Fallout 3: Project Purity | By : KMAC Category: +A through F > Fallout (Series) > Fallout (Series) Views: 11111 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: Fallout 3 does not belong to me and i make no money off this story. This is just entertainment which was written by a huge Fallout fan. |
FALLOUT 3 PROJECT PURITY PROLOGUE The sky was an inky black. Clouds covered portions of the distant stars burning forever in the night sky. The clear full moon was visible in the sky with a solitary cloud besmirching its bright, shining face. The area was clear, at least for the moment as two figures sat beside a crackling fire, with a tent nearby against the rock face. War…war never changes. In the night sky, the colossal expanse of black, there seems to be an air of…trouble, of danger… creeping its way into the hearts of the people of the Capitol Wasteland. A bleakness, a despair that challenges the soul of mankind. A looming destruction is falling upon an already bleak and miserable existence. In a word, war… “Gem. Look up into the night sky. Tell me what you are feeling.” Asked Crow in his usual delivery of the English language, honed to a sharpness, an air of professionalism which was delivered even to his closest friends. Gem looked up into the sky as she was asked and as she looked upon the wonder of the heavens, she was filled with a sense of emptiness and a tinge of fear. As she continued to gaze into the sky she spoke softly, so as not to wake their sleeping companion. “I don’t know what it is I feel. I feel… afraid.” …Ever since Cain looked upon his brother Abel with jealousy dripping lustfully from his eyes, mankind has had a nature of hatred. Most keep the feeling at bay and find themselves to be friendly, jovial. Then there were others who could not keep these emotions in check, those who created the wastelands now covering the earth, the wastelands created from the modern communities that mankind had once enjoyed. Those who have kept their emotions in check have a sixth sense. Most call it a conscience. Some call it knowledge of right and wrong. Others call it the voice of God. But as the war looms nearer, they feel it in their bones… “It is not I who must tell you how to feel. But I feel cold. I believe there will be coming a great destruction. In the end, there shall be many deaths. I feel it throughout my being.” Crow offered, great concern clouding his eyes. Gem fell silent again as she looked back into the fire, the flames brightening her pretty face in a golden light. “War?” she asked finally, her voice cracking. Crow could only nod as he stared into the blue eyes of his young charge. After a beat, he asked the question. “What would you do, Gem, if anybody threatened those you care about, including the child you carry with you?” Crow asked seriously, his voice haunting with the thrill of what must be understood. “What would you do?” was Gem’s reply. Throughout dangerous times, it was known that you must either kill or be killed as men and women foraged in order to care for their families. The flight or fight response ingrained into their minds from conception. They know from a very early age that they must do what they need to do in order to protect those they love. An old world proverb states that if you want peace, then you must prepare for war… Crow looked into the eyes of his longtime friend and then looked back at the tent near the rock face. Inside lay the sleeping figure of his new bride, Katrina O’Malley. He sighed and looked back into Gem’s eyes. “Kill.” Was his only response. …men kill for war, but also to protect… “Then you have my answer.” Gem said without an ounce of caution.
