Suikoden III - Sextain of Destiny | By : Streti Category: +S through Z > Suikoden Views: 7128 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: This is a free fanfic without profit. Suikoden and all related characters are the property of Konami. |
Chapter 13 - Sunset on an Old Mansion
by Streti,
Nearly two months had passed since the incident at the Sindar shrine. In Grasslands, where Hugo had spent most of the time in between, spring was already turning into summer, but here in Camaro, there was still a chill in the evening breeze. He welcomed it, feeling warm and sweaty after a long day's journey to reach the mansion before nightfall.
The sun was just setting, and Augustine wasn't about to let it go unnoticed.
"What beautiful highlands! What beautiful scenery! The golden rays of the setting sun, casting their blessing on our humble journey!" he said.
"It is impressive," agreed Mua, the Camaro knight. Hugo had known him since the war, and had sent him word to meet him and the rest of the group in Laliluz village.
The sun cast golden streaks of light between the flimsy clouds in the sky. In the deepening dusk, they made determined progress towards the previously abandoned mansion.
"What is this castle like?" asked Sasuke, from the ninja village of Rokkaku.
"It's not a... Well, I guess you could call it a castle. A small one," said Hugo. "By all accounts it belonged to the vampire Richard Cervantes, who went on a rampage in the Grasslands and Zexen before we stopped him."
"And you just took his castle?" asked the bearded ninja.
"It had been abandoned for a long time when we found it," answered Hugo. "Corpses lying everywhere, and a succubus that almost got us."
"A sickly perversion of feminine beauty," commented Augustine, face twisted in disgust.
"Yeah, sure. Well, we dealt with it, and the corpses were buried. We're well within the bounds of Camaroan law to set up base there."
"You are correct," said Mua. "But we still need to head to Nossa Casa and make it official."
Hugo tapped the pouch of potch on his belt. "There shouldn't be any problem with that."
"This is where your parents met, Napoleon," said Millie, oblivious to the rest of the discussion. Her conversation partner was a strange yellowish groundhog hanging from her arm, with a huge mouth and two large fangs poking out from between its lips. Two columns of black beady orbs ran across the head and back of Millie's pet, and apparently all of them were the creature's eyes.
"Wasn't that in southern Grasslands?" asked Hugo from her.
"Aren't we still in Grasslands?" asked Millie back.
"Yes and no," replied Hugo. "Camaro is usually considered to be part of Grasslands, but at the same time they're a separate sovereignty. They're not part of the Six Clans of Remembrance, and Camaro's region is clearly defined, unlike the Six Clans."
"So we're still in Grasslands," deduced Millie.
"Guess so," replied Hugo.
"Told you, Napoleon," she said, and caressed the bizarre pet between its eyes.
Hugo had met the girl from Dunan when he was younger. She had been searching for a "bride" to her previous pet of the same species, Bonaparte, and together, they had been successful. Apparently that union had been as well, judging from the existence of Napoleon.
She had kept her youthful looks surprisingly well, and she was wearing similar clothes, with a halterneck, miniskirt and boots of white, and dark and light blue, and arm sleeves and a fluffy hat of mostly white. To Hugo's eye, there was not much difference in how she had looked all those years ago.
The last rays of the sun were shining from behind the mansion when they arrived, giving its earthy color a regal hue. While desolate, it looked less foreboding now. Grass was growing on the grounds, and they looked like the ruins of a battle long past, instead of a cemetery of recent horrors.
"It's... uh, I've seen bigger," commented Millie, as they approached.
On the floral-decorated plaque next to the gate, the name 'CERVANTES' still stood.
"The owner of this castle must have had magnificent taste!" praised Augustine as they passed the gate. The steel gate still made a shrill creak when they moved it.
"The previous owner was literally a monster. When I met him, he was a vampire with only the taste for chaos and violence," said Hugo.
"I am sorry, my friend. Perhaps this crisis could have been averted if I had just met him and could have talked with him about the finer things in life," said Augustine and extended his hand to the skies.
