Tales of the Europan War | By : JPR Category: +S through Z > Valkyria Chronicles Views: 19773 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: This a non-profit erotic fan parody, I do not own Valkyria Chronicles. All rights to Valkyria Chronicles are owned by SEGA and its corresponding subsidiaries. |
Well holy crap. It’s been more than a year since my last post, and almost three years since I decided to partake in this painful writing endeavor, but here it is, another post. It’s what I get for taking on a second job I never needed for the better part of a year and forcing myself to work for almost 65 hours a week. Not to mention all the great games to have come since the last time that have taken up my free time more than writing. To think I was sure I was gonna try and get a chapter one on VC4 out for you guys too, but that was shot. Lolz. Anyways I’ll have plenty to say on the forum regarding the future of this story, and there is a future. I’m in too deep to be pulling out now.
For one, I have to apologize. I have no idea why I wanted to have Welkin in a sex scene this chapter, but I kept trying until it was a thing. Five false starts on this chapter, and another four attempts at trying not to make it too cheesy, pretty sure some parts of it it is though. First there was Ellen, then Alicia, was trying to make it work with Mina, which eventually transformed into the OC Natalie Hunter. I honestly had a brutal death planned for her at the battle half of the chapter, but I guess now she’s here to stay for a while. Which is the other bad news; this is only the first part, and I’d be lying if I said I had the second half completed already. But the good news is I have a long weekend after seeing Babymetal in concert, so I’ll be working on it at least.
This half focuses on the calm before the storm, while the next will have that tension build up to a duel in the desert. Other than that, Oscar finally loses his virginity. I plan to make him more aggressive with his sexual advances as a result. I may also include the Ellen deleted scene in the chapter, not sure yet. Finally, I added the minor1 tag to the story for some future plans regarding this composition and begin weaving the web for that incest tag I included.
All that being said, I did do something I never do, proofread. So if there is still a lot of hiccups, my editing is as bad as my writing. Lolz, more miscellaneous notes here:
Well, without further ado, I present “The Battle At Barious” …part 1.
Undisclosed Time, Ghirlandaio Fortress
Selvaria had just stormed out of the briefing room looking pissed. She was no doubt heading to her office to make just enough of a mess to keep her aides busy, even if they were already stuck with plenty to do on account of the recent Gallian counterattacks taking place after they had retaken the Great Vasel Bridge. General Jaeger had done himself the favor of lighting a small cigar and finding a wall to rest on before the scene unfolded before him, but now it was time for him to do as requested, and he entered the briefing room to be greeted by Maximilian’s half naked form and few concubines working on his shaft to get him ready for what was likely going to be a long session of love-making inside the briefing room. Jaeger could only imagine the kind of smell that left for the sanitation units to clean up before the next meeting. Obviously Maximilian was not surprised to see Jaeger return so quickly after receiving his orders to head south and had one of his concubines go to Jaeger as the Fhiraldan general sat down on one of the chairs surrounding the conference table.
“Are you sure it’s all right getting her all angsty before your trip to Barious?” Jaeger didn’t even bother to take the cigar out of his mouth before speaking.
“She will do well to turn her anger toward the enemy, as it is all that brings successful military strategies out of her.”
“And you’re sure this trip to Barious isn’t a waste of time?” After all, Jaeger was convinced that whatever was driving Maximilian there, was knowledge that he was already ninety-nine percent sure was accurate. Maximilian always liked being one hundred percent sure though, it was why he liked the calculated moves and future planning that Jaeger was known for.
“All of my time, is time well-spent. And what of these events at Vasel? You spoke like you had already gained some valuable knowledge in the matter.”
It was indeed true that Jaeger already did, know yourself and not your enemy, and so on and so on. While the stray concubine that Maximilian sent Jaeger was pulling his dick from his trousers, the general pulled out several newspapers with headlines that followed the events of Vasel bridge and tossed them on the table. “It seems the free press of Gallia is very good at evading censors. Lucky for us.”
Maximilian walked through the concubines that were pleasuring him and walked briskly to the intelligence data collected by Jaeger with his erect dick hanging out a little to close for Jaeger’s comfort, but didn’t dodge the noble’s genital. Jaeger was not as eager as Maximilian to remove the woman sucking his cock, and enjoyed himself as Maximilian skimmed the contents of Gallian news sources.
“Welkin Gunther?” Maximilian uttered the name with a bit of familiarity slipping off his tongue.
“The name should sound familiar…perhaps remind you of a little hero of mine. Maybe if I had followed in Belgen’s footsteps, the Emperor himself would be on his knees before the King of Fhirald by now.”
“…Doubtful. It would take great power to bring these superpowers to their knees. Will he be an issue?”
“Gunther? …If he continues to meet success he will. It’ll be easier for him to become the people’s hero with the media on his side, and if what Gregor says is true, then maybe leading his people to victory is in his blood-ugh!” Jaeger had met his limit and came unrestrained into the trained mouth of Maximilian’s concubine, who swallowed every drop of the general’s spunk.
Meanwhile Maximilian pondered the situation with some interesting ideas surfacing on his mind, “This aides Us greatly. Keep track of his whereabouts, and if his forces should ever reach Our doorstep, do be sure to let Us know.”
“I’ll do what I can.” Said Jaeger as he tapped out some ash from his cigar, “But what about them?” Jaeger motioned to the idle concubines that Maximilian left hanging. With the Prince’s dick already gone flaccid and dry as he scurried through the papers concerning Welkin, he already lost the appetite towards his concubines. It was rare that he ever had need of them anyways.
“Take care of them,” Maximilian turned to Jaeger to grant him permission to use the sex-starved girls as he wished, “and leave for Kloden immediately afterwards.”
“Of course. Leave it to me, Your Grace.” Jaeger halfheartedly threw Maximilian an imperial salute as the prince left the room. Then the general looked onward to three women that eyed him seductively and expectantly before sighing, “This job of mine is tough…it’s all for Fhirald though…”
May 11, 1935 – Undisclosed Time, Batomys Interior
The interior of the Batomys was akin to the comfort of a large u-boat, and just like so, there was a captain’s quarters and a first officer’s quarters complete with an impromptu office. When Selvaria and Maximilian were not on the bridge giving orders, which was not something the crew of the Batomys needed twenty-four seven, they would likely be in the comfort of their offices trying to drown out the noise of the Batomys’ ragnite powered turbine engines as it rolled over the plains of central Gallia.
Today, Selvaria was gifted the rare opportunity of being with Maximilian in his office as she prepared some tea for the both of them. It was a black tea from the far east, and before the war, was a precious product that ran through the borders of the Empire so that it could export via train to the rest of Europa since said method was cheaper than shipping by sea around other continents. From what Selvaria had last heard, the tea itself was now selling at a premium in the Federation on account of the blockades and raids that the Empire was committing against any sort of shipping that was heading to that area of the world. Perhaps the only nation that could still get the prized tea at low prices was the United States of Vinland, but then it would still have to sail three quarters of the world just to get to places like Edinburgh, which was known for declaring entire wars on account of the beverage in the past. However, Selvaria could not imagine why the beverage was so sought after, as she herself was not particularly fond of it, but was well aware of Maximilian’s taste for the hot leaf juice.
Maximilian on the other hand was busy overlooking critical design elements of a new beast currently under construction within the Empire. It was key to his plan to ensure his rise as emperor of the world and a god to eyes of those that believed the old faiths. It was a beast that could crush mountains and trample armies with just the power of its engines. Pictures from the construction site had just caught up via mail from the Naval foreman that Maximilian had appointed himself to overlook the project, and it was almost exclusively funded in secret by himself. It wasn’t as if the Imperial council wouldn’t approve funding such a monstrosity, but it would be for the benefit of the entire Empire, and if the current construction was made aware to the council now; they, and many of his half-siblings, would grow wary of his ambitions. As a result of this concentration however, he barely gave notice to the presence of Selvaria, and the scent of tea beginning to waft like falling autumn leaves in the small office. Even as the phone began to ring, he was slow in answering.
“Allow me, Your Grace.” Selvaria was a little agitated that this rare treat of sharing tea with the target of her desires was being interrupted by a mere phone call, especially now that his mood was so favorable. She raised the phone from the plunger and her tone switched from the pleasant voice she addressed Maximilian with, to the voice she addressed her soldiers with, “General Bles speaking.”
“Oh,” it was Jaeger on the other side of the line, “Are his personal calls also yours now? Seems you’ve made great use of your alone time with him so far.”
“Do not address His Grace so casually. Now state your business quickly, we’re awfully busy right now.” Ever the tactician, Jaeger had made it aware to Maximilian who was on the line simply by forcing Selvaria to speak, and the eyes of Maximilian met Selvaria’s for the first time since her entry into his office. She had been around him long enough to know what this meant, “One second, General.”
Selvaria passed the phone to Maximilian, annoyed about how eager the Prince is willing to listen to the Fhiraldan general as opposed to herself at times, “Have you news for Us?”
“It’s Gunther…”
“Go on.”
“Just recently a large Gallian unit made it through my front and raided the supply bases positioned deep within the mountains. No problem really, I spent the last few days rebuilding the supply chain back to its original operating status, and was about to send the report to HQ when I got wind of something from my own local intelligence officers. Apparently the name Welkin Gunther has been intercepted from Gallian nationwide radio broadcasts, and he was part of the unit that broke though.”
“Is he in position to capture or kill?” Maximilian was thinking that making an example of this Gunther would greatly dampen Gallian morale.
“He would’ve been had the unit commander acted rationally, but it seems I was unable to predict their movements.”
“You called Us to report your failure then?”
Jaeger cringed at that remark, noting that he had never tried to capture or kill Welkin, so no such failure was met, “I called you to fulfill my orders. You see, Gallian news broadcast weren’t the only thing we’ve intercepted, but also a single long-range encrypted signal that is originating from the unit. Probably a reporter assigned to give info on the young officer as they trek behind our lines, but encrypted or not we can triangulate their movements…they’re heading north at an alarming rate.”
“…Interesting,” Maximilian pondered the thought that maybe the attack on supply lines in Kloden was a ruse, and that the Gallians knew of his visit to Barious all along, “Do not send the report to Ghirlandaio. We will see how the events unfold and whether or not Our Sword can adapt.”
“By your order. A word of caution though, they are very well equipped and trained.”
“A needless gesture. Our power will prove absolute.” With that Maximilian hung up the phone and returned to the plans of the Marmota. Absolute indeed.
