Roman Love | By : Xax Category: +A through F > Breath of Fire Views: 3187 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I have no legal ownership of the Breath of Fire series or any characters used, nor am I selling this work for profit. So there. |
Author's Note: I have been working on this forever. This is going to be a four-parter, and the vast majority of it is already written. It's kind of like my return to Breath of Fire fic, which is actually a lie because I started working on this pretty soon after I stopped writing Old Deal. Also! Warnings for consent issues and general extremely dubious attitudes regarding sex and consent. And not in a sexy way, either. Also warnings for all of the other things this has tags for, but especially for consent issues.
The room had to be somewhere in the attic, Sunder figured. He couldn't tell from the view outside, because there were no windows, but the air was stuffy and smelled of dust and mothballs. Even though it was a warm, pleasant summer day outside there was a fire lit in the fireplace. The mayor himself was wearing several layers of clothing, none of it matching or fitting, and he mopped sweat from his reddened brow like it was a nervous tic.
Every time they'd met in the past the scene had been like this— at this point, he assumed the mayor either ran a constant fever or really wanted to impress his connections with his extravagant lifestyle. Having firewood and clothes wasn't generally considered 'extravagant' but considering the piddly town the man lorded over it might well have been in these parts.
It felt like the meeting (or 'meeting'; neither Balio nor his bosses cared much about the self-absorbed mayor and it showed in the complete lack of action they'd been taking regarding the mayor's demands) had been going on for hours already. Actually, it probably had been going on for hours— the entire reason they were there was so the mayor could have someone who acted like they cared pay attention to him, and he could really go on (and on and on) about anything he thought was a slight against his person. He thought a lot of things were slights against his person.
Sunder slouched lower in his uncomfortable chair (which looked expensive and plush up until you looked at it carefully or sat on it) and glanced over at his brother. Even Balio, usually the paragon of businesslike attitude, had slumped down in his seat, his attention obviously no longer fixed on the mayor. He was looking around the room, probably casing it for loot once the inevitable happened and this little town was no longer important in the least to the bosses. Sadly, mayor McNeil continued on, oblivious to the drifting attention of his supposed attendants. Sunder rolled his eyes and snorted, drawing a nasty glance from Balio.
Sadly, even the knowledge of Balio's reproach, later, wasn't enough to keep him in his seat for more than another few minutes. He started kicking idly after maybe another minute, hooves swinging back and forth and quietly denting the mayor's fancy cheap furniture.
Balio gave him another sharp glance, but by this time he was seriously wondering if it was possible to just suddenly up and die from boredom, so he clattered up out of his seat. And not without effort; the thing made his legs all numb. The mayor looked over at him, blankly, like he hadn't realized they were still there until he moved.
"It's been lovely talking to you and I'm sorry to have to leave so quickly but I'm afraid I have other appointments to make," Sunder said in one long breath and booked it out the door before the mayor (or more importantly, Balio) could respond. He clomped down the endless stairways in the house, feeling better and better with each step. He was so fucking happy to be out of that stupid, horrible room. Every single time they came here he left wanting to burn the place down.
The blustering guards at the entrance were just overgrown teenagers and only trained to keep people out, so when he blew by, through the front door and down the ugly paved path to the gate they just stared and gaped.
Like, whatever, they were supposed to be all subtle about keeping the blowhard in power, but everyone already knew; it didn't take a huge punk rock unicorn ganglord storming out the front door for people to connect the dots. The mayor himself apparently sucked at keeping things under wraps; half the reason they were here was to get him to stop bragging about how he was propped up by the mob, and he didn't see why they had to help patch up the guy's stupid mistakes.
Sunder walked along the walled exterior of the mansion's grounds and rolled his eyes all over again at the gaudy, showy attempt to look tasteful and refined. What mayor of a peasant town had a walled garden, honestly? And it wasn't even a good wall— it'd been made in a hurry, and it was already crumbling even though he'd been there for its construction, only three or four years ago.
But that only got him thinking about how long he'd been wasting his time assigned to handle clowns like McNeil— even being a thug for the bosses had been better than being one of the 'relations' people, all smiling and nodding and backstabbing once it went bad. Well, he did enjoy the backstabbing: he couldn't wait until they got to backstab McNeil, preferably literally. At least they'd managed to totally take over Genmel; after dealing with the interminably boring mayor, checking on the Contest would be a joy— they'd been going around recruiting powerful fighters who were smart enough to know when to take a dive, and it looked like this year's contest would make them rich.
Lost in his thoughts about the brackets for the Contest, Sunder walked around a corner and ran right into someone. He stumbled backwards as whoever it was crashed to the ground, yowling in surprise after the impact with Sunder's considerable bulk.
"Yo, watch the fuck out!", Sunder swore, glaring down at the scrawny little tiger kid sprawled on the ground, who was glaring right back at him.
Sunder chuckled at the kid's sour expression, then laughed louder as that just made the kid glare harder. "Here, nevermind." Sunder offered, holding out a hand. After some hesitation, the kid took it and Sunder pulled him up so hard that he rose to his feet, crashed against Sunder's chest again, and rebounded a half step. The kid jerked his hand out of Sunder's and took a half-step backwards.
"Thanks," the kid said, low, surly, and clearly what he thought was the end of their interaction. Such a teenager thing; the kid must've been in his late teens, maybe barely eighteen but probably not. A little more muscled than he'd thought at first glance, but still lean and scrawny. Underfed, like everyone else from the village.
Sunder snorted and folded his hands behind his head as the kid turned back the way he came and started walking away. "So, out here casing the joint, huh?"
The kid almost tripped over his own feet, and his head whipped around so fast Sunder knew he'd gotten it right. "N-no," he started, looking anxious.
"Phft, the guy's a fuckin' blowhard, maybe gettin' his house stolen out from under him would make him wise up." Sunder said, running his mouth before he realized that if that happened, he might actually have to get involved. But whatever, if the kid was gonna do it or not he wouldn't change his mind. The kid cracked a smile at it, at least, although he still looked spooked that some stranger was talking to him.
