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Reviews for Rule 39

By : grimreaperchibi
  • From sillyneko345 on June 01, 2016
    Aww, I think it's nice to see Razer be domestic for a change. And good to see that he can have a good relationship with someone that isn't based on sex. Hopefully Zelda will warm up to Phoenix in time, even though it's totally understandable that she would be a little aloof around someone threatening to take her dear brother's attention! Who wouldn't want to keep a brother willing to do donuts with them in his car all to themselves?

    Don't worry about the length; it flows just fine. I hope to see more sibling cuteness and maybe an olive branch between Zel and Phoenix next time!
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  • From sillyneko345 on November 21, 2013
    Is it very bad that in the beginning, I totally pictured Rayn as Navi? Fluttering around Razer and whining, going "LISTEN!" Because I did.

    Thank you so much for writing about these two huge dweebuses being adorable boyfriends. (Even if they're still not technically boyfriends because all the men in their hall are emotionally stunted apparently.) The dancing was simply the cutest thing. Even Razer getting riled up enough to get it on in the corner of a very public building was cute, just because Phoenix meant to get him riled up. He's such a tease, that one. Almost rivals Jak for the title.

    This chapter definitely fulfilled my happy thoughts quota for the day. You're doing a marvelous job helping Phoenix defrost the Ice King. Can't wait for winter break shenanigans! Keep up the excellent work, my friend.
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  • From sillyneko345 on October 31, 2013
    Okay. I have to say. You've really outdone yourself this time.

    I've been looking forward to this chapter for a long time, and you really delivered. The racing scene was everything it needed to be and more. Phoenix's amazement, Rayn's involvement, Razer's team and their dialogue all together -- perfect. I love how you've built up Razer and Phoenix's sphere of the college world. It fits them so well, and the tantalizing little tidbits of backstory we keep getting are more than enough to tease me along and keep foaming at the mouth for another until Razer is finally ready to tell all.

    And, of course, the sex is phenomenal in this chapter. I'm both jealous of those boys and saying "Damn, now I know why they're in such a great mood at Thanksgiving dinner..."

    Keep up the excellent work, my friend! Know that I appreciate how hard you work on this fic, and I endeavor to be a worthy match for your talent with mine.
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  • From ANON - Tom on July 23, 2013
    Gaaaaaah!! This is fricking amazing. You are amazing at writing!!

    This and room and board have become my new obsession

    Please keep up the good work!! I will always look forward to the new updates!
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  • From ANON - donalgraeme on March 22, 2013
    Beautiful! Now all we need is either Razer to get the guts to speak his feelings or Phoenix to say it first and this will become perfect! Keep up the fantastic work! Give my regards to Robin!
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  • From Lady-Darkstreak on March 15, 2013
    *lots of claps*

    i say, well done. very well done
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  • From sillyneko345 on February 10, 2013
    Ouch. I do feel sorry for Razer, despite his prickles. We'll resolve to be nicer to them from now on. In the meantime, a nice, long cuddle will do him good. They might have to make it a regular thing. It will be beneficial to his health, I'm sure.

    Reading it from your end, I'm also doubly happy with how our separate pieces dove-tail. Kudos to you, partner in crime. Kudos. Keep up the good work!
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  • From ANON - donalgraeme on December 15, 2012
    I am totally against rape and all other abuse of women. That being said, Title IX basically makes it so any manipulative bitch with half a brain can ruin a guy's life. Your and Robin's story is taking a very serious turn... so get to hinting at that happy ending, please?
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  • From ANON - Xionamine on December 13, 2012
    Yay !! , Razer should write a book on how to deal with bullies. Can't wait for more please keep writing
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  • From DoveCG on December 12, 2012
    Awww, damn, son! Damn! :O

    YAY! So happy to see this uploaded so fast! I wondered how the hell that fight had broken out and whooo, did this deliver. Blasted cheerleaders! Excellent argument, of course, but Razer unfortunately didn't win it, because she cheated. It all makes perfect, horrible sense.