He was unsure of how much time had passed when Selvaria caught his attention, “Your Grace, your tea will get cold.” Her pleasant tone from before the phone call, which she had no suspicion pertained to her future, had returned.
Maximilian eyed his steaming tea before taking a sip and stared at Selvaria while in deep thought. This action alone was enough to earn a blush from the beautiful general, but it was not a reward that Maximilian’s eye locked on to. Last he had heard from the Blue Witch there was no indication of Gallian activity in Barious at all. He relished in the fact that things would get very interesting, and possibly the invasion of Gallia a lot easier, in the future to come.
May 19, 1935 – 04:20 Hours, Barious [Valkyrur Ruins National Preserve]
Welkin once again found himself dreaming. He was inside the murky white fog of a forest that he did not recognize, and like his last visit, was riding a white unicorn through the uncharted land, but perhaps what was most noticeably different was the fact that he rode the beast naked. This did not bother him however, being in his true form as he traversed the nature before him with awe and wonder, and spent his time trying to document as many of the different flora and fauna he had never seen before. This is what he was happily doing until an ominous blue light began to pierce the fog from the north and illuminated a beast that seemed out of place.
A stallion with glowing red eyes, clad in a complete set of steel armor trotted into the view of Welkin’s sight as it basked in the blue light, and atop this horse was a lean blonde man that was also nude. Much to Welkin’s astonishment the grassy base of the forest that the stallion walked upon would turn black before ultimately rotting to a brown dust reminiscent of the Barious Badlands. Welkin mourned for the murder of this precious land, but even the infertile soil that was left in the wake of the blonde rider did not find mercy. Behind the rider was a bare woman, whose eyes also glowed red and whose hair shined silver. She was surrounded by a blue flame that set fire to the infertile soil as the destructive duo traversed the confines of the marvelous land around them.
Welkin was not happy, and despite not seeing it before, unsheathed a sword from his side and charged the rider before striking the steed he was on. The black stallion fell with his master, and then Welkin’s vision was saturated with the blue light, as the silver-haired maiden launched him off the white unicorn with a tackle that could rip a skyscraper from its foundation, and stabbed through his shoulder with a rapier, pinning him to the ground.
“You will pay for raising a hand against him!” the blue witch hissed, and then twisted the blade of her rapier which forced Welkin to shout. She was going to have fun watching him squirm, not taking notice that she had been impaled by something in turn.
Welkin’s body had a hard time deciphering the difference between the agonizing pain of his stab wound and the vitalizing pleasure of the woman’s folds, nor could he even begin to know how exactly her tackling him landed them both in this position. What Welkin’s dream self did know, was that the pain seemed that much more tolerable from the sensation of her walls squeezing his dick, and without hesitation he thrust his pelvis up into the flame saturated beauty mounting him. Immediately, he felt the consequences. The pleasurable sensation was followed swiftly by another twist of her blade and his warm blood spilling over his body. Yet to Welkin's surprise, the platinum haired witch did not speak against his action, and a tint of crimson began to flood her nude form behind the flame of blue. Welkin was even more impressed to see that despite the pain his sexual actions were causing him, he enjoyed having this woman way too much to stop. So he continued to kiss the womb of the woman’s cervix with the tip of his cock with every deep and passionate rocking of his hips from below her, and with each one she stabbed and twisted deeper into his wound with her sharp blade. It wasn’t long however, until her own hips met the motion of his and she pulled the blade from his chest. Following this she grabbed him in a deep embrace, and sucked the blood from his wound in a passionate kiss.
Watching this unfold, was all the blonde rider could do…
Welkin shot up from his sleeping bag drenched in sweat and a raging hard on. The sun had yet to rise above the horizon, and the stars still shown brightly in the sky but with the piercing light of the sun glowing dimly in the horizon like a nightlight. The sweat, Welkin surmised, was a result of the dream, as was the hard on. The sleeping bag that was set below him was quite cool versus the radiating sands of the desert, and he was only dressed in his trousers to help catch the light breeze of the wasteland’s night.
Welkin was still in the rocky field of rubble that Squad 7 had stormed the evening before, only now it was littered with craters as a result of the artillery bombardment Faldio had called in before they set on settling there for the night. Seeing no further reason to sleep, knowing it was pretty much time to get up and start preparing for the day, Welkin stood up from his sleeping bag and grabbed the heavy chunk of fabric as he made his way toward the Edelweiss. The aft, starboard and port sides of the Edelweiss being the de facto storage place for many of the Squad’s equipment as they continued their march deeper into enemy lines each passing day. Today they would do much of the same, but the erection in Welkin’s trousers was getting even more cumbersome as he tried to ignore the tent in his pants and the sensation of that woman’s tight pussy grasping his dick.
The dream was still very much alive in Welkin’s mind, as his current state was still between his dreamscape and the land of those that were awake. This caused the thick fabric of his pants to send quite the pleasurable sensation up his spine with every step he took and realized that some release was something he really needed. In fact, the last time he could recall ever getting off was with Juno at the beginning of the month, and his body was certainly begging for something at this point. Welkin pondered a way to take care of his problem given the lack of privacy, and decided that behind the Edelweiss was as good a place as any. He unceremoniously dumped his sleeping bag on the back of the Edelweiss and circled around the gargantuan of a tank while undoing his belt and releasing his erect dick from the prison of his pants. Of course he did this without actually checking if the coast was clear, and was greeted by the sight of 8th Squadron’s NCO, Natalie Hunter. She two was topless, with her folded uniform in hand and a baby blue bra placed upon it. It was apparent that she was in the middle of dressing into a fresh uniform, figuring it was early enough to do so without any lecherous eyes catching her do so, and was only clad in her skirt and boots with her hair down rather than in its usual ponytail.
“…Lieutenant Gunther, sir?” It was all she could put out given the precarious situation they had landed in together. Her eyes flowing down his nude torso, and her face gradually reddening before they settled on the impressive package standing out of his crotch.
“Sergeant Hunter…” Welkin also found himself captivated by the orbs on her chest, but rather than feel the embarrassment she did, he was contemplating his options based on the conversation him and Faldio shared concerning his peculiar research. And if his position as Squad Leader was anything like a pride of lions, and a young lioness from another pride stumbled upon his territory, there was only really one thing to do. Only this time Welkin would be sure to let nature take its course without intervention.
“I…I’ll go finish somewhere else then.” Natalie turned away away from the young biologist quite briskly in order to rip her eyes away from Welkin’s cock. Her heart was beating rapidly and felt like it would burst from her chest at any moment. Knowing it was the professional thing to do, she took a deep breath to try and compose herself in vain, and took her first step.
“Sergeant Hunter” A commandeering voice came from Welkin as she began to walk away, and the drastic change of tone in his voice was enough to stop her in her tracks and freeze her movement. Given the circumstances she was beginning to wonder if she was somehow going to get in trouble for this, even though it didn’t sound like Welkin’s character to reprimand or write her up for simply dressing behind a tank, but she did just catch him with his pants down. She initially thought to plead for forgiveness and that she wouldn't tell anyone what she just saw. At least that’s what she was thinking before Welkin’s hand was placed over her belly and pressed her back against a hot knob that pierced her long blonde hair. The shock was enough to force her to drop her her clean uniform onto the dusty Barious floor.
Did he do this every woman in his squad? Or was that rumor about him liking blondes true? Unable to speak through her mewling, Natalie was left alone to her thoughts as Welkin’s other hand caressed her breast and his lips tickled the skin on her neck. The respectful NCO arched herself into his advances, and brought her hand around to grasp Welkin’s soft hair to encourage him to continue. While it was true that Natalie had something of a crush on Welkin since first seeing the Lieutenant, she hadn’t quite expected things to move so quickly, but rather in a slower and more traditional fashion.
All Natalie could do was melt in the lieutenant’s loving advances as she gave in to her carnal desires with each passing second. Looking at the Edelweiss she spoke, “It’s so big, sir.”
“Seems even bigger inside,” Welkin knew it wasn’t the Edelweiss they were talking about, “Do you want to see?”
Truthfully, Welkin wasn’t sure what had come over him. When he came up with his cock out in front of Natalie, the only thing on his mind was just how similar Natalie’s hair looked to that of the woman in his dreams. It was not silver, but a very luminescent blonde and nearly the same length as the succubus’ beautiful mane. While Natalie’s body was not quite as voluptuous as the woman, she still had a body that would make most women jealous, with her tight curves and a muscle mass that was reminiscent of a tennis star. Quite different from Juno, who lacked the tightness from less physical activity, but was thin and soft in the right places. Whatever fire the flaming succubus in his dreams had ignited, was getting Welkin to consider Faldio’s words more seriously concerning his research into the reproductive behaviors of animals, and Natalie had fallen into his trap of pheromones. He had to let nature take it’s course, and to do that, Welkin had to establish himself as the Alpha Male of his squad.
In response to Welkin’s inquiry, all Natalie did was nod her head as he bombarded her neck with kisses. Getting her ‘spoken’ permission, we whipped her around to face him and they kissed in each others embrace. Welkin’s dick flush with her navel as he penetrated her lips with his tongue and rubbed his erect member against her abdomen. By now Natalie was moaning into his mouth. She was now completely taken by his spell as her submissive nature began to arise. Calling Welkin sir always gave her a bit of pleasure, and the forceful actions of Welkin were enough to get her juices spilling from the matching baby blue panties under her skirt. Natalie’s hands wandered the athletic build of Welkin’s torso in lustful strides, begging with her motions to have him keep going, only to be teased when he broke his embrace and pulled away.
Instinctively Natalie’s body reached for him, and when it did Welkin grabbed her arm and slammed her back against the spaced armor guarding the tracks of the Edelweiss. The dirt from the armor rubbing onto her back as Welkin trapped her with his left arm and looked passionately into her eyes. Staring back, Natalie could see a resolve within his eyes that only a strong military leader could have, and a strong man who couldn’t be satisfied by just one woman.
“State your name and rank.” Welkin was going to build his own little pride of lions, and for that he needed a lioness.
Natalie new this was some sort of power play, concluding that Welkin was able to see she got off on playing the subordinate, “Sergeant First Class Natalie Hunter, sir.”
“And who’s in charge of this battery?” Despite the nature of the conversation, Welkin’s voice was still soft and calm, but with a passion behind it that only a woman in his dreams could awaken.
