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Reviews for A Daily Requirement

By : Panornia
  • From MossNoth on February 22, 2013
    I surprised myself with how much I enjoyed this short, especially considering that pairings containing anthro are not my usual cup of tea; to further the tea simile train, I suppose I might compare it to enjoying an earl grey (commonly regarded an acquired taste). The initial paragraphs of description seemed a little wordy and slow at first but were well-detailed and insightful, providing context and fuel for the story further on; I have trouble describing what kind of pace I imply other than comparing it to reluctantly coming out of reverie, but I was grateful for it just as I have been with some of my other favorite reads that began in similar fashion. (I guess what I'm trying to impart to someone considering reading this short is: keep reading and you'll be rewarded for your patience!) The action was well-paced and full of imagery, and the adrenaline of it fed appropriately into the eroticism. I was impressed by the use of several taboo, and by the accompanying explanatory description that prompted approval rather than disgust. I was most impressed by the fact that despite the complete lack of dialogue between parties, the nonverbal communication was more than enough; such intimacy is delicious and rare.
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