Love and Tragedy | By : ThirstyLizard Category: +S through Z > World of Warcraft Views: 5310 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own this story. I do not own World of Warcraft. The lore, game, and all characters within belong to Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. I make no money off this story. |
I do not own World of Warcraft The lore, game, and all characters within belong to Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. and I make no money off this story.
Rohan watched in the distance as the Silithid hives were buzzing with activity. He turned and looked at his companion, a night elf by the name of Dawn. Shorter than the average night elf, she came up to his chin. She had silver hair to match her eyes of the same color. She was his ally, his friend, and, his wife. He then looked at himself, nearly 5'11" with blond hair held in a pony tail. Many thought them an odd couple, he a human warlock, and her a night elf druid, but they did not care. Both had saved each other’s lives more than one could count. Rohan couldn't think of anything else but to propose to her after their last battle, deep in the jungles of Un'Goro. He thought back to their wedding and honeymoon. 4 Weeks Earlier, Stormwind Cathedral Rohan looked around at the gathering of people for their wedding, unsurprisingly few. Not many night elves or humans approved of their marriage and not a few were downright hostile toward it. Rohan could not blame them, most still think allowing warlocks to fight in the Alliance was moronic. He had already received quite a bit of mail concerning it, and one fellow that painted horns onto his door. He smiled as he remembered the spell he casted on him. Rohan's memories are interrupted when music begins playing and Dawn starts walking toward the altar. His jaw nearly drops as he sees her dress, A flowing gown of a shade of green, like that of healthy leaves. -Ever the druid- Rohan thinks with a low and quiet chuckle. Rohan didn't even listen to the priest as he droned on about the light and the afterlife until he asked, "Do you take this...woman to be your wife?" "I do." Rohan answered, catching the pause in the old man's voice, "I take Dawn Swiftrunner, as my wife, through better and worse." The priest then turned to Dawn and asked, "And do you take this man to be your husband?" "I do, I take Rohan Eredor, as my husband, through better and worse." Dawn replied as tears began falling from her eyes. "Then I now pronounce you, husband and wife." The priest said, "You may kiss the bride." And Rohan did, fully and utterly. As the few people in the cathedral stood to cheer, Rohan picked up his wife and carried her outside. People tried to follow, only to notice a portal Dawn had made. She blew them all a kiss as Rohan carried her through and the portal closed around them. They arrived in Moonglade, at Dawn's house she had there. "Let's hope nobody noticed my arrival. I can get in a lot of trouble with the druids for bringing a warlock here." Dawn said as she looked around them. "Do not worry my purple angel, if they do not come to the house, they will never know that I am here." Rohan replied with a devilish smirk. "I think I will like that," Dawn said as she kissed him again. They stood there for several moments kissing, fully exploring one another's mouths with their tongues. Rohan finally broke the kiss as he told her, "I think we had better get inside." She simply smiled and nodded as he carried her through the doorway and up the stair to the master bedroom. As he slowly laid her down upon her bed he said,"Now, let's continue what we started outside." And they began kissing again, losing themselves in eachother's mouth. Rohan brought a hand up to her breast as she moaned, then broke the kiss, "Let me get more comfortable my love." she said as she stood up. She then began taking off her dress, letting it fall to the floor as Rohan watched her movements. "Now you my darling human." She said. As soon as she said it, Rohan quickly unbuttoned his jacket and shirt and took off his pants. Both were down to their undergarments as Dawn lay back onto the bed and motioned for him yet again. Rohan slowly reached up with his hand to move it under her black silk bra. She moaned as he pinched her nipple and Rohan noticed the ever growing wetness from her panties. He reached his other hand down under the now soaked panties as he inserted one finger into her wet pussy. She gasped as it entered her and soon began moaning in earnest as he removed her bra and placed the other nipple into his mouth. As he inserted another finger she shuddered, her pussy tightening as she came. "In...cred...ible" She exclaimed between gasps for air. After several seconds she looked down to see Rohan's ever hardening member, "Now my love, it is my turn to please you." she said as she lowered his undergarment to show his member."I think I shall love this marriage even more." she said as she licked the tip of