“You are, sir.”
After confirming his status as an Alpha, Welkin picked her up and pushed her harder into the cold steel of the Edelweiss. His dick was poking at the fabric of her panties as it tried to penetrate her womanhood and eject the precious Gunther seed into her womb. The teasing was killing Natalie, and she took the honor of moving aside her panties before Welkin dropped her soaked cunt onto his dick. It really did feel bigger inside, and Welkin was definitely bigger than the only boyfriend she had back in high school. With her legs wrapped around his waist as he carried her, both Natalie and Welkin began to thrust into each other’s sex dementedly. Natalie soon learned that Welkin had much more stamina than her ex as well, who would cum from sex within a minute, but the first minute passed and so did the following ones as she approached her first orgasm. As the waves of pleasure struck her she grabbed Welkin into a deep embrace as she rode out the storm. Juices erupted from her organ as it tried to milk Welkin of his baby batter while she spasmed from the sensation. It was her first time reaching climax.
Welkin did not stop for her to come down, but increased the speed at which the tip of cock poked Natalie’s cervix as her vagina struggled to accommodate his size. Eventually he dropped her on the ground as the last waves of her orgasm took her. Her limbs were weak when Welkin put her in a position to fuck her doggystyle, a preferred position of Welkin that he observed in practice by many mammals. Natalie’s weak limbs prevented her from holding herself up and her face was rubbing against the Barious sands while Welkin held her up by the hips to penetrate her again. Lubed by the juices of their sex, Welkin was able to enter her in one fluid motion and discovered that perhaps she was still coming down from her last orgasm. The milking of his cock by her desperate womanhood was enough to get him close, and Welkin picked up the pace tenfold as his balls tightened and began to unload in the blonde NCO.
The heat came quickly as it filled the womb of Natalie, and she couldn’t help but quiver from the sudden change of temperature in that region of her body. Natalie realized that it was very likely that Welkin had gotten her pregnant given the day this sexual escapade with him had occurred. Everything had happened so fast there was very little time to worry about something like that, and she wasn’t. Natalie laid there on the ground for some duration of time as Welkin gathered the clothes she dropped earlier before helping her up.
Welkin was much more calm now, not exactly sure what happened himself. Natalie bashfully accepted her once clean uniform and began to put it on. Neither of them were exactly sure what to say, but Welkin had a feeling since he had been the one to initiate, that he should also end it.
“I look forward to our continued friendship and success on the battlefield.”
Smiling, Natalie replied, “Me too, sir.” And they kissed each other before she left. Doing her best to prevent any cum from leaking down her legs.
Welkin had to get ready too, before someone realized he was missing.
It was 05:06 hours, and twilight was creeping its way in, meaning that the faded light of dawn will be waking up a lot of the squad soon. Welkin made his way into the field of rubble that had been the target of an artillery bombardment the previous evening and consequentially the craters were the foxholes of all crews of his squad, save for a fireteam that volunteered to monitor Imperial movement during the night. It didn’t take him long to spot Alicia and Faldio talking not so far in.
“What do we have here?! Welkin, it’s unusual for you to sleep in.” Of course what Faldio meant was that it was unusual for himself to be up before Welkin.
“Sorry, had a weird dream last night,” The two friends shared a hearty handshake, “Where’s Natalie?”
“Sergeant Hunter? She’s already out trying to wake up her squad. Seems the guys that didn’t have the benefit of receiving a ride here yesterday are extremely tired.”
“Can’t say I blame them really,” Alicia looked on compassionately at her sleeping squadmates, “Who would’ve guessed they’d tell us to hold here. Did you want me to get them up too?”
Welkin thought about it for a second, and decided that there wasn’t any reason to rush further north quite yet, “No, let the sun wake them up. Hey, Faldio. Shouldn’t you be getting back to your squad soon? Who’s running Alpha Battery?”
“It’s not Ramal, that’s for sure. No, I’m sure 2nd Squadron’s CO took control after realizing I’d be off with you Lucky Sevens.”
“What?” Alicia hadn’t heard the that name applied to her unit yet.
“Yeah, it’s what the rest of the Regiment has been calling you guys since coming into Barious. I’d wager that the rest of the Division might start after Yesterdays stunt too. Hell, if the radio- nah, never mind. Anyways, I got permission from the Captain to hang out with you guys a bit longer. Seems she meant to rotate to Alpha Battery with her vehicle anyways so there’s no shortage of tanks. I just hope Ramal doesn’t do anything rash under another person’s orders.”
“Lucky Sevens, eh? Hear that Welkin, seems we’re making a name for ourselves!”
“Seems like it, but I’ve never been good at those slot machines, so maybe luck doesn’t apply.”
“Slot machines?” Faldio didn’t make the connection, “What does that have to do with anything?”
“Isn’t that where it comes from? When you get three sevens in a slot machine?”
“No,” Faldio was shaking his head, “I think it came from Craps, and rolling a seven is a win. So you’re lucky if you get that result.”
“I just thought seven was considered a lucky number,” Alicia poked her chin as she thought about it, “Kind of like how thirteen is considered unlucky, or bad.”
“I’m not sure a math major would appreciate any number being associated with bad or lucky though. And besides, how can a number be lucky?”
“Wait, Welkin!” Faldio put his hand on Welkin’s shoulder and leaned close, “You haven’t been talking to any math majors have you?”
“Umm, I don’t think so.”
Faldio sighed in relief, “Good, I thought that maybe because you had to take a couple math courses you may have become delusional like them.”
“Delusional?” Welkin thought math majors were really smart people, but before he could ask Faldio to clarify, a familiar voice caught Welkin’s attention.
“Uhh, Welkin. Can I talk to you for a moment?” Juno was behind him when she asked and Welkin turned for but a moment to see her concerned face before he turned back to Alicia and Faldio. Quite reasonably, Welkin wasn’t able to tell that some of that concern was due to him still smelling of Natalie, but Juno eyed Alicia momentarily, suspecting she was the origin.
“Give me a sec, guys.” Welkin walked some distance away from Alicia and Faldio as they continued to talk, and when he felt he was far enough to bring up the issue he asked Juno, “What wrong?”
“It’s Susie,” Juno whispered, embarrassed, “She seems to have wandered off again.”
This wasn’t the first occurrence of Susie wandering off alone somewhere, but it had certainly been happening more recently of late. In Vasel it was once or twice, in Kloden several, but since entering Barious it seems to have occurred at least a dozen times. It was usually after a skirmish like yesterdays, and Juno had gotten into the habit of asking Welkin for aid given his natural instinct of tracking the young heiress down. It didn’t settle well with Juno that the man of her desires was good at tracking a younger, richer girl like Susie, but what did settle well with her was the time with Welkin as they searched for the heiress in secret.
“Alright, let me go grab my rifle. I have a hunch that she may be to the east though.” Juno’s nod affirmed her understanding as Welkin jogged to the Edelweiss and jumped up to the commander’s hatch. Inside Isara was working on something and he called out to her, “Is! Can you pass me my rifle?”
“Sure, Welks. Is everything all right?”
“Yeah, just going to scout some hills to the east. Let anyone who asks know, but it shouldn’t be long.”
Welkin strapped his rifle around his shoulder and got back to Juno, “You ready?”
As it turns out Susie wasn’t too far off in the direction that Welkin said she would be, Juno had often contributed the uncanny guesses to be accurate since they came from the same hometown, but even that seemed far fetched. Juno and Welkin had talked along the way about various things, at least until Susie came into sight, then it was about the wayward Scout that managed to distance herself quite often from her Crew.
“Susie! ….Susie!” Welkin was walking up to her as he called out to her, but it issued no response from the nineteen year-old scout. It wasn’t until he had made it right beside her and placed his hand on her shoulder that she turned her head, and Susie’s empty eyes regained some life, “Everything all right, Susie?”
It wasn’t just nightmare’s and daydreams for Susie though, she had just found some way to wander out without having any intention to get away from the rest of her squad. It was like sleep walking while awake, and all the things she was growing to despise flashed before eyes, but there was still denial in her that anything was wrong, “…Welkin? It’s been a while.” Susie smiled to greet her old crush, something that Juno and Susie had yet to share with each other despite both having a good idea. It hadn’t been a while since Welkin had last spoken to her though, unless the night could be considered such. “…I …I just wanted to see the sunrise without all the broken walls being in my way. Want to stick around and see it too?”
“How about we see it from on top the Edelweiss? It’s a good view there too.”
Somehow the thought of watching a sunrise atop a war machine turned Susie off to the idea of watching anything. It was hatred that filled her soul, but she was an Evans, her father wouldn’t let that stop her from bringing honor to the family. That’s when she saw Juno standing behind Welkin. It seems that Welkin was asked to come out here again, instead of coming on his own. Susie was still convinced that Welkin had lost his fondness for her after mistaking him as a spy, “Sorry. Must’ve made my crew worry. Let’s go back then.”
“Did you still want to see the sunrise?” Despite knowing the reason for her wandering off was a lie, Welkin saw it fit to ask her again. Welkin kept his arm on her back to make sure she was steady, a reasonable precaution since them meeting like this was growing in frequency.
“Maybe next time, there’s always tomorrow.” Knowing that she will be able to see the sun rise again tomorrow was a belief she never wanted this wretched war to take away from her.
May 19, 1935 – 11:40 Hours, Barious [Valkyrur Ruins National Preserve]
It was turning out to be another hot day as usual in Barious, making it hard to believe there was ever a cold day here when the more extreme months of winter come by in Gallia, but since the Imperial garrison in Barious had seemed to vacate the area ahead, Welkin was taking the liberty of sitting atop the Edelweiss’ copula so he could grab the breeze as it moved along. Beside him was Karl of Catherine’s crew since Welkin was using his radio to keep in contact with the fireteam that pursued the Imperial forces all night, while he used the comms of the Edelweiss to talk to the other tanks. Usually Welkin, Natalie, and Faldio would be in a pretty lax conversation over the short-range radio, but the fireteam’s last known position was close, and it was vital that Welkin kept his ears open. That’s when it occurred to Welkin that he never really had a real conversation with Karl before despite knowing a thing or two about him.
“You live out in Fouzen, right?” At the very least Welkin thought to start a conversation to clarify what he heard about the Engineer.
“Yeah, was running the family business before the war. Nothing too complex, metal manufacturing, and the like. But me and my girl left before the Empire occupied it.”