…because war…war never changes…
Warm silent sweat trickles down the brow. Breathing even and steady. Fingers cradle the triggers like a loving mother cradles a newborn. Father looks to son. Son looks to father. Father and son look to the overpass, the reaction being the beginnings of pangs of despair. The highway ducks under an overpass littered with both exploded and unexploded cars. A mesh covered walkway drapes itself over the highway, the walkway defended by both a lone raider and a mechanical turret. The boarded up and barricaded fort harbors six other raiders, including a drug induced anarchist wielding a missile launcher patrolling an elevated walkway. The raiders chat idly talking about whomever they had tortured earlier in the day. “Vile and disgusting creatures, the lot of them.” James spoke gruffly, but quietly. His son, the lone wanderer, Andrew Ross nods his head. “Blocking the road we need to get to Rivet City.” James finished with a shake of his head. “sneaking by seems to be an impossible prospect.” Andrew sighs. Thoughts in his head are flashing a mile a minute. His eyes light up as he grasps onto one of the fleeting thoughts and nudges his father, pointing toward the rows of unexploded cars surrounding an equally unexploded bus. “what are you thinking son?” the light of admiration evident in his eyes, as well as his low whispered voice. “Distraction. Huge explosion. Take out most of them and leave the rest for our bullets.” Andrew says with a grin. Andrew pulls his .44 magnum and cocks the hammer. He crouches low in the incredible cover that the ancient and near useless subway entryway affords them. He breathes deep as the center of his crosshairs centers upon the raiders’ head. And with a pull of the trigger and a loud report, the raider’s head suddenly disappears in a spray of red. Andrew glances at his father for a moment before lining up the barrel of his magnum on the gas tank of the large bus in the middle of the unexploded cars. Just as he predicted, five of the raiders in the camp have scurried out and into the street between cars, slowly searching and calling out for the intruder. Andrew once again pulls the trigger and with three loud reports, the bus flames and sputters and whines, before emitting an ear piercing screech and equally deafening explosion, causing the cars around it to therefore explode in what seemed to be in Andrew’s perception, a gigantic mine field. The five raiders flew in several directions, dead before they hit the ground as automatic fire erupted from the formerly sleeping turret, as well as its raider girl companion. The bullets flew and erupted all around the shelter afforded Andrew and James. Both took potshots at the turret as it stopped firing, causing damage. The turret exploded in a large fireball as James scored a great hit on the chassis, causing the female raider to fall to the concrete holding her head. Father and son took this opportunity to cross the now scattered remains of both vehicle and raider and dive for the cover of the bar in the center of the raider fort. A frantic call came from the other end of the camp, where the walkway protruded over the highway. “This is hopeless! Don’t shoot!” came the cry from the raider. “throw your weapon over my way or your dead!” Andrew called angrily. He waited a few seconds until he heard the unmistakable clack of steel and wood hitting concrete. He chanced a peak and noticed that not only did the raider girl throw out her assault rifle, but also a pistol and a combat knife. She knelt on her knees with her hands behind her head at the far end of the fort. Andrew nodded at his father and both rose with weapons trained on the raider girl. As father and son approached Andrew holstered his magnum and nodded for James to keep his 10 mm trained on the girl’s head. She was shuddering and crying. Tears flowing over her filthy cheeks. “Hands behind your back.” Andrew said gruffly, but in a steady conversational voice. She nodded and complied as James pulled a length of rope from his pack. He threw the rope to Andrew’s waiting hand, and Son caught it deftly before using it to tie up the girl’s hands. “Can’t let you have a weapon until I know I can trust you. Now, how about we start with a name? I’m Andrew, this is my father, James.” He said crouching before the girl. James set about the task of retrieving her weapons and placing them in his pack, as Andrew started the process of patting down the young raider. Finding her clean he led her up and sat her in a nearby chair, after which he and James also sat. “Melissa Kimbly.” She said with a very slight Aussie accent. Andrew had to strain to catch the lilt of speech, but it was there just under the surface. Melissa caught her breath and hiccupped before excusing herself. Andrew nodded and took a bottle of pure water from his pack. The girl allowed him to pour the water into her mouth, stopping now and then to let her breath and swallow, before capping the half