The Exile | By : TestChamber99 Category: +S through Z > Soul Caliber Views: 1514 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Soul Calibur and make no money from this writing |
Yoshimitsu's sleep was interrupted by an overwhelming feeling of heat. It was not yet summer, not the time for those sultry nights where thick, warm futons were replaced by thinner ones. But discomfort brought the ninja back to consciousness, and he panicked when he discovered why. Someone was with him in his room. More specifically, they were laying next to him, arms wrapped around him from behind. He could feel the rise and fall of a chest at his back, and more disturbing was the feel of the other's hips against his backside. Yoshi started, and whoever lay beside him shifted, moving not away but curling in closer. Rough knees touched the backs of his calves, and the longer legs attempted somewhat unconsciously to entwine with his own. The ninja's panic quickly subsided. He reached under his pillow for the small dagger that lay hidden there just in case of such intrusions. His hand grasped only pillow fluff. This was worrisome. He'd been disarmed; the intruder knew where his weapons had been. In the partial light granted by some lanterns outside and the faraway moon, Yoshi tried to survey the rest of the room without moving. His katana rested in its usual spot against the wall; the washizaki and sashimono lay on the floor next to it. Possibly sensing movement as Yoshi craned his head, the intruder gave a small, uneasy grunt. A male voice. His arms tensed around Yoshimitsu's body as he stretched and relaxed again, his chin resting on Yoshi's exposed shoulder – and his lips gently settled on Yoshi's neck. The ninja shivered as a hot breath traveled against the back of his neck, bothering the thick black hair and moving down the covers to ripple against his back. Quickly, his mind went through his lists of enemies, but he knew of none comfortable enough to fall asleep next to him. He went over his allies, too, finding none that measured the man behind him in either length or behavior. Whoever it was, he needed to back off, and fast. His false arm gave a soft groan as it started to life, and Yoshi slammed the wooden elbow into the intruder. The man gave a yelp of pain, bursting back to the waking world and bolting up. Yoshi rolled over and propped himself into a crouch, hands weaponless but ready to strike. The other man was too involved with the attack to respond, clutching his arm and giving a hiss of pain as he rocked back and forth. He must've been still reeling from the rude awakening... not that Yoshi cared either way. The stranger's hiss morphed into a growl-like groan, and Yoshi immediately knew who it was. He quickly scrambled for a candle and tinder, striking it violently and flooding the room with yellow light. “Voldo!” The pale figure gave another hiss, unaffected by the light, and dropped his hands to his sides. His nostrils twitched, sniffing the smoke from the tinder, and he must've realized that he'd been revealed, for he lowered his head and let out a quiet groan. Yoshi wasn't sure what to do. A quick check told him that Voldo was not carrying his weapons. Even now, Yoshi spotted the shimmer from his triple-bladed katars from across the room, meaning the man had disarmed himself before curling up next to the ninja. “Why art thou here?” Yoshi let the curtness of his voice cut as well as any blade. Voldo reacted just as appropriately, shirking back and giving another groan. Yoshimitsu huffed. Of course he shouldn't have expected any type of response from the man, considering Voldo couldn't speak. However, as the Italian bit his lower lip, Yoshi realized that the action itself meant a much greater thing than any answer Voldo could have spoken. He wasn't wearing his mask. Scars along his face where the binding straps of leather had cut into him marked where the mask ought to have been; a strap over his mouth, a band around his eyes, and some other strips around his head to hold them all in place. But now there were none, and though his eyes still remained closed, his lips twitched and moved as if he were trying to force his words through them. It could only mean one thing: he no longer heard his Master's voice. He was not bound to the dead man any more. And his peaceful disarmament only meant that he had come to make amends. But that didn't mean he needed to curl up next to Yoshi! A hot flush spread through Yoshimitsu's cheeks as conflicting feelings surged through him. On the one hand... well, yes, the contact had been peaceful. Warm enough to rouse him from sleep. And it didn't look as though Voldo had tried to make any unwarranted advances. On the other hand, Yoshi didn't exactly ask to be spooned in the middle of the night! Rage won out, and with the quickness of a viper Yoshi struck Voldo across the face. “Get out of my house! There is no place for thee here!” Recoiling, Voldo grasped his cheek, and, now sore in two