The Crushing of Cassie Cage | By : JayDee Category: +M through R > Mortal Kombat Views: 31354 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Mortal Kombat X. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
The Crushing of Cassie Cage
Description: Cassie Cage could kick anybody's ass, except her Mom’s, so how does she end up tortured, raped and killed by a corpulent redneck?
Content Codes: Anal, Bond, COMPLETE, Contro, Fingering, Humil, M/F, MCD, Nec, OC, Oneshot, PWP, Rape, Solo, Tort, Violence
Warning & Author’s note: “This is some fucked up, repugnant shit,” (Citation - Jules, Pulp Fiction {1994}). It is a re-write of my story from 2008. I was actually a little disturbed by it. If you read on, you will read a horrifically graphic rape, torture and murder story that I re-wrote from my original to feature a Mortal Kombat X character. It’s probably less graphic than the game’s violence, but if you liked my other Mortal Kombat stories, you’ll probably hate this, because they were Female Domination stories and this isn’t. The main male OC is a fat, bitter, ugly, sadistic piece of shit. In short, he’s not Sheeva. If you don’t want to read something with the above codes, summary, and warning, please don’t. Read something else. There are some lovely stories on this site; funny, amusing, sexy... this isn’t one of them. If you absolutely have to read it, please leave a review and let me know what you think, or at least point out any spelling and grammar errors. Thank you for your time in reading this note and, to most of you, goodbye as you click back and read no further. To everyone else: strap in, this is going to get messy.
"Fucking Asshole!"
The cry seemed quiet in the great flat outdoors, lost in the tailwind of the speeding truck and dissipated through heat haze towards distant hills. Cassie Cage had been walking from her broken down hire car for forty-five minutes. She had silently cursed the airline that diverted her plane over 200 miles from her destination, and then told her it would be twenty four hours before they could put her on a new plane. She had cursed the cheap-assed hire company that loaned her such a goddamned unreliable car. Finally, she cursed loudly the one driver she had seen along the road since she started walking, as he disappeared past her towards the horizon.
Heading down to Texas to visit her dad on a movie set had seemed a good plan for the tough soldier, but since making the plan everything had seemed to be against her. When the hire car had died utterly, she’d checked the map and set out down the road for the nearest town, having reckoned it fifteen miles away. She’d hoped to hitch a ride. Sweat patches stained her dust-grubby top, and the outline of her large natural breasts pressed through inside. Her skin-tight ‘Cassie’ shorts felt too tight on her muscular thighs, and were rubbing her pussy as she walked. She was thankful for decent walking shoes, and her far above average fitness level – but wished she had more water or a cell phone signal, or that the cell phone battery hadn’t died or less practically a James Bond style jet pack. She didn’t even have any goddamn chewing gum left! The last piece had gotten gritty as hell in about five minutes of walking.
“I bet Jacqui could have got that car going again. Girl’s good with machines,” she muttered to herself, turning up the volume on her player, “maybe use the energy from her gauntlet to power it...”
Another half hour passed before she realised that there was a dust cloud coming out the heat haze of the horizon ahead of her, and a little longer than that before she made out a typical independent garage breakdown truck, with a car crane sticking out the back. Cassie waved her arms gratefully as the beaten up and rusty vehicle slowed to a halt nearby. Shit, she’d seen better vehicles in Outworld. The engine sputtered, but the driver didn’t turn it off. She picked up ‘Splasher’s Garage’ written in faded flaming text on the door and the hood.
"Damn," Cassie muttered, as she walked over.
She tugged her earbuds out, and even flicked off her shades. She didn’t think she needed to be intimidating to the civilian, but though her eyes were uncovered she quickly wished her nose wasn’t. The stench emanating from the truck's cab hit her full in the face, and she repeated the, ‘Damn!’. The driver was hugely obese, 450+ pounds of mostly fat. She could see the truck cab had been customised for his huge girth, and got the impression he was pretty tall as well. In fact, he was 6'9" and sweating like a pig in the hot heat of the summer. He was balding at the front, but the straggly dark remains of a mullet grew from the back and sides of his head. He had a beard matted with food hanging down to his chest. It was like meeting Torr’s buffet-regular cousin. He looked at Cassie as she approached, and smiled to show rotten yellow teeth, with the fried remains of his last meal still obvious between them.
