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Reviews for Shadow's Little Secret

By : AmethystTB
  • From Breech_Loader on January 21, 2007
    This is awful. For loads of reasons.

    1: The only reason to write a Gender Bender fic is because you can't bear writing slash. Sonadow is one bad idea that can be done well, but turning Shadow into a woman so that s/he can screw Sonic? And don't tell me you think it's original either.
    2: Sonic sees Shadow with breasts and the first thing he does is fuck him.
    3: Gerald is so not a pervert. Eggman, maybe. Gerald? No-o-o-o-o-o.
    4: Even if Shadow turned into a woman he wouldn't be sobbing, begging his rapist to stop. This is SHADOW. He'd be more likely to be screaming in rage, but you made him a damn pansy, male as well as female.
    5: Nobody actually seems that surprised. I mean, it's like "Shadow can become a woman? Wow! Look at that street artist!" and "We walked in on sex! How embarassing, see ya tomorrow!"
    6: Changing from a woman to a man at will is way too easy, even for first-timers. It's not just a lump of flesh the change involves, you know. It's a whole selection of internal organs. Even if Shadow's used to it his buddies should be screaming in agony or something.
    7: Everybody is out of character, not just Shadow.
    And worst of all...
    8: It's got a sequel which is more of the same. If I reviewed that fanfic, it would be a copy-paste job, because you make all the same mistakes.
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  • From CrazyIvan on January 21, 2007
    Well, with the exception of your blatant disregard for the disclaimer, this story was exceptionaly well written. Although alot of the sexual situations were a bit out of my juristiction. The format was nice, no spelling or grammatical errors that I could see. All in all I'd say it was a nice read. Amazing how you managed to get an entire story of six chapters done and submmited in one day isn't it?

    This is CrazyIvan, going above and beyond the call of duty for his comrades in smut, semper phi, carry on...
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