empty bottle and placing it inside. She took a breath and regained control of her emotions. She thanked him quietly and Andrew nodded in return. “Why did you shoot at us, Kimbly?” Andrew asked, a hard edged tone in his voice, betraying his annoyance at having hot lead shot in his general direction. She looked downward in shame and paused, allowing Andrew a few seconds to take in the features of this surprisingly well mannered raider. Former raider, anyway. Well, Andrew could hope. She was very pretty. Not as gorgeous as Gem but not as down home as Jenny. She had sun darkened skin and a surprisingly beautiful Mohawk haircut, her natural black hair shining in the noonday sun. her eyes were the same coal color as her hair and beyond the dirt and grime of the wasteland he noticed soft blemish free skin and a set of lips that were thin towards the corner but came up in a nice looking pout toward the center. She was missing a piece of her right ear for whatever reason, and her exposed left arm had slices running down the back of it, numbering five. Andrew pronounced her a very attractive girl in her late teens. “My brothers made me. Well, I mean, I have to call them my brothers, but that doesn’t really matter now. I never did like it anyway.” Melissa said softly, looking up into Andrew’s blue eyes. “you have really pretty eyes.” She said, almost as an afterthought. “You do too. So here’s the million cap question: why should we trust you? If we hand you a weapon you could kill us dead. You could kill us dead in our sleep.” Andrew said, leaning back in the chair. “If that was true, I wouldn’t have thrown away ALL of my weapons. Look around here, I have for the last five years, if my scars are correct. This is what I called home, even grudgingly. Not exactly an 18 year old’s paradise.” Melissa said ruefully, with genuine anger and regret. “How is it that such a beautiful girl joins the lot of these barbarians?” came the voice of Andrew’s father. “It was more or less five years ago. They raided my village. They found me. I was only 14 at the time. They were about to shoot me, when the leader, Otaka told them to stop. He liked me and welcomed me into the clan.” Melissa said. She started to cloud over, so Andrew offered the rest of the water, but was denied. “Im alright. As the years went by it was all about raiding and torturing. I never joined in their sick games. I was only a game to them as well. They used me many times for pleasure. The sick bastards, I hope they are burning in hell right this moment.” Melissa said bitterly. She sighed and continued. “Otaka considered me as special and so he taught me how to shoot when I was 16. He would beat me when I would miss. Made for a damn miserable existence, but also made for a damn fine markswoman. “The others made me call them brother. I didn’t really care, I just did it as a reflex. A few took a liking to me and offered me sex and drugs. I did it, joined them, went along. It was the only thing I knew. I became…indoctrinated. It was only when my conscience got the best of me that I wanted to quit. The bastards held no other part of me. I retained my mind. But they wouldn’t let me quit. I hated them but they loved my body.” “That is a sad story, Melissa. I am sorry you had to go through those hard times, however, that is the price for selling your soul to an evil idea.” James said, his voice taking on a tone of sympathy. Andrew was slower to trust a raider girl, even one this forthcoming. “Call me Kimbly.” Was the girl’s only answer. “Well Kimbly, were on a time table. We are going to rivet city. I can do two things. I can let you go if you stay knelt here with your back turned to us, or you can go with us as a captive. Least at first.” Andrew said. He stood and stretched as Kimbly pondered. “There is nothing here for me. There never was. I guess being a slave would be better compared to being an…what was it that Three Dog called us…anarchistic ruffian.” She said. “you are not a slave. You may leave whenever you like. If you can do something for me to gain full trust in you, ill even let you have armor and a weapon. But for now, if you go with us, we will guard you, but you are on a very short leash. Understand?” Andrew asked. She looked up at Andrew with a soft crooked smile.“I understand the reservation. Not five minutes ago I was a raider.” Kimbly said as she stood and walked toward the only outlet in the former raider fortress. Andrew had to fight not to watch Kimbly’s round backside as she moved toward the exit. When she turned and looked at them with a wondering expression, Andrew turned and helped his father up and the pair started walking toward her as Andrew gave an apologetic chuckle. Melissa even cracked a smile.
Jenny Stahl heaved for breath as she climbed the wall. She had swam and she had climbed. Now she was on the other side of the super mutant refuge of jumbled and twisted steel and wood that looked as if a child had thrown around a box of toys.