“Oh, so you have a girlfriend?”
“Fiancée, actually. Why, were you interested?”
Welkin playfully struck Karl with his fist on the shoulder as the two of them laughed at the obvious joke, “No, just don’t think I’ve heard you or anyone mention that part of your life before.”
“Well…between you and me, Boss…I keep it on the down-low because there are some members of this squad that aren’t fond of Darcsens.” Karl felt comfortable sharing this information with Welkin, who had never shown any sign of discriminating his sister, and the fact that the roar of the Edelweiss’ engine was keeping their conversation from getting to others.
“So all those letters you write go to her then?”
“Of course, or at least the one’s I’ve written since before crossing enemy lines. Not a thing is getting past that for now.”
Nothing except Ellet’s radio transmissions at least, Welkin thought to himself as the Edelweiss traversed the sandy plains of Barious. That’s when Welkin noticed the trench mentioned during last radio contact with the fireteam, the only issue being it was empty. D-Battery was in a line formation of tanks and infantry as they rolled across the desert, but it stopped like a wall when Welkin rose a hand signal to stop and said, “All halt!” into his headpiece.
“Something wrong, sir?” Natalie was sitting atop her own copula enjoying the breeze up her skirt about a hundred-fifty yards to Welkin’s right when she asked.
“Can you guys confirm our coordinates?”
“Yeah, sure thing…” Natalie and Faldio followed each other as they recited the coordinates of their position, and they were correct to a tee. So Welkin’s suspicions were confirmed, this was the right trench, yet there was no sign of the fireteam.
“Alright, everyone just standby for now,” Welkin turned to Karl after taking off his headpiece, “I’m gonna need to borrow your radio.”
“Here you go, Boss.” Being an engineer meant receiving requests like that all the time, but unlike usual Karl didn’t have to turn around so Welkin can access the phone piece, since the notoriously heavy pack was resting on the Edelweiss between them. No. All Karl had to do know was crank the coil so that the unit had power to make the call.
Next to the Edelweiss was Catherine’s crew, most of which had decided to take a knee now that the line had stopped, save for the only two Scouts of the crew. Vyse had been walking behind Aika most of the time, which was not conventional under normal circumstances, but there was a very good reason why.
“Not that I’m complaining, Aika” Vyse was knelt down behind Aika as he started a conversation, “but why did you wear the skirt uniform today?” Typically Aika was one to opt for very short shorts.
“Why do you think?” Aika grinned and lifted her skirt to reveal her thigh-high stockings and lacy panties, “Easy access.”
Ted, who had taken the short rest to drink from his canteen spit the precious water on the desert floor and coughed after catching a glimpse. Cezary just cringed at the lame joke, but it had gotten the rest of the crew to laugh, save for Fina, who blushed, and Marina who kept her eyes on the horizon.
“That’s kinda what I was thinking, but then the thought occurred to me, I’d be much cooler in this desert with a breeze hitting my crotch. That’s when I began to realize a couple girls making the switch since coming to Barious, like that Aisha girl and Susie from Juno’s crew.”
“Is a preteen getting you hard, Vyse?” Aika eyed him suspiciously.
“I was just saying…” The last girl that young to get Vyse’s libido going was Aika.
“Personally I’d like to see what Marina looks like in a skirt!” Ted was the one who said this getting another laugh from some members of the crew. Even Cezary, who actually tried to imagine the goddess of death in skirt. Of course Marina was never pleased when she was the target of Ted’s jokes, but even her death stare was having less and less of an affect on him.
Catching Marina’s angry look, Catherine brought up something with her warm smile and accent, “In the last war I used to wear the skirt uniform for a time. It wasn’t all that bad really, but the uniforms then did look and feel a little differently.”
“What made you stop, Chief?” Alex’s curiosity got the better of him and Catherine’s warm smile became a thousand-yard stare.
“Cold,” Catherine whispered, “…It got cold.”
In a rare occurrence, Catherine had caught herself delving into the horrors of the First Europan War, and shook her head before staring deeper into that abyss, “I- I got old.”
“Old?!” Aika was the first to object, “You don’t look a day older than the Boss, Chief! I’m thinking there should be a day we all wear the skirt uniform.”
Aika was of course addressing all the ladies of the crew, unless the guys wanted to join too. Marina still didn’t like where this conversation was going, and couldn’t remember a day in her life that she wore a skirt. Growing up with her father usually found her wearing old clothes from his youth, which were worn and tattered, as well as nine times out ten too large for her. Even now her civilian clothing was typical of menswear.
“I think that might be fun,” Fina added, “Don’t you, Nadine?”
Nadine smiled and nodded.
For a moment Catherine thought about what it would be like to wear the skirt uniform again like Alicia and Rosie, and was sure that the skirts now were much shorter than the one’s in the previous war. Still, what’s one day?
“So just to make sure I have this right,” Vyse wanted to get a clear answer, “Did you put on the skirt for easy access, or for the heat?”
Welkin had just finished using Karl’s short-range radio and getting the answers he needed about the whereabouts of the fireteam’s location. It seems there was something they wanted to show him at their location, so Welkin put back the headset for the tank’s comms and got ahold of Faldio, “Faldio, how you read me?”
“Loud and clear, Welkin. What’s up?”
“Seems the fireteam has spotted something of interest at their new location, but no tank is going to get up there. I’m going to grab a scout and see what’s up. So you’re in charge until then. Try and maintain the line and get the infantry in the trench, but if any imps show up you know what to do.”
Apparently I don’t know what to do, Faldio thought, that’s why I’m even here. The whole point was to take some notes on why his squadmates were always dying and Welkin’s weren’t. That and because Welkin had a lot more cute girls around him. “Yeah, all right. Be careful out there.”
Welkin removed his headset and grabbed his rifle out of the tank for the second time today. Then he called out to the nearest scout that caught his eye, which locked squarely onto the milky thighs of Aika, “Aika! You’re coming with me!”
Oh, baby! I would love to cum with you. Aika was just about to confirm to Vyse that the skirt was indeed to fight the heat, but when Welkin called out to her looking like the two of them were going scouting a grin formed on her face and shot Vyse a suggestive wink, “…Easy access.”
“Nice…” Vyse shot her the expression he usually does to wish her luck.
“He only likes blondes.” Was Cezary’s remark as Aika jogged pass him to get to Welkin, earning him a nudge from the butt of her rifle in the process.
Welkin was just jumping off the hull of the Edelweiss as Aika approached, “Where we heading, Boss?” Her voice was slightly more flirtatious than usual.
“The peak just right here,” Welkin was pointing to a peak west of the pass that lead into the area known to house the preserved ruins of Barious, the hill stood with a prominence of about three-hundred feet, and like most in Barious was littered with holes and scraggly rock formations. “Seems the fireteam has made camp up there and have something to show us before heading to the ruins.”
The hilltop itself wasn’t too tall, but as the couple approached it, it began to look intimidating from the base. “What forced them to want to climb in this heat?” Aika couldn’t fathom why anyone would seek salvation in a hill this steep when even the skirt was no longer keeping her cool. She had shed her jacket sometime ago and wrapped it around her waist since Welkin was dragging her at a pace quicker than the rest of the morning.
“They were tracking the Imperial retreat, so maybe they thought to get a good vantage point.” Welkin wasn’t really looking forward to the climb himself despite his nature loving personality. Aika on the other hand formed an idea while observing the steep profile of the hill. She could lead and tempt him with the view under her skirt, and so she did as they traversed the terrain of her choosing, terrain that would force Welkin to have to look up it. This was the case for most of the climb, but even Aika’s energy drained as they went up, and she had forgotten why she had chosen to lead at all while Welkin did indeed get a good view of the panties beneath her skirt.
It had certainly been past noon by the time the couple approached the top of the hill and the burly profile of Hannes emerged from a cave, or rather a giant hole in the hill that resembled a cave. He was half naked and wasn’t carrying his gun. In fact his trousers were almost completely undone and it was apparent that he lacked underwear as a result. This would’ve come as a shock to the panting couple approaching, but this level of dress was typical for Hannes, who would take off layers regardless of the situation. Hannes spotted the two as he walked out from the cave and waved, “Hey, we’re holed up in here. I’ll come meet with ya after I’m done.”
“What’re you going to do?” Aika was wondering what he could possibly do without his SMG.
“I’m gonna take a shit.” Hannes circled around some rocks to find a place to do his business.
Aika had no choice but to shrug that one off, its not like she had to ask. She entered the cave indicated by Hannes with Welkin close on her rear, when they were greeted by a more surprising scene. Jane, Oscar and Aisha sat in a circle facing each other playing a game of poker with all but the youngest completely topless and smoking a cigarette. It was evident from Aisha’s face that she was slightly uncomfortable, but for whatever reason was trying to force herself to commit. Whatever was happening though left Oscar with a noticeable bulge in his pants as he eyed the breasts of Jane whenever he thought he could get away with it. Jane heard the footsteps entering the cave and addressed them without looking, “What’s the matter, big guy? Shit your pants before you could make it?”
“Not quite. You had something to show me?” Welkin was a little amused by the situation, knowing by observation that the trio of friends that volunteered as the fireteam were quite close, but had wondered what it meant if they felt it was alright to be topless in front of each other. All save for Aisha of course, who had surprised Welkin by wanting to join the fireteam last night. His voice had startled Aisha and Oscar, while simply gaining the attention of Jane.
“Oh,” Jane pulled the cigarette from her mouth and tapped it out on the tan gravel of the cave, “It’s you, Boss. Truth is, we had something to show you, but that something seems to have up and vanished before you coming here.”
“Can you be more specific?”
“Yeah,” This time it was Oscar to respond as he grabbed his rifle and strapped it to his shoulder while getting up. Aisha got up and did the same with him while Jane was putting her shirt on, “There was a few stragglers I was sniping from here when a cloud of dust was spotted by Aisha approaching from the north.”
“Another sandstorm?” Asked Aika.
“No, too small. It was more like a column of armor was pulling the dust up in the distance. A huge column! But I wonder if they didn’t decide to retreat too after the Imp infantry told them we were kicking their asses.”
“Y-yeah,” Aisha was speaking this time, obviously more comfortable now that Jane had finished putting her shirt on, although her nipples were still visible through the fabric, “Not just dust, but smoke from the engines too. I’d wager it was heading to the east of the temple before they stopped.”