    Poor Razer! He should have listened to his own advice about self-sacrifice... well, not that he ended up dead, but he's going to be dead inside, if he won't let himself have sweet little Red Sparrow cuddles to warm his heart. I foresee it happening all too well. Phoenix might not be his one true love, but he'll be the last person that will ever feel love from Razer if Phoenix and Jak can't hero their way into saving Razer's ass. Hopefully being acknowledged as gay might help defend Razer from the cheerleader's accusations, but who knows? I certainly don't and will be eagerly waiting for more! I'm so happy that Rule 39 and Room and Board exist! Seriously, it's the high point of my day when one of you fine people updates. I keep rereading various chapters, in fact. :O

    Hey, since you're often inspired by music and you (presumably) came up with Razer's little nickname for Phoenix, I recommend finding Maybe Sparrow by Neko Case. Probably not to your taste (she has a weird sort of folk inspiration sound and often surreal imagery in most of her songs; my favorites being Dirty Knife, Blacklisted, and I Wish I Was the Moon), but if nothing else, the lyrics seem vaguely fitting.

    Oh my sparrow it's too late
    Your body limp beneath my feet
    Your dusty eyes cold as clay
    You didn't hear my warning

    Phoenix is going to have to convince Razer that it's Razer who really needs to be rescued, from himself of all people. :1

    Also, a bit from I Wish I Was the Moon, because it dawned on me that is a very Razer song, especially right now...

    God blessed me, I'm a free man
    With no place free to go
    I'm paralyzed and collared-tight
    No pills for what I fear

    Ha ha, but then I can apply her stuff to damn near anything.
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  • From ANON - donalgraeme on November 16, 2012
    Razer's scars getting slowly healed by Phoenix's innocent love, frightening the former because he's lived so long with them he can't remember life without them, thus driving him toward drastic action. This will either end with Razer healed or him holding a bloody knife over someone's body... the suspense is almost as delicious as the debauchery. Keep up the good work!
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  • From Amaronith on November 12, 2012
    Oh wow, this was hot and chilling all at the same time. Excellent work! I still have goose bumps.
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  • From DoveCG on November 11, 2012
    Oh, and I'm a dummy. I forgot to mention that the sex has been amazing! You write it so well; it's all in the little details, which are overall quite realistic, and you make it so hot! I'm loving all the kinky fun they've been having. Keep it comin'!
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  • From DoveCG on November 11, 2012
    Okay, so I'm a horrible person. I've been reading Room and Board and Rule 39 for a little while now and I love both, but haven't left any reviews yet because I wasn't sure what to say, other than awesome! (I know, two different authors, but I can't quite mention one without the other.) And of course 50 Shades of Grey got a lot of stuff wrong. I don't even need to read it to know that. If it's riding on Twilight's coat-tails, well... Actually, the fact that it is as popular as it is, because it's Twilight-level bad, worries me, honestly. I know to each their own but WTF people? Why do so many readers have no taste? I understand guilty pleasures, but so much popularity means that some people must love it because they just don't read much else. :P

    Ahem! Anyway, to the reviewer HORSEBIRD, I believe the scars insinuate that Razer was attacked with a knife and a gun for being homosexual. Either at the same time or two different occasions. Plus, his upbringing was apparently very strict and it's hard to shake anything ingrained at a young age by parents and other family or community. It's absolutely possible, but it isn't easy and some people can never get over it, even with all the love and compassion in the world at their side. I'm pretty certain that Razer has had a rough life, which doesn't need to be as melodramatic as killing your own siblings to be sympathetic. (I know, that was hyperbole, but you know what I mean.)

    I am still very curious who gave that expensive cologne to Razer, though. If we never find out, I'm assuming it's from G.T. Blitz, because I can. Mwahahaha!

    As for the story itself, I'm loving Rule 39 a lot. I love Room and Board too, the slow build-up and WAFF is great, but I love how things quickly get to the point with Razer and Phoenix, yet that doesn't necessarily solve anything. I'm definitely enjoying their relationship and I have so many squees ready for when love confessions come. Even if it never comes to that point, I have all those squees ready. Hah hah! I came for the sex and stayed for the WAFF? I don't even know, but keep it comin'! I love this pairing. :3
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  • From HORSEBIRD on November 11, 2012
    i have so many feels and words right now, so i'm just put it out there now

    Razer better have had the worst possible stereotypical eastern-European upbraiding ever, complete with his parents forcing him to fight the wolves for food and having to put down his siblings because they were sick/injured for some reason; Because If this Me vs. the world, aromantic, control-freak, emotional stunted angstyness is just because he doesn't want to accept that he's human (or because he is a rather extreme case of asperger's) than i am going to lose so much respect for his character. seriously, i wanted to hit him with a chair about three times.

    But yeah i'll get off my lumping soapbox now, glob.
    I hope more chapters of this comes out, b/c cheers to you for being one of the few fanfic authors that made me have such powerful feels.
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