Ambush | By : Soliloquy Category: +S through Z > World of Warcraft Views: 12388 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own World of Warcraft, and I do not make any money from these writings. |
Author's note: I left this ending open for a reason. I plan to bring it together with another story I've written. But it's still a piece in its own right. -------------------------------------------------
Ellie steered her talbuk through the dark forests of Duskwood. Her thoughts were preoccupied with the event in Dire Maul a few days back. Business had taken her away from the hunter and his pet, but he had sent word for her to meet with him once more, this time by the doors of Karazhan. Against her better judgment, the priestess decided to take a shortcut through the sparse wood. The zeppelin to Grom’gol had been delayed and she was already running late. She scowled as she forced the talbuk to pick up its pace. The area was notorious for its rabid and wild animals. It was certainly not wise to veer from the main road. But she threw caution to the wind as she pressed on to meet Relyn. She leaned forward, running her hand across the talbuk’s neck. “Just a little bit more. I promise rest once we get there,” She seemed to coo at the animal as they weaved in and out of the trees, heading towards Deadwind Pass. The animal grunted in response, continuing on at his mistress’s request. Ellie smiled. Already she felt her body start to light up in arousal at the thought of seeing the hunter again. She inhaled deeply, shutting her eyes momentarily and getting lost in the thought of him. Her slow exhale was abruptly cut short as she heard the talbuk cry out. The ride came to a sudden stop and Ellie lurched forward, coming off the steed and tumbling onto the grass in front of her. She winced in pain, but her attention became focused on the scene in front of her. She spotted the cause of the accident: two rabid worgen. They had sprung upon the talbuk and injured it. Slowly they began to move closer to it and her. She clenched her jaw and forced herself to her feet. From several yards away, the Kaldorei’s ears perked. He had heard the footfalls of a mount, scrambling through the woods earlier, but the animal’s cry is what grabbed his attention. Within seconds, his body was transformed into a swift cat-like being as the druid raced towards the noise. His golden eyes widened as he came upon the sight. He saw the injured talbuk, but his attention was focused on the Sin’dorei priestess. Her robes were dirty and somewhat torn from what seemed to be a fall. At her feet lay the corpses of two worgen. He quirked a brow; she was powerful enough to take on the two rabid beasts. The druid watched while she tended to the injured steed, the light infusing her hands as she healed the animal’s wounds. Ellie was exhausted and drained. The fight had taken a lot out of her, not to mention the healing it took to get her talbuk back to proper health. She brought a hand to her head, steadying herself. She frowned. Not only was she late, but she was in a terrible state. An exasperated sigh escaped her lips and then her ears perked to a noise. Her head turned sharply, staring at the bushes where the Kaldorei lurked. He swiftly shifted back to his elven form. A slow smirk formed on his lips as he watched the priestess. He could sense her weakness after the fight, but something else lingered within her. His smirk turned to a dark grin as he focused on it: her heat. It was slight, but present, nestled underneath her exasperation and frustration. He moved out of the greenery towards her. If Ellie was startled, she didn’t show it, as her eyes focused on the being that had just come out of the undergrowth. She scanned his tall, lean form: a night elf. Her body remained still and a sense of apprehension overtook her. Enervated as she was, she still gave the impression that she was ready to put up a fight if needed. He walked towards her slowly, keeping his arms at his side. His approach was one of curiosity as his eyes looked from her, to the talbuk and down to the bodies of the two worgen. His golden gaze snapped back up at hers and he smiled. The priestess watched him, still not moving. The Kaldorei moved closer to her. He seemed to tower over her and her breathing quickened somewhat. What could she do? She was drained from the earlier chaos. What if this elf attacked? Her façade faltered somewhat as she furrowed her brow, her mind racing to try and find a solution. The druid moved closer to her still. His eyes scanned her form. He noticed how her robes hugged her unusually curvy figure. The blood elf was not slender like the ones he had come across. She seemed fuller, more supple. He sniffed the air around her and smirked once more. This time, Ellie did move. She stepped back as she felt the night elf’s eyes on her. Her hand went for the dagger by her side, even though her skill at melee was sub par. The druid tilted his head to the side, his eyes still on her. He shook his head at her as he saw her hand go for her dagger. Her body was rigid as she gripped the hilt. But before she could unsheathe it, the Kaldorei had gripped her small wrist and pulled her towards him. She gasped audibly as her body was yanked towards