"Anyway, kid, it's boring as fuckin' hell here," Sunder said as he started walking around the wall again. As he passed the kid he reached out and ruffled his hair, making it stick up in even weirder directions.
"You're one of the fuckin' locals, you must know somethin' to do around here." He expected the kid to follow him as he talked, and a quick glance aside showed he was right; the kid was following a few steps behind him, still kinda shocked and surprised lookin'. Sunder reached back and pulled the kid forward, draping a heavy arm around the kid's shoulders, pressing the kids face against the side of his chest.
"I have a name, you know," the kid started, sounding annoyed.
"'M sure you do, kid," Sunder said, and mussed the kid's hair up again.
The kid was quiet for a few seconds, then: "I don't, uh, actually live in town," he said, and looked over at Sunder.
"Good. Those people are all fuckin' bores. I never got how people can stand wasting their lives doing... farm stuff, whatever."
That, at least, seemed to get the kid's attention, at least a little. He had a considering look on his face, but eventually spilled and blurted out, "Yeah, I know. I couldn't ever deal with living like that."
Sunder grinned and completely wrecked the kid's ponytail, making his blond hair stick up in all directions. "See, I knew you weren't all bad, kid." He gestured at the screen of trees that hid the manor from the rest of the village. "Anyone who doesn't like that shit can't be all bad. Fuckin' peasants."
The kid didn't reply at once, busy fixing his hair. Pulled out of its tight ponytail it cascaded straight down the kid's back, bright in the sun. But the kid weaved the scrap of cloth he was using as a tie through his fingers and did something complex and dexterous that Sunder couldn't follow near the nape of his neck, and then it was back to a nondescript lank ponytail.
"Nothing wrong with it," the kid said carefully, starting Sunder out of his hair-related reverie. It took a second for him to connect what he'd said to anything. "I couldn't ever do it. I'd never even want to."
"What, and you think those bunch do? They grow up dreaming 'bout how they're all gonna be fuckin' dirt farmers for their whole lives? They got ripped off, kid."
"Some of them do! But it's hard going, especially now with the mayor stealing every last coin of profit they make." The kid was actually all worked up about it. But living in town or not, he was definitely cut from the same peasant-y cloth as everyone else, so he probably cared about the suckers living in town.
Sunder snorted. "No argument there, kid. The mayor's just some toy with delusions. But he pulled it over the fools here, so what does that say about them?"
"Yeah, well, he'll get what's coming some day."
That actually surprised a laugh out of Sunder. "Well yeah," he actually had a few violent fantasies to that end himself, "but it ain't gonna be one of those marks that does it."
The way he saw it, the only people who got what they wanted out of the world were those who took it, but the kid seemed idealistic and Sunder didn't really want to crush his happy fantasy world. Plus, he was hoping to get laid by the end of this conversation.
The kid didn't seem inclined to respond, so Sunder kept talking as they continued along the wall. "Man, I'm still all stiff from that fuckin' meeting, sittin' in his fuckin' uncomfortable chairs for hours. What a fuckin' cheapskate, honestly." They were walking along the far wall, the house and garden between them and the town. A low prairie spread out into the distance, with a few trees scattered about. In the distance mountains were visible as dim purplish peaks.
"You were actually up in the manor?" the kid asked, but that was dangerous terrain.
"Business," he responded gruffly. "Nothing important." He stepped away from the kid, away from the excessively manicured lawn around the wall, and toward the prairie, so he could stretch more actively. He twisted his torso around and reached out with his arms, rolling his shoulders. He really was stiff all over. Fuck, those were the worst chairs he'd ever sat in, and he spent a lot of time down in Genmel, where the seating was all hundred-year-old rocks.
The kid clearly wasn't used to the wide field of view horses had; he was openly staring at him as he stretched, his gaze trailing down his back all the way to his hooves, then back up along his legs and muscled back. Sunder turned more directly towards him and the kid looked down, like the fuckin' flowers at his feet were the most interesting thing around. But when stretched and turned again, sure enough, the kid was back staring at him.
Sunder felt the edges of his mouth pull up involuntarily and bit his lower lip, trying to keep from grinning. He turned to face him, grasping his elbow with his opposing hand and pulling his shoulders forward, then repeated with the other hand. He did a backbend, his head arcing back, his cock and balls making a bulge in his shorts as they pulled up, then reversed, bending forward, contracting his abs to pull his torso upright. The kid was staring openly as Sunder stood up straight, but he looked away, blushing, as soon as he dragged his eyes up from his rippled stomach to realize Sunder was looking straight at him.
"On top of every-fuckin-thing else, though," Sunder said, sauntering back towards the kid, who was leaning against the wall now, like he was cool and casual, "It's been fuckin' days since I've gotten off."
And that had just been a quick fuck in an alleyway with a chick— most of it had been because she'd thought the horn was hot— and his cock hadn't even fit inside her. The last time he'd really truly gotten off good was— it must have been last time he'd been in Genmel, two months ago.
What had happened was that he'd gotten a little drunk and gotten shot down a few times, he remembered, especially by their latest gladiator catch. That'd stung at first, but he'd spent the night with the human assistant to one of the huge, hulking minotaur merchants— and she'd had been well-used to cocks sized above the rather minute range humans came in. The thought alone made his cock lengthen in his shorts, but that had been two fuckin' months ago.
The kid started and looked aside, flushed red still. Sunder walked right up to him, almost pressing him to the wall— his horn just barely cleared the rough brick as he angled his head down. "Think you can help me out?" The kid stared at him, eyes slightly wide, and Sunder continued. "Now, I mean... I ain't selfish— not like I want you to suck me off while you gotta jerk off", but that sure was an appealing mental image, "you're hot yerself. But I gotta get off, man."
The kid stared at him for a second, eyes wide. Then he worked his mouth, nothing coming out until he managed a cracked "What?"
Sunder laughed and bent his knees slightly, almost bringing himself down to the kid's height. "You've done this before, yeah? Like, I didn't grab some fainting virgin, right?"