"Billy told me he passed a broken down car out this way, and a woman walking towards our fine town of Salvation. Thought I'd drive on out here see if you wanted a mechanic."
"That son of a bitch could have stopped and brought me into town with him!" Cassie replied, politely trying to avoid showing her distaste at the smell. Failing, mostly.
"Couldn't. Judge says he ain't to pick up no more strangers. Well, you getting in or what, missy?"
Cassie replied via gritted teeth,
"Listen asshole, you better drop that missy crap or I will kick your ass with the day I've been having!"
"That a fact? Well, sorry Ma'am, old Splasher here is a little behind the times of your niceties. Now you going to get in or we going to fry like eggs?"
“I’m not a Ma’am, either. I’m a Sergeant,” she muttered, but Splasher didn’t seem to hear.
Cassie fought down the urge to vomit and climbed into the cab. The huge mechanic took up most of it, and she couldn't fail to spot his hungry eyes running up and down her sweat drenched body. As the breakdown truck sped off down the road towards Cassie’s car, wind whistled around the cab and took some of the fat man’s body odour away. It seemed amazing to Cassie, after her long walk in the heat of the day, how quickly they ate up the road until they were back to the dusty hire car. She wouldn’t mind wiring the vehicle up with C4 and blowing it all to shit.
One look at the engine was enough for Splasher to shake his head, and declare it was a garage job. His opinion of the hire company was worse even than Cassie’s own. She noticed that the mechanic was about a foot taller than her, but seemed a hell of a lot wider. Cassie Cage found herself wishing she could give him a good kicking just to teach him to shower and deodorize. She held herself back, realising the heat and run of bad luck was making her a lot angrier and less tolerant than usual. Cassie’s smartass remarks had got her into trouble before, sometimes deserved, but the fat guy was trying to help and didn’t deserve it. She’d hold her tongue. Cassie watched as he hitched the terrible car to the back of the breakdown truck, raising the front wheels from the road. It was only as she climbed back into the cab, and the journey towards the town started, that she wished she’d suggested riding back in the hire car. If there was one smell Cassie knew well, it was how dead people smelled. They smelled better than him.
As the breakdown truck pulled into Splasher’s Garage, Cassie was virtually hanging out of the passenger window. Her temper was frayed close to breaking point and getting worse each time she caught the obese mechanic’s eyes on her breasts rather than on the road. She staggered from the truck and lent against the wall, glad to be in the shade. Cassie was surprised to see that, as well as the tools and equipment she might expect, the garage appeared to be filled with fight memorabilia. Had the Torr comparison been so far off? After a moment she realised that it was pro-wrestling, rather than ‘real fighting’ like she, a Special Forces soldier and Kombatant specialised in. She knew some wrestlers could really fight, but thought of most of them as being no better than sister-fuckin’ carnies.
One of the pictures was a younger, but not much thinner, Splasher with a large golden belt over his shoulder and a promotion logo in the corner of the picture. His t-shirt read Splasher Mullet, and his hair was truly over the top awful, even for southern-style pro-wrestling. Splasher set about lowering the hire car from the breakdown truck, and talked engagingly at the same time,
“Yeah, you seen that? I was going to be the next big thing, I was so over… then this bitch, this total fucking cunt fucked up my knees so bad I had to retire early. The stupid whore did it on purpose after I stiffed her pussy-ass lover for being a fag. If I ever get my hands on that ragged old bitch now, I’d teach such her a lesson! They‘d be finding bits of her all over the south.”