places, curled his knees up, moaning and whimpering softly. Yoshi scoffed. “Oh, didst thou not think I would strike thee? Break into my home, make advances on my person while I was asleep? Didst thou think I would simply turn over and welcome thee with open arms? Especially considering thy past? Hah!” Something about the nervous way Voldo looked to the side told Yoshi that, yes, he had expected an open-armed welcome. “I am not desperate for company,” Yoshi hissed, “and even if I was, there are many more I would prefer than thee!” Voldo was still for a moment, and Yoshi worried that he'd seen through the lie. Of course Yoshi was desperate; it had been years since any other human had touched him in a way that was not brotherly or martial. Still, he wasn't about to let Voldo know that. The thought sat at the pit of his stomach like a poison. Perhaps it was desperation that had led Voldo here in the first place. If his Master had vanished for whatever reason – either the ghost had given up the fight for his precious sword or the madness within Voldo's turbulent mind had cleared – then guarding the Pit meant nothing to the man. He lived for his Master's approval, imagined or otherwise, and without it his life held little meaning. But why crawl into the house of his greatest enemy...? As he continued to search Voldo for answers, the thought occurred that Voldo might not view Yoshimitsu in the same way Yoshi saw Voldo. Stealing Yoshi's sword had been an accident; he really could not blame a blind man for taking the wrong sword entirely. Yoshi's pursuit of both Voldo and the rogue sword had been an anxiety-fueled journey, but for Voldo... Well, it just meant someone was trying to steal from his Master. Naturally, he would've been defensive about it. Yoshi gasped, snapping from his thoughts only to realize Voldo had moved closer. Now in proximity, he reached out a pale, rough hand to touch Yoshi's cheek. Yoshi struck him again. And again. “Keep thy thieving hands away from me!” But the anger within him had gone, and his blows were little more than redirecting slaps. Not that Voldo would've minded if they'd been stronger; he made no effort to back away. His hand merely rose again, this time succeeding in touching Yoshimitsu's neck. The ninja drew in a sharp breath, a shiver spreading through him as the hairs on his arms raised. He closed his eyes as the blunt fingertips slid over his skin, turning into callused knuckles and a toughened yet gentle palm. Vertigo consumed his mind, and small stars leapt in front of his eyes as though he'd been hit. A trembling breath escaped him. Why...? Why did this single touch bring such a stirring to him? Was his body really so desperate for contact that any willing human would do...? Voldo was leaning close now. Yoshi felt the hot whisper of breath against his neck, sending more chills down his spine. A brush of lips – and everything within Yoshi screamed at him to send the intruder flying across the room. In brilliant defiance of his own internal voices, Yoshi's head tilted back, and his next exhaled breath brought with it the barest hint of guttural satisfaction. The intruder needed no more encouragement than that. His lips instantly spread over Yoshi's skin, sucking lightly before disconnecting, just to start the whole process over again. Teeth lightly nipped; a tongue, wet and strong despite years of misuse, lapped and lathed. Yoshi felt the warmth of the other's body as he leaned closer, and Voldo's other hand threaded through Yoshi's long, thick black hair as he cradled the ninja's head. Eyes still closed, Yoshi began to explore the other's body, starting at the neck, sending finger-brushes of encouragement along with the soft moans he was already unable to hold back. His right arm – his false one – was incapable of the finite movements of a real hand and simply rested, half-curled, at Voldo's side. His left was starting to explore the carved collarbone, the sinew and lean muscle along Voldo's neck and shoulders. The tight but thin chest, covered with soft straps of goathide leather and rough woven mesh. The chiseled stomach, which, at his touch, contracted beneath the skin. Yoshimitsu suddenly noticed that Voldo was no longer kissing his neck. Instead, rough, growling breaths poured against the skin, hot and uneven, tempered by the touches Yoshi was providing. The lean body twitched as Yoshi drew his hand away, unsure but now aware of what he was doing. And with a slam that knocked the wind out of his lungs, Yoshimitsu suddenly found himself on his back. “Vol-!” was the only sound he was able to produce before the guardian's lips melded with his. A wave of shock and fear passed over him, and once he realized that the other was not attacking him – well, not in the standard way – Yoshi wrapped his arms around Voldo's neck and kissed him in return. Perhaps it was desperation; Yoshi really didn't care any more. Voldo had won. His ruse at distracting and seducing – or whatever he