"Vampires and life don't go well together from what I've seen, " growled Hugo.
"Ah, such is life," conceded Augustine. Hugo gave him a sideways glance and gritted his teeth.
Sasuke pulled Mua back. "Who is this character? Do you know?" he asked.
"He is peculiar, yes," replied Mua in a hushed tone. "But he's good with his rapier." Then the knight continued, looking at Millie, "What about the lady? You're both from the south-east, I gather."
"Yes, we fought together in a war a long ago. Let's just say, you don't want to annoy that pet of hers."
"Oh! Hugo!" shouted Louis, guarding the main entrance, when he saw them.
Hugo raised his hand in greeting. "Good to see you again, Louis!"
"Oh! Louis!" shouted Augustine, and ran to the knight. "My good friend! How have you grown! I'm so pleased to see you again!" he said, and hugged the knight.
"Oh, uh, thank you," said Louis, when Augustine let go of him. "Did you go to... Toran Republic? How was it?"
"It was magnificent!" lauded Augustine. "Such wonderful castles! I am still in awe of the glorious and beautiful capital Gregminster! I read the most wonderful tales of wars in the southern countries! And I met my true friend Vincent de Boule! With him we visited Scarleticia Castle, the most euphoric of prospects! And we also--"
"Uhm, yes, okay," interrupted Louis. "I think I need to go tell Nera that you're here," he said and went in.
* * *
Hugo was just settled in a small room with walls of stone, a desk, a bookshelf, a bed and two chairs, when there was a knock on the door, and Nera entered. Hugo turned the chair at the desk around, sat down and gestured Nera to take the other chair.
"The place is almost as dark as it was back then," started Hugo.
"Do you maybe want to try setting it on fire with that Rune of yours?" said Nera, looking at Hugo's right hand, now covered with a fingerless glovelett. "No matter how many torches we light up, it stays dim. It's like the walls eat up the light."
"At least it's spring now. Does that help?" said Hugo.
"Yes, during the day. But let me tell you, chief... clearing up all those corpses haven't been the best days of my life," she said earnestly. "Not for anybody here."
"I appreciate what you've done here," he said and looked her deep in the eyes. "All of you. Whoever all these people were, they deserved a proper burial."
They cast their eyes downward and stayed silent for a moment. Then Hugo spoke again. "Speaking of that... have you found anything?"
"No. There hasn't been anything to tell of the people who lived here. All the books are history, novels, old myths, and some cooking books. Nothing personal."
"No diaries? At all? That's strange," said Hugo.
"That's what I thought," affirmed Nera. "And Nell hasn't told us anything more. Not even me, in private."
"What has she been doing?"
"She has taken Rhett and Wilder to the ruins a few times. They've only returned with piles of notes."
"I guess that means she hasn't used any strange magic?" asked Hugo, his eyes keen.
"No," said Nera. "Not even in the shrine, according to Wilder. But there haven't been any Golems, serpents or any other incidents there."
"That's good to hear, at least."
* * *
She caressed the cheek of a beautiful black-haired woman. She looked innocent, an uncertain look in her brown eyes, with a greenish tint to them.
She was in a lavish king size bed, or more accurately, they were in the bed together. She trailed her hand down to her breast, reveling in the sight of her nude skin, and resumed her thrusting. The woman wasn't wet enough.
"Drool for me," she said, and on command, the black-haired woman let out a trail of saliva from her mouth, running down her chin and neck. She pressed her hand on the black-haired woman's mouth and face and gathered her drool onto his hand, then took out his penis and rubbed the wetness all over the rigid member. Then she forced her penis into her again, and resumed a vigorous thrusting, her face twisted in an emotion she didn't recognize.
She thrust in again and again, feeling the pleasure build up in her male appendage, as she watched the woman under her, barely reacting.
"Moan for me," she commanded.
"Uhhh.... ahhh.... ohhhh...." the woman moaned, mechanically.