Several retorts flickered through Cassie Cage’s mind, about how she didn’t approve of his sexist language, or how his fat ass would probably just get kicked hard again, or how pro-wrestling was all fake anyway. Instead, she said nothing. She was secretly impressed with herself; all the military discipline did count for something despite her dad’s influence! Biting her tongue, she stood in the garage waiting for the hire car to be fixed so she could get on her way. There wasn’t any proper air conditioning in Splasher’s garage and the small fans about the place didn’t seem to do much more than distribute his body odour like an Outworld swamplands miasma.
Meanwhile, Splasher was feeling old anger and bitterness welling up. The tirade against the woman who’d legitimately ended his career had opened the old mental wounds. He never had a moment’s respite from his knees, and had a stock of both legal and illegal medication to help with the pain. He found himself considering the way Cassie held herself. She walked with the same confidence and appearance of strength as his old nemesis had, and he thought about a sly revenge by proxy. All he had to do was give her a drugged drink, have a good grope and maybe blow a load over her face, take a few photos, then clean her up and claim she passed out in the heat.
‘Yeah,’ he thought, ‘this pretty little bitch would look good with my jizz on her face and dripping off those titties.’
The hugely fat man waddled through to the backroom of the garage without a word, and took a jug of cool lemonade from the refrigerator. He had some knock out powder he sometimes put in his own drinks at night to help him sleep, and put a good dose in the drink. He dropped in ice cubes from the freezer compartment, and took it back out to the garage, setting it on the shelf next to the athletic woman, and slapping her on the ass.
“Here you go, missy. Cool your sweet self off!”
Cassie Cage’s self-congratulation has been premature. She felt as if a red mist came down when Splasher called her ‘missy’ again. She pushed away from the wall towards him and waved a fist under his nose,
“Listen to me you fat fuck, I am having the day from hell. Your stinking disgusting shitty misogynistic crap is making it a billion times worse, and if you say another word I will kick so much of the shit out of you, you’d be able to fit through a fucking normal door again!”
Splasher lost his own temper at the same time. Sure, he could see that Cassie was in good shape but given his weight advantage he didn’t think she was a threat. Others had made the same mistake as him. Some of them were dead, missing their lower jaws.
“Why you little blonde bitch, I’m a kick your ass for that!”
The fat man was a lot slower and a hell of a lot less fit than the Special Forces soldier, and she punched him in the face so fast he didn’t even see it coming. Rotten teeth flew from his mouth as his face snapped round, saving him the expense of ever having them removed. Blood dribbled into his neckbeard as Cassie followed up with a second blow to Splasher’s flabby face. All of Cassie’s frustrations seemed to wash away as she beat up the big man. He lashed out with his fist, trying for a gut punch. Cassie caught it against her tensely prepared stomach muscles. She barely felt the blow, dancing back to kick out with a perfectly smooth kick to the side of Splasher’s knee. She flipped backwards, showing off, and caught him in the face with her heels.
“Cunt!” managed Splasher, as pain exploded up his leg, and added to his throbbing face.
He fell like a redwood, and the building shook when he landed. Splasher’s legs kicked like a turned turtle’s as he struggled for breath with the weight of his own fat pressing down on his rib cage. Cassie executed a perfect kick to the groin, and Splasher screamed in a strangled fashion, as her boot crushed his junk into him. He looked up through tear-blurry eyes as the soldier finished her demolition with a mocking salute.
“Bye bye you fat fuck. I’ll be back with a cop to lock you up for trying to assault me!”
Cassie flipped Splasher off, and picked up the lemonade. She tossed back the cool refreshing beverage without thinking. The knock-out powder hit as she turned away, and the glass slipped from her suddenly weak fingers, breaking on the ground. Cassie felt her legs going as the world span suddenly around her.
“Oh… no…” she gasped, before falling unconscious on the dirty floor of Splasher’s garage.