She heard their angry grumbles from her position on the other side of the wall, and she was low enough that the mutants patrolling the scaffolding of the Jefferson Memorial could not see unless they were looking for her. She could see the enormous former battleship ahead so she slowly reentered the water and swam quietly toward the dry land where she equipped her last remaining stealth boy before sneaking across the way and beyond the mutants’ sight. She now stood and breathed a quiet sigh of relief as she turned and walked toward Rivet City. Her travels from Arefu to the most successful human colony in the Capitol wasteland had taken a day and a half and she had seen her share of danger. Whether it was raiders or rad scorpions or the recently evaded super mutants, she had either killed or snuck her way past with no true problems. She had been wounded, but a stimpack had seen to her fitness and survival. Now Jenny Stahl stood at the foot of Rivet City’s gigantic walkway. She stood at the top and pressed the nearby speaker button. “state your business in Rivet City.” Came the rough and slightly bored sounding voice from the other end. She had to think for a moment. What exactly was her purpose? She felt that her purpose was to find a better place to settle than Arefu, where she felt obligated to engage in sex with Karen Schenzy. She did not wish to take advantage, it was just the only payment she could give. “Well?” came the voice again, shaking her from her thoughts. “umm, im…im looking for a place to settle. I have caps with me and I would like to talk to someone about my taking up residence there.” Jenny said after she had found her voice. “huh. A new one huh? Fresh meat. Go find Bannon and talk to him. He’s in the market.” The voice said. Jenny nodded and said a quiet ‘thank you’. “hold a minute while the bridge extends.” The voice said. Jenny stepped back and soon heard the grinding of metal on metal as an elongated walkway swung from the side of the large boat only to come to rest at her feet, the bridge making a safe connection to the beached ship itself. Jenny hesitantly took her first steps onto the bridge and wondered for only a swift second at the structural stability of the bridge. She took the steps as the bridge swayed slightly but sooner than later she found herself on the steel floor of the carrier, directly in front of the source of the intercom’s voice. “I’m security chief Harkness. Couple things, noob. First, I don’t trust wastelanders and the fact that we are even talking is an amazing thing that you wouldn’t even begin to understand. Do not cause any problems here. I hear of you stealing a piece of candy and youre overboard. Second, myself, Bannon and Holmes are the leaders of the council on here. Nothing happens on here without our say. That said, go talk to Bannon in the market place. He runs the clothing store. One more time, you give me ANY problems, and youll find yourself floating face down in the river. Is that clear?” Jenny nodded and stammered out a ‘yes sir’. She had never before seen the face of such quiet hostility and masculine confidence. That combination alone made her sure that he would follow through should she threaten anybody. Harkness stood out of the way and ushered her through the side door that led to the marketplace. The interior was dark and dingy, and the place was kind of smelly, but she found it not very displeasing. She smiled for the first time during her journey. It was certainly ideal. She descended the stairs and found the clothing shop with no trouble. Bannon looked up from a pre war book and stood with a pearly grin. “hello there, stranger. Welcome to Potomac Attire. We can get you out of those rags and into some fine clothes for the right price.” Bannon said with charm. Jenny hadn’t even thought of her clothes. “I see you too are a person of refinement.” Jenny said with a halfway grin. “well, between us, keeping out of the riff raff around here is a good thing. A status symbol.” Bannon said in a low whisper. “so, tell me, what do you like?” Bannon asked indicating his selection of clothes folded neatly and placed on the shelves of his meager shop. Jenny thought of her old jumpsuit. Not exactly flattering but it got the job done. She thought for a moment and moved toward an elegant looking green dress with dark green designs across the breast and along the back. She liked the look, and wondered for a moment what it would be like to actually look and dress like a lady. She turned back to Bannon and indicated her choice. “Very nice. It’ll bring out the color of your eyes. 50 caps for that one.” Bannon said, offering his hand. She shoveled out 50 caps from her purse and lay them on the counter, before Bannon counted them and nodded his head with a winning smile. “So Bannon, I would like to talk real estate.” Jenny offered. Bannon grinned again and sat once more, thinking.“Tell you what, we got a common house. It ain’t the best, but it’s free. You can stay there until tomorrow night. The council will have a meeting at 12, but I’ll tell the boys to wait up and we can see you at 1 in the afternoon. Don’t be late, alright?” Bannon stated. Jenny nodded with a genuine smile and Bannon gave her directions to the common room before Jenny left, taking along her brand new green dress. And she felt brand new herself as well.
The trek had been long and difficult, proving to be as dangerous as everybody said. It seemed that the entourage that Gem had been travelling with had chosen the long way, but she was still alive so she couldn’t complain too much.