“To the east?” The three members of the fireteam just nodded in response while Welkin pulled up the map hanging on his chest. That morning 3rd Regiment had been issued orders to create a perimeter around the temple, but if an armor column was going around it from the east that would mean the regiment would have to focus its forces behind the temple. “Can you show me exactly where you saw the smoke?”
“Sure,” Replied Jane, who had her SMG around her shoulder now too, “Just down here at the other end of the cave.”
“You got this? I need to pee.” Oscar asked Jane, but she could tell from the boner in his pants that it wasn’t peeing he needed to do. She had purposely followed suit with the boys to take her shirt off last night knowing it would force them to have blue balls all morning, it was just the sadist in her, and she didn’t care if Aisha was around to do it. She had no doubt Hannes left to go beat one out instead of shitting, and that was what Oscar was going to do now. Jane would have willingly fucked either of them if they just asked, but instead felt she owed it to them to stall Welkin while they busted, since despite their tough facades were actually rather timid. Jane had confidence she could stall the Lieutenant with Aisha around, but couldn’t do anything about Aika who didn’t follow them down the cave.
Aika, happened to be terrified of ghosts, and with the party that once occupied the cave splitting she grew aware of the eeriness of the cave. It reminded her of a series of catacombs that Vyse and her had once ventured through in southern Europa and would swear to this day she saw a ghost in there. So rather than venture further into the cave towards an exit she couldn’t see, she went out the one she came from after Oscar and the others had disappeared. Knowing that Hannes exited the cave going right, Aika assumed that was the designated restroom, so naturally she exited left and circled a large boulder to find she was wrong.
// A/N: If this was on chyoa.com, I swear it’d be like “which way does Aika go? Left? Right?” Also I realize that Aika and Ramona pretty much have the same hair color, though I can’t tell what the color is.
Without realizing that Aika was serving as company, Oscar pulled out his erect cock from the zipper of his pants as well as a copy of Gallian Girl magazine with Ramona as the cover girl before he attempted beating himself dry.
He’s not…unimpressive, Aika thought, as she watched the young virgin becoming lost in his fantasies with Squad 7’s resident model. Her original intention was to get something from Welkin during this trip, but this prey in front of her was too juicy not to snatch up, besides…the Boss likes blondes. Aika began to undo her braids and put her hair up in a fashion that Ramona usually wears it. She fiddled with her hair as quickly as she could to imitate the look and confidently approached the fifteen year-old boy before whispering, “Easy access…”
Of course it was hard to tell whether or not she was referring to her foul joke from before climbing the hill with Welkin, or the vulnerable virgin sniper that was in her predatory gaze. Aika and Vyse were of a different build than most others, having had a really early sexual awakening and a thrill of the hunt when it came to sexual experiences with others. From Aika’s perspective, claiming a virgin was no different than exploring untamed, never before seen land. That, and she had pretty much promised Vyse that she was going to get some sort of action when they exchanged a glance before she took off. Oscar made it too easy for her too. His tight teenage body was exposed to the harsh Barious sun and a his dick out and ready to burst at any moment, but spilling his seed on the dusty floor would be a waste in Aika’s eyes, and she jumped on him from behind and grasped his throbbing cock with her bare hands.
“What the fu-” Oscar dropped the magazine he was using for fap material and almost launched the young girl behind him until he felt her soft breasts through the fabric of her black undershirt.
“Look what I’ve caught,” Aika licked the back of his ear causing Oscar to shiver as she whispered, “That means it’s mine now.”
“What’re you doing!?”
“Whatever you want me to, baby.” She began to stroke his hard phallus and grabbed the precum with her thumb to spread it around, “But you’ve got to stay quiet. Otherwise the others might interrupt.”
Oscar didn’t really like being controlled like this, but the sensation of a soft hand stroking his cock that wasn’t his was enough to make him moan in submission, and he grabbed her hands with his to speed up her pace.
“You virgin’s are always so impatient,” She forced the stroking to stop and turned him around to have him lay down on his back, “Besides, wouldn’t you rather cream in here?”
As she asked, she put her pussy against his lips and stroked him in a sixty-nine position. The invitation was enticing, and Oscar had no hesitation in moving the black lacy panties aside to make out with the lips of Aika’s tight snatch. Now it was Aika’s turn to moan in pleasure. She knew that his eagerness would be better spent there, and she returned the favor by spitting on his cock and sucking him off. Given the climb up the rather steep hill, Aika was somewhat worried how she tasted to the young boy, but his dick was surprisingly not tainted with the taste of sweat or dust. She guessed that he paid special attention to his decent sized member when cleaning himself in this desert. It was a .pleasant surprise for Aika, who hoped that her usually sweet juices were satisfactory to him as well. But the way he was eating her out was like he was enjoying the most exquisite meal of a lifetime, and she was getting into it.
Oscar wasn’t a pro at this in any definition of the word. In fact the only experience he had was with Jane back at Vasel, and the very tempting moment with Catherine in Kloden. Whatever he was doing though, seemed to be working. He just wanted to make sure that whatever was happening right now would last long enough to get him off, and that he would be able to return the favor. In order to accomplish just that, he was trying all sorts of things while tasting the succulent flesh of Aika’s clit and folds. Feeling every part of her with his tongue, lips and hands, so that this memory was burned into his mind forever. At the same time, he was trying not to get too focused, so that the lips around his dick could be felt and remembered as well. At some point in the game, his hands abandoned the work they were doing at the crotch of Aika’s body and grasped the sides of her head to force himself deeper into her skilled mouth pussy. The tip of his cock playing with the back of her throat and his balls beginning to tighten behind the zipper of his trousers.
Aika was no amateur though, she could feel him growing bigger in her mouth and the intensity of which he fucked her mouth only increased. She really wanted him to put his baby batter in her another way, but he had proved surprisingly gifted with his tongue, and she was just as close as he was. Just as he took control of her head and was fucking the breath out of her, she was rocking her hips against his mouth and robbing him of his breath.
“Mmmhaagh” Unable to speak, it was all the both of them could do to just scream onto each others genitals. The vibrations of their vocal cords pushing them both other the edge. In unison, the warm fluids of their bodies satisfied a thirst that only Barious was capable of forcing on a human. But just like Jane before her, Aika was surprised by the sheer volume of cum escaping the young boys dick, and even her experience was not enough to swallow it all down while her head was held in place by teenager’s hands. The white substance spilled around her lips and back down the zipper of Oscar’s trousers. Oscar meanwhile, had no intention of containing the warm fluids of Aika, and let it spill around his lips and down his face as the substance saturated his skin.
Welkin didn’t like it as much as he tried to deny it. No matter how many times he asked Aisha and Jane if they were sure, they always confirmed the same information. By all intents and purposes, it appeared to be a full Imperial retreat, and that the 2nd Armored Infantry Division had successfully pushed the Empire straight out of Barious. This exact realization was what left Welkin concerned though. Given the topography around the Valkyrur Ruins, the set up for an ambush would be perfect, but only a skilled military commander would be able to see that. The only thing that Welkin couldn’t confirm given the report by Jane and Aisha, was whether or not the Empire still had the numbers necessary to pull it off. As Welkin looked at his map he tried to guess what the enemy commander was thinking, or what tricks this commander had under their sleeve. Had he been in charge of the Division himself, he would say to hell with orders and sit back and wait. Only then would he be able to identify the true intentions of their enemy without the potentially drastic loss of life making a perimeter around the Ruins would imply. Given his current position however, all he could do was play the guessing game, as to where the potential ambush would be launched. For that, all he could do was assume the East like Aisha and Jane were telling him, but he hoped deep that down that the enemy numbers were low and were either waiting for night to cover their retreat, or were digging in one more time.
“Sir?” Aisha was calling to Welkin, who had a knack for getting lost in his thoughts and separating himself from the situation around him when thinking, “Sir!”
Aisha’s raised voice finally caught the lieutenant’s attention, “O-oh, sorry. What is it Aisha?”
“Captain Varrot is asking for an update on the situation.” Aisha was doing her best to haul an engineer’s pack, which housed a robust short-range radio with a phone piece in her hand.
“Right,” Welkin took the phone piece from her hand, “Lieutenant Gunther speaking.”
“I need that SitRep before I can proceed, Lieutenant. Has your recon been completed?”
“Yes, ma’am. Whatever Imperial forces that were present seem to have vacated the valley around the Ruins, but the last sighting of activity was to the east.”
“The East?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Welkin was hoping the capable Captain was looking at a map and reaching the same conclusions he had. The conclusion being that it was too dangerous to proceed as planned and to withdraw for now. Welkin didn’t think that’s what was actually going to happen though. The Captain was more than capable, but she would not disobey orders so easily. That, and Welkin was now sure that it had just been paranoia telling him the Imperial forces were large enough to pull it off. In Kloden he learned quickly that if their forces were large, that they would put them to full use without concern for the lives they were sending. Welkin took a deep breath and reassured himself. Little did he know Varrot was doing the same exact thing.
“Very well, Lieutenant. We’ll concentrate our forces east and behind the ruin. Delta battery will set up a perimeter west and guard the pass in the south.” The pass in the south was the only means of escaping the valley should the Imperial forces actually commit to an ambush or a final counter-offensive.
“By your order, Captain.” Welkin handed the phone piece back too Aisha, who had an excited look on her face, she could only imagine how exhilarating it was to speak to the Captain in person, “All right, I guess that ends our time here.”
Realizing that meant the three militiamen would be heading back through the cave soon, Jane did her part to stall the Lieutenant a little longer, “Here.”
Being handed a pair of binoculars Welkin willfully accepted them, “What are these for?”
“Take a look.” Jane motion where to look with her head and Aisha grew queasy, knowing where this conversation was going, and managed to sneak back out the cave without Jane or Welkin realizing.
Welkin looked through the binoculars at the area directed, wondering if there was any more clues that might indicate the number of enemy forces. Instead, he was greeted with a view of many dead imperial soldiers, “What happened here?”
“Oscar happened. Kid wounded one of them to lure out the rest. Killed what looks like the entire platoon at once from this range. Just thought you should see so you know what he’s capable of in the future.”
Welkin nodded, admitting to how impressive it was given the range. Looking again through the binoculars though he spotted the wounded soldier, who was still there…alive. Looking on to all his fallen comrades. It was a cruelty he expected from the trio of friends, and one he didn’t find necessary. Jane didn’t tell the lieutenant just how turned on she got watching him do it though. Welkin knew there wasn’t anything he could say or do to make Oscar finish the job, and he thanked his lucky stars that the wounded soldier was much closer than those of his dead comrades. Welkin pulled the rifle from around his shoulder and took aim.