When he had recovered enough to lumber back to his feet, Splasher laughed darkly to see Cassie Cage’s limp body lying on the floor. There was a slight lisp to his laugh from the missing teeth, but he had stopped bleeding. He secured the garage door, and put up his closed sign, careful to avoid kicking the broken glass around his work area. He fancied he could still see the horrified realization in the bitch’s face as she slept, while the singing pain in his knee, his face and his groin was all the encouragement he needed to know that she would never leave his garage alive. He’d crossed the line from fat, sweaty, asshole to hateful insanity.
He closed a huge fat-fingered hand over Cassie’s ankle, and lifted her leg up to waist height. Limping heavily, Splasher dragged the drugged woman across the dirty floor. Her top bunched up around her neck, revealing her muscular torso and strong blu sports top/bra. Splasher decided she was wearing too much clothing - which meant any - and dragged her up onto a rough wooden workbench. He paused to roughly maul Cassie Cage’s cleavage, tugging down her blue sports-bra to reveal the lack of tan lines over her breast - clearly, she sunbathed naked.
There was no reaction from Cassie, she was out of it and would be for hours yet. He realized he had erred in giving her the dosage needed to put himself out slowly, and so it had hit her much more compact and athletic frame with the force of a tsunami to drop her almost instantly unconscious. Splasher wanted her to feel it when he killed her, and he’d need to prepare, but he could still have a little fun beforehand. He started to strip his victim, pulling her grubby top off her arms, then unclasped her pulled-up bra and took it off the rest of the way. Having stripped Cassie to the waist and Splasher moved on to tugging off her boots and socks, then he moved up her strong legs to her skin-tight shorts.
“Cassie,” he read on the fabric, “Soon, you just be Ass!”
He was drooling into his beard as he tugged Cassie Cage’s shorts down her legs. He put them aside, and noted the damp patch on her shockingly pink panties. She had started to become highly aroused as she beat on him, and he caught a whiff of her pussy even over his ever present body stench. He grinned gappily before tugging her panties down and revealing her neatly trimmed blonde bush. He stared hungrily at her large clit as he dropped her panties onto the clothes pile. Though Splasher would have loved to keep a trophy for his display, he knew he’d have to dispose of any evidence afterwards.
The mechanic’s cock reflected his large hands and 6’9” height, and was tenting out his work pants into a circus big top. Despite his massive waist, his tool was long and thick enough that he could stroke the end in one of his rough palms. The real punishment would begin when Cassie came round, but in the meantime Splasher dragged her limply around on the work bench until her ass hung over the edge, and her pussy was directly before him. He dropped his pants to his ankles. Damn, his cock had some bruising. He winced, and decided that the little tenderness wouldn’t stop his fun with the helpless blonde ragdoll before him.
Splasher grunted as he gripped the shaft of his cock just below the bloated head, and pressed it between Cassie’a warm muscular thighs to her vulva. Her arousal from the fight let him press in a little way easily, and soon the swell of his belly obscured his penetration. He was pleased with how tightly her slick channel gripped him, and he pulled her towards him on the work bench. Cassie’s legs were spread wide by his bulk, and her labia were stretched around his shaft (though he could not see that).
The unconscious woman’s eyes were half open, staring sightlessly at the ceiling. Cassie’s mouth was slack, and her lower jaw rocked slightly as Splasher forcefully stretched her cunt, making her take him all, every fat inch. His hairy belly rubbed against Cassie Cage’s smooth skin, pressing down on her stomach even though most of his weight was supported on his legs. The fat man had stretched her good, but when his cock was pressed snugly against her bowed-inwards cervix, the crown pressed directly against the tiny hole that led into her womb, he still had an inch or two outside.
“Look’t you, Ass!” he spat on Cassie’s face, “not so tough now are you, bitch? You little whore! You are so fucking wet!”