"Oh, shut up, bitch," she said, and the woman fell silent. She continued in a rhythmic motion, feeling the sharp bangs of approaching pleasure, until it hit her, a flush of pleasure as she ejaculated into her vagina, filling her with semen, her face crunched up as she felt the pleasure of the climax inside her.
* * *
Nell woke up with a jolt.
"What the... ahh... where..." she said to the dark room, breathing heavily. "Ohhh..." she moaned, her head dizzy, and a sudden urge strong in her, much stronger than it had been in the dream. Nell pulled off the covers, swallowed some spit from her mouth, and touched herself through her undergarments. They were wet, and just the light touch was enough to send a sharp spike of sensation through her. She got out from the bed, pulled down the bottom part of her undergarments, and tried her pussy with her fingers. It electrified her entire body, and she gasped for breath, looking at the door. She needed cock.
Nell wandered out into the corridor, her eyes glazed with desire. There were a few braziers lit along the corridor, casting their dim light on the stone walls, leaving just enough illumination to move without trouble.
She knew there were men in the castle, she just had to find them. Any of them. A sudden sensation rushed through her, and she leaned against a wall, panting as her pussy dripped its wetness down onto the floor. Then she saw somebody come into the corridor, and she pulled herself together, facing the arrival. Maybe he would also come in her?
Nell waited with strained patience, and finally she saw Rhett waddling toward her.
'What? A duck? I can't...' she thought to herself, as the Duck Clan warrior and researcher approached her.
"Oh, hello, miss Nell," said Rhett in a friendly tone. "Are you interested in the Duck Clan fashion of not wearing pants? I usually don't see humans do that!"
"Oh, yes..." said Nell, her breathing heavy. "I'm trying it out... just had to..."
"See you tomorrow, quack! Have a good night!" said Rhett, and continued down the corridor, mumbling to himself something about the shrine and magicians.
"Thanks, you too," said Nell. She really needed to have a good night right now.
The corridor led into the main hall, and Nell went through the door quietly.
Even with torches and braziers lit, the hall still looked dark. But she could see Scott the trader and somebody else talking. She decided to approach them.
Scott had made name for himself during the war and in lands beyond the Grasslands, but he had still taken chief Hugo's offer to build a trading post at this small castle and oversee the mostly incoming batches of supplies. He was a handsome blonde man, around her age, maybe slightly older. Nell was used to seeing him with his parrot at the trading post, but now he had left the parrot behind, to sleep maybe. He was wearing an outfit of a pink striped shirt, light blue pants and red and brown striped boots. His clothes were horrible, and Nell wanted to get him out from them. Suddenly, the men turned their attention in her direction.
"Hello, Scott," said Nell, and moved closer to the two men, and they focused on her. What was she going to say? How did men do this?
"Hi, N--ngah," said Scott, seeing that she was wearing nothing but a flimsy nightshirt, which didn't cover her pubic region or butt in the slightest.
The other man looked at her with interest. Nell hadn't seen him around the castle before. A new arrival sent by Hugo? A trading partner of Scott's? Or something else? He had garb reminiscent of the ninjas of Rokkaku, this one in blue and black colors. He looked slightly older than her or Scott, in his thirties maybe, and he had a full brown beard without a moustache to match his dark brown hair. There was something in his keen brown eyes that Nell liked.
"Who's this?" asked the ninja, as she approached.
"It's... uh, h-hello, Nell," stammered Scott. His eyes were darting between her bush of brown pubes and her eyes, and Nell couldn't help but smile.
"This is, um, Sasuke," introduced Scott. "He's from Rokkaku--"
"I thought so," said Nell and squeezed her erect nipples through her nightshirt. She was obviously causing a reaction in them, she just didn't know if it was the right one. "Tell me," she said and looked at them with her eyes open wide and blinking rapidly, "are you looking for some fun this night?" Was she blinking too rapidly?
"What a welcome," commented Sasuke, but his expression didn't change. "Are you okay?" he asked and snapped his fingers a couple of times in front of Nell's face. She didn't know what to make of it and just stared at the fingers, still blinking rapidly.
