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Reviews for The Boss the Beginning

By : FantasyWriter1
  • From sammyfomy on July 03, 2020

    Hey, dont know if your gonna see this, but I read the story so far, really good. I want to see more, but it looks like it hasn't been updated in a while. If you can, please continue this story. It has amazing potential.

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  • From ZeoUnit on May 08, 2017

    So when will there be new updates?

    I see that you mentioned that you where working on it but nothing new for some time now... Hope your personal issues where revolved with positive outcome.

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  • From ZeoUnit on November 29, 2016

    Well the last chapter looks interesting with stuff set in motion. Will be nice to see how the group will work as a team. Maybe see more character development in the process. I'm still hopping to see some of the first side characters that you use later in the story with maybe some new stuff to do or get employed by saints but out well. :)

    Hope any problem you have will be resolved as soon as possible. Good luck.

    I originally didn't post anything on last chapter since you mention you would be posting more soon so I thought to wait a bit longer.

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  • From ANON - on September 16, 2016

    story looks like it will be interesting to keep reading but unfortunately it looks like the author abandoned it. Shame really to see it left like this. Think about continuing this one.

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  • From ANON - SDFReader on August 30, 2016

    Wow cool story bro. The way how you made them to form the gang is wicked. 

    will we also see some other low level member tug's? Also what happened to that girl that Alisa dragged out that time to teach her a lesson. Poor girl hope she is OK considering that Alisa given what see so far has a bit sadistic tendencies. Talk about rough side i would not be Surprised if she build her own little play room. When is the next update bro?

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  • From ANON - ZiBeX on August 04, 2016

    Looks cool. That new chick looks a bit overconfident in herself with Alisa. Will be fun to see her how will she handle things when Alisa starts to be serious. Seeing more of story developed is awesome. Good to see its not all just fuck. Add more character development if can. BTW I like idea the previous guy suggested sounds like wickedly fun situation to add up older girls back in the story and give character deeper development

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  • From ZeoUnit on August 01, 2016

    OK chapter 7 was nice. We seen more of the new members and see Alisa showing to them she is serious. You could maybe added some leadership "trials" for her but its OK.

    Shaundi as a character is ok. The part that Alisa call her crazy... well I would not really say its true. She is like more confident in herself that she can handle anything Alisa can ditch at her. But she is definitively not crazy as Alisa at this point and I just hope she will not try to panic to much when Alisa cut herself lost to... Shall we say... Test drive her new possible plaything/"advisor". I think she same as the girl that "recommended' her might have "bite more then she can handle" but I'm sure she will try.

    On the subject who should be able to handle Alisa, I still think it should be that samedi girl. Unlike any other girl so far, she stayed conscious and she did not crumble... Ironically it was more in the line of pure fear for her life then fear what would happen if she STAY alive. That's makes her interesting, sure Alisa did "damage the goods" (her teeth and similar) but I think you could make some nice interactions.

    Its clear with Shaundi actions that are so far bold that she wants to get on "top" of the "food chain" but basing on what we seen so far her "plan" might not go so well given Alisa "appetite". It would be interesting if got to the point that "lowly pet" ends up as her obstacle to top. The interaction between would be interesting because it would be clash of different motivations and purpose. For Shaundi it would be annoying little pest that holding her of to get to power.

    But for samedi girl it would be much more terrified point of view of all or nothing game. She already have seen first hand how Alisa can be a crazy monster. But she is also one thing that can keep her alive by been "useful". The Shaundi by her actions alone would in core of things be cutting her only " life saving rope" the only current thing that might keeping her alive. It would give some nice interactions but it also give layer of real feel to it. Not all is unified like in real life there are always some inner struggle in the "ranks".

    You could even used what i mention before for samedi girl. Maybe even had Alisa fix her damage she got from Alisa first encounter. That would really put Shaundi in motions to " surpassing that nuisances " anyway she can adding more interesting things happening in the course of the st story.

    Shaundi's and that samedi girl motives would in core be the same, get better spot in "food chain" of Alisa organisation but they would be fundamentally different. While one want just better standing and power. Other one would fight for her very survival, her on right simple right to live.

    I know it probably sounds silly or eve a bit dark but it would give some powerful moments and feel to the story. Especially later on if Alisa figures what is happening between two and decides to make her own fun with them. In time you could make sademi girl be free adding more water to the oil to the conflict.