Rohan's 10" shaft. Rohan moaned as she took the head into her mouth. After that she began to toy with him, slowly letting it come out of her mouth only to catch the very tip. After several minutes of her torture Rohan grabbed her head and thrust his member all the way into his lover's throat. First caught off guard with his action, Dawn gagged as it tickled her throat. Rohan began fucking her face as she looked up to him. Rohan saw her eyes and noticed something, She LOVED this, the anger, the force, and the strength of her lover. Now knowing this, Rohan began thrusting faster and faster, noticing her come again from his forceful thrusts. Soon he let go of her head as she continued to take his member fully down to his pelvis. As Rohan began groaning in earnest, Dawn realized he was at his peak and shoved his entire member into her mouth as he came. Rohan grunted as he did, discharging his cum into Dawn's mouth. As he did, he heard gulping sounds coming from her. As he slid out of her mouth it left a strand of cum from her mouth to chin. She moved her finger to collect it and slowly licked it off. "Delicious." She said as she swallowed it. "I never knew you were so hungry for cum my love." Rohan said with a chuckle. "Only good kind, and let me tell you darling, yours is the best I’ve ever had." She said as she noticed his member hardening yet again, "And I notice your large friend wants to give me more." "You are right my purple goddess, I believe he is." Rohan said as he slowly pushed Dawn onto her back. "Take me my love, I want it." Dawn said as Rohan brought it up to her soaking pussy. "I want your cock inside me." That was all Rohan needed to hear as he thrust his shaft deep inside her."AH! Yes!" She screamed as he began thrusting deep and hard. She had never had a man to stretch her pussy so much. She felt a heat building within her as his thrusts began stretching her even further and reaching deeper than any man had been before. "I love it!" She screamed as she wrapped her arms and legs around him, "I love it Rohan! More! More!" Rohan had never been in a tighter pussy, even his succubus paled in comparison to this pussy wrapping around his member. "You're so tight!" He grunted as he felt her fingernails dig into his back. He thrusts harder and harder, earning him more screams and moans from the night elf below him. She was so tight, squeezing his member like a vice. Soon she began to move her pelvis to meet his, "I'm close!" he said as he began slowing his thrusts."Come with me my love!" Dawn screamed as she could feel her body approaching its limit as well. Rohan grunted alongside Dawn's screaming as they both came. Rohan felt his cum shoot from his member deep inside her. She gripped tighter with her fingernails as she came, leaving deep bloody punctures in Rohan's skin as she finally let go, letting her arms and legs fall onto the bed. Rohan pulled and slid beside her on the bed breathing heavily as he said, "I love you Dawn, with every beat of my heart." "And I love you Rohan, and I shall forever." Dawn replied as they embraced and fell asleep. 2 Weeks Later, Menethil Harbor "Darling, they need everyone they can get in Silithus, and I am one of the Cenarion Circle's champions." Rohan said as his wife held him from boarding the ship to Theramore. "If you would let me join you, I would not object as much. I know the status of warlocks in these expeditions." She said, "They are viewed as lower than dirt and cannon fodder." Rohan sighed as she refused to let him go. Since the day he’d received the message from the Cenarion Circle in Silithus requesting his aid they had argued. "I have already told you. It is too dangerous for you to go." Rohan tried to say, "I don't know what I would do if those bug things would slay you." "And that is not enough reason for you to face them alone." Dawn said, "I am going with you and that's final." Rohan sighed as he knew that he had lost. "Good" She said with a smile as she pecked him on his cheek, "Now, I've already arranged for a private room for the Cenarion Champion and his guest. And it's going to be a long voyage." With that, she winked and ran aboard the ship. "I love that woman." Rohan said as he ran to catch up. 1 Week Earlier, Cenarion Hold, Silithus "A scouting mission?" Rohan asked with a scoff, "I can disintegrate entire legions of their workers and drones, and you want me to just scout them?" "What's the matter warlock? Scared of a few bugs creeping up on you?" a dwarf paladin asked with a laugh, "If you had the protection of the light you wouldn't worry so much about that." Rohan's eyes narrowed on the dwarf with hatred, since he had arrived, the many priests and paladins answering the call had made it their goal to make Cenarion Hold's only warlock's life miserable. He had found his soul stones smashed and constantly found himself 'volunteering' for many of the quests no one wanted. "Why do I think they chose me instead of you? Because light attracts too many