"I'm fine!" she finally said, and draped herself around Scott, caressing his chest. "I just need to... fuck." The word sounded wrong coming out from her, but that's what she wanted and she didn't regret saying it. She thought of Hugo and everything she had seen and she was sure that the Karaya chief would have jumped her already.
"I-- uh-- really?" stammered Scott.
Nell suddenly backed off from him, eyes wide. "I mean, if you want, of course. Just say so if you don't want me here," she said.
"Nononono," said Scott. "It's just... whew, this is a lot."
"Should I leave you two alone?" asked Sasuke.
"No!" yelped Nell. "I want... I need..." she started, then paused for a moment. Was she really going to say 'either of you'? "I want BOTH of you to FUCK me," she said, somehow hoping that saying the words loud and clear would make them happen. She was breathing heavily.
"Oh boy," said Scott.
Sasuke took Nell's hand, extended his right leg forward and his left arm dramatically into the air, and bowed down to kiss her hand in a very un-ninjalike manner. "I will oblige the wishes of my lady to fuck her as much as she needs," he said.
Nell smiled at him, then looked at Scott, feeling the wetness trail down her thighs. "Well, Scott? I'd really like it if you came too..." she said, and congratulated herself on her delivery.
"No, no, no," he said. "I mean, yes, yes, yes! I'm in!" said the nervous trader.
* * *
The floor of Nell's room was littered with ninja garb, striped clothes of questionable taste, and one flimsy nightshirt. She had her eyes closed, just enjoying the feel of two men caressing and kissing her body. Their lips were eager on her naked skin, their gropes of her breasts demanding, their fondling of all of her electrifying. At times they would kiss her on the mouth, and she didn't need to open her eyes to know which was which. Sasuke's beard tickled where it brushed her skin, and his kisses were hungry and forceful, as he held her by her chin or her hair, his tongue pushing hard against hers. Scott's kisses were more probing and careful, and she would have to push her tongue into his mouth, to play together, a hide and seek with not much room to hide.
At the same time, she trailed her hands down their bodies, and probed to find their manhoods, to soon have both of their hard wands in her hands. Just touching the rigid and hot members made her wetter, and she started stroking them slowly, the best she could with their constant attention all over her own body. They made it hard at times, like when Sasuke grabbed her hair and pulled her head back to kiss her neck, and at the same time, Scott fondled both of her breasts, licking and kissing them and focusing on her nipples, flicking them with his tongue and sucking on them, and everything that was going on made her moan with need.
Dizzy with lust, she kneeled down and looked at their cocks with her eyes hazy. The hard poles of flesh seemed to point expectantly at her, and she licked her lips as she stroked them, looking from one to another, feeling happy as she took one in her mouth, caressing the hard shaft with her lips and tongue, then the other, letting her lips trail closely across its head and length, stroking one as she sucked the other, and knowing full well that at any point either of them could suddenly spasm and spray semen all over her. The thought made her giddy, but if either of the men was close, they weren't showing it. And she was happy with that because she had other plans for them.
Nell rose up and went to the bed. "Let's move this," she said and bent over to take hold of it. Sasuke approached, slapped her ass and then let his hand linger on her round buttcheek, caressing her taut rump. The ninja then pressed against her back, his cock brushing against her ass, and her breathing quickened again. He took hold of her breasts and kissed her neck and shoulders, but as Sasuke played with her, Scott got into position to move the bed. She tapped Sasuke on the head and said, "Alright, you. Give me space."
The ninja stepped back, and Nell and Scott moved the bed away from the wall. When there was some space around the single size bed, Nell stopped and jumped on it. She turned around and spread her legs, displaying her wet pussy for the men.
"Who's going to go first?" she asked.
She wasn't surprised when Sasuke stepped forward, his cock erect in a slightly upwards angle, and with a hungry look on his bearded face, took hold of her legs and placed his meat at her entrance, breathing heavily as he pushed in. Nell almost went crazy with the sensation.