Splasher spoke for his own excitement. Rather than thrust and pump away at Cassie, he kept a tight grip on her hips and moved her on his cock. The rough workbench scratched and splintered against the unconscious woman’s back, and a slightly raised nail head tore into her shoulder. He loved Cassie’s total helplessness, and the feeling of her tight warmth wrapped around his often neglected cock. Her body moved limply, like a puppet with the strings cut, as Splasher pushed and pulled her for his sick pleasure. He was beginning to see the appeal of necrophilia, and mentally added it to his ToDo list.
Her cunt was juicing up well, and the penetration sounds grew wetter and longer as Splasher dragged her mostly off, and then slammed her back on to his shaft. Though his victim was unconscious, he could see her nipples hardening while her chest flushed red. Cassie Cage’s breasts rose and fell faster as her body responded to the pussy-stretching pounding she was getting. Her large erect clit was rubbing the length of Splasher’s shaft. She hadn’t been fucked for a while, and as far as Cassie’s cunt was concerned, one cock was as good as another.
“You filthy little slut! Just like that bitch in Memphis, I bet your ass was anyone’s! How many guys you had up you, Cassie Ass?”
As if in response to his crude taunting, the unconscious woman’s body reached climax, and Splasher felt an explosion of wetness at his already sweat damp crotch. Her cunt gripped his shaft hard as she came, showing the exercises she used to keep tight. Splasher moved his grip to her tits, and mauled them roughly. Her tanned flesh bulged between his fingers as he exploded against her cervix. The fat mechanic shot three or four strong blasts deep inside her, and as he managed to withdraw a final blast arced across her stomach and glistening wet bush, like signing a signature.
His heart was beating like a speeding train as an incredible sense of peaceful relaxation came over him. Even his constant knee pain faded away for a few moments. His cock softened rapidly, and he had to lean on the bench over Cassie. He drooled freely onto her tits while his heart rate slowed, and then managed to tug his pants back up without cleaning himself off. Cassie Cage’s incredible level of fitness meant her heart rate had returned to normal long before his, while her cunt had tightened up save for the trail of sperm leaking slowly out.
He flipped Cassie over, noticed the gash in her shoulder, and smiled. Taking up a filthy oily rag, he twisted it so he could have used it to flick at her ass, and then tied it around her head from behind. The rag was long enough to tie tightly around her hair at the back, and gag her mouth. He thought about his knocked out teeth, and decided he would certainly have to do the same to her, and that wasn’t all. He left her on the bench, and began his preparations for when she woke up. He knew he’d have to get rid of her the same day to avoid her being found there, so he couldn’t spend hours fucking her over and over as soon as he got hard again.
Cassie awoke to an ache in her cunt and soreness in her shoulder, although the scratch had scabbed over during her hours of unconsciousness. Immediately she tasted the nasty rag in her mouth, and found she couldn’t spit it out. She tried to pull it out, and found then that her arms were stretched out behind her, while her lower legs were bent over the edge of whatever she was tied to. Rope bit tightly into her ankles, so much so that she could not feel her feet. There were further loops just below her knees, which were bent on the table’s edge, Her shoulders ached from her arms, which were tied around the wrists and just above the elbows. The rough bindings bit into her smooth tanned skin.
She could see the garage’s skylight high above, and stars in the sky. After a few seconds she recalled kicking the redneck’s ass, drinking the lemonade, and the sensation of falling. As she recognized the feeling of dried sperm on her stomach, she formed a very clear idea of what had happened to her, and what was likely to happen to her next. She screamed, with rage, not fear, but the gag was successful and muffled the sound. A large engine started off to the right, and Cassie realized it would easily hide anything further from the ears of outside world. She turned her head and managed to see over her arm to where the redneck mechanic stood, buck naked.
“I had a look at your stuff, Missy. Sgt Cassie Cage, huh? I looked you up on my computer, and there’s a lot there, fighting in another dimension they say! ‘The fuck do they let woman fight anyway? Belong in the damn mess hall at most! Now, your daddy, I seen all his movies, I think he’s a badass. I’ll have to make sure he don’t find out what happened to you, won’t I? Your car won’t be found, nor any of your stuff. That just leaves you to finish off. ol’ Splasher Mullet is going to show you just how tough you really are soldier girl. I’m going to show you that you ain’t worth shit!”
