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Reviews for Cassie Cage's Porno Debut

By : TentacleFan
  • From JayDee on August 21, 2018

    I swear I'd reviewed this. Basically, really enjoyed it. You really nail the porn film vibe, it feels absolutely like watching a scene on pornhub. It's a spot on recreation of all of those tropes.

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  • From Lunarsilver on June 26, 2017

    This was a great story the details the interaction between characters and especially how much cassie wanted to be a slutty cum loving whore.

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  • From ANON - Anon on November 14, 2015
    Enjoyed the presentation of this, appreciated the build-up to the actual sex too rather than just throwing Cassie right into the thick of it. Speaking of thick, good job painting the picture of that booty. Could almost taste it. Only complaint - which is probably a bit of weird one - is that it would've been cool to see Cassie actually struggle a little with those pornstar cocks. Much as you paint the picture that she's a wanton, hungry slut, seemed a little too convenient that she excelled with everything. Would've made things a little more interesting, at least for yours truly. Minor gripe though. Good stuff all around.
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