Crow and Katrina proved to be the kind of protectors she needed as well. Crow was as loyal as ever and Katrina proved to be an easy listener, a dynamic speaker, and a fast friend. And best of all, both were deadly with their weapons. They often worked in tandem, with Crow providing cover fire while Katrina charged their enemies with her deadly and fierce looking deathclaw gauntlet providing devastating close range damage, even as she was very well protected inside her gleaming metal armor and metal helmet. When an enemy was too far away, Katrina would thrill the trio with her marksmanship, using her .308 caliber sniper rifle to take the heads off of any enemy from a very far distance before they even knew anything was amiss. Yet if they were ambushed, Crow would come along, using his combat shotgun to the best of his staggering abilities. They were a lethal force together when it came to protecting each other and Gem’s life, and that of her unborn child. Here they walked, their destination was well known, and they were only a few hours out. Gem rode atop the double headed Brahmin as Crow walked ahead and Katrina walked backward. She had been getting short of breath and had apologized to Crow for slowing their progress. Crow only laughed and shook his head. “My dear Gem. You are simply breathing for two now. Feel free to ride atop our beast of burden. The extra weight will hardly be noticed.” Crow had said. “I’m just really sorry about slowing everyone down.” Gem responded, wistfully. “Listen honey, there’s no reason for you to fret. We both understand and we know that right now your ridin’ is the best choice for you to make. Don’t worry about it so much.” Katrina said with a giggle, her Irish accent as pronounced as ever. Gem smiled at the red headed beauty. “yeah you’re right. Thanks Kat.” Said Gem with a grin as she allowed Crow to boost her up to where she sat upon the blankets strapped to the brahmin’s back. Gem sighed, the relief was evident as she sat and rode as her protectors kept a watchful eye on the horizon. The sun was starting to dip when the trip came upon to final stretch to Rivet City. They had taken down their share of super mutants but Crow and Katrina knew that as they neared Rivet City, the population of mutants in the area would thicken exponentially. Crow stopped the Brahmin and turned to the others. “we enter the final trail to Rivet City, however the dangers are great. The green skinned demons are thick here, and we shall need to take it slow as we advance even in battle. We must take a moment to pray. Gem you may stay atop the Brahmin.” Crow stated seriously. He and Katrina joined hands and knelt in the grass face to face. “Almighty God, we are your servants. We have been entrusted with your child Martha as we transport her across these wastes. Not for our sake but for her own, in your name we protect this child. Lord watch out for us and be our rear guard, and if we die even we know it is your will, but we humbly ask for you to protect the innocent life inside Martha, as well as mother, and if it be your will, Katrina and myself amongst. We pray this to you, Lord God. Amen.” Crow said in a whisper as he prayed. Katrina’s was more subdued, but from what Gem could hear as she bowed her head respectfully, Katrina was asking for blessing upon Gem herself. She was asking for strength in battle and to be fully prepared to vanquish her enemies. Gem was moved that she was the object of these prayers. Gem did not fully believe in God or the afterlife. She didn’t understand it herself. She was starting to get the picture, however, after spending this much time with the merchant and his wife. The picture was scary in a way, but one that thrilled instead of hindered her mind. She didn’t know what to do with the information but at this moment she prayed to God above that he at the least spared her child. As she brought her blue eyes back to survey the abandoned subway station, she felt honored and at peace. That was a start as she checked her assault rifle and ticked off the safety. Below her Crow and Katrina were checking their respective weapons, Crow donning his favored Chinese version of the assault rifle, and Katrina going with her favorite sniper rifle. Upon seeing Gem’s curious look, she smiled and elaborated. “It’s easier to pierce their thick skin with .308 caliber ammo rather than my deathclaw gauntlet. It takes longer to scratch than to pierce.” Katrina explained, pushing a few locks of her strawberry colored hair from her brilliant green eyes. She took a dark purple ribbon from her pack and secured her long hair in a single flowing ponytail, leaving her bangs to flow down and frame the side of her face for what she called “style points”. Gem nodded and made her way down from the back of the Brahmin. She was able to fire better from