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Reviews for Heart of the Phoenix

By : Kylenne
  • From ANON - jakuro on November 02, 2016

    SO. GOOD. SO GOOD! Elegant an entrancing and theres plot!

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  • From meandyou on October 12, 2011
    Well what can I say, what a lovely story this was, the uncertain emotion wraught in the first few chapters was so well depicted that when Kael and Illidan finally did get together it was achingly powerful and perfectly tense. You are definitely a talented writer, the story flowed so smoothly and seamlessly, the words and sentiments perfect for the characters. I loved the way that despite the fact that this is a slash fic, the nature of which can at times stray from original character behaviour, you had them so damn in character all the way through. Just the dialogue between Illidan and Kael was so in character, even during their more intimate moments. Umm! Just a great story all round. Did I mention it was also effing hot??? As I said earlier: the tension leading up to Kael and Illidan getting in on was built up brilliantly! (That whole chapter was my fav I think! :p) Anyway, well done on this wonderful work! :)
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  • From wanderingaddict on July 28, 2009
    ah, sorry for leaving such an abrupt review earlier! I'm back! I have to say that there's a lot that I like about this story (not the least of which that it's Kael/Illidan, haha). I'm just a sucker for elves and demons. anyways, one of the first things I noticed right away was the attention you put into making your story seem like the game. I don't know how intentional that was, but it was a quality that I really liked. I mean, the sheer breadth of the units you mention alone makes the story... well, seem so much like the source it came from. not to mention all the "offscreen" stuff you mention, with the Naga and Lady Vash and etc. it just adds a ton of extra depth that... like I said, really adds to the overall appeal. there's a lot of really fun, really intriguing attention to detail.

    in terms of what I think could have been done better (purely in my own opinion mind you. nothing else. strict, straight up my opinion, take it or leave it as you will, I don't mind), I think that Kael'thas... really did seem kind of, well, girly compared to his normal character, especially in his reactions with Illidan. like, one thing that came across a lot was the fact that Kael'thas was... um, I'll just say "cowed" though that's not quite the right word, by Illidan's age and stuff. but, like, realistically, Illidan may be older by a good 15,20 thousand years (or more, I have no idea), but the last ten thousand were spent chained up with a sadistic psychopath of a warden. I mean... eh? haha, I'm sorry! it may be nitpicky, but it just seemed like Kael'thas, an Archmage, Kirin Tor, Heir Apparent/King might have been... a little more self assured in some aspects?

    and you tried. you definitely addressed it several times, like, Kael'thas's thoughts on why he's always so giddy and *moved* whenever Illidan is around, but when I read it, it just seemed like there was more "downplaying" of Kael'thas's "cool aspects" and more sort of hero-worshipping of Illidan than I- just me now, my personal opinion- thought was... um, appropriate, in the context of one powerful hero-figure to another.

    still that is something that's *really* specific and probably only applies to jsut me. I had a lot of fun reading your story and think it's pretty good, with a lot of attention to the lore surrounding each character and the whole setting itself. I definitely hope you continue to write!
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  • From yukatan122 on July 10, 2009
    That was hot. :)
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  • From wanderingaddict on July 09, 2009
    oho! what fun! I don't have time for a full review right now, but I still gotta leave a quick one saying that I love it!
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