The kid shook his head, before realizing that was an ambiguous answer. "No, I mean, yeah I- I've done it before, but never—" he trailed off and stared at Sunder's chest, avoiding his eyes.
"Never with a guy?" Sunder said, and when that failed to elicit a response he flexed, showing off his bulging muscles. "Never with someone hot like me?" The kid blushed at that, but snuck glances at Sunder's heavy, round muscles out of the corner of his eye.
"Look," Sunder said, then leaned away from the kid, back against the manor wall in a matching pose. Arms at his sides, legs slightly spread, back pressing against the warm brick, cock already making a bulge in his shorts. "I could just jerk off right here, y'know? But if you wanna get off too— well, you could jerk off here too," Sunder licked his lips, showing off, then continued "I'd like to see that. But we could fuck, y'know, I'd like that." He glanced over at the kid. "And I'm pretty fuckin' sure you'd like that too." Sunder rolled his shoulders again, then settled back against the wall. "But whatever, fuck, I gotta get off and soon." He flicked open the button on his cutoffs, but resisted the urge to just rip them off and start jerking his cock.
The kid stared at Sunder for a half-second, then reached out to lightly touch Sunder's bicep. When Sunder didn't bite him (or whatever the fuck he was expecting) he sidled closer, reaching out with his other hand, feeling across Sunder's stomach, then more tentatively at the bulge of Sunder's cock. Sunder groaned and bucked his hips forward at his touch, and after a skittish jump backwards, looking up at him, the kid obligingly cupped more firmly around his cock.
"Pull 'em off, man, fuck," Sunder panted out, his hands pressed firmly against the wall behind him, palms gritty against the crumbling stone. His fingers twitched as he thought of cupping them around the kid's head, pulling his face against his cock.
The kid's fingers along his cock pulled him back to reality, where he'd tugged down the fly of Sunder's shorts and was groping the base of Sunder's cock. "Fuckin' pull 'em off!" Sunder repeated, again resisting the urge to just mash the kid's face against his cock, bucking his hips until he came all over the kid. But the kid pulled his shorts down, falling to his knees as he did so, and Sunder's half-hard cock sprung out in front of his face and bobbed in the warm air, his heavy balls hanging down between his thighs. His cock was halfway out, his shaft flushed a pale pink as more slowly pushed out, and Sunder agonized with every little internal contraction through the stiffening muscle of his shaft.
Fuck, it really had been a long time since he'd gotten off. The kid's tentative grasp on his cock, his fingers slipping and stroking along its length, sent little shocks through his body. He was already panting, his mouth hanging open as the kid looked up at him. His heavy dick jutted out almost level with his face. The kid's breath blew out warm across the flat head of his dick, and his cock twitched and then slowly drooled out a few fat drops of precome. But, infuriatingly, the kid sat back and ran his fingers across Sunder's inner thighs, then grasped hold of his dick and started to jerk him off with smooth, firm strokes.
Sunder snorted, mind somewhat lost in fantasy as the kid continued jerking off his hardening cock. He rubbed a calloused hand across his chest and tugged at his nipples as he watched the kid jerk him off, totally focused on his cock. Sunder snapped his hips forward on the downstroke, so the kid's fist would grind against his sheath and press back against his pubic bone, his fingers rubbing against his sheath as his cockhead almost collided with the kid's face. His balls swung back and forth, slapping against the kid's fingers as he stroked, his fingers doing some weird twisting squeeze at the base and the tip that made Sunder spasm involuntarily.
He was leaking precome at a faster rate and the kid's hands were already slippery with the stuff. His hands slid up and down Sunder's shaft with a slick wet sound, and the kid just stared at Sunder's dick like he wanted to memorize it. Or, fuck, maybe he wanted to suck him off, yawning his mouth open and letting Sunder choke him with his cock, sucking messily at his cock until he shot all over his face.
The kid's hands slowed down, pulling Sunder out of his reverie. He looked down just in time to catch the kid actually leaning forward, his breath moist against the side of his cock as his hands clenched against tufts of shaggy hair at the base of his dick. The rough, rasping sensation of his tongue against his shaft felt like a bolt of lightning, and every minute spasm felt like a miniature orgasm. He shot a slick strand of precome against the kid's neck as he lapped at the side of his cock, a thread of it hanging off his furry ear.
"Fuuuck," Sunder groaned out, low, as he continued licking his way down to the base of his shaft, "it's been way too long since I've gotten laid." The kid lapped down to the sweaty, slick base of his dick, sucking along the side of his shaft, and Sunder made some inarticulate grunting whinnying sounds.
The kid drew back up rapidly, his tongue rasping a path along the underside of Sunder's dick, and he reached the tip just in time to catch a splatter of precome across the face, webbing across his parted lips and hitting the bridge of his nose. He leaned forward, mouth wide open, but his first wet, sloppy tries at fitting the head of Sunder's cock into his mouth failed even as Sunder writhed and bucked above him. He drew back, mouth open, panting.
"I-it's probably too big for you," Sunder said, breathless, his voice rasping low, "but I'd love to see you try."
The kid made a noise at that, like he got off on requests, but he didn't really care to think about it when the kid dived down again, sucking and licking until he'd almost managed to fit the slick, leaking tip of his cock into his mouth. But still, at Sunder's first involuntary thrust, his mouth so tight and slick around his cock, he pulled back, coughing and spluttering.
"Fuck, kid. Y'don't gotta choke yourself tryin'," Sunder said, even as much as he wanted to see the kid choking and gasping, swallowing his cock. He pulled the kid up, pressing them together— he could feel the kid's cock rubbing against his own through his pants— as he leaned down to kiss. He tasted like Sunder, his mouth slippery with drool and precome, and it probably made him a little narcissistic to think that was the fuckin' hottest thing to taste on someone's mouth. The kid moaned against him and his tail thrashed about wildly as Sunder licked the inside of his mouth, wrestling against his rasping tongue.