the stability of the concrete than atop the large beast, and she had the added advantage that she wasn’t as large a target when she was crouched on the ground. As they walked on, keeping their eyes peeled, they noticed a large tractor-trailor jackknifed before them, along with two Cerberus guards watching the area. Crow signaled for the trio to crouch and nodded to Katrina who set her sights on the Cerberus closest to them. “Take both down and we can concentrate on the remaining mutant together.” Crow whispered. Katrina nodded and set her finger to fire. Two shots rang out distinctively into the stillness of the wasteland, leaving two centaurs dead, one missing its bulbous head completely, the other lying dormant with its trio of tongues caressing the dirty sidewalk. Within moments Gem, Crow and Katrina heard the angry shouts of the super mutant within the corral of the jack knifed tractor trailer as he exited the tent within to investigate the fates of his pair of would be guard dogs. As the ugly mutant exited the safety of the trailer all three humans squeezed their triggers sending volleys of hot lead toward the mutant in question. By the time the ugly abomination raised his own hunting rifle to retaliate, his life was cut short, with Gem landing the killing bullet into the forehead of the former hulking giant. When the way was clear, they all checked their weapons, with Crow being the only one needing to reload a dry clip. The trio laughed at their fortune as they all took a breath, the adrenaline slowly leaving their bodies.“that was fortunate, however this is only the beginning. Come now Rivet City awaits.” Said Crow as he and the others continued to walk the last few miles to the bastion of hope that would hopefully take in the young woman with a baby on the way. The young woman known affectionately by her friends as Gem.
The air was putrid near the former air force base by the name of Adams. The broken and uneven runway was ground zero for the mammoth monstrosity that had been secretly in the works for years, only now being completed, and just in time for the Enclave’s latest war time strategy.
The colossal mobile base was colored black. The significance of course being that its commander’s soul was just as black as the beat up steel that made up its enormous chassis. Commander Slade Karver stood watching the final legs of the base’s construction from the remnants of Megaton’s walls. He smiled evilly underneath his helmet. The evil grin matched the painted upturned shark’s mouth on his helmet’s visor. “Karver.” Came the monotone belonging to only one person. “Cassandra.” Came the equally monotone response, albeit distorted by his helmet’s filter. Cassandra Frost. She reported directly to commander Karver, although the 29 year old career military woman was less than ecstatic about her new assignment. She had yet to command her own squadron of brutal Enclave soldiers and scientists. President Eden declared that he was “testing her abilities”. “Listen Karver, don’t be getting too familiar…” but Cassandra was cut off by Slade Karver whipping around as fast as his ebony power armor suit would allow, and the smacking of steel gauntlet against flesh. Cassandra Frost fell against the floor with a thud, her officer’s uniform not even breaking her fall in the least. A surprised ‘O’ formed on her lips as she brushed her fingers over her swelling cheek bone. “You are my officer. I shall speak to you however I want. And I shall…do whatever I please…with you.” Karver had started off angry, but his tone had turned husky, the creep of lust crawling up Cassandra Frost’s spine. “Commander Karver, I apologize for my insubordination, but I am an officer, you just cannot do whatever you’re planning with me. It is against regulation…sir.” Cassandra said, trying to be brave and failing as her voice betrayed her fear. “And what is the punishment for that. What is the Enclave going to do to its most bloodthirsty and…resourceful Commander?” he laughed cruelly as she shuddered, knowing that even Eden himself would not punish harshly its most cruel and efficient leader. Commander Karver unclasped his cod piece and lay the heavy metal on a nearby terminal as he fished out his long 10 inch black dick. He stroked it menacingly as he looked down, the cold steel of his helmet not betraying his emotions, although if she could see them, she would not have felt any better. Even now the pale skinned, red haired woman’s eyes bulged as she eyed the man meat of Commander Karver. “Now, get on your hands and knees and please your Commander, bitch. That is an order.” Came the whispered demand, sounding even more vile through his filter. Cassandra gulped, fear in her eyes. This was definitely not what she had signed on for. Her green eyes sparkled with hopelessness as she started to crawl