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Reviews for A Stable Relationship

By : Bishonen
  • From Korin-Dragoon on July 16, 2017

    I wish this site had the follow/add to alerts and fave bottons that FicWad and have so people could track and be told their liked story/fic has been updated easier.


    Great fic can't wait to read the rest of the story.

    Please send me a message @ either or PM me @ my account of the same name.

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  • From ANON - Bad Bunny Mommy on February 03, 2014
    This was incredible. I think it is my favorite of your stories so far!
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  • From ninesenshi on May 06, 2012
    Really liked this. Hoping for more, please?
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  • From ANON - Lunajack on March 18, 2012
    hey bloke r u update this soon???
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  • From Mangafreak on January 23, 2012
    pretty damn good. loved the description of Malon's body. always thought she was a hottie. hope to see chapter 3 soon!
    Descendant of the shadows
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  • From ANON - Heath on January 17, 2012
    I saw this and I thought "By now we should be seeing Skyward Sword femslash, not tired old OoT pairings." But then I read it, and whoa! Centaur lesbians? Talk about out of left field of a whole different ball game! My worry that it would be just another typical story was groundless, that's for sure! You do the characters well here and honestly it would probably be very sexy and good anyways, but the centaur angle really makes it interesting, kinky, and sexy! Nice job!
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 14, 2012
    My friend said I should check this out...never thought of centaurs for sex or having them in zelda...but I got to say that was pretty sexy even if it was in a weird way...I guess I'll be watching this story from now on...
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 13, 2012
    This is weird and random....but I fapped like crazy!
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  • From ANON - Lunajack on January 13, 2012
    guy i will be honest, this is one of the BEST stories for sheer sexy power that you have done so far! Zelda and Malon are some of the hottest girls in all video games ever made ever and the centaur bit makes it like 10x better!!! you cant update this too fast!
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  • From ninesenshi on January 13, 2012
    Chap 2. Super hot, the best thing of yours ever. Hope for more of this or else similar stories.
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  • From ANON - Easy Breezy Beautiful Cover Girl on January 13, 2012
    Veeeeeeery nice! It's sweet and cute, but sooo sexy and hot! Is there more or is this it? I hope there's more! Are they going to get married and have a child, or does that line about it complicating things at the end mean that it won't be that simple? Please continue!
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  • From SkySan27 on January 12, 2012
    Hmm... interesting. The time jump helped to explain the increased emotions that the two felt for each other and that was a fun and clever idea to reveal that secret about the Hyrule family line. The hot sex scene between the two in the later part of the chapter was just downright kinky and well written. My only complaint is, what about the spell? Will it just result in a miracle insemniation, or is there going to be a futa scene at some point? If it's the latter, then which girl will be receiving the transformation? I assume it's Zelda.

    Also, focusing on her transformation into a centaur. Who did it? I might be focusing on an un-important point, but I'm curious if someone else with powerful magic could show up. Of course it might make more sense to wrap it all up next chapter with the final scene and then the wedding. In any case, good chapter and looking forward to the next chapter(s)
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  • From ANON - Doombeez on January 11, 2012
    Please continue this! :D
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  • From Mangafreak on January 07, 2012
    a very ensnaring story you've started here. I look forward to seeing more of it and am glad that i read it first before anything else in my first time back after my absence. You captured Zelda and Maron's personalities perfectly and i was utterly fascinated by the bit involving the centaur lungs and hearts. A fine touch of brilliance to what is sure to be an excellent story.

    Descendant of the Shadows
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  • From ninesenshi on December 28, 2011
    Very sweet and well written. I am looking forward to the fisting. With great anticipation :)
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