bugs." Rohan said with a smirk. "What!?" The dwarf shouted as he took a step toward Rohan, "Watch your tongue demon-lover!" "Or what?" Dawn said as she walked into the room, "I would back off paladin, if you don't want to become a stain on the floor." She walked between them as she embraced Rohan, "Don't worry hun, I'll go with you." she said, "I’m sure they would rather a druid go with you then a loudmouth paladin." Dawn smiled as she continued, "Is the light the only thing 'bright' about you?" "I have no qualms about striking women wench." the paladin said, "I will not allow mocking about the one true faith, but what else would I expect from a demon-lover and a tree-worshiper." "Enough!" the night elf in command ordered, "Rohan and Dawn will scout the Regal hive. Grimli, you and Karne will scout the Ashi hive." Rohan and Dawn left smiling as the dwarf continued, "But he's a bloody cow!" They mounted as they began along the road, then into the wilderness as they moved toward Hive Regal. As the hive came into view, a silithid burst out from under Rohan, making him fall from his felsteed. It was on him as it sliced deep cuts across one of his legs. The creature was distracted by the druid now casting wrath upon it. It took a few steps as Rohan moved his hands, shaping a spell at the beast. Quickly casting a curse of weakness, Rohan casted a shadowbolt at the creature. It dodged just in time to be trapped by the roots Dawn had been casting just as it moved. It did not dodge the second shadowbolt as it blasted into its chest, leaving a smoking hole. The bug made a gurgling sound as it fell to the ground, only to be burned to ashes as Rohan cast another spell. "Come on darling, let’s dismount here and hurry to that hill overlooking the hive." Rohan said as he panted from the battle. Seeing the worried look on Dawn as she looked at the gash across the back of his leg he said, "We have to get up there before we try anything, there could be more of those things around that heard the battle." He ripped part of his cloak to roughly bandage it as he tried to get up from where he had fallen, "You'll have to help me walk." Rohan said as he tried to rise, only to fall back to the ground. They reached the hill without any more encounters. Dawn lowered Rohan to the ground as she took off the rough bandage from his leg. She gasped as she saw how deep the cut had gone, nearly a inch and a half. She was shocked when she saw scratched bone, "How bad is it?" Rohan asked, "Because it hurts like a bitch." Dawn tried to laugh as she began casting a healing spell. As she finished, she saw the flesh of his leg coming back together and leaving only a small scar as any indentation there had ever been a cut. Present, Just south of Hive Regal Rohan was watching several silithid workers digging as his mind came back to the present as he felt hands wrap around him. "Darling, the sun is setting and they will be doing that for several more hours." Dawn whispered into his ear, "It gives us time to, 'warm up'." Rohan smiled as he looked away from the hives to his wife, her silver eyes full of lust. "I am feeling rather chilled." Rohan said with a smirk, and looking down to see her leather pants were already damp, "And it seems that I will have to warm myself with you." She pulled him into a kiss as her hands were trying to undo his belt holding his trousers in place. She lowered herself as she finally got it off and he lowered himself back onto a rock. She brought his shaft to her mouth as she took it all in one motion. He groaned as she began to deep throat him. He could feel her gag every time and her eyes showing that she loved it. She continued to take him deeply until he grabbed her long ears and came. She didn't expect so much as some of his cum spilled out onto her clothes. She looked at him as she stood "Well look what you did." she said with a grin, "Now I have to get out of these filthy clothes." She slowly untied the leather strands holding her vest and pants and let them drop to the ground as she dropped to her hands and knees. "Come here my love, fill me." Rohan slowly rose as he walked to the night elf. "Fill you with what darling?" he asked in a whisper in her ear as he brought the tip of his member to her quivering pussy. "Fill my pussy with your cock." She answered as she tried to impale herself on him. He continued to keep just his tip teasing her hole. "And how do you want me to do that?" He asked again. She began whimpering as she continued to try to impale herself on him again, "Hard." She answered. Without an answer Rohan plunged his member fully into her, eliciting a scream quickly followed by moans. He began to build speed, plunging deep inside her with every thrust. "Harder! Harder!" She screamed as Rohan grabbed her silver hair and pulled, "Yes!" She came as he held her hair in his hands. Rohan continued plunging himself to his hilt until he felt his peak near. "Come inside me my love!" she screamed loudly as he began