Sunder pivoted around in a whirl as they kissed, slamming the kid back against the wall, and unbuckled his belt one-handed. The kid just looked shocked as Sunder dropped to his knees, the obscene bulge of his dick clearly evident down one leg of his pants. A large wet splotch was visible at the tip, but Sunder didn't really grasp how large it was until he pulled the kid's pants down to reveal it.
It bobbed in front of Sunder's face, almost as long as his own and looking obscenely oversized on the kid's skinny frame. He whinnied, surprised. It was a vivid red, with a sharply-pointed head that was lined with tiny stublike backwards-pointing barbs. He ran a finger across the head, curious, while above him the kid shuddered and hissed at the touch.
His cock was rasped, like his tongue, smooth in one direction and rough in the other. Still, as Sunder continued grasping his cock it dripped out droplets of slippery precome, letting his hands stroke along its length more smoothly. He looked up at the kid, who actually had his hands clasped over his eyes, his mouth wide open as he whimpered and hissed with each slight contact Sunder made with his dick.
Sunder bent down and tentatively took the head into his mouth, his horn poking against the kid's taut stomach. He tasted aggressively salty and bitter, heavy with some metallic, meaty flavor. It was kind of unpleasant, but that was sucking cock for you— and once the thing hit the back of your throat all you could taste was salt, anyway. The kid's hands fluttered down lightly to land on his shoulders, like he couldn't grasp on for fear he'd pull back.
The kid's first thrust took him by surprise, the spiky head pushing against the back of his throat, and unprepared, Sunder gagged and pulled off his cock, thick strands of precome tethering his slick lips with the kid's dick, only snapping when he sat back. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and glanced up at the kid, who looked, well, like he was about to come and the guy sucking him off had just pulled off. Dazed, with a layer of befuddled irritation under it.
Sunder lapped at the underside of his head and got another spurt of potent precome for his efforts, rich and heavy in the back of his mouth. He spread his hands against the kid's hips and pushed his ass flat against the wall as he knelt forward onto his dick to take the first few inches into his mouth. He bobbed back and forth as the kid writhed and moaned and tried ineffectually to shove his dick down his throat again. Still, Sunder sucked down lower, prepared for the sensation as the head of his dick pushed at the back of his throat.
The kid yowled above him, like an angry cat, and Sunder felt his cock pulse in his mouth just as the head slipped into his throat. The first thick blast of come hosed down his throat and Sunder pulled off in a rush, the now-flared spikes of his cockhead scraping across his throat and tongue. The kid blasted off again before he could get the bloated head out. His whole mouth was flooded with come, a pool of it already gathering in the back of his mouth. Thick strands drooled out the sides of his mouth when he opened up to finally get his cock out of his mouth, just in time to get another pungent blast of come to the face.
Sunder coughed, spluttered and spit. The kid jerked off his spurting cock, grunting and yowling as he kept coming, splattering across the back of Sunder's head and matting down his mohawk, strands of come landing across his ears and making Sunder twitch them irritably.
The kid eventually spent himself and the last few spurts came with his legs shuddering, his come coating his hand and dripping down across his knuckles. He sunk down, like his legs were giving out on him, until he was splayed out on the ground, face to face with Sunder. He looked somewhat chagrined as he caught sight of his face, coated with ropes of his come, slick and dripping slowly down his face.
Sunder smirked at him, and turned his head to spit out another gob of come onto the grass beside them, then wiped his hands across his face, picking up enough splattered come that it dripped off his fingertips. He turned back to the kid and grabbed his head, pulling him close with enough force they sprawled out backwards, the kid lying on top of Sunder. He kissed him hard, his come-slick tongue pressing against his teeth until the kid opened up, smearing his come all across the kid's face and weaving his hands through his long hair. The kid actually started sucking on his tongue, moaning softly, but eventually he pulled back, chest heaving.
The kid's dick twitched, half hard and only getting harder against Sunder's thigh, and he gave the slick, dripping length a stroke. "You just don't stop, huh?" His voice was rough and hoarse, and he coughed again and spit another thick gob of come into the grass.
The kid blushed, but didn't look particularly bashful when he said, "In, like, five minutes I'll be ready to go again."
Sunder felt the edges of his lips quirk up involuntarily. "Huh, you always so ready?"
The kid looked away, his blush rising further on his cheeks as he spoke. "I, uh, get hard all the time, even though I jerk off every time I can."
Sunder quirked an eyebrow up. "You came like that after jerking off a bunch today?" he said, and trailed a hand down between them, grabbing the kid's stiffening cock. "Know what they mean by 'flower of youth'," he said idly, rubbing his cock between them. "Or maybe you're secretly a horse," he said, and smirked down at the kid.
"Well," the kid said, trying to keep a flat expression as Sunder jerked him off, "you are a horse," he continued, ending in a gasp as he squirted out precome all across their bellies, slicking down Sunder's dick.
"You wanna see what it looks like when I come?" Sunder said, quiet and low, and the kid honestly shuddered, biting his lower lip.
"But I won't just show off for anyone," Sunder continued, staring at the kid, "you gotta work for your show," he said, grinding his cock against the kid's, both slick and dripping. Fuck, his cock was only a scant inch or two longer than the kid's, even if it was way thicker. The kid was hung.
He gripped the kid's shoulders and pushed him down, but the kid practically collapsed at his touch, anyway. His eyes were half-closed as he sunk down to face his cock. He tried, again, to fit the broad flat head of Sunder's cock into his mouth, this time sliding his slick hands up and down his shaft.
He almost managed it, too: the crown pushed past his lips and teeth, into the wet heat of his mouth, but a burst of precome from the tip made him pull back, mouth overflowing like he was drowning, still full after he swallowed a gulp of the slick fluid, spurting out around Sunder's dick and forcing its way through his sinuses and out his nose.
The kid coughed a few times and Sunder slapped him on the back until he settled down and tried to speak. "You really weren't kidding," he said, voice thick and nasal, his throat and nose still clogged with his precome. He coughed a few more times and blew his nose as he tried to get the stuff out of his mouth.