was doing – had worked, and Yoshi was now no more than some mewling toy pinned under him. Thousands of thoughts tore through Yoshimitsu's mind, from being licked and sucked to being penetrated or even enduring a burst of betrayal and being strangled. All, for some reason, seemed equally arousing. But right now it was Voldo's lips against his, Voldo's tongue against his, Voldo's body against his. In even his wildest dreams he could not imagine an encounter with his rival ending up like this. He had always imagined Voldo's skin to be as slick and disgusting as a toad's, and in combat had avoided touching him for this reason. While the man's skin was certainly rough from years of training and exposure, it was not slimy in the least, nor was it different from any other human's. Yoshi felt Voldo's hands edge upward to his face and quickly knocked them away. Voldo sat partway up, giving a low groan of confusion. “Not the face. Do not touch my face.” It occurred to him, of course, that Voldo had already touched his scarred face while he was sleeping, already knew of the guarded secret there. But the memories a mere touch brought to light or the whimper of pity Voldo might let out as his fingers explored the melted skin and deformed features... His face had ruined many a budding relationship in the past merely from a look. For some reason he could not bear for it to ruin this one. Voldo sighed and kissed him again, hands lowering, determined to touch something if not the ninja's face. He let out a quiet chuckle as he slipped his fingers between the opening of the ninja's yukata and rested his palm on the bulge of Yoshimitsu's fundoshi. The hot alert in Yoshi's brain went off again, and again came the impulse to kick the man off of him. This time, the impulse was quieter, easier to ignore. Voldo's touch was not so simple to dismiss, and the majority of bells ringing in Yoshi's ears had more to do with his growing arousal than the sudden appearance of the man who was causing it. With a frustrated and embarrassed groan, Yoshi rolled his hips against Voldo's hand. The mute drew back, his cheeks instantly lighting up. Evidently he had expected a more adverse reaction. Voldo resettled himself between Yoshi's legs, half-crouching with one knee on the floor as he leaned over the ninja's prone body. His breathing had changed to an unsteady shiver, and Yoshi noticed that his hands were now shaking. Voldo slowly parted the two folds of Yoshimitsu's yukata, exposing more of the ninja's body to the open air. Yoshi shivered, pulling the right side a bit more over, covering the scars that led from the remnants of his shoulder down to his ribcage. Looking up, Yoshi realized that Voldo had opened his eyes, and the sight of them brought another shudder through him. Even in the low light from the burning candle, Voldo's eyes glowed like a cat's. There was a hazy unearthliness about them, the way the pupil shone copper-green instead of black, and how it changed as Voldo's sightless eyes danced back and forth. The color of his eyes was a light brown, or at least it used to be. Most of the corruption in his eye had separated that color and mingled it with the oddly-glowing shine of his pupils, though some slivers of it was still visible. A pang of pity hit Yoshi's heart before he could stop it. He realized that, probably early in his years of service under Vercci, Voldo had received massive blows to the head, so brutal that his vision had deteriorated quickly. Yoshi had known several men in this condition, all of them fighters. Most likely, Voldo could only perceive forms in shadow and light, and little else. He gave a short shake of his head as Voldo's eyes closed again. Warriors knew the risks and hazards of their trade. There should be no pity for Voldo's lost sight, just as Yoshi deserved no pity for the loss of his arm. But knowing that Vercci was the one ultimately responsible for his blindness kept a fire lit in Yoshi's chest. “Hn?!” Knocked out of his reverie by a warm, wet touch on his chest, Yoshi looked down. Voldo was leaning over, propped by one hand while the other explored and teased at the right half of Yoshi's torso. The left half was being manipulated by Voldo's tongue, and at present he was tracing along an old sword scar over Yoshi's breast. The scar tissue was deliciously sensitive, and Yoshi could not stop himself from moaning and squirming at the touch. Even Voldo's fingers at his right felt good, running into the ridges and waves of the thick buildup of skin there. Another lick, and Yoshi gasped, reaching up with his left to... well, he wasn't sure what he was going to do. Instinct screamed at him to push Voldo's head away; the pleasure buzzing around his brain told him to pull the mute closer. In the end, he did neither, merely placing his hand on Voldo's head and giving it what he hoped was an encouraging rub. He was surprised to find a bristle-like quantity of hair there. After a moment of focus, he also realized