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Reviews for Humanity, Humans and Shadow

By : Breech_Loader
  • From ANON - Taranea on December 01, 2009 over on ffnet, I wrote a one-shot about exactly the same topic, but it turned out a LITTLE bit more hopeful than this one. XD this one was kinda cool - describing the bleakest fort of future possible, but cool. The idea of humans destroying humanity sounds...strangely justified.
    All my love to long ago.

    Great work! :D
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  • From ANON - a lurker on December 19, 2006
    wow...thats a pretty angsty story all right. i would hate to be shadow in that kind of world.
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  • From ANON - funkman on August 16, 2006
    Ah, another great story from Harley. It wasn't too angst, but it still makes you feel a little meloncholy. This story makes you wonder when humanity will finally cave into itself, which I'm sure will happen eventually. Good job and I hope to read more stories from you. Later!
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  • From ANON - The Chaomancer on August 09, 2006
    Let all the humans die for their stupidity...

    Let the Chao rule in their stead!

    This fic is the epitome of anguish for an immortal like Shadow...

    Well done...well done...

    i wish there were more fics like these...

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  • From ANON - Anon on August 07, 2006
    '...fell apart, like a dishwasher whose warranty has expired...'

    You know, I hardly think Shadow would think to compare his ... acquaintances ... to common household appliances. :/ Other than that, great, well-written work - I'm not quite a fan of depressing stuff, but it's quality all the same.
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  • From ANON - Héous on August 07, 2006
    Yeah, it would sure suck to be immortal. If you tried to form friendships and relationships your friends/lovers would die off relatively quickly. If you didn't pass it on to your children you'd end up outliving them (which would just be wierd, especially if one of your great-great-great grandchildren was elderly and you looked younger than them). You'd see millions of generations go by, the world constantly changing while you stood still. Like Shadow, I'd probably choose suicide, since it would be the only option. It was slightly depressing, but not too bad.
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  • From ANON - drazend11 on August 07, 2006
    Amazing like every piece of work you do, keep it up.
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  • From ANON - robert weston on August 06, 2006
    I will say this much, this fic was very touching. When i read this, i nearly passed out, it was that good.
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  • From kittynakajima on August 06, 2006
    This actually had me laughing in a lot of places. Especially the little snippet about suntan lotion nearly killing off the human race if not for cloning.

    Really makes you wonder if something so trivial as that will be humanity's downfall in the distant future, but thankfully, most of us living right now should be good and dead and decaying in the earth's crust.
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  • From ANON - BZLF on August 06, 2006
    That was... Very like Shadow. Slight angst. Not to much. Although whatever happened to E123-Omega? Or Metal Sonic? Did they just deactivate and rot someplace?
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