Sunder just smirked in response and guided the kid's face back to his cock. The kid stroked his cock a few times, not attempting to fit it in his mouth again, and eventually slid his hands down to the base, over the now completely matted-down hair on his stomach and down to his massive, heavy balls. He could just barely grasp around one with his hand, and he squeezed a little, the pressure sending weird but not entirely unpleasant signals to Sunder's brain.
Sunder's legs were spread around the kid's body, and he took advantage of that to slide his fingers— slick with his come and Sunder's precome and probably a good amount of their saliva— down the crack of Sunder's ass, to his asshole. He pushed his finger in, meeting almost no resistance. At the second, Sunder made a grunting whinny and his cock spurted out a splatter of precome all across their chests, fat ropes webbing back and forth between them and his cock.
"Fuck, kid," Sunder said, shoulders hunched forward and an arm covering his eyes, "fuck me later, c'mon, you got a nice cock but right now you gotta suck me off!" his voice took on a hint of pleading at the end: fuck, he really did have to come right now; it was getting increasingly hard to resist the urge to just jerk the fuck off no matter what the kid did.
The kid did have a nice dick— even at its relatively modest size, or at least modest to the guys who usually fucked him, it'd feel good in his ass. But that just made him think back to the last time he got fucked— two months ago, again, when the minotaur had caught him fucking his assistant. They'd ended up in a big fuckin' pile.
The kid's fingers pulled out of his ass and a half-second later his hands wrapped around the base of his shaft. He could feel the moist, hot breath against his dick just before the kid's lips made contact with the tip. The kid tried again to take his cock in, his mouth stretching jaw-breakingly wide around the head as he struggled to push the first inches into his mouth with a series of wet squelches.
This time, Sunder managed a "Gonna shoot," before a blast of precome flooded his mouth, and the kid managed to swallow most of it, the considerable rest leaking out around his dick in wet strands and running rivulets down his hard shaft. He lashed the rough, rasping edge of his tongue against Sunder's cockhead and the resultant stinging pleasure made him whimper and reflexively grasp for the kid, only to dig his fingers into the soft loam at his sides instead of just forcing him down on his cock.
With his eyes uncovered, though, he caught a flash of blue out of the corner of his eyes, and he had just enough time to mutter a sincere "Oh, fuck!" before Balio started yelling.
The kid's head snapped up as Sunder struggled his way into a sitting position, both of them thankfully managing extricate themselves without getting anything sensitive bitten off.
"Sunder!" Balio yelled again, sounding incredibly pissed as he stomped towards them.
"That's me," Sunder said as an aside to the kid, who looked like he was gonna bolt any second, then looked over at his brother and took a few hesitant steps towards him, super fucking aware that he was totally naked and rock hard, his cock bobbing gently in front of him like a perverse lead. His stomach and hips were coated to dripping with his precome, and the wet weight of the kid's come across his face felt incredibly thick and heavy, suddenly. "Um, h-hey bro?"
Balio growled at Sunder's words and pulled his lips up into a sneer, his brow heavy as he stomped towards Sunder. On further, abrupt reflection, he didn't think he'd seen Balio this angry in a long time.
As he got closer, Sunder was considering following the kid's lead and trying to stealthily creep away, but it was already far too late for that— Balio got within arm's reach and yanked Sunder towards him, shoving his chest with his other hand to send him spinning as he kicked his legs out from under him. He hit the ground painfully, flat on his back with one of Balio's broad hooves flat against his chest. His cock was still mostly hard, and the sight of droplets of precome dripping onto his hoof made Balio look, if anything, more pissed off.
"I can't fuckin' believe this!" Balio yelled, "Bad enough you run outta the damn meeting with that asshole, but it was just to go get your rocks off!" And then he looked over at the kid, who was clearly kind of terrified but also looking a little pissed off himself. "and with some local hick fag, too," he sneered, and the kid seriously looked about ready to throw down after that.
Sunder opened his mouth to say something, but Balio just clomped his hoof down on his chest, hard enough to bruise, driving all the air from his lungs. "I've tried to be gracious with your immature fucking sex games, but this really crosses the line!" Balio yelled, and Sunder couldn't respond because gasping for breath.
"You're a fuckin' slut, bro— so desperate you'd even let a guy suck you off!" Balio continued, and then Sunder was abruptly very glad he couldn't do anything aside from wheeze for breath, because otherwise he would have just laughed in his face.
There was absolutely no way Balio could be that clueless... was there? Sure, he fucked around with absolutely anyone he could catch and that probably wasn't the best way to do business, but there was absolutely no way Balio had noticed that and yet missed all the guys he stuck off with, too.
"You're getting so desperate for someone to dump your little load in that you'd probably let him fuck you, just as long as he bent over after," Balio said, with his little smirk that meant he thought that was a stinging blow.
In a surreal, ironically detached moment, he and the kid actually shared a look. That had pretty much been the plan, yeah, Sunder would have said, if he could actually talk at the moment and had absolutely no self-preservation.
But apparently Balio mistook his dumbstruck expression as something completely different from 'oh my god, he really has no clue', so he kept talking. "I mean it, bro!" he said, volume dropping slightly. "Keep it up and you'll end up bending over, desperate for any real men to fuck you!" and he actually said it like he was giving advice, holy shit. "You'd even let that scrawny fag fuck you, just to get someone's load in you!"
Sunder's laugh came out of a series of hacking coughs, thankfully. Holy shit, what the fuck, Balio was so much more straitlaced than he had ever suspected. And kind of dumb, too.
The kid looked pretty dumbstruck too, and his fear of Balio was pretty quickly getting overwhelmed by his anger. Sooo, that meant he was gonna have to do something before he tried to get into a fistfight with him or something and ended up with broken limbs.
Man, and it had been working up to such a nice finish before Balio found them. Oh well. Sunder struggled up into a sitting position, working against the weight of Balio's hoof on his chest. And, in fact, not only did that immediately get Balio's attention on him instead of on the kid, but Balio shifted his weight to keep his balance, and his hoof slid painfully down his body to press against his dick, his weight resting on his inner thigh.