    All in all chapter is nice. We seen some nice things hope we will see some of the older characters also how are they doing after encounter with Alisa and what they think about her gang.

    Best wishes and good writing from ZeoUnit

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  • From ANON - on July 24, 2016

    Ok this one is cool. When do we get more of it??!?

    You didnt quit did you o.0 ??

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  • From ANON - on July 22, 2016

    Cool story bro. Nice how you keep bringing old characters back in the story with new background.

    Dont forget to update soon, story and action so far is great. Dont quit, to many writers in here just drop the stories and never finish them.






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  • From ANON - on July 13, 2016

    Heg good one. Pretty awesome so far. Good Idea to give us info that shows other characters that we meet. I always did wonder what happen with that gang girl that alisa fuck senseless in to submission And just drag her out. Will you be also at some point also show or bring back that clerk from the first chapter that was a side character? Would be cool to see her again since Alisa did comment about clerk with "Ooooh, I think somebody is enjoying being my little bitch." Base of her actions so far you would think she would go back to get what she claimed. Here is a idea if they make some type of job selling stuff Alisa could go all like "I know perfect person for the job" and go to clerk to "buy" new stuff and give her a nice offer she cant refuse. Just a suggestion. So far you did one darn good job with the story man and i see you keep adding more character like that new girl mention. Do you plan to add her to Alisa rooster? Or is something else

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  • From ZeoUnit on July 12, 2016

    The chapter itself was ok. I like that this chapter is continuation of previous chapter and continue to develop the plot. I also really like how you did all the small hints about what is happening to that samedi girl that was in the "rival gang" and to what she was reduced to at this point of the story. We didn't directly seen what are Alisa views, regarding samedi status but if taken from the hints that are given they dont sound so good. That girl will need to work hard if she wants to survive. 

    On that note, hope you will continue to develop this subplot and not just make it just passing comment in the current chapter and then forgot about it.

    The new character mention in this story looks that could be interesting but we will wait and see how she will turn up. I like that it was Jessica that pointed to the new character. It could potentially make  some interesting moments in interaction between them. Her move was one from despair, attempt to  shift focus of her to try to save herself after she realise her mistake.  How will that turn out we shall see. Maybe  Johnny could save her ass later on to not get mindbreak completely. We shall see.

    All in all the chapter was ok. We didnt got many plot progression but we got a lot of hints of current situations of the characters and we are still introduced new ones. A lot of times to flesh out the plot and add more subplots on the way. Just dont forget to show and interact with characters that are currently there with your main ones, regardless how they are small. It would make your world feel more real. You mention that for example that in hideout you have chained up in the catacombs. She will need to eat and stuff so you could use something like that for interaction on more way then just to fuck her in to oblivion. Add some depth to that interaction between her and Alisa. For one maybe add her a name. You could make it like she is still Defiant and when reffered in some low way, maybe she meekly say her name in small timid way of defiance knowing that she might regret it very soon. Or something in those lines. It would give some nice feel to interaction. Plus it could be used to develop relationship in the course of the story. Would that be in to something deeper or more in the line of m&s considering how so far Alise action have been, i cant say, would be interesting, yes most likely. Like i said in my earlyer review. Depending how much Alisa group grow it could lead to "change of heart". If its in best interest for them.

    Good luck with your next chapter. Hope it will be longer and with more stuff in it.

    Sorry for the long review and bunch of stuff. Hope you dont mind.

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  • From ZeoUnit on June 21, 2016
    Well the story so far looks nice and I like all the action. Maybe you could connect your current chapters in one fluid story. For example, that Alisa statement about that samedi girl that she will not getting off that easy suggesting that she plans to keep her around as sort of trophy or pet for her amusement. It would be interesting to learn more about what happened to that girl or her info in general. You could add her as part of the story and as the story progress and she witness her "owner" gets more power she might start to "change her tune" and start doing things willing to try to stay in good grease of new growing power.
    Its just suggestion but it could be nice side plot while you do your chapters.
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  • From fieldmark346 on April 17, 2016
    like this new chapter keep it up my friend. :D
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  • From Justthere on March 11, 2016
    I think the boss and Johnny should hook up
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  • From fieldmark346 on March 07, 2016
    loving were this is going keep up the good work im LOVE this story.
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