the night elf. His other hand came across and down, tearing the dagger from her and tossing it aside. “What are you doing here little one?” His voice was deep and Ellie was somewhat taken aback at his fluency in Thalassian. She parted her lips to speak, but the words seemed to take a few moments before they materialized. “It is none of your concern, Kaldorei.” Her voice was haughty and laced with authority. He smirked at her again. “Oh, but it is my concern, priestess. You’re wandering very close to an Alliance town. With all due respect, I could easily kill you now and no one would question it.” Her eyes turned dark as she glared up at him. “But the fact that you haven’t yet, means you know my rank within the Horde, or you have an ulterior motive.” She tried to keep her voice calm as she spoke through a clenched jaw. Her annoyance had reached new heights. She had already been running late, but to add the worgen attack and now the night elf to the mix, she would be lucky to reach Deadwind Pass before the sun set. The druid’s eyes moved over her once more, consuming her form. He could sense her irritation but still he perceived her arousal. She felt herself blush under his stare and looked down, flustered. “You are weak, priestess. I normally prefer to prey on something that will put up a fight.” His eyes seemed to bore into her. She snapped her focus back up at him and pulled her wrist out of his grasp. “Leave now, Kaldorei. Before you rue any subsequent actions you take.” Her voice was brusque as she moved back. He growled as he felt her wrist jerk from his grasp. “This isn’t some aristocratic dwelling you’ve stumbled onto, priestess,” his deep voice rumbled the words, “You are out in the wild. And while you may have defeated the worgen, you will not be so lucky with me.” Before she could open her mouth to protest, the druid shoved her back and she stumbled onto the floor. She glowered at him, hissing. “Oh, I’m not done with you yet, filly. I’ve seen your kind around Dalaran. The arrogance is astounding at the best of times. Besides,” He crouched down to hover over her, his position more feral than elvan. He dragged his nose up from her waist, over her full breasts and into her neck as he sniffed her. “The heat on you is stifling. It would be a shame to let it go to waste.” Her eyes widened and she blushed fiercely, bringing a hand up to clout him across the head. He snarled at her. One hand grabbed both her wrists and pulled her up with him as he stood. He dragged her to a nearby tree and turned her to face it. She writhed, trying to get out of his grasp but his strength and stature overpowered her easily, regardless of her weakness. “I’ll have you killed!” She seethed as she felt him force her body against the bark of the tree. He chuckled lightly. “Oh, I don’t know about that, priestess. After this you might have me sought out again, but not to be slain.” She heard him mumble a small incantation and suddenly, she felt her wrists being rooted to the tree, at shoulder height. Green vines entwined around them as she struggled to break free. His hand moved from her wrists to the back of her neck, fingers hooking onto her robe. “Now let’s see if my instincts were correct, hmm?” he pondered and with a swift pull, he tore the robe from her effortlessly. She gasped loud, feeling the cool air hit her exposed skin. His finger trailed down her back, stopping just above her rear. “And indeed they were.” He remarked as his eyes moved over her bare ass. “No panties. Less to tear off, I suppose. Unless, of course, you were heading somewhere where they weren’t necessary.” She writhed, still trying to break free from the binds. “Oh, I see.” He mused, “That’s what the heat was.” He chuckled, his large hand gripping her ass with ease and squeezing. She shut her eyes, her cheeks still flushed with colour as she fought the encroaching arousal that the night elf instilled in her. “Well I’m sure whoever you’re going to meet won’t mind me having a taste of this first.” He brought his other hand down, placing both on her hips and pulling them towards him, forcing her legs to spread. One hand moved over the curve of her ass and delved in between her legs. His fingers pressed against her heated sex, as two of them ploughed into her slit. She cried out as she felt him penetrate her. “No!” She shouted, but her body betrayed her. Her pussy wrapped snug around the Kaldorei’s two solid fingers and he grinned at her moisture. “No? But priestess, your body is telling me yes.” He leaned over her, his face next near her ear. “Two fingers and you’re stretched snug around me. This is going to be tight indeed.” He purred, pressing his digits further into her. She bit her bottom lip, still trying to pull herself out of the roots that bound her to the tree. Her body was tired from the earlier fight. The forbidden pleasure of the encounter began to accost her senses as he continued to dig his fingers deep inside her. She shook her head furiously in protest. “He’ll kill you, if I don’t get a chance to.” She seethed at him. The druid chuckled once more. “He’ll have to find me in order to do that.” He pulled his fingers out of her quim, bringing them to his mouth and licking her juices off. “Oh you are ripe