"Look at you," Balio sneered, staring down at Sunder's still half-hard dick, mostly deflated by now. "Still hard, looking to fuck. You oughtta just bend over and open up your slutty, baggy cunt and let that fag fuck you," he said, jerking his head over to look at the kid, still glaring at Balio.
"Don't get all bitchy," Balio called over to him, apparently under the impression that he was reading body language instead of monologuing like a sociopath. "I know you're after a real man's cock to swing around," he said, punctuating by grabbing at the crotch of his shorts and cupping the heavy bulge of his cock, "but all you're gonna get is a faggy bitch like him." Balio kicked against Sunder's stomach, not very hard but none too gently, either.
"So spread your legs, bro," Balio said, and scowled down at him. "It's time to teach you a lesson. Hey, fag," he said, looking over at the kid, "get over here."
Again, Sunder shared an incredulous look with the kid. He couldn't resist rolling his eyes and grinning a little now that Balio's attention was solidly fixed on the kid, but... man.
Like, he'd known Balio was fucked up, because there was no one anyone could just talk to him for a few minutes and not come away with that realization, but this was kind of on another level entirely. But what the fuck, this was bordering on psychopathy.
But really he didn't care that much if Balio, like, got off on watching dudes fuck and being horrified by their depravity, or whatever. He'd definitely done kinkier things than voyeurism. It was almost cute, in a fucked-up way, that Balio thought he was forcing them to fuck... or whatever he thought he was doing in his fucked-up brain.
Still, he wasn't going to take Balio's fucked-up intrusion into his sex life lying down, so while Balio was practically growling at the kid to step over and fuck his ass he reached up and yanked Balio's leg sideways. Balio was way too good at fighting to just topple over, sadly, but it did give Sunder enough time to get to his knees and spring at him.
They went head-over-heels in a tussle. Balio was violent about everything, and actual violence was no exception. Balio'd always been way better at fighting than him, and who would win in any fight between the two was a foregone conclusion no matter how many advantages Sunder had.
In this fight, though, Sunder was buck-naked with his cock flopping all around, and didn't really care that much about winning after all. He just wanted Balio to know he wasn't a pushover. So it wasn't long before he was pinned down with his hands pinned above his head, Balio's heavy legs weighing him down— yeah, he was pretty sure he'd lost. And, fuck, he'd been a little hard through the entire fight, and now that he was pinned down and immobile his body was reacting like, well, it was anticipating what usually happened after he'd been pinned down. Balio noticed and pulled back with a look of disgust, but not before he could feel Balio's own cock, half-hard in his shorts.
Balio sneered down at him, and this time Sunder didn't try to move even though Balio apparently couldn't stand to touch him, that was how disgusting he was. "Fuck, bro— you're such a slut whore anything'll get you off," he finally said, but his voice trembled a fraction as he stared at him sprawled out, his cock slowly dripping precome across his stomach.
Balio leaned forward just enough to grab at his wrists and yank him up, then he pinned his hands behind his back with one hand and grabbed his horn with the other, all in a fraction of a second before Sunder could really react. He pushed him down into a kneeling position.
"Lick it off!" he demanded, and it took Sunder a half-second to realize he meant the smear of precome he'd left on his hoof. Sunder obligingly pressed his tongue against Balio's hoof, smelling of grass and dirt, and pulled back with it wet and glistening in a flat smear. "Here too," he demanded, and pulled Sunder up to his chest, where a scattering of tiny droplets were splashed across his stomach. Sunder's cock lengthened more as he licked at Balio's skin, his tongue coming back tasting like horse musk.
Balio stared down at him, sneering. He pulled at his horn, steering his head to tongue across his muscled stomach. He growled, his breath hitching more and more overtly as Sunder lapped at his stomach, just above the waist of his shorts. He stepped backward abruptly and Sunder fell forward, his chest crashing against Balio's hips. Balio pushed his head to one side so he didn't gore him, his muzzle flat against the rumpled hair on his stomach, then twisted his shoulders to make Sunder stumble, spreading his legs wider and bringing them closer to him.
Balio tossed his head to point at Sunder's ass as he stared at the kid. "Fuck him."
Sunder heard the kid move around, maybe shuffling uneasily. "Um," he said.
"No, don't worry," Balio said, sounding anything but sincere. "Fuck him hard," his lip curling up in what was almost a sneer, "He'll like it." He spread his legs wider and jerked Sunder's head towards him. Sunder stumbled, off-balance, and shifted, spreading his legs wide.
Sunder could see the kid now, standing beside him and a little behind, blushing red but with his cock still half-hard and ticking upwards slowly, despite everything.
The kid's nervous gaze finally met his, and lacking anything else to do he winked at him with his one visible eye. "Seriously, c'mon!" he said, and with that Balio shifted a little above him, probably looking down with surprised disgust or something. The kid perked up a little at his voice, though he (like any reasonable person) still looked a little nervous around Balio.
He moved closer to Sunder, his cock hard and red against his chest. Sunder flicked his tail out of the way, and so the kid just knelt down behind him and pressed forward, sinking the first few inches of his cock into his ass.
Sunder let out a surprised whinny and bucked forward, butting against Balio's stomach. Balio kept his hold on his shoulders and arms, though, like he thought he'd try to get away if he let go.
The kid pushed in deeper, sinking most of his cock inside him. Fuck, yeah, it had been way too long since he'd last gotten fucked, although he definitely could have gone without Balio leering down at him. He could feel Balio's cock, half-hard in his shorts as he watched, slowly lengthen, pressing hard and hot against the side of his face.
Balio sneered down at him, but Sunder could feel his heart race as the kid started thrusting into him. The kid's pointed spikes on the kid's cock dragged weirdly against his ass, and he didn't fully realize his cock was hard again and spurting precome until he heard Balio's cry of disgust as he shot across his legs and hooves.
Sunder clenched his ass and pulled his legs around the kid, giving him better leverage to thrust, and he picked up his pace, really hammering his cock into him, slamming his hips against his ass with each thrust. Balio made another low sound of disgust, but his trapped cock pressed hard against his cheek, the faded denim of his shorts damp as Balio's cock dripped out precome.
