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Reviews for Life and Death

By : NormaJeane
  • From Toto on December 02, 2007
    Norma Jeane,

    Hot damn... Why has no one reviewed this yet?!

    This is easily one of the best fics in this section. The emotion you convey between Revan and Avery is impressive and very 'in your face', especially Avery who seems to be quite the character and, dare I say, a complete douche. Though I love him! I would like to see more from Revan's point of view, but still it was well-written none-the-less and compelling. It's strange to see such a strong woman be broken down like that, you've done a fine job at playing off her emotions (As has Avery.) And you can really see how the news of Carth's "death" has changed her.

    "He’s been there when I needed him most, and kept me together when my world was falling apart…. After he told me Carth had died."

    That was such a lovely description, it really got the point across. Worried me too, I thought you had killed my boy ;_;. Thankfully Avery cleared that one right up, you sneaky little writer you. ^.^ All in all this is one of my favorites, and the sex scene was written beautifully. It wasn't with just the mechanics, of he stuck this there. You pulled off the passion between the two well, and I must say Revan calling out Carth's name was a nice touch. Bravo! Though I am very curious as to what is up with Kreia; these plans, and hooking these two up, and what not. I'm very interested.

    Write a sequel, or add on. Now, that is an order!!!!

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