"Yesss... ahhh... finally..." she moaned, feeling his hardness inside her, as the ninja got into a comfortable rhythm, his face gruff as he thrust into her. Nell turned her hazy eyes to Scott. "C'mon, you," she said and opened her mouth, and she must have looked like a cock-crazed slut she thought.
It seemed to work, because the trader stepped closer and offered his hard-on to her mouth. Nell would have hoped for him to grab her hair and stuff her mouth, but as he didn't, she turned her upper body sideways on the bed and wrapped her lips around the rigid member, caressed its head and then took it deeper into her mouth. She too got into a good rhythm, moving her head back and forth, and she felt a heat all over her body, from her cheeks to her breasts as the men occasionally grabbed or caressed them, on her naked skin, and in her twat, wet and hot and intense as Sasuke fucked her, giving her what she needed but at the same time making her feel like she wasn't getting enough of it, and could never get enough.
Nell pulled off from Scott's now saliva-coated dick. "You do it too," she said, her eyes wide open. "Swap places."
Scott and Sasuke looked at each other, then the ninja grunted and pulled out from her. He moved next to Scott without a word, and only then, Scott bolted into action and moved around to face Nell's wet nether region. He slipped in easily, and started thrusting rapidly. Nell grinned at him, and at the trader's boyish expression as he fucked her. But then Sasuke blocked her view, climbing onto the bed and straddling her chest. He took hold of her tits and thrust his cock between them, and resumed his thrusting at the same rhythm as if her cleavage was just like her pussy to him.
"Like my tits huh?" asked Nell. From their position, she could mostly see his beard.
"You've got good tits," he replied without breaking his rhythm. Nell let out a short giggle.
Even though she couldn't see Scott, Nell liked what he was doing. But then he let out a low, strained groan that alarmed her. "No, no! Don't come inside me!" she yelped.
"Unggg..." grunted Scott, and pulled out from her.
"Can you still go on?" asked Nell from Sasuke. The ninja replied with a firm, affirmative grunt. Why couldn't he just speak? Nell wasn't asking for full sentences, she would have been happy with full words. But she replied, "Then fuck me," trying to ignite a fire in her eyes. She didn't get much of a reply from the ninja, but at least his muscled body was nice to look at. And she liked the beard.
Nell turned to her side on the bed, and Sasuke took hold of her leg and held it up as he thrust into her again. Nell looked at Scott as he moved closer to her, breathing heavily with his mouth open, his dick hard and slimy. "Alright," she said, "we need to do something about that."
"Huhh... where do you want it?.." asked Scott.
Nell put one arm around her breasts, pushing them together. "Like them?" she asked.
"Huhhh..." gasped Scott heavily, "Yess..."
"Ahhhh..." moaned Nell, not because of Scott's reply, but because what Sasuke was doing felt really good. Then she took hold of Scott's slippery dick and started stroking it, aiming the head at her boobs. Still, she found herself breathing raggedly, and she imagined she must have looked fixated on Scott's cock as she coaxed it for its cum.
"Unnggg... yes! I'm-- coming!" ejaculated Scott, even if Nell didn't need any warning. His manmeat spasmed in her hand, and thick jets of warm sperm erupted all over onto her breasts, spurt after spurt of thick seed, splashing on the curves of her sweaty tits, running down their curves, over her nipples, and onto her arm, and he groaned and grunted helplessly as his pole spewed its load all over her chest, leaving a sticky and slimy feeling as his goo covered her mounds.
"There's so much of it," said Nell, exhilarated and smiling as the the last drops of Scott's semen landed on her boobs and arm. "I-- Is this normal?" she asked.
Scott blew air out from his mouth and looked down at Nell, his expression exhausted. "It's been a while," he said. "You look really good like that," he said.
"Thanks," said Nell and smiled at him. Then she looked back at the cummy mess all over chest. "Maybe I need to take a leaf out of that elf's book..." she said, leaving Scott perplexed and Sasuke utterly indifferent as he pounded her. She turned to face the ninja, and he instantly adjusted, lifting her butt and helping her spread her legs and lie back on the bed, taking hold of them as he kept driving his dick into her. Nell looked at him with her best naughty expression and said, "I want your cum on me too..."