indeed, priestess.” His golden eyes seemed to glaze over as he allowed his own arousal to occupy him. He pressed his chest against her back, both hands falling down to her hips once more. His grip was strong, fingers digging into her pale skin. She winced at the pain, and then realized the night elf had pierced her skin. But his fingers were no longer flesh. Claws gripped at her hips and suddenly she felt the furry softness of him pressing against her. She turned her head back, catching a glimpse of his new shape, the dark cat behind her. The druid nuzzled her neck, purring low as his hips bucked against her. She felt his shaft press against her sodden folds as she bit her bottom lip. He pivoted his hips, forcing his cockhead through at first. Ellie let out a small cry, not used to the size. “No… please, no…” She pleaded with him as she continued in vain to try to break from the bindings. The claws dug in deeper. “Oh this is tight,” the low rumbled voice said. The cat’s rough tongue came out, lapping at the priestess’s neck. “I’m not going to lie. This is going to hurt.” An almost malevolent grin painted the druid’s feline face as his hips thrust forward fully and without warning. A strident shriek escaped her lips as she felt his entire length ram into her. The pain flooded her senses as her pussy stretched taut around his rigid flesh. She dug her fingernails into the palms of her hands, almost breaking the skin as the druid began thrusting into her. He wasn’t gentle. His stoked arousal would not permit it. His claws kept their grasp on her hips as he pummeled into her. She bit her bottom lip, feeling him completely withdraw, only to force himself back into her tight hole. The pain seared from her very core, and she hung her head forward, trying to let her body relax in hopes of making the experience less excruciating. The beast grunted, his hot breath spilling onto the priestess’s neck. With every thrust in, he forced a cry from her. But as her pussy began to get used to the exceptional girth and length, she began to feel little jolts of pleasure emanate from the crux of her. Her cries turned to moans as the cat continued to pound into her, ramming at such great speed. He sunk his teeth into her bare shoulder, once again puncturing her skin. She whimpered loudly, but the pain didn’t seem to deter her from the pleasure. “How did I know you’d like this?” He growled, his breath jagged as he continued to fuck the priestess. She moaned in response, her body weak and pliant to his assault. “I always wondered what a Sin’dorei pussy would feel like.” His bucks became fierce, his animal body tensing. Ellie felt almost ethereal, her body accepting each thrust from the cat fully. She pushed herself back against him as she felt the undeniable climax looming. The druid felt her body constrict and he lapped at the wound on her shoulder, sensing her impending release. The priestess let out a scream of pleasure as the orgasm ploughed into her. Her body writhed, still bound to the tree. The druid continued his relentless assault on her and soon followed her release with his own, letting out a roar as his shaft erupted inside her. Ellie trembled, her pale skin flushed with afterglow as she felt his hot seed blast against her walls. Her walls constricted around his cock, milking every last drop from it. The cat grumbled low, gnawing at her shoulder and shivering with satisfaction. After a few minutes, he slowly pulled himself out of the priestess’s sopping cunt. She let out a moan as she felt him withdraw, and their combined juices start to ooze from her. Relyn had made his way through Deadwind Pass and into Duskwood at a swift pace. He had travelled from Karazhan in search of the priestess, slightly angered at her tardiness, yet also somewhat worried. He trekked through the dark forests of Duskwood looking for any sign of her and was about to give up until he heard the screams coming from the east of him. The Sin’dorei hunter turned his head sharply as he veered off the main road. Had he heard the noise correctly? He forced his steed into a hurried gallop, making his way towards the sounds. He dismounted quickly and pressed through the brush, his eyes widening at the scene before him. He could see Ellie, naked and bound to the tree. Blood seeped from her hips and shoulder. Relyn’s eyes glared at the beast on top of her. He readied his bow, taking careful aim. The druid heard the slight footsteps and turned his head. He growled when he saw the Sin’dorei with the set bow. He hastily got off the priestess and darted away into the underbrush, sprinting away from the scene. The arrow pierced through the air and landed on the bark of the tree, dangerously close to Ellie. She gasped, looking back, her eyes meeting the cold glare of the hunter. He observed her, silent for a moment, his arms dropping to his side. His eyes roamed over her prone form. “Looks like you’ve gotten yourself in quite the predicament, priestess,” he said rather dryly. “I thought you had forgotten about our little meeting.” She struggled against the binds. “Don’t just stand there. Cut me loose.” She commanded. He smirked lightly. “I hardly think you’re in any position to give orders, Ambassador.” He placed his bow on the ground and took