Aisha wandered her way back through the cave and out the other entrance, realizing that everyone else seemed to have disappeared. She dropped the large backpack they had temporarily given her at the other entrance and set off to find where her fellow militiamen had gone, hoping that they weren’t still excreting bodily waste when she found them. At the very least maybe engage in some girl talk wi-
As Aisha turned the corner and traversed a short while around the hill resembling Gallian cheese, she found a very intimate display occurring between Aika and Oscar. Covering her mouth she made herself scarce, but refused to pull her eyes away from the scene. She was no stranger to the concept of sex, but this was the first time she had witnessed it first hand, and it was just like her to keep watching so that the knowledge could stick with her. Aika’s face was covered in cum and her black lacy panties now hung around one of her ankles as Oscar fucked her doggystyle through her skirt. Aika would be on all fours, if not for the young sniper keeping her up by pulling on her arms and slapping her ass with every thrust of his pelvis. He had already cum inside Aika’s mouth and on her face, but the unreal levels of cum he produced kept him coming back for more as he released again inside her pussy. Keeping her plugged as he continued to rock Aika’s world and still had one round left in the chamber.
“Uugh-baby!” Aika’s breasts were bouncing inside her shirt, not regretting letting the no-longer-virgin boy take charge after he blew his first load in her, “Make me come again! Make me come with your dick!”
“I’m gonna cum inside you. I’m gonna cum so hard!” By this point Oscar had already forgotten about the Militia issued condom in his pocket, but so did a lot of his squadmates who had engaged in such acts before.
Inside! Aisha found herself tripping over Oscar’s words, really letting her innocence show. Did he really love her enough to try and get her pregnant? Aisha not realizing that he had committed to doing just that a little before she arrived on the scene. The first emotion to flood her heart was jealousy, but knowing her body had more room to grow, understood that the object of her desires had needs as he grew into manhood. And speaking of his manhood, it seemed very large to Aisha.
“Oh, fuck!” Aika hit her second orgasm from Oscar’s efforts, and it forced him to release his seed inside her pussy a second time. Unlike his last few ejaculations, this one was not as long as the rest, but it still had enough heat too put some men to shame. As the last drops of his cum poured into her fertile womb, Oscar pulled the lacy panties from her ankle and stuffed them in his pocket, wanting to keep a little souvenir of his first time.
As they rode out their orgasm together Aisha took the moment to get herself away from the scene like nothing had happened. Trying to compose herself on her way back to the entrance of the cave and dropped to take a seat next to the Engineer’s pack. That’s when a gunshot echoed around the tall hill startling her even more than catching her comrades in the act of sex.
It had taken some time for Welkin to assure himself that he had his aim correct and to stabilize his hold on the heavy rifle, but once he was sure of his aim, he took the shot to end the imperial’s life, “All right, now our time here is done.”
“Guess it is.” Jane had no problem seeing the Imp suffer to death or get shot, but she learned that Welkin was for the more efficient method of killing them off…
On the way down the hill, Welkin had taken to the rear much like the climb up. As they traversed in a group much larger than before, Welkin caught the glimpse of Aika’s missing black panties and jizz leaking down her leg. The observation got Welkin looking at the only other two males in group, curious about who was the one who made the move.
When Aika got back she stood over Vyse beside the trench that he was in. Looking up Vyse say her ravaged pussy and was smiling, “No way! You got him?!”
“Not quite,” Aika hopped inside the trench beside him, robbing Cezary of a view of her bare cunt before he could look, “But I did get a good catch. Made another boy a man.”
“Don’t pretend like I didn’t call it,” Cezary was being a dick as usual, “Alex would have better luck than you with the Boss.”
Aika hit his shin hard with the butt of her rifle, causing him to keel over and Nadine rushed to his side just short of touching him to see if he was all right.
May 19, 1935 – 19:54 Hours, Barious [Valkyrur Ruins National Preserve]
The sun was low in the sky, the heat was starting to give way to the much cooler night as Delta Battery was setting up camps to defend the entrance of the great temple that orders from above seemed adamant about defending for whatever reason. Welkin had pulled out his shaving kit from the Edelweiss, and was sitting upon the turret with its twisted spaced armor when he realized that he was all out of soap for a shave. Being an officer of the Gallian Volunteer Corps meant maintaining an appearance above that of a general militiaman, and rather than maintain a well-kept beard like his father, Welkin opted to that of a clean shaven look. That was of course if he could find some soap or shave butter from any of the other male members of the squad. That’s when he spotted Coby at the rear of the tank, strapping his recently returned backpack to the aft of of the Edelweiss.
“Coby!” The oldest member of Squad 7 looked up to Welkin who had called him, “You have any spare shaving supplies?”
“Sure do, but not if you’re gonna shave with that.” Coby directed Welkin’s attention to the safety razor.
Welkin gazed at his safety razor, wondering what Coby could have meant by that, checking the edge of the blade for any obvious signs of damage, “Is there something wrong with it?”
“Damn right there is!” Coby climbed the treads of the Edelweiss to atop the vehicle despite the pain it caused to his back, “It gets rid of the very essence of the shave. Not something I’d expect kids like you to understand, but someone who keeps their face clean should. Sit back against the turret and lean your head back.”
No really thinking, Welkin did exactly as he was told, the tone in Coby’s voice was like that of a grandparent kindly asserting their grandchild do something for them. Yet despite the demands of the old man, his voice was soft, save for the raspy speech that came with many years of living.
“One of the bad things about being deployed in a war zone is the fact that there’s nothing to warm up a towel,” Coby was saying this as he applied a warm towel across Welkin’s face and began stropping a straight edge, “But the good thing about being out here is that you don’t have to worry about that. Damn sun could fry an egg, hah. Anyways…shaving ain’t a science. It’s an art form. For generations, we Caird’s have been carpenters. A skill that takes a lifetime to master, and it all starts at the wood; the very origin of it, as well as the shape and feel. Shaving ain’t much different. The tool used to do it, the source of the products used to help it, all of it matters.”
After some time, Coby removed the hot towel to apply a pre-shave oil onto Welkin’s face. It was a temporary peace on earth that deviated Welkin’s thoughts from war and his studies, and he relaxed himself against the steel of the Edelweiss as he lost himself in the massage that Coby was giving his face.
“We old guys grew up in a less convenient time, and because of this doing things took time. The simple act of shaving taught us patience, and that taught us discipline, and that taught us very important life lessons. And there was no better philosopher than that of our own thoughts.” As Coby rambled on he began to wipe what was left of the pre-shave oil on his uniform and placed another hot towel on Welkin’s face. Welkin could understand some of the places that Coby was coming from, since being alone with his thoughts was some of the happiest and most contemplative moments of his life. “Shaving also came with the sharpening of the blade from time to time, while many today just go about replacing it, but my blade was passed down for who knows how long. A legacy so insignificant, but reminds us just how small we all really are.”
Beneath the cover of the towel Welkin could hear Coby lathering the soap he needed onto a fine brush. “Now the soap, comes from the same place it always has; a barbershop down the street from my shop. The man who owns it, well, we grew up together.”
Coby removed the warm towel from Welkin’s face applied the soap onto his face, “My daughter used to fancy his son. I believe ‘til this day that the two loved each other. Couldn’t live apart, so they died together serving in the last war.”
For the first time since this peace had fallen on Welkin, his eyes shot open with a look of sorrow towards the old man, “Now don’t you say a word kid, I'm at peace with it,” Coby shot a quick glimpse at Alicia, who was busy commanding other members of the squad how to set up the camps surrounding the entrance, “…mostly.”
The straight edge razor touched Welkin’s face for the first time as Coby strafed it along the grain of the lieutenant’s barely visible five o’clock shadow. The skilled hands of his lifetime of carpentry really shining as they carefully trimmed the facial hair from his cheeks. The soft sound of raking was somehow just loud enough for Welkin to drown out the commotion of movement taking place around him and he once again closed his eyes to enjoy this serene experience so far from home. As Coby shaved Welkin’s beard, he was humming a somewhat familiar tune, repeating it as necessary to lengthen it to the duration of the shave.
“There, all done,” Coby handed Welkin a small shaving mirror barley two inches across so he could inspect the exquisite work for himself, “Now any girl who catches your eye will definitely be wooed in seconds.”
Just as Coby said so, Welkin’s eye lingered on Alicia for a moment, who eventually caught his stare and smiled back.
“Yeah, that’s where I figured you’d be looking,” Coby said with a sigh, “Never did believe the rumors anyways.”
“Rumors?” Welkin again seemed perplexed.
“Forget it, kid!” Coby patted Welkin on the back, “A young stallion like you should be reigning all the mares he wants anyways. Hope you like the results.”
“Yeah, couldn’t have done it better myself.” Welkin couldn’t stop rubbing the now baby-smooth skin on his face.
“Here,” Coby tossed the small leather bag filled with the shaving supplies at Welkin, “You can have that.”
“Wasn’t all this passed down or given to you though?”
“Haha, that?! Nah, I bought that at the base exchange on Fort Amatriain. My personal kit is still in my bag.”
“Oh, right.” Come to think of it, he never did say he was using the stuff he mentioned while rambling.
“Gotta build your own stories, kid.”
“Hey, Gramps!” Largo was now beside the tank shouting at Coby, “Is it my turn now?”
“Get the hell outta here! I ain’t goin’ shave that shit from your face. The lieutenant here has to maintain appearances, and no amount of maintenance is goin’ make you look good.”
“And no amount of attitude is gonna get your dick up again. If your done now I gotta show you where we’re sleeping.”
“Yeah, I’m done you big goof.”
Welkin couldn’t help but laugh at the exchange between Largo and Coby, and looked at the gift in his hands. It was a lot more than he was expecting when he asked for just one thing to shave this evening, but he new he would keep it with him for a long time. Going indie the Edelweiss Welkin put the shaving kit with the rest of his stuff and grabbed a couple of journals and a few biology books that he kept by the Edelweiss’ radio equipment. He was going to meet up with Faldio to engage in some late night bug hunting.