"Ung... soon," said Sasuke.
"Good," said Nell and played with Scott's abundant load on her breasts, covered with the sticky white slime. She spread his sperm around on her skin and took a taste from her messy fingers, and she thought back to Paula, the elf, and Hugo, and that night in Laliluz, and she felt regret that she hadn't opened that door. Then she looked at Sasuke, his features stern and intent, and her eyes locked together with his. Feeling awash in eagerness and pleasure, she ran her gaze down his body to where he joined with hers, again and again, a hypnotic sight, each thrust sending a jolt of sensation through her, and then she looked at Scott, who had slumped down onto the chair, the look in his eyes exhausted yet striking. Then he looked back at Sasuke and again played with the jizz on her tits.
"Come on me... whenever you like..." she said to the bearded man.
"Hnnng... yeeaaahh!!" he suddenly groaned, pulled out and stroked his slimy member, and quickly he was spewing spurts of spooge all over her stomach and even her breasts, thick blasts of manmilk that landed on her just an instant after his anguished groans, like thunder after lightning, and she was intoxicated by the feeling of male lust all over her, their seed transforming her, into a succubus, a whore, the elf, someone who enjoyed the manhoods of countless men inside her and had their neverending seed on her skin as proof of their lust, of her supernatural allure, and she could see herself fucking countless men, taking in countless cocks, getting covered in countless amounts of cum, and that was all she was going to do, to go from night to night as the plaything of men who would have their will with her.
But, Sasuke's climax stopped, and the muscled ninja slumped almost as Scott had done, and their seed rested on her, slimy and wet, losing its warmth, and there were no more men for her, not this night.
"Come here," she said, and patted the bed. Sasuke wheezed, and without a word moved next to her on the bed. He took hold of her face and kissed her, with determination. The dick resting against her thigh might have gone soft, but the rest of the man had not.
When he stopped and rested on the bed, she idly played with the pool of spunk on her abdomen, spreading the sticky substance around on her skin, thinking of them as tiny babies, all of them wanting to grow inside her, but she would not let them, not yet, not now. At the same time, she thought back to her mother's words of "a pirate, a gambler, a fighter". Nell was somewhat envious that her present company could only be described as "a ninja and a trader", and she wondered if that was the story she was going to be telling years down the line. But with some mirth, she thought the "ninja" part sounded really special.
Then she put one hand on his chest hair, but not on his skin, keeping her hand just above and feeling his hair, and when he gasped she knew that he could feel it too. At the same time, she could feel his hot breath on her skin, and each touch of warmth gave her goosebumps, filling her with a desperately unattainable sensation, making her feel like she was about to burst.
"You too," she said breathily to Scott, and patted the bed. "I want you here."
Obediently, he got up from the chair and moved over to the bed. The two men pressed tightly against her, their hands roaming her sperm-adorned body, their breathing warm on her naked skin, and when she grabbed Scott by the hair and pulled him into a kiss, he obliged. When she tried to do the same to Sasuke, he brushed her hand away, but leaned in for another kiss, fondling her cummy breast at the same time.
"Are you up for more?.." she asked, and looked at their spent members. Suddenly, she moved around on the bed, making Sasuke fall off, but somehow he landed on his feet. She looked at him with some surprise, but when she saw that he was alright, she focused on Scott. "C'mon, don't just slink around on the edge, lie down!" she commanded Scott.
"Uh, oh, okay," the trader said and took her previous spot from the center of the bed. She moved on top of him, and bend down to lick his dick. She then took the soft tool into her mouth, and was pleased when it quickly started growing again.
"Mmngh... sllp... mmm..." she slobbered, coaxing the hardening member. As she did, Sasuke moved around to her upthrust ass, and caressed and groped her taut buttocks, and gave them a few slaps. "Good..." she moaned in response. Then she looked at Scott's re-erected member, an eagerness in her eyes, and she bit her lower lip. "Very good..." she said.
