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By : flagfish
  • From wanderingaddict on August 03, 2017

    meanwhile, wrathion is probably NOT sitting in torment and is actually having a blast, thinking that he's got a smokin' hot boyfriend at home and is now reconnecting with his black dragon roots. anduin you're your own worst enemy here pal, though to be honest he might realize that if he'd just talk to someone about his boyfriend troubles!

    it was cute to see anduin agonize over everything, and way too apt to see him go through the stages of anger, denial, and bargaining. always fun to read these two :)

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  • From wanderingaddict on March 23, 2017

    daww. these guys are always cute and canoodling in bed. this is like the coffeehouse AU, only each chapter is a fun little morsel of sweetness in bed. 

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  • From ANON - wanderingaddict on October 22, 2016

    haha in all seriousness this is adorkably cute. they're like the spiritual successors to Kael'thas and Illidan imo - for a while it seemed like Me'dean and Anduin might be a thing in the fandom but I have to say, Wrathuin is top notch. I hope Wrathion continues to do nothing more than just mercelessly tempt Anduin and the dragon is spread eagled and bound on Anduin's bed before the prince realizes it was all intentional.

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  • From ANON - wanderingaddict on October 22, 2016

    "When exactly, Anduin wondered, did Wrathion get so handsome...?"

    When you became gay, Anduin. That's when he got so handsome.

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