slowing his thrusts. As he thrust in deeply she felt him releasing his cum deep inside her. She collapsed as Rohan left and got their blanket to wrap around each other. He nestled behind her as they drifted off to sleep. Neither knew of the eyes watching them fall asleep. The figure waited nearly an hour for Dawn and Rohan to fall deeply asleep. When Rohan moved in his sleep, letting go of Dawn and rolling to his other side, He moved in and grabbed Dawn. Her eyes shot open as the figure's hand moved over her mouth, muffling a yell. He yanked her up by her hair as his other hand kept over her mouth. After they walked nearly 10 feet away, he let go of her and she brought her hands up to her breasts and crossed her legs, but before she could scream, he brought a knife to her throat. "Scream and both of you will die tonight." the figure said, "I watched your little show earlier." She crossed her legs even more. "I expect the same kind of show." the figure said as he brought a leather gag to her mouth. She struggled, but only a small amount as the knife pressed against her neck, producing a small droplet of blood. "Resist and I will kill you and skin him alive." he said as he moved her hands away from her chest, "As soon as I saw you, I knew I had to have you." She began crying and whimpering behind her gag as he brought a hand down to her pussy. She tried to scream into her gag as he shoved 3 of his fingers into her. He then shouted angrily, "What slut? Don't you want to get wet for me?" She shakes her head vigorously and is smacked across the face. "Whore! I saw you begging for it! I saw you screaming out!" he continues with another smack, "Why did you tempt me if not for this!?" She begins sobbing between each smack as he throws her to the ground, "I know you saw me! I know that you called out for me! The gag comes loose as she begins crying as the man approaches her, lifting his robe, "Please..No." Before she can say anything more the man places his hand on her mouth. "Slut, whore, tempting men, only to deny them?!" he said to her, "I'll teach you!" he tries to push himself into her, but she quickly brings a knee up into his member. He falls over in pain as she tries to run away, but she trips as he grabs her leg and climbs on top of her. "You little purple bitch!" He begins bringing his fist to her jaw, breaking a few teeth. "Who do you think that I am!?" he shouts, "I am necromancer for the Scourge you whore!" She hears him, but then hears no more as her world goes black. The man doesn't care as he continues beating her in the face, bruising her once delicate figure. After 3 more punches he notices that she is unconscious and breathing in small breaths. "Bitch, I'll show you." he says as he grabs her hair, lifting her. He ties her arms and legs together and set her about 10 feet from Rohan. Over and over the necromancer looks at her body and says, "I'll show you." He quickly cast a spell of sleep on Rohan as he bound him as well, careful to bind his hands to keep from casting any spells. Soon the sun rose and Rohan awoke. As he yawned, the first thing he noticed was that Dawn was not beside him, the next was that he could not move his arms. "Dawn?" Rohan yelled, "Is this one of your games?" Rohan looked around and as his eyes focuses he saw her. Her eyes were bruised and there were dark marks on her cheeks. "Dawn!" Rohan yelled as she looked up in horror, "Dawn! What's happened?!" "I am going to claim her as my own, but first she needs to let go of her past." Rohan heard a voice say, "Now slay him my pet." Dawn shook her head violently as the figure walked behind her. She made a face of pain as he pulled her up by her hair. "You will do as I command." he ordered. She continued shaking her head as he smacked her and brought the knife to her throat. "Do it Dawn!" Rohan yelled. The man laughed as he removed Dawn's gag so she could talk, "Well? Answer your lover whore." he commanded. "Rohan! I can't." She exclaimed, "I won't!" The necromancer's smile faded at this as he struck her across the face again. "I grow tired of this game." he said as he made a small cut against her neck, bringing a cry of pain from her mouth. "No! Kill me instead!" Rohan shouted as the necromancer laughed "Don't worry I shall." the man laughed as he slid the knife across her throat. Her eyes went wide as she felt her blood drain from her body. Her hands went to her neck instinctively. She dropped to her knees as blood seeped through her fingers "Ro...han." She gurgled as she fell forward. "NO!" Rohan screamed as he watched his wife die before his eyes, "Monster! I'll kill you!" "You have not seen any monster yet my friend." the necromancer said with a smile. Soon he began weaving a spell with his hands as a green light began to enter Dawn's lifeless body. "I will show you a monster" "No, anything but that!" Rohan screamed as the necromancer continued. Soon enough, the light stopped and Dawn's body began to stir. Her arms raised her up