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Reviews for Shadows from the Badlands

By : straha86
  • From wanderingaddict on September 19, 2010
    haha, holy cow! imagine my suprise when I idly check in last night and find the REST of the story is up! that was pretty rad dude. amd surprising too, it's not too often that a wholly complete work pops up that, it was neat to see, because instead of having to go back and reread and get a feel for the characters and story again by the time a later chapter comes up, I could read the whole thing in almost one sitting, so I can actually comment on the overall story's lasting impressions a bit more accurately than most other times.

    I guess the first place to start is that this was a very fun read, and you really did pick out a good way to start it off. by choosing Micheal and following strictly him you really emphasized his competency and personal strength, really showing us how he's capable of dealing with crazy and deadly situations. you did an excellent job of pulling the reader into his mindset, and leaving us wondering all the same things too. the isolation and almost disbelief he feels upon following Dash'r through the Xel'Naga tunnels is clear, and personally I almost got the feeling that he's almost in constant shock for the last half of the story. I mean, this may just be me, but he almost came across as just accepting Raynor, Kerrigan, and the entire Korpulu sector as just a fantasy adventure, rather than real life. I don't know if you or anyone else sees that, so I just thought I'd mention it :P

    the return of the swarm and the creation of human psychic cerebrates was pretty cool too, as well as the route you decided to take Foxworth and Ty in. and the whole Hybrid attack thing, that was pretty cool too. other than just commenting on how cool everything is, I guess I just want to reiterate my earlier comment- slow down and take a breath dude! hah, this is some really epic stuff here, and you plow through everything so fast! lawlz, I mean, I know my stories crawl at a snail's pace in comparison, so it may just be me not used to running a mental mile, but I still think I should at least mention for you to consider. this is seriously some real epic story here, and it would have been nice (from my perspective!) to just be able to read a little bit more about everything. I mean, I'm a gamer nerd, and I love starcraft, and you clearly know what you're talking about, so it would have just been kinda nice to read a little bit more about you describing the protoss/human base. you know, like Micheal's curiosity about Dash'r's quarters, or how the protoss and the humans interact. if there's a lot of buddy-buddy camraderie or if they generally keep to themselves, you know, that kind of stuff.

    much less during the sex scenes, god! :D~ haha, I mean, it was *really* hot to see Micheal just stroking Dash'r to the point that he can just sit right down on him for a quickie (holy cow!). it seems like there's a lot more you could have gone in to though, like Dash'r being amazed that human males get so much pleasure from being penetrated or something (you know, an equally new experience for him (lawlz, and wondering if he was wrong about human males and they can bear children too? it only stands to reason right? XD)). I dunno, you certainly hint at it with Dash'r's initial confusion about what Micheal's about to do with his mouth, and not knowing that he CAN penetrate Micheal, etc, but (and this may just be because I think the two of them are incredibly hot together and I just want you to draw that out more) it really would have been neat to see a more in-depth look at Dash'r's surprise and confusion, or his despair at not being able to really reciprocate the things that Micheal does to him (hah, or if him and the other protoss are going to start looking at the humans as fun-filled, incredibly talented sex machines :P).

    haha, I dunno. I should probably just shut up about where you could go (that's your job, after all!) and just keep it simple. I loved the story, and I like your ideas and characters. They're really compelling and the plot's pretty intense. And sometimes you also race way ahead when I'd like to stop and smell the roses, but then that's just me :P

    this was an awesome read dude, thanks for writing it. seriously!
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  • From ANON - Ireyon on September 18, 2010
    That was quite an interesting read, thank you for posting this. Do you plan on writing a sequel? Because I'd really like to know what happened to Ty. Other than that it was exciting to read, good job.

    Oh, and bonus points for killing of Mengsk.
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  • From wanderingaddict on September 14, 2010
    oh, god, dude! I don't even know where to start! for YEARS I've hoped to see an m/m Starcraft story go up, and here by chance I scan the game updates and there's SUCH A GOOD ONE. haha, god damn! seriously, I really don't even know where to start!

    I mean, the begining rocks. Fairfield is creepy and Micheal's fear comes across clearly, as well as the disconcerting feel he must have gotten from the sexual imagery of the used condom, the webcam (hah!), and his own wanting sex when at the same time he's investigating something horrible that's happened. I dunno, that just starts off so strong, totally harkening back to the old time "explore derelict space station" maps. I don't know if most readers are surprised by the zerg infestation, but I sure was! mostly because... haha, well I mean, you started off with the Earth Directorate you know? I just assumed that it would be some sort of weird and terrible personal fanfiction going through the motions of some random, zany thing you personally introduced like a new cat-person race or something, so I was NOT thinking zerg! well, I mean, that's what I STARTED thinking, but the quality of the story and the interest and attention to detail and lore (and the LACK of zerg) instead made me be all like "?? missing colonists? no sign of zerg?? did... did the protoss take them or something??" (because I really should make it clear that after the first chapter I was pretty sure you weren't going to toss in a fursona or two :P).

    so yeah- and then Dash'r shows up and I really liked what you did with his ship. like, he's kind of a one-man army, which is so perfect for a dark templar! (if he actually spent a little more time on learning proper base defense, they could have actually won and then gone after the hives!) but it was cooler to see them lose and the need for xel'naga technology. it also adds something of a "greater story" factor to this, which is awesome. plus I really like that Micheal is always desperately checking Dash'r out- it's pretty cool :P

    if I have one comment, I'd like you to slow the pace down a little! hah, I mean, I know there's eleven chapters and you probably don't want to draw anything too boring out, but I really dug the fight scenes! I liked the closeness the human and the protoss exhibit! I like their converstations where they learn weird new things about each other's races! maybe I'm just too into backstory and stuff, so that's what I like and crave the most, but if you're willing I totally think you should dive into Micheal and more of why his personality is so- well, practical and almost kind of cold! I mean, he did just take the sudden presence of two alien races (as well as the hotness of one said race) and roll with it, as well as the destruction and... well, "betrayal" of his mission and government. this is some hard, heavy stuff, and Micheal's an interesting character! I'd love to hear more ya know? like, if he's studied protoss ruins before, and he's always been sort of "enamored" with the race, or just any alien race in general, so that's why he's just like "ooooo!" to Dash'r, or maybe why he's an archealogist but super-skilled with guns and weapons (he honestly almost comes across as a ghost!).

    I dunno, it just seems like there's so much awesome, meaty stuff you're kind of skipping over! haha, I don't want to distract you from showing us what Dash'r hides under his bit of loincloth (seriously, I drool every time Micheal fondles him!) but there's just... a lot! like how and why Dash'r is so willing, if the protoss as a race are- by now- used to humans wanting to mate with them, etc. heh, I don't mean to be all like "blah!" or anything, I'm just really excited to read this story.

    me! = excited!! omg!!
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