May 19, 1935 – 21:46 Hours, Barious [Valkyrur Ruins National Preserve]
In the waning hours of twilight, a vehicle drove in the darkness with its headlights piercing a black void that was uninterrupted for miles, save for a few camps that shown through the approaching night with multiple campfires. These fires went mostly unseen from the east side of the Valkyria temple, but was seen clearly by the driver of the Gallian jeep that kicked up clouds of dust in its wake. The driver of this jeep was Ramal Valt, the sergeant in charge of 1st Squadron when Faldio wasn’t about, or any other officer of Alpha Battery. Issue was, at least in the mind of Ramal, was that there was another officer and he was limiting the young shocktrooper’s chances at actually getting to impress Faldio in his absence. That, and the fact that Faldio was with none other than the infamous Lucky Sevens. An undisciplined element of 3rd Regiment that was bad for the entire Division’s name, and it astonished Ramal just how much a little success can get to the heads of those that met it. So when the opportunity came to be tasked as a runner to deliver a message to Faldio, he took it immediately with hopes that the rogue squad leader could return. Of course, he didn’t actually know what the message was.
“Sergeant Valt!” Varrot was always stern when speaking to the young NCO, “Have you been up to date on collecting SitReps from the western camps?”
“Yes, ma’am!” Ramal lied. Getting SitRep’s from a squad like 7th and 8th was nearly impossible with their lack of responsibility. “A perimeter has been established around the entrance.” Which was the very last thing he had heard from the wayward group of militiamen. This news seemed to have been enough for Varrot, but the nervous wreck that Ramal was always thought more than just a few words was necessary.
“Very well,” Varrot pulled an envelope from her inner breast pocket and offered it to Ramal, “Since you have a general idea of their whereabouts, I want you to deliver the contents of this letter to Lieutenants Gunther and Landzaat. It is not to be opened by anyone but them. Understood?”
“Yes, ma’am!” Ramal grabbed the envelope from the captain’s hand, which was still warm from the heat of her bosom.
“You are permitted to use a jeep to get over there. Speed is of utmost importance.” Varrot was sure that the young NCO would follow the orders of not opening the envelope, and was keen on returning back to her portion of the orders.
This led to where to where Ramal was currently at, driving away from the camp guarding the southern pass, occupied by the 4th Crews of 7th and 8th Squadron. Luckily for them Ramal didn’t have to yell at them for the foolish behavior of lighting a campfire on the battlefield. The Crew Chief that was put in charge seemed to have a good head on her shoulders and tons of experience when it came to warfare.
“The Boss?” Catherine spoke softly to Ramal as the two Crews were bonding behind her inside the camp proximity, “I’ve not seen him for hours. I suppose the northernmost camp might be a good place to start. Faldio? I believe I last saw them together.”
It was all Ramal needed to hear to get back on the jeep and start racing toward the next camp. A camp that was illuminated by fire and likely the location of his quarry. The fact that Ramal was somewhat aware of Faldio’s intentions of gathering pointers on the tactics used by 7th Squadron’s CO was even more worrying. Ramal held Faldio in a very high regard, but he was beginning to worry how much less of a good officer he would become under the tutelage of Welkin. The fading minutes of twilight made the ruins look awash with strange shadows that Ramal had to take extra precaution to avoid hitting with the jeep he was entrusted, causing him to arrive a little later than he would’ve liked to the next camp. It was all he needed was to be reprimanded by Faldio and Varrot both for his carelessness. It was bad enough that he lacked experience driving and was grinding gears on the jeep whenever he had to shift, like when he parked the vehicle someways outside the camp.
Ramal walked up to the campfires lighting up the camp, which seemed to house four crews from both Squad 7 and 8. He checked once again with his hand to confirm that the envelope was still in his pocket as he approached and after a sigh of relief put on a face of disdain. He was greeted by some manner of commotion and Isara taking a fist to face before landing at his feet. Ramal might have cared more about the illegal assault against a comrade if not for the Darcsen shawl on the girl’s shoulders. Isara was rubbing her left cheek, which had just taken a pretty substantial blow from Rosie seconds before. A shame, Ramla thought, she’s pretty cute. Ramal spit on the Darcsen’s face to give her something else to rub off before he could admire her beauty any further.
“All right. Time out, you two.” Largo’s voice was booming over the commotion as he came running to the scene. Obviously not happy about having to get up from a nap.
“You stay outta this, Largo!” Rosie was approaching the fallen Darcsen like she was looking to get more hits in before Largo grabbed one of her arms.
“We’re in a war here. You keep squawkin’ and we’re likely to get killed.”
“Tch.” Rosie pulled her arm free of Largo’s grasp and crossed her arms.
“You too, kid. She wouldn’t go off on you if you didn’t talk back.”
“You should all be dead given your lack of light control. A blood moon policy is in effect.” Ramal made it his turn to speak by stepping on Isara’s head before she could respond, his arms also crossed. “Now where the hell is your worthless squad leader?”
After saying what he did, Ramal didn’t expect returned looks of disdain from almost every member of the squad that was present, including Isara, who struggled to lift his boot off her face, “Who the hell are you to be calling him worthless, you prick?!”
“Sergeant Ramal Valt, 1st Squadron.” This time Rosie stiffened up, realizing he was one of the cocks that probably stuffed his dick down her throat back in Kloden. Truth was that Ramal was the one who initiated the rebellious act out of disrespect for the Squad Leader giving him the orders not to.
“Yeah,” Rosie asked, aware that Ramal was a bit of teacher’s pet and snitch when it came to the higher brass, “and what exactly have you done that’s worthwhile in this war except bitch about everything?”
“That’s a loose mouth you got, Corporal. Sounds a lot better with a cock shoved down it.”
Edy had to cover her mouth to stop herself from laughing obnoxiously as Largo acted quickly to grab an enraged Rosie, “You little shit!”
“Whoa whoa. That’s enough of that now.” Largo picked the woman up from behind and forced her to retreat from the scene. No good would come out of starting a mass riot on account of one punk kid. It didn’t help Ramal’s case too much though, as he was now staring down half of a pissed off 7th Squadron with his fighting words, mostly towards Welkin and his sister than to Rosie, but their sense of brotherhood stretched to all members of the squad ever since Vasel.
Ramal turned his head toward Freesia, her attire able to draw the gaze of any man with a pulse, not realizing that his foot was still keeping Isara pinned to the ground, “Where’s your CO, private?”
“Gee, I dunno. Have you tried the tank, dumbass?”
“You are to put out these fires immediately.” Ignoring the insult, Ramal finally walked away towards the tank, freeing Isara of his body weight.
As his silhouette faded into what can now be called the night, Jann muttered the first words, “What a bitch…”
Meanwhile Largo had dragged Rosie quite a distance from the camp as the lights from the fires waned out of existence, “All right. Take it easy now.”
“Let go of me, you bastard!” Rosia was still kicking and screaming in his hold and a few of the hits that were landing on Largo were enough to get a wince of pain out of him.
“Not until you calm down.”
“I am calm!” She wasn’t calm, “That little shit needs to be taught a lesson!”
“Yes,” Largo reasoned, “He does. But it ain’t worth fisticuffs and him getting the last word while you’re tied to a post out here in the middle of nowhere. A better time will come. From my experience people like him usually have what’s comin’ to them anyways. Besides, he was right about one thing…”
Rosie let out a deep breath and finally started relaxing in the gargantuan’s hold. She figured that he was going to lecture her about the fires that she decided to light inside the camps while they ate. Rations were running dangerously short recently, so she figured a few fires would help forget that.
“Yeah, let me hear it.” Rosie spoke in a defeated tone.
“Your mouth is pretty good at sucking cock.” With a more controlled strike than her enraged flailing earlier, Rosie landed a hit on Largo that cased him to break his grip on her and grab his groin. “Ah shit. Knew you had it in ya.”
“That your way of trying to go another round with me?” Rosie was fixing her uniform after breaking Largo’s grasp.
“Depends, did it work?”
“Almost.” It was hard for Largo to see in the dark, but he could’ve sworn he saw a wink with that word. He watched a while as Rosie collected herself and walked away with a little more sway in her hips.
“Damn,” Largo rubbed the point of impact one more time before making his way back to the camp, “Crazy broad.”
Walking into the darkness north of the camp was a trench that had a column of tanks situated alongside it. It was not Ramal’s first reaction to go straight to the Edelweiss like Isara, who had followed him for some duration of the trip despite Ramal’s displeasure, but to check the tank he knew as Black Rose. Black Rose was the name designated to Faldio’s personal tank and was located at the rear of the column. To Ramal’s further displeasure, no sign of the crew or the commander was present in or around the tank. He was hoping he could see Faldio and perhaps get away with just delivering the orders to him rather than including Welkin into that mix as well. At the very least, the desert sands were smooth, and made it somewhat easier to traverse the geography during the night without a flashlight in hand. The lack of vegetation also helped. Having no interest whatsoever in the tanks of 8th Squadron, Ramal passed them by completely to get to the Edelweiss like Isara did before him. Before he could check the interior of the tank however, he caught the presence of another light that was not being well hidden from potential enemy snipers or the sort. He rounded the corner of the Edelweiss to yell some more at the next stupid private, but was stopped in his tracks by a woman that dwarfed him in size and was half naked.
On the far side of the Edelweiss was Alicia, who held a flashlight for Mina, who in turn was inspecting a wound on the back of Nina. Nina had been struck with a large piece of metal from the Edelweiss’ spaced armor just a few days before, and despite that was still in the fight. With all the movement that came with combat however, her stitches kept splitting open and had to be reapplied and cleaned almost daily, much to Mina’s annoyance. Nina stood before Ramal with everything on top of her waist being completely absent, and Ramal blushed before the muscular woman that was receiving treatment from the easily-agitated triplet.
“What? Stub your toe or something?” Mina didn’t appreciate the boy coming around the corner to do nothing more than gawk at her patient as she expertly fixed the wound. The tiny pecker in his pants made it seem like he was just there to perversely peek at the large woman’s tits.
Ramal took a moment to clear his throat and compose himself, no longer willing to yell since the light in use was for medical personnel, but he did circle around Nina towards her back with the other two girls to refrain from being further aroused by her tits. “Sergeant Melchiott.”
“Sergeant Valt…” Catching a glimpse of the small tent in his pants got Alicia to wonder if he perhaps had some Darcsen blood in him.