He laughed harshly, and continued,
“Then, as a special treat, I’m going to drop you on that cold, hard, concrete floor, and splash you like I did in the old days. ‘Cept it won’t be no fake splash where I protect you, you gonna get 485lbs of real American hitting you hard! I’m a crush you and fuck you again! First though, bitch, I’m going to go to work on that hard body of yours!”
Cassie knew fear of old; it was something she could use, to push herself further than ever, but there wasn’t anything she could do tied down. Her fear grew; if only Raiden was able to hear her prayers, if only she could generate the green energy, if… that might work. She tried to concentrate, maybe somehow focus it into burning the rope, but whether a side effect of the drug, or some other reason, it just wouldn’t come. She hoped he’d relent, that she’d get a chance to talk him down and escape, but the power tools nearby it a dim prospect. Death might not be the end – her own father had come back, supposedly. – but Cassie still didn’t want to go through it at the hands of an obese rapist in a stinking Texan auto shop.
Never mind the tools, Splasher’s hard cock looked like a lethal weapon all of its own, poking out beneath the great girth of the waddling fat man’s belly. His smell was no easier on Cassie’s nose, and it seemed to permeate everything around her. She tried to pull away as her disgusting captor moved around beside her and groped her breasts. He looked like had a damn hairy pair of his own. His rough skin stimulated her, and to Cassie’s shame she saw her nipples harden up beneath his thumbs. Who the hell had taught him about foreplay? As he moved his left hand down between her thighs, she groaned involuntarily.
‘No! Damn it!’ she thought.
“Fucking whore! I was right! Awake or asleep, you just want to be fucked!
He was a stinking rapist and a fat psycho and as ugly as fuck, but his fingers worked her breasts and pussy as well as any of her true lovers. Thick and meaty, she’d seen smaller cocks on some guys than the two digits he started working inside her. She shook her head, tried to snarl and curse through the gag rather than moan, but Splasher kept on fingering, his fat face twisted with delight of the power he had to turn her own body against her. She could feel her vaginal muscles gripping his fingers, drawing him deeper, as he dropped his other hand from her breasts and began frantically stroking his cock. Fighting it all the way, hating herself, Cassie Cage came convulsively across his hand. For a moment, the unwanted pleasure even drowned out her shame. She felt the hot spunk coating her breasts as the fat redneck spurted across them, staining each with the pearly fluid and pooling between.
Splasher stood back, admiring his work. He decided her cunt tasted pretty damn good as he licked his fingers, but maybe too raw. He liked his food cooked. The train of thought gave him an evil idea for later and made his softened cock twitch. There was a tool trolley next to the bench he had Cassie tied on, and a battery operated drill with a masonry bit. Splasher picked it up, and moved to stand at the foot of the table. He could see Cassie’s leg muscles working against the ropes as she tried to kick him, like she’d kicked his knee and junk earlier. Those damn legs… he had to punish them first.
“Well, you’re really gonna get fucked now, Missy Ass!”
The drill whined loudly, and the tone of the noise changed as he pressed the spinning bit into Cassie Cage’s left knee. Blood spattered instantly as a circle of skin was shredded. Tough as she was, she screamed into the gag, and screamed harder as he pressed on the drill. It bored into her kneecap and sent pain shooting up her leg. Cassie cried and squealed as the spinning metal passed through and into the flesh of her leg, scratching the ends of the bones beneath her kneecap. Splasher pressed it in until the drill bit was all the way through Cassie’s left knee.
He twisted the drill, making the whining bit tear up the ligaments it pressed against, while blood splashed from both entry and exit points around the spinning metal. Cassie’s muffled screams were music to the fat man’s ears, and as he withdrew the drill he could tell from her pale face that Cassie was in extreme pain. And her eyes… so angry. As blood dribbled down her bound leg, Splasher pressed the drill over Cassie’s other knee. She shook her head frantically, composure draining away. Fresh blood spattered as the bit cut into Cassie’s other kneecap, right through the centre.