that Voldo's chin and jaw had a small amount of stubble. For all the years Yoshimitsu had known the man, Voldo had always been hairless, and Yoshi thought it was just the way the man was. Now, he was thinking there was some ritual to it, something the mute had given up when he'd left the Pit for good. Sadly, his hair was not long enough to grab, though admittedly Yoshi tried. Voldo moved to another short but deep scar, and Yoshi's eyes nearly rolled back in his head. This one was from Tira, if he remembered correctly; a lapse moment in judgment after finding his general dead by her hand. He barely had time to reminisce before Voldo gave a small, interested moan of his own and moved lower. “G-gah!” Yoshi's entire body jerked, fingernails digging into the mute's scalp. The scar was almost all the way across his stomach, wide but shallow and incredibly more sensitive at this moment than Yoshi ever remembered it being. He struggled to calm himself, letting out a meager whimper as he watched Voldo's tongue dance along the pink flesh. “S-so... thou hast found... t-thy gift to me...” Voldo gave a soft growl and grinned widely. His hands moved down, and now that his body was more centered he was free to torture Yoshi's nerves with both of them. One moved past the erect tent of the fundoshi to squeeze and massage Yoshi's inner thigh; the other lingered amongst the maze of scars on the ninja's ribs. The mute's tongue passed over the scar again, bringing with it pleasure and memories of a dark pit, a stolen sword, and an angry and desperate ninja willing to do anything to get it back. Yoshi's urgency had blinded him to the most basic of Voldo's attacks, and he'd almost ended up dead because of it. Just a slight step more and Yoshi would've been cleanly sliced in two; if nothing else, the scar always reminded him how lucky he was to be alive. In a similar way, the scar was still emitting this emotion. Voldo let out a louder moan and shifted his hips; Yoshi understood the feeling. Right now his own erection was begging for touch, and Voldo's proximity to it was not helping a thing. Every so often, the bare parts of his chest or a hanging leather strap would brush against the swollen head, and Yoshi's thighs would jerk involuntarily. Finally, Voldo backed away from the scar, still keeping his body close to Yoshimitsu's. His hand left the scars, reaching underneath himself, and a soft click sounded through the room followed by a soft jingling of metal on metal. Something heavy dropped to the floor. That was when Yoshimitsu started to get nervous. He flinched as Voldo, with spiderlike quickness and a savage growl, suddenly jerked forward... and straddled the ninja. With a purr and a hint of desperate whine, Voldo settled his hips against Yoshi's crotch, with the thin cotton layer of the fundoshi as the only thing keeping the two bodies separated. Another whine and an uneven puff from his chest sounded as Voldo lightly rocked his hips. Stars danced and swirled before Yoshi's eyes as another hit of vertigo set in. Spikes of heat shot through his stomach, so fierce that Yoshi thought Voldo had stabbed him. It took a couple seconds for him to realize that, though he was the one on his back, he was not going to be receiving. Voldo's whines were getting louder, and he frantically seemed to be searching for something on his person. Yoshi found himself only able to watch as, with trembling hands, Voldo extracted a small vial from a hidden pocket within his straps. “Hey,” Yoshi said smoothly, sitting up and taking the vial from Voldo's shuddering grasp. He finally understood what was going on, and he knew for one that Voldo was far too nervous – or excited – to correctly do what he was attempting. “Let me help, please.” Voldo easily yielded the tube, and Yoshi calmly opened it. A distinct floral scent hit the air, and Voldo gave another excited shudder. A touch at the lip of the vial revealed it to be some sort of oily substance, the very idea of which brought color to Yoshi's cheeks. He looked up again at Voldo, whose pale face was also planted with spots of red. However long it had been before Yoshi had been touched, it must have been infinitely longer for Voldo. It was mere speculation, but if Vercci and Voldo had been...together, it would have been a good twenty years since the merchant's death. Twenty years alone with his solitude and madness. Voldo seemed to calm a little, though he was still impatiently wiggling his hips. Yoshi's eyes moved downward, and though the low light caught mostly shadow, he was able to see the very thick tip of Voldo's cock. It glistened with pre-cum, and Yoshi felt heat from his cheeks all the way down his chest. The world seemed to spin again as he reminded himself that this was actually happening. It was suddenly hard to focus as he spilled half of the tube's contents into his palm, his false hand artificially steady as his other shook wildly. He pushed his fundoshi aside, freeing his eager erection and