This wasn’t Ramal’s and Alicia’s first time meeting despite their formalities. During the battles at Vasel Alicia must have found any number of reasons to visit Squad 1 to get fucked by Faldio, many of those times Faldio asked Ramal to make sure no one interrupted them in the process. And a lot of those times Ramal just played a voyeur, and must have jacked off dozens of times fantasizing about fucking Alicia just like Faldio. Though as inexperienced as he was, it was likely that Ramal wouldn’t be able to perform at a fraction of Faldio’s sexual skill. The young sergeant looked at the wound that was being fixed by Mina, “What happened here?”
“Shrapnel launched from a tank shell.”
Judging by the amount of stitches, it was no measly amount of steel that got lodged in her. Mina decided to put her two cents in as well, “The fourth day of fixing what could be avoided, and I’m still pulling out pieces of steel. Everyone wants to be a hero though.”
“It’s not even about that.” Nina objected, “I’m just not going to miss a day of training for some lousy stitches is all, and I can’t train if I’m being forced in bed by a bunch of twigs from Division.”
Yeah, thought Ramal as he looked at her well-sculpted but injured back, I think you can afford a few days rest without losing any of that. Ramal was starting to feel a little let down by his own thin physique, and wondered what kind of routine muscles like Nina’s demanded.
“Insistence on training is fine, but you’re giving a lot of grief to Mina and our already limited medical supplies by pushing it too far, Nina!” Alicia was scolding the large shocktrooper as Mina finished up the last of her duties.
“There. Next time get one of my damn sisters to do it if you don’t want to be left with an open wound that gets infected.” Mina packed her medpack and got up to leave. Nina also began to dress by putting on her black turtleneck and tying her jacket across her waist, making Ramal wonder if she ever bothered to wear a bra.
“Get back to guarding the camp now, and try not to do anything that’ll break those stitches before morning!”
“Yeah yeah, all right.” Nina waved off Alicia and she departed.
Turning off the flashlight, Alicia turned to Ramal and allowed her eyes to readjust, “Did you need something, Ramal?”
Despite having very little respect for Welkin, Ramal did hold Alicia to some degree of esteem. Not just because of her looks, but because it seemed she also admired Faldio to an extent not all that far from him. Of course that was the only reason he showed her respect at all, her leadership was still as questionable as Welkin’s, especially if recent rumors about her sleeping with members of her squad were true. Ramal failed to see the double standard he was setting, since Faldio did exactly that as well, but never held him at fault for it. “Have you seen Faldio?”
“Faldio?” Alicia realized that she had not seen her lover in quite some time, not since Welkin disappeared after getting shaved by Coby. She did wonder if they could be called lovers still given the amount of time since they last got together, but Alicia was more concerned about something more immediate, “No, I haven’t seen him for a while. More importantly, when was the last time you washed?”
//AN: Almost made a lemon with these two. I encourage everyone to write about any missed lemon opportunities in my work. Lolz.//
“Washed?” Ramal was taken back by the question. Did he really smell that bad? He thought to take a subtle smell of his armpit to check, but was interrupted before he could.
“Don’t bother,” Alicia grabbed a large water container from the back of the Edelweiss, the last remains of the water buffalo they towed into the Barious region, an item that was ultimately abandoned out in the desert, “I got you. Start undressing.”
Somehow the maternal voice from Alicia was enough to get the younger sergeant to listen to her commands, but he did not undress completely, just down to his boxers. Ramal was completely expecting to wash himself with a damp rag, but blushed when Alicia started washing his back with one. “What’re you doing!?”
“Getting your back of course.”
“I-I can wash myself!”
“You will, just let me get the hard to reach spaces.”
Ramal didn’t want to wave his erect dick around trying to snag the rag from Alicia’s hands, so he resigned to letting her get what she wanted until he was finally handed a small rag and began to clean himself of all the dirt and sweat that had accumulated since his last shower.
“For someone who likes to explode about regulations and rules, you don’t seem to care about the importance of hygiene and the detriments to your health on the battlefield for not paying attention to it.” With that said, Alicia took the larger container of water and splashed a healthy dose of the cool water on Ramal’s hair. It was quite refreshing for Ramal, who had to face the heat as much as everyone else stuck in Barious, but he had definitely refrained from washing as often as he should given the quickly diminishing water available to them.
“Yeah, I know, but none of this actually helps me for why I’m here. Where is Faldio? I have orders to deliver from Captain Varrot herself!”
“Why didn’t they just use the radio?”
Right, because you Sevens actually use your radio.
“It’s for their eyes and ears only. I’m sure if command wanted to tell them by radio, they would have.”
“They?” Alicia had a puzzled look on her face.
“…The orders are for your lieutenant too.”
“Pretty sure Faldio is with Welkin. I can’t speak for Faldio, but why didn’t you just ask the person who always knows where Welkin is?”
“And who would that be?”
Alicia clamped the container of water back on the Edelweiss and climbed the tank with ease to knock on the hatch atop the turret. A few seconds later, Isara popped her head out, “Did you need something, Alicia?”
“Isara, do you know where your brother is?”
Ramal wore an angry scowl as the Darcsen shared information with Alicia that she never bothered to share with him.
Farther West of the temple and the camps was where Welkin laid on his stomach to catch a glimpse of what appeared to be two insects in the act of mating. Nothing but a light emitting red light was shining upon them as he sketched the scene in his notebook while writing the occasional note off to the side of his illustration. Laying beside him was Juno, and Faldio was kneeling beside her as all of them watched the act unfold before them. All of the former schoolmates where sharing the knowledge they had acquired during their tenure at University, but while the two biologist engaged in the conversation quite actively, Faldio would only chime in when he wasn’t distracted by Juno’s ass.
“Can’t say I blame them for choosing this hour. The sun would probably have them baked in minutes before they could even finish their business.” Faldio finally gave in to his desires and grabbed Juno’s ass as he spoke. The invasive groping earned him a mean look from Juno and she scooted closer to Welkin, but that was all she did as he continued, “Honestly I’m just surprised that any courtship happens at all with something as simple as bugs.”
“It’s pretty common throughout the entire animal kingdom.” Welkin stated as he completed his sketch.
Juno was about to finally slap Faldio’s hand from her rear as his motions got more aggressive, but he stopped himself upon realizing a light was approaching the trio and their bug quarry. “Look sharp, we might have company.”
The three of them grabbed their weapons in preparation for a fight while Welkin dimmed the red lamp that was shining.
“Welkin!” The voice belonged to Isara, and upon hearing it they all relaxed, “You there?”
“Is, is that you?”
After rounding a rock formation that initially blocked the view of the two parties, Isara emerged with Alicia and Ramal at her back. The light did not follow them however, and was revealed to be the headlights of the jeep they used to drive over there. As they approached, Welkin and Juno cleaned the dust from their uniforms. Naturally, Ramal went to Faldio with the letter first.
“A telegram from the Capitol that the Captain only wanted you to see.” Ramal held the sealed envelope and Faldio grabbed it quizzically.
Reading the two name’s on the envelope he called for his old school buddy. “Hey, Welkin? Come here for a sec.”
They walked to the zone illuminated by the headlights of the jeep and read the contents of the letter together.
GAIA-OPD-DR 19 May 1935
ORDERS 3AIR-35-005945
Welkin Gunther, 521 Belgen Lane, Bruhl 10024, XX-X-750, LT 7S
Faldio Landzaat, 1921 S. Sir Robert Peel Road, Randgriz XX-X-871, LT 1S
Gallian Volunteer Corps
A.P.O. 34-D
Fort Amatriain 10650
You are hereby ordered to fulfill duties mandated by Her Highness Princess Cordelia of House Randgriz for the duration mentioned below, upon completing this task you are to return to normal duties under the Gallian Volunteer Corps and remain silent about data recovered until greeted by a GAIA agent.
Location of Duty: Interior of main ruin at the Valkyrur Ruins National Preserve site in Barious.
Purpose of Duty: To confirm or deny presence of Imperial activity inside the ruins. If any evidence of Imperial activity is inside, collect data that may support their war effort against the Principality of Gallia, and refrain from sharing this info until approached by a GAIA agent.
Period: These duties will cease upon meeting with GAIA agent.
Starting Date: ASAP
Security Clearance: Top Secret
Additional Instructions: No other individuals are authorized to know the purpose of this mission and orders have been given to your superiors to aid as necessary. The code of silence under Exception Clause 6-III for civilian free speech will be held against you for discussing what is seen inside the temple and a violation of orders by the Crown will see you dishonorably discharged, tried for treason against the state, and conspiring against the Crown. No words are to be put on paper holding the data collected, nor will any observations be authorized to transmit through radio waves. Only once greeted by a GAIA agent, by the Agency’s discretion, will you be authorized to speak of the mission. Afterwards you are expected, by order of Princess Cordelia, to fulfill your patriotic duty as militiamen under the Principality of Gallia.
Authority: 1 CHR-2EW 00016
Leyland of House Alvasce
Minister of Gallian Intelligence Agency
“I don’t get,” Faldio was trying to make sense of the orders, “What's the purpose?”
Welkin shrugged, “Don’t know. You know these government types, always making things vague and hard to understand. At least you have a reason to enter the temple. You did want to do that, right?”
“Yeah, but now doing it the wrong way has some pretty strenuous consequences attached. There shouldn’t be anything in there that valuable.”
“Then it’ll be easy. Go in, have fun, and get back home.”
“Yeah…” Faldio was still unsure. It seemed like the government was trying to lead them on a wild goose chase for things that didn’t really matter.
Ramal was just left wondering why they were acting like friends. Outside of Welkin’s company it could deducted that Faldio hated the 7th Squadron Leader, but right now their antics and way they traded words seemed like those that had been friends for years. Catching a short glance at Juno, Ramal wondered if it was her he was after.
“We can take the jeep over tomorrow, and probably ask Sergeant Hunter to join us.”
As this was Welkin’s suggestion, Ramal was quick to object, “Sir! I don’t know what the orders say, but Captain Varrot made it clear that they were to be completed as soon as you possibly could.”
“All right, but it’s dark, and I’m tired. So tomorrow is the soonest it can be done.”
Ramal wasn’t happy with that response, sure that the laziness was somehow passed down from Welkin’s relaxed attitude. Still, Ramal yielded, “Yes, sir.”
With that much said, Faldio returned the telegram inside the envelope and pulled out a match to light it. Everyone watched silently as the contents of the secret orders were lit aflame, and with all but two members of the party left in the dark.
To be continued, and as always, thanks for reading. -JPR
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