Cassie Cage’s fists were clenched, and she bit down on the gag as she tried to make herself pass out from the pain. She’d never felt anything like the agony in her knees, and knew it was only going to get worse. In serving her country, she’d always knowingly faced the prospect of capture, of torture, of rape. It was a price she was prepared to pay in the line of duty, but not one she thought she’d face for getting in a pickup truck. Her face was wet with tears, and snot leaked from her nose as she screamed and bit down. Blood leaked from her knee wounds, but there wasn’t anywhere near enough lost to make her pass out. Even going into shock would have dulled the pain. Splasher lay the drill to one side on the trolley, and selected the sharpest blade he owned.
Cassie’s head was back, so she did not see as he started to slice a circle in the skin around her right breast. The sharp knife cut through Cassie’s tanned skin easily, and a bloody line formed behind it. She raised her head to see as Splasher slid the blade under the skin of the actual breast and felt sickened as she saw it come away along with the sperm drying on the surface. Even if she survived, her mutilated breasts would forever be scarred. Splasher had cleaned and killed game before, and flayed Cassie’s breast with practiced ease. He took off most of the skin in one peace, including her nipple. Splasher held the large flap of skin across one of his hands, and then wrapped it around his re-hardening cock.
She’d seen some fucked up stuff in Outworld, but Cassie couldn’t watch as the fat redneck tried to masturbate with her skin, and turned her head away. Splasher found the idea was an erotic one, but in practice bloody skin made a poor jerk-rag. He dropped it, and set about flaying the skin from Cassie’s other breast, to give her a matching set. Cassie didn’t seem to feel the blade as much the second time and she thought that her agony had reached a kind of plateau, that she hurt so badly that whatever else he did to her could not make it any worse. She was wrong.
When Splasher ignited the flame on his blow torch, the light seemed momentarily blinding to Cassie. She was still cursing and pleading incoherently around the gagging rag, and trying not to look at her skinless, nipple-less, cleavage. She didn’t want to see the raw expanse of bloody flesh and fatty tissue revealed. Splasher reveled in her suffering, and stretched out the moment by moving the blow torch slowly above Cassie’s body. He let her wonder where he was going to direct it to burn, before pointing it downwards.
“Welcome to a real Texan BBQ!”
The sickly sweet smell of burning flesh filled the garage as Splasher turned the blow torch onto Cassie Cage’s pussy. Her short pubic bush burned away, while her clit fried in its own blood and the soft fat around it. The blow torch flame hissed through a sudden yellow stream as Cassie pissed across the table. Splasher moved the blow torch down her labia, crisped her pussy lips. Her piss stream ended suddenly as he seared her urethra shut, melting the hole together. He made sure not to burn too much, so enough nerve tissue remained to sing out in terrible agony. Cassie Cage’s cunt blistered and bubbled as Splasher de-activated the blow torch and moved it away. For Cassie, the experience had been like getting head from Scorpion with his mask off.
She was still muffled-screaming and crying, looking a whole lot less tough, so he knew she hadn’t gone into shock. Moving faster, he replaced the blow torch with a heavy hammer. He brought it down hard on Cassie’s drilled kneecaps, cracking each one audibly. They split around the drill holes, and he hoped it hurt Cassie as badly as his knees hurt him sometimes. Then, he moved up to her head and brought the hammer down hard into her lower jaw. The blow made his flabby torso shake. Blood splashed his arm again as her teeth were knocked into her mouth. Cassie Cage’s face changed shape under the hammer blows Splasher inflicted on its lower half. She was left a long way from beautiful. Once again, he was careful not to direct any force to where it might knock her unconscious. He needed her to feel it all. His cock was so hard it nearly hurt him.