causing Voldo to stop rocking for a second as Yoshi lubed himself up. The ninja gingerly groped at Voldo, smearing the lube onto him as well, trying to remain as calm as he appeared. It was difficult, considering the noises Voldo made at the slightest touch of his member, and Yoshi found himself absently stroking the other man, lost in every whimperish moan. Yoshimitsu let out a cry as Voldo reached down and grabbed the ninja's cock, giving it a few strokes of its own before slowly lowering himself to it. Both men tensed, letting out collective gasps at the entry. Yoshi had only taken a man once in his life, and that moment had been nothing like this. Voldo's body was tight and twitchy but soft and warm, and the further the mute slid down onto Yoshi's shaft, the better it felt. Soon the heat of Voldo's ass and body touched him; Voldo was all the way in. Both men froze, each panting softly as they adjusted to the new sensation of the other's body. Yoshi felt Voldo relax then spasm, clenching his cock hard enough to make him groan, then relax again. The older man shivered, and Yoshi propped himself up, cupping Voldo's face in the palm of his artificial hand. “Been... a while.. for thee, has it...?” he panted out, and Voldo nodded. Yoshi gave a light chuckle. “Indeed... for me, too. Well worth... the wait... I think.” To this, Voldo actually looked away shyly, and Yoshi couldn't help but give another small laugh. Slowly, he gave a roll of his hips, and Voldo's attention was instantly redirected. The mute tensed and gave a low, quiet moan, resting his hands on Yoshi's stomach to help balance himself. Another roll, a slow pistoning against the other's body. Voldo purred out another moan and began rocking his hips as well, setting a rhythm between the two. Yoshi shifted to rest most of his weight on his false arm, using the other to stroke down Voldo's tensing body, re-exploring the tight muscles now in motion beneath the pale skin. He breathed out quiet praise; watching Voldo's body as he took the full length of Yoshimitsu's shaft was almost as enthralling as being inside of him. Still, a seed of curiosity and mischief settled in, and out of rhythm Yoshi gave a sudden, strong buck of his hips, thrusting deep. Voldo grunted loudly, tensing for a second before swaying dizzily. He gave Yoshi's stomach an encouraging stroke and started grinding again, though now his breath was heavy and uneven and expectant. Yoshi grinned, letting a few more normal pulses of his hips pass before his cock shot upward again. This time, after the initial cry of pleasured pain, Voldo gave a longing whimper before continuing to grind, although this time his hips shifted at a faster pace. Yoshi's hips bucked again, enjoying every sensation from the tensing of the mute's body to the satisfying slap of Yoshi's thighs against Voldo's ass. Voldo keened, his wordless voice both begging and demanding. Spurred by something that completely chased away all the vertigo and reserve in Yoshi's mind, Yoshimitsu sat up, pressing his body hard against Voldo's as he met the mute's lips in a rough kiss. His hips continued to pound and occasionally thrust, and Voldo clung to him tightly, a chorus of animalistic whimpers and growls seething from him. Another second and Voldo was forced hard onto his back. Yoshi leaned in to kiss his unusual lover one more time, then sat up, taking Voldo's hips firmly within his grasp. Voldo's legs had already wrapped around the ninja's body; they tensed encouragingly, not that Yoshimitsu needed any further prompting. His thrusts came hard, coupled with grunts of effort from him and bestial songs of pleasure from Voldo's throat. The mute squirmed and writhed on his back as though drunk from ecstasy. The motion of his body combined with the velvet warmth of his core nearly sent Yoshi over the edge, and the ninja tensed almost every muscle within himself in order to halt his climax. A hot rush seared through his balls, and mentally he knew he was orgasming already. But he refused to relax until he knew that Voldo had reached the same plateau. He thrust harder, faster, and when his hips gave an upward jerk that prompted a tightened and very loud reaction from Voldo, he knew he'd hit the right spot and gave further focus to that angle. His false hand was holding Voldo's hip with enough strength to dig into the flesh. With his left hand, Yoshi clumsily began stroking Voldo's cock, eliciting louder moans from the guardian every time his fingers passed across the sensitive tip, still slick with lube and pre-cum. After few more well-guided thrusts against Voldo's prostate paired with the stroking, the mute's whole body tensed, hips rising off of the floor as hot, musky-scented cum spewed from the tip of his cock, shooting over his pale chest. “Aaah~! Nnnhhrr...” Voldo's head rolled, swimming with lust, and his body seemed to be unable to relax, ruthlessly clenched around Yoshi's already-pained cock. “V-Voldo...” The words were merely