a few steps towards her. “I see now why you were detained.” He removed his gauntlets and ran his hand over her wounded hips. “That druid,” she hissed, “I was coming to meet you when I was attacked by rabid worgen. He came along and took advantage of my weakened state. Now please,” she forced the final word out, “Cut me loose.” The hunter smirked once more. “Took advantage? Yes. I can see that. His seed is oozing from you.” The hunter tilted his head to the side, “But I know you well enough to know you enjoyed it. Your skin still holds the colour of your climax.” He slapped her hip hard, causing her to wince at the pain. “Just release me from this.” She said through gritted teeth. His hand moved from her hip to her ebon hair, grabbing a fistful and yanking it back. “Not yet.” He said as his other hand began to unlatch his mail leggings. His eyes roamed down her back and over her lush rear. “Looks like he left your ass for me.” He slipped his hand into his leggings and pulled himself out. His cock was already rigid, it had been from the moment he set eyes on her with the druid. He pressed it against her ass, nestling it between her cheeks. “Relyn, please… now is not the time!” She implored him, her wrists aching. “Oh? I beg to differ, priestess. I believe now is the perfect time for this.” He growled at her and pressed the head of his shaft against her tight puckered hole. With one swift thrust, he embedded his full length deep into her ass. She let out a loud cry, not expecting the suddenness of his actions. “I guess I should have warned you. But what would be the fun in that?” He smirked, and then let out a groan. “So tight… I was intending on this happening today, I suppose the only thing that’s different is the venue.” He began to press deep into her and she clawed at the bark of the tree, whimpering and moaning as his dry thrusts sent shocks of pain throughout her body. He continued to clutch her hair, jerking her head back mercilessly. He leaned over her form, his mouth close to her ear as he bit into the lobe harshly. “I’m not fond of sharing my things,” He said through jagged breaths. “Especially the ones I hold so dear to me,” He bucked his hips in sharply, grunting in pleasure. Ellie bit her bottom lip, her eyelids fluttered as she began to get used to the pounding. She felt herself get wetter and wetter with each stroke in. The hunter’s other hand slid from her hips, to her stomach and down between her legs. “Such a dirty mess down here,” he chided her, “And I do believe you are enjoying this as well.” He pressed down on her slippery clit, rubbing it roughly as he continued to pound into her. The priestess moaned as she began to press back against his pummeling. “Mmm… good girl. Let that inner whore out…” he cooed. She shut her eyes, as she felt the swell of pleasure start to take her over. He rubbed her clit obstinately, tenacious in his assault on her ass. Ellie could feel the pleasure start to peak and she knew she was in for yet another release. The hunter felt her body tense and knew full well she was ready. His pace quickened, his rigid cock sliding in and out of her tight hole as quick as lightning. He pinched her nub and then pressed his fingers against it. Ellie’s body went taut then she let out a shrill cry as the climax hit her once more. A series of moans and whimpers fell from her lips and her body was once again alight with the delicious agony of release. The hunter grinned against her neck, panting and then letting out a loud groan as he erupted deep inside her ass. He continued to thrust in and out of her, at a slower pace, until finally he stopped. He rested his cheek on her back as they both breathed heavily and somewhat in sync. A few moments passed as a slight breeze fell upon them. The hunter slowly pulled himself out of her and stepped back to admire the view. “Quite the sight, there, Ambassador,” Relyn said mockingly, watching as his cum dripped out of her. She was still leaking from the druid as the fluids seemed to mingle and trickle down her inner thigh, pooling on the grass below her. She looked back at him with a slight glare. “Are you going to cut me free already?” she asked. Her body was spent, and she felt drained and weak. “Of course. If I left you here, who knows what animal might come along and have his wicked way with you,” He snickered as he tucked himself back into his leggings and withdrew a small dagger from his bags. He moved closer to Ellie, deftly slicing through the roots that bound her to the tree. She rubbed her wrists as they fell free, as a sense of relief fell over her. She went towards her bags, rummaging through them for some clothing. The hunter stood, idly watching her intently. His eyes drank in her luscious form. “I will get him next time, you know,” He nodded at her, in reference to the druid. She shrugged lightly. “I hope you do,” She replied, somewhat indifferent. Ellie found an old robe and placed it over her head, letting it fall over her body. The hunter moved closer to her, his arms wrapping around her waist from behind. “But first, my little treasure, I have a proposition for you.” He purred in her ear.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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