more outtakes in this part, and a renewed limit for them in the next part.

    Anyways, this chapter was certainly interesting. Razor snapping like that, I'm dying to hear the cause of it. The setup for the next semester looks interesting as well, with Jak and Dax sharing three classes. Looking forward to things heating up between the two of them, now that Dax has finally admitted to himself that he has a crush on Jak. Things getting more and more awkward would be fun as well of course. As for the big game coming up, I think I can guess what's going to happen if Taryn's info is correct. I'm probably wrong, but it would be a fun route to take IMO; you'd turn it into a masterpiece like you did with that storm chapter.

    Anyways, hope the new year finds you well, and thanks for working so hard for us over the holidays!
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  • From ANON - Xionamine on December 13, 2012
    *SQUEE* Yay you updated thank you. I can't wait for more ^^
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  • From grimreaperchibi on December 12, 2012
    Right... A better day... You keep thinking that way, Dax. By the time we're done with this, you're going to be so happy for little kids that don't listen. (And I know I shouldn't be encouraging this, but if he totally ends up burning the place down, he doesn't have to work on Saturday!)

    Anyway--I really have to say thank you for pandering to this scene for me. Considering how long ago the whole thing was written, I'm glad to see it didn't have to get thrown into the "I'm still working things out" pile. You've done a marvelous job of running with this silly idea of mine, which is only further proof of your most awesome-est writing skillz. Yes, you can hit me for that, but you totally don't get to call Razer and Phoenix attention whores (even if they are)! This is what, the third time they've all managed to interact on some level in written form? For guys that live next to each other and everything, three times in thirteen chapters isn't a lot. And please, Daxter has all the attention-seeking drama. You know this to be true. Besides, you're the one running about with that stupid fake mustache and cackling about things to come like a vaudeville villain here. If you didn't want the plot in your (or their) life, you shouldn't have asked a certain neko into the storyline.

    Oh, and as far as writing in real time goes, I know this guy who knows a guy. His name's Dave and he's kind of an insufferable prick until you get to know him, but I think the two of you might be able to work out some sort of a deal...
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  • From ANON - Kuromei on December 12, 2012
    WOAH. Razer, wtf? O_O So much for J&D cuddle-time. Now, I'm off to Grimreaper Chibi's story to see if there's any light to be shone on Razer's side of this.

    Btw, I can't help but imagine KiddieJak playing the part of that kid by the ice machine. Also, in that last outtake, I wouldn't be surprised if Taryn burned the place down herself. X3

    Anyway, see you at the next update! ^w^
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