meant to urge Voldo to relax; instead they were a precursor. The mute's body was so incredibly soft and simultaneously hard... the thick scent of his essence... the guttural, beastlike cries... Yoshi could hold back no longer. His hips bucked hard, forcing his length into the tightened orifice, and once as deep inside as he could go, Yoshi loosed with a small yelp, incurring both pain and delight as his essence flooded into the guardian's body. After remaining still for what seemed like forever, the two relaxed. Voldo first, letting out a large puff of air that he had probably been holding, multiple shudders from his body following afterward. The vertigo seemed to attack Yoshimitsu as soon as the vice around his shaft released, and the ninja no longer had the strength to fight it back. He collapsed on Voldo's chest, pulling out and making the other's body jolt in the process. Warm but trembling arms wrapped around him. Yoshi tried to stay in the moment, but the stars swirled in his eyes. The only thing he could focus on was the deep, slow sound of Voldo's breath and the quick thumping of his heart. “Don't leave,” he muttered, knowing he was about to fall asleep. Voldo's fingers passed through the long black hair, and such satisfaction and comfort poured through him that consciousness lasted only a second longer. He woke with a start as something wet and tepid was applied to his hips. Voldo jumped back, evidently expecting the ninja to sleep a little more soundly or at least be exhausted enough not to wake. He resumed his work, however, cleaning Yoshi off with a wet rag. Yoshi did little more than watch him, trying to clear the sleep from his mind. The candle had burned itself out long ago, but rose-golden rays of light, muted and spread by the rice paper walls, illuminated the room enough to where he could see his intruder again. At some point in time, Voldo had cleaned himself up and had even put his codpiece and attacked thong back on. The vial of floral-scented lube was nowhere in sight. Yoshi guessed that Voldo made intentions to leave just after this. To that end, he grabbed Voldo's wrist just as the mute drew back. Voldo looked up at him, copper-coin eyes flashing in the midmorning light. “Please, stay.” Voldo looked away, shook his head. “Why? Thou hast nothing in that Pit. And thou cannot simply wander the world when...” Yoshi paused, remembering his words last night. “Per-perhaps I spoke hastily when I said there was no place for thee here.” Voldo let out a small scoff, pulling his wrist away, and Yoshi felt an odd sting in his chest. “I apologize. And – please – it is not merely the moment we shared that changed my mind. Thou art... thou art more complex than I gave thee credit.” Voldo gave a slow shake of his head and started to get up. Yoshi grabbed his hand again and pressed it against the long scar across the ninja's stomach. Voldo froze. “Thou hast already marked me. And I know I have marked thee as well.” Color spread across the mute's face. He pulled down one of the thicker leather straps across his chest, revealing a very deep scar that ran diagonally down the right side, all the way to his ribs. It could have been made by any other opponent to an untrained eye, but Yoshi noticed that the edges of the scar were purplish-black, a mark made by the evil forces trapped within his own self-named katana. Yoshimitsu leaned forward and gently pressed his lips against the scar. Voldo let out a growlish gasp, his cheeks reddening more. “Stay,” Yoshi cooed again, pressing his fingers against the furrowed line of the scar. Voldo gulped hard, taking on a conflicted expression. Then, finally, hesitantly, he gave a short nod. Inside, he wondered if Voldo had merely meant for last night's intrusion to be a one-time event. Or perhaps the mute had been snuggling with Yoshi for several nights prior and this was the one he awakened on. The thought was... disturbing. But it would explain his recent, more peaceful dreams. There was no way Yoshi could guess the truth. Exile from the Pit was too much of a burden to bear, and after paying the proper amends to his enemy – or perhaps during – Voldo had planned to somehow die, whether through self-inflicted means or by goading Yoshi into killing him. Even in the dim light of morning, Yoshi hadn't seen the bag filled with coins and gems nor the poorly-scrawled attempt at an apology letter beside it. Now, Voldo considered that whole situation ridiculous. He would have to somehow dispose of the letter later; he wasn't going to need it. They embraced, and Voldo pressed his face into Yoshi's neck, sighing as an unusual kind of peace flowed through his body. “Worry not,” Yoshi whispered, oblivious to the sigh's true meaning. He coaxed the mute to lay down, curling up to Voldo's chest when he complied. “Whatever troubles thee, I shall remedy it.” They spent the rest of the morning in warm silence, enjoying each other's touch.
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