toward her master. “not so fast, bitch. Already wanting to get at it. You are such a whore. Not worthy of that uniform. Take it off and do it now.” He ordered. Her tears came as she started removing her officer’s uniform, not used to being talked to in such a manner. In her time in training for the Enclave’s ranks, she had been respected, her performance records were lauded by the brass, and here she was on her knees, getting naked for a corrupted military Commander. Karver chuckled evilly as he stroked his throbbing member. Cassandra’s uniform was nearly removed, and he could see her pair of large fleshy orbs and their pink upturned nipples standing proudly before him. Cassandra had finally unzippered and was stepping out of her clothes. She wore no bra but wore a pair of gray cotton panties covering her most intimate area. Karver let his cock throb at attention as he curled a finger toward the red haired woman and she obediently crawled forward. She grasped the Commander’s cock with her smaller hands. Her hands were warm as they grazed Karver’s dick. She now used both hands to stimulate his rigid member as he growled in pleasure beneath his helmet. Her plump naturally red lips met his member’s head. She sucked his tip in while she would not even look up into his visor with her green orbs. The Commander gripped her short red hair and forcefully shoved his dick further into his protégé’s mouth. She gagged but dared not throw up on this man’s cock, lest she find herself dead where she knelt. She closed her tear filled eyes as he face fucked the officer in training. The head of Karver’s cock pressed against her tonsils and she begrudgingly swallowed his tool. He grunted favorably and fucked her mouth harder. “My God, that’s it! Such a cock loving whore. You are not worthy of the Enclave, bitch. You just love dick too much!” Karver yelled as he unloaded his cock cream down Cassandra’s throat. She gagged again but managed to swallow all that he released inside of her. Karver withdrew his softening cock and slapped her in the face with it on both sides before shoving her roughly to the floor. “Am I missing something, boss?” came a chicago accented voice, with a hint of gravel in his speech. Both Karver and Cassandra turned to look toward the stairs to the control tower and standing there, leaning against the wall while munching on a fresh apple, was Karver’s right hand man. A man by the name of Eddie Gallows. The first man to escape from vault 101. He had evil brown eyes and a few days’ worth of stubble on his chiseled chin. He had close cropped black hair whose bangs fell down the front, normally blocking his right eye from view. His worn and heavily modified vault 101 jumpsuit looked more like a set of armor with shades of blue showing from underneath the extensive armor work he had lain himself. One the back, the large 101 on his back was crossed over with red spray paint, as were the smaller 101 logos on his left and right arm. His pip boy was modified as well, painted black with a red screen, wrapped in barbwire. The pioneer escapee of vault 101 had become in these 7 years no more than a bloodthirsty monster, who only showed loyalty for Karver. “Ah, my old friend. How goes your takeover strategy for Canterbury Commons?” Karver asked evilly. “Not as interesting as what’s going on here.” Eddie answered with a cocky grin. He took a great breath and spoke swiftly. “Long and short of it is that Canterbury commons is already havin problems with some kinda ant woman and a robot guy. Theyre shooting the place up and everyone’s hiding. We want the trade hub of the whole goddamn wasteland, we want them alive, and that’s not gonna happen if the costumed kooks are over there shooting up the fucking place. But you know, me and my boys aint goin ahead unless you give the go ahead.” Eddie finished rambling before turning his attention back to the well endowed, very shapely red head on the floor, a new look of terror in her eyes. She had only heard of Eddie Gallows, but she knew enough to know that the former raider slave was sinister and evil. His evil was on par with Karver himself, and he was satan. “so, about the wench.” Sneered Eddie as he made a sudden move to strike her, causing her to bury her head in her arms and cry out. But he stopped, laughing at her. “stupid bitch.” He said quietly, to the laughter of Karver. “go have some fun with her. She sucks cock like a dream.” Karver said, pointing down the stairs and staring directly at Cassandra who shuddered visibly. She moved downstairs immediately. Karver grabbed his long time friend’s arm and whispered into his ear before he departed.“And Eddie, when youre done…kill her. She has outlived her usefulness already.” Karver whispered conspiratorially. Eddie grinned.
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