Pausing for breath, he stood and listened to the inhuman noises that were all that Cassie was capable of making. The gag had been knocked down, and he could see her tongue wiggling against her broken upper teeth. Little spots of white enamel showed through the blood pooling inside Cassie’s mouth, and air bubbled through it. Splasher dropped the hammer, and took his blade up again. He sliced her arm, severing muscle and tendon and leaving it useless. Stroking his cock, he did the same to the other arm. He wasn’t going to take any chances of her fighting back. Breathing in the scents of her cooked cunt, he carved out a juicy slice and crunched it like pork crackling. In the grip of his insanity, the overcooked morsel seemed the best thing he’d ever tasted. Drooling grease, he cut through the ropes holding Cassie to the work bench, and rolled her over to fall face down on the hard floor. She was quiet for a moment as the impact knocked the air from her, and then started spitting blood and sobbing again. She had been subjected to just too much pain even for a trained Special Forces soldier to bear.
He grabbed a long tube of lubricant - as an incredibly obese person he always had uses for it - and squirted a load between Cassie’s shaking buttocks. He rubbed it around her rosebud, before forcing a fat finger through her resisting ring. He smiled with sadistic glee at her tightness, and twisted his finger inside her before pulling it out and wiping the mix of shit and lube into her blonde hair. He applied an equal amount from the tube onto as much of his bloated hard cock as he could reach, before lying across the workbench and pulled himself onto it. It took all his strength and will to stand atop the creaking bench and look down on the helpless and mutilated body of Cassie Cage bleeding and sobbing on the floor. He remembered the adoring crowds in Memphis for a moment, and then splashed down onto Cassie’s back.
He nailed the unprotected splash perfectly, and drove most of his near five hundred pounds his victim’s torso. Her flayed breasts burst messily beneath against the unyielding floor, while her bones shattered and tore through soft tissue inside her. The impact collapsed one of her lungs, and drove bone shards into the other. Fresh internal blood mixed with the darker blood of her jaw as it pooled out of her mouth. Cassie Cage had taken her last breath just before her body was crushed between the fat man and the floor, and would certainly die shortly.
There was enough time though to feel Splasher adjusting himself atop her, and then crawling forwards to press his cockhead into her lubricated ass. He used Cassie Cage’s shoulders for leverage as he anally raped the dying soldier. She slid in the fatty mess that had been her breasts as Splasher started humping half his huge cock into her tight ass. Cassie barely noticed what would normally have been a terrible degradation, her body all-consumed by pain and the crushing weight on her back. Like many women, Cassie had taken no interest in anal play before, so Splasher split her ass open for the first time. It was no consolation that he had become so excited while he tortured Cassie that bare moments passed before his orgasm built. Choking on blood and teeth, face wet with tears and purple with asphyxiation, the broken woman shuddered one final time, toes twitching, as her final conscious experience of agony faded to nothing.
Cassie Cage died in agony on that cold hard concrete floor as Splasher stiffened and climaxed into her slackening asshole. He exploded into her corpse as powerfully as he had into her living body, and momentarily felt the same sense of peaceful elation from final violation. Cassie Cage had been mutilated beyond humanity, and now she had passed into death the experience was almost like ejaculating into a cut of warm meat.
The sense of peace did not last. Splasher Mullet, 485lbs and 6’9” tall had over-exerted himself. There was an explosion of pain as his heart virtually burst inside his great fat chest, and he passed out atop Cassie Cage’s corpse. The fat man died shortly thereafter, releasing a heavy stream of piss into the dead woman’s bowel, which remained stoppered by his cock even after it grew flaccid inside her.
Splasher had been known to shut up shop for a period when his knees got bad, so the corpses were not found until they had rotted in the Texan summer heat for a week. Pictures of the humiliating tableaux hit the internet, and even made it to Outworld. Cassie’s post mortem reputation was hugely damaged amongst those who knew of her, all of whom said that she should have kicked the fat bastard into next week.
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