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Reviews for Valhalla

  • From JohnMadden on April 18, 2010
    Oh wow this was a fun chapter
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  • From KageSora on March 15, 2010
    Absolutely amazing chapter. I really enjoyed this quite a bit! I half pity Decus, he'd probably stay with her until she went to far and killed him, really.

    Anyway, amazing chapter. I feel a bit bad for poor Martmart and Emil, yet at the same time... Daddy's severed head is the perfect gift from Alice, really.

    I was rather surprised by the part where the monsters were allowed to eat Brute alive. Alice really is cruel. Yet I pity her, greatly, for what you've had her go through in the past--and it explains so much. I hope you write a third chapter!
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  • From Chichiriskoi on August 29, 2009
    oohhh, i love this pairing, and you brought them back alive in the story too, what a lucky find (I've never found any fics of the two up til now...except things like one-sided poems or something...)

    I really REALLY hope and encourage you to continue! ^^

    oh...and kill Marta off while you're at it (lol, just kidding, just kidding....I think...)
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