The kids thrusts rocked him back and forth a little, enough that his head slid back and forth across Balio's stiffening cock. Balio's fingers, clenched tight across his shoulders, were trembling and slick with sweat as he watched them fuck.
The kid didn't last long; Sunder figured the only reason he lasted as long as he did in the first place was because Balio was terrifying. He came with an actual yowl as he shot streamers of come into Sunder's ass, his hips still pistoning back and forth as he came, with his hands clenching around his muscled hips.
Sunder moaned and perversely enjoyed seeing Balio's coat rise up in goosebumps as his warm breath curled across his thigh. Balio rocked his hips back with a sound like a whimper and ground his cock against his head, his cockhead flared through his shorts as he humped his cock against Sunder's scalp, his shorts practically dripping as he shot out precome, almost in counterpoint to the kid still shooting up his ass, his thrusts jerky and uncoordinated as he panted.
"Huh, that's it, yeah?" Balio grunted out, really starting to fuck his confined cock against Sunder's face. "You're such a slut," he said, punctuating his statement by popping the button on his jeans. Sunder glanced up at Balio; his grasp had gone slack as he started to focus on grinding his dick against his face. Balio was panting, his chest heaving and his face flushed as he stared down at Sunder with his eyes wide and rolling, like he was angry or terrified.
"Kid," Balio said, like he just realized the kid was still there. "Hang around and I'll show you what it's like when a real man fucks you, huh?" he said, punctuated by several loud huffs, each one matched with a wet pulse of precome from his cock, drooling and smearing so that it actually started to seep through the fabric of his shorts. "Buzz off," he said, and snarled at the kid.
The kid pulled out, the final spurts of his orgasm splattering across Sunder's ass and tail, and he wanted to say something like "hey, maybe next time we could meet up without my psycho brother?", but there wasn't really time. The kid hiked up his pants, which were spotted with precome and grass stains, and pretty much booked it away. Kinda sad too, since having someone to fuck around with in this backwater would make visits a lot more tolerable. Although he wouldn't be surprised if the kid stuck around and watched, what with the way things were developing.
Balio moved his hand over with a spasmodic jerk, tracing it across the side of Sunder's face for a fraction of a second before tugging the zipper down halfway. His shaggy pubic hair was sweaty and matted with precome and the base of his cock practically bulged outwards, out of the confines of his shorts. Sunder could smell it, the sweaty horse smell mixed with the pungent reek of precome. Balio jerked his hips back and forth, practically slamming his cock against Sunder's head as the zipper clicked open slowly, the sheer pressure of his cock against the inside of it enough to drive the tab down.
Balio's sheath bulged out more and more as the zipper ticked down, sliding wetly against the side of Sunder's face, until with a final jolt the zipper slipped full open and his cock surged out abruptly, his dark shaft slapping across the side of Sunder's face and leaving behind a smear of precome.
Balio snorted and bellowed just from that, and a thick jolt of precome lanced from the tip of his dick and splattered down across Sunder's back. He moaned and thrust back and forth, grinding his stiff dick back and forth against Sunder's cheek and face, matting down his coat.
Sunder could tell Balio was staring down at him a second before he spoke. "C'mon, bro," Balio started, hand slipping from around Sunder's muzzle. "You're such a slut, huh? Can't go anywhere without needing to get fucked." He snorted again and clamped Sunder's head tight against his stomach, releasing Sunder's arm for a second to tug at his cock, pulling his shorts down to finally free his heavy balls.
"I should get the rest of the fucking town here, line all of 'em up to take a turn with you," Balio stroked his cock in front of Sunder's face, streaking precome across his muzzle. "But we gotta move." Balio rubbed his hands across his face, his fingers curling against his lips and clutching hard against his skull. He actually pulled his lips back, and Sunder snarled, his ears flattening back.
Balio pressed one of his thumbs flat against his broad teeth, and Sunder could dimly taste its grassy-precome flavor as he smeared it across his teeth. "Open yer fuckin' mouth," Balio said, staring down at him.
Sunder rolled his eyes, but thankfully Balio was too focused on his mouth to notice. This whole thing was just so bizarre. Balio was such a wound-up closet case; he probably thought this was foreplay. It wasn't even that he really minded, conceptually, sucking off his big brother. It was more that Balio was such a controlling psycho, and Sunder... tried to avoid fucking crazy people. He'd done a lot of things more kinky than incest, too, but it just plain wasn't fun to have sex with someone who was completely nuts.
So he opened his mouth a little, and his lips parted around Balio's fingers with a wet sound that made Balio's cock thump against his neck. Balio looked lightning-struck, his attention focused so narrowly on his cock and Sunder's mouth.
He slid his hips back and forth for a moment, his mouth hanging open as he stared down, then finally pulled back. His cock skidded across Sunder's face until the head lined up with his mouth, bobbing right in front of him. Balio thrust forward jerkily and pushed the first few inches of his cock into Sunder's mouth.
Sunder sealed his lips around his cock almost automatically; when he swiped his tongue wetly across the bottom of Balio's cock it was a little more intentional. It was probably perverse that he thought Balio tasted good, tasted like him only with a heavier tang, something bitter and heavy in the back of his mouth. He wondered dimly if Balio would freak out if he started jerking off. Balio's hold on his arms was half-hearted at best, but it would probably be better not to chance it.
Balio groaned again and started thrusting back and forth, driving his cock deeper into his mouth. He just stared down at him, and Sunder avoided looking up as he sucked on his cock. Balio grunted and neighed, then grabbed his head with both hands and pulled him down his cock, forcing him to take it into his throat, plunging most of his cock into his throat with a single thrust. Sunder took it easily with a wet slurp, a thick mixture of precome and drool slipping from his mouth as he sucked around the base.
Balio kept one hand on his horn, keeping his head angled so he didn't gore him as he forced him back and forth along his cock. More thick precome squirted down his throat and drooled thickly out of his mouth; Balio was practically pissing out precome in thick streams. He forced him down to the base again with a thick wet sound from his open mouth, and he groaned again and spurted far more than a mouthful of precome straight down his throat.