to her feet as the blood dripped from her sliced neck. "Feed on him my pet, devour you own lover's flesh." The necromancer cackled. She slowly began to shuffle toward him, her once glowing silver eyes now a dim shade of green. "Dawn!" Rohan shouted, "Fight it! Fight him damn you!" As she heard the words, her body flinched, "You are stronger than this Dawn!" Rohan continued. "I am the master here!" the necromancer yelled, "She is mine! I am her master!" Dawn's eyes showed confusion then horror as she realized what she was. "I'm a monster." she said in a rasping voice as she dropped to her knees beside Rohan. She begins to sob as her hands move to release Rohan's arms. "Stay here my love." Rohan said as he rose to his feet. The necromancer flinches as Rohan turns his gaze upon him. "Impossible! I am Nilex! The Scourge's rising necromancer!" he shouts, "How did she break my control!?" "I don't know, but you will have plenty of time to think about it as I send your soul to the Nether to be tortured for eons." Rohan said as he began casting a shadowbolt, "You have taken my wife's life; I shall take your soul in exchange." Before the necromancer could turn to run the shadowbolt slammed into his legs, completely blowing them off. The necromancer screamed as he hit the ground, rock slamming into his now exposed bones. "Please....Mercy." He begged as Rohan walked toward him. "Mercy? Where was mercy when my wife begged for hers?" Rohan replied in anger as he cast the bane of agony on the necromancer. The necromancer began screaming in earnest as an unholy fire started to burn his organs. "Well?!" Rohan shouted, "Where is your power necromancer?! Where is your power?!" Nilex did not hear a word the warlock said as he screamed even louder as the fire reached his heart, burning it, but stopping before it killed him. "Please....kill me." Nilex begged. Rohan shook his head as he replied, "No, I will slay your body, but send your soul to be the plaything of the Burning Legion." Nilex's eyes widened at this, the Legion hated the Scourge, their former puppet being the Lich King. Before he could beg, however, Rohan had already begun summoning demons from the Nether. "Demons!" He shouted, "I give you this servant of the Lich King!" "No!" Nilex screamed as a large demon hand wrapped around his frame, "Kill me! KILL ME!!!" Rohan turned away as the portal closed with demonic laugher. He then quickly ran to Dawn as she sat on her knees crying. "Dawn? Are you alright?" Rohan asked as he held her. Dawn pushes his hands away as she began to sob even harder. "No, I am not." She said between sobs, "I am a monster." She opened her eyes and looked at Rohan, "Please, end it." She begged, "End my torment." With tears stinging his eyes Rohan cried, "My love, I cannot!" Dawn begins sobbing anew as she cries to Rohan, "I will not become one of those things!" She looks into his eyes as she continues, "I can hear him Rohan, calling. Please do this...for me." Rohan allows his tears to fall freely as he stands up and reaches for Nilex's dropped knife. She kisses him as he position the knife up to her undead heart. "I will always love you Rohan, know that." She says as his hand shakes. "I will never forgive them." Rohan promises, "I will not rest until the Lich King himself lies dead beneath my feet." She looks at him with her dim eyes and smiles. "I will make it painless my love." He says as he pushes the knife between her ribs and into her heart in a swift motion. She smiles as she replies lowly, "Thank...You." Rohan lets his tears flow as the unholy light leaves her eyes. He quickly sets about clothing her and buries her upon the hill, carving into the stone above her; -Here Lies Dawn Swiftrunner- -A Friend, Ally, and Wife- -Taken Before Her Time- "I will always remember my love." Rohan says as he begins walking to Cenarion Hold. He avoids any encounter until he got near to the Hold, where he met Grimli the Dwarf riding a mighty white ram. "Ho there!" He shouts as he recognized Rohan, "The all-powerful warlock is returning." He laughs as he noticed the missing Dawn, "Where's your girl?" When Rohan doesn't answer he continues, "I bet she ran off. Couldn't handle the hardship of battle." Rohan looks up at the dwarf to glare, "I wonder if you taught her a lesson, like I had to do to that bloody cow. The fool tried to run in the middle of battle, so I planted my axe into its thick skull." The dwarf continues as Rohan tries to walk past him, “I bet you even sacrificed her to your demon masters." Rohan stopped as the dwarf noticed he hit a chord, "I knew it, you damn warlocks are no better than the Scourge, at least with them you know what to expect." The dwarf did not expect the fire from Rohan's hands. His flying head showed his expression of shock as it hit the ground. "Did you expect that?" Rohan asked as he kicked it to nearby scorpids. .While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. 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