He pulled off abruptly, his entire dark cock emerging in a stringy wet gush. Thick threads of precome webbed back and forth between Sunder's gaping mouth and Balio's thick shaft, and more kept dripping from his cock, weighing down the lines until they snapped.
Sunder just focused on coughing and breathing, but after a long moment he realized Balio was just standing there immobile, staring down at him.
"Lie back," Balio said after an even longer silence, and his voice was like nothing Sunder had ever heard before. "I'll show you how a real man fucks," he said with a snarl, and stroked his cock angrily, splattering Sunder's head with ropes of his precome, more dripping across his neck and slowly winding its way down his spiraled horn.
Sunder wondered if Balio was surprised when he did lie back without a fuss. He'd been looking forward to letting the kid fuck him, all slow and virginal, so if Balio was going to ruin that then he might as well see just what Balio's neuroses were gonna make him do now. Balio looked more than a little spooked to see him fully hard, his cock huge and pink and dripping across his chest as he sprawled out on the grass.
"You're—" Balio started, grabbing his fetlocks and spreading his legs violently. "Such a little slut. Look at you, begging for my huge cock," he said, ignoring that their cocks were pretty much the exact same size.
He thrust up between Sunder's legs, fucking his cock along Sunder's length, and seemed even more disturbed when Sunder neighed and arched up, grinding their cocks together. Balio's grip on his ankles tightened, at least, and he pulled back until the flat head of his cock was pressed against Sunder's ass.
"I'm gonna make you take it like the bitch you are, bro," Balio growled, and thrust into his savagely, hilting his entire cock in him with one long thrust. Sunder just groaned as Balio thrust the final inches of his cock into him, until his heavy balls were pressed up against his asscheeks. His cock spurted precome against his chest in a few messy strings and matted down his coat, darkening it from tan to brown.
Balio's sneer trembled on his face as he looked down at him, almost pulling back into a snarl or maybe an expression of fright. He still pulled back and thrust into him again, slamming his cock into him with the full force of his muscled body.
"Look at you, slut. Taking my dick like a whore!" he snarled, punctuating each statement with a thrust, pounding into Sunder's ass with his hands clutched bruisingly-hard around his hips. He pulled the entire length of his cock out and slammed back into him several times as an angry snarl grew in his throat.
Sunder was panting for breath as Balio fucked him; his cock was dripping and spurting against his chest with each rough thrust, and he dug his hands into the loamy grass like he was grabbing for a handhold. His stubby fingers clawed down to the dirt as Balio thrust into him again, practically roaring.
"I'm not doing this 'cause I want to!" Balio yelled, still thrusting into Sunder, hard enough to make his entire body shudder. His coat was dark with sweat and his hair was drooping forward, almost curling around his brow. "I'm teaching you a lesson. Look at you, taking it like a bitch! This is what you get, bro, when you slut around!" His voice steadily grew in volume, until it was an unintelligible yell. Balio snarled and spit, dragging his hands across Sunder's body like he was clawing him open, his blunt fingernails only parting his sweaty coat.
Sunder interrupted Balio's rant with a bellow. His panting breaths had rapidly shifted into loud cries. He came abruptly, shooting out thick ropes of come. The first few arced right over his body, to splatter on the ground past his head. Further shots landed on his face and chest, one splattering right into his open, panting mouth. Sunder swallowed, the thick, salty fluid sticking to the back of his throat.
Balio seemed frozen in place, eyes locked firmly onto Sunder's shooting cock, his violent thrusting halted as Sunder writhed and shuddered in the throes of his orgasm. His ass clenched down, but his forceful shudders slid him around Balio's cock, driving it deeper into him.
Balio opened his mouth to say something, but a loud groan broke forth as Sunder's asshole constricted around his cock. He thrust into Sunder, forcing the rest of his cock into Sunder's overstuffed ass. Balio's cock twitched, spasmed, then let loose, his come shooting into Sunder's guts. Sunder groaned, the sound wet and muffled by his come across his tongue and pooling in the back of his mouth; his cock shot out a few more thick bursts of come against his chest as Balio began unloading inside him.
Sunder's orgasm died down, his cock still leaking out thick come against his chest as Balio's hit its peak. Forceful shots of come blasted into Sunder as Balio kept coming, trembling with tension as he started violently hammering his cock, the thick shaft coming out of Sunder's ass coated and dripping with his seed. Balio stumbled backwards and grasped the base of his cock to pull it out of Sunder, still spewing thick bursts of come that splashed against Sunder's stretched-out asshole and balls, some splattering against the base of his cock.
Both their cocks dripped out thin strands of come, Sunder's over his muscled stomach and Balio onto the grassy ground, but when Sunder moved to stand up he discovered the full extent of his dishevelment. His entire body from the waist up was covered with splashes of come, matting down his mohawk and dripping into his eyes. His thick come began slowly sliding down his body, trailing over his stomach to coat his legs as well. Balio's come was slowly seeping from his ass, thick trails of it already winding down the back of Sunder's thighs, between thick spikes of matted-down, sweaty fur.
Balio gaped, wavering on his feet as he stood up, but then his expression slammed shut and and he stumbled backwards, looking pissed off. He turned and practically fled, trying to stuff his still-hard and dripping cock back into his shorts as he went.
"B-bro! Wait up!" Sunder yelled, casting about wildly for his own clothing. His shorts were on the grassy ground, but probably more important than that were the bits of armor that had been haphazardly removed and strewn about the clearing.
Balio vanished around the manor wall while Sunder was hopping around, trying to pull his shorts back up. They were tacky with sweat and come, and they stuck to his coat as he tried to pull them up. He was still hard, too, and his cock swung wildly as he tried to grab everything he'd been wearing.
He eventually managed to at least stuff his cock back into his shorts, painfully, and pick everything up, in a heap that jangled in his arms every time he moved. He tried not to drop anything as he dashed after Balio; fuck, his brother was so fucked up.
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