"Oh, you're just going to... ahhh!" commented Scott, as Nell straddled him and took his dick inside her.
"Yes," she said with a smile. "Just tell me if I'm too quick for you."
"Whew... It's... Just surprising, that's all..." said Scott.
Then she felt a wetness on her butt, and looked back to see Sasuke spreading some kind of oil on his penis. "A ninja is always prepared," he said. "In Rokkaku, female ninjas often enjoy two men inside them at the same time. Just say the word for yes or no, and it shall be so."
A feeling of madness overwhelmed Nell. "Yes! Do it! Fuck me, as much as you want, as hard as you want, wherever you want!"
"A very clear yes," commented Sasuke and started spreading the oil on her butthole, and inside, probing her tight cavern with his fingers.
Nell already started moving her hips while the ninja still probed her butthole, making Scott sigh as she rode his dick. But when he stopped and wrapped his arm around her forcefully, she turned around and stopped his movement to let Sasuke fit his cock into her butthole. When he pushed his meat inside her, she felt so full, two hard cocks inside her, and they hadn't even really started yet. But as they began moving, she felt like she was a piece of meat, being skewered between their two poles, moving back and forth, and she was their willing accomplice, moving her hips and butt to meet the dicks, to draw the utmost pleasure from them, not caring for the men, just what their hard manhoods felt inside her.
It's not like the men objected. Scott scrunched his face up in enjoyment as Nell rode him, and Sasuke let out pleasurable groans as he plumbed her ass, their hands eager and demanding on her body, from her cum-coated breasts to her spread buttcheeks. In her haze, Nell wondered, was she just a pair of holes for them? Were they just a pair of hard rods to fills her? Just by their positions alone, they necessarily appeared different to her. She could see Scott's pleasure in front of her, and she hoped she would witness his face in climax again, a hope that she knew would almost assuredly come through as long as she could do anything about it. Sasuke had been harder to reach even when she had seen his face, or beard, but now he was reduced to a hard cock inside her butt, a deeply invasive feeling, but at the same time wonderfully pleasurable, as if the ninja was fucking her very spine all the way into her brain, and she felt like she was going crazy with the double sensations from her snatch and her ass, a confluence of emotions and sensations brought about by their simple rhythmic motions.
"Oh... uhhh... are you doing that on purpose?" asked Scott, and wiped some of Nell's drool from his chest. She realized that she had his tongue out, panting like a bitch, and drooling like one, and she forced her mouth shut and swallowed the rest of the drool pooling up in her mouth. She looked down at Scott and saw the blonde trader's shocked expression, and she tried to smile apologetically, unsure if she looked more like a lunatic instead, and she knew she felt like one. It was terrific and unbelievable, and she felt like her stomach was in knots, and in her head she felt an overwhelming dizziness, and she knew that somewhere under there lurked the lust that had driven her into this situation, but at the same time she was about to burst with the pleasure overwhelming her body.
There, somewhere along a shoreline of intense sensations, was the entrance to a serene bay of pleasure, and Nell tried her hardest to focus on that sensation. She knew she had to relax, even when she was feeling like she was overconsumed by chaos, not knowing if the hard shafts inside her were filling her with pleasure or pain, but somewhere in there, she sensed the road to salvation, and she focused all the energies of her body to follow that trail, seeking the serene cove of pleasure, and she arrived there, and she was moaning, and trashing against the two men, sharp jolts of pleasure coursing through her whole body, originating from the two rigid pieces of male flesh inside her, driving deep into her, filling her with sensation.
Thus, Nell came, moaning and breathing raggedly, her entire body pulsing against the two hard cocks inside her, her naked and cum-slickened body between the naked and sweaty bodies of the two men, their meaty members relentless in penetrating her. It felt as if locks opened up inside her, one after another, tangled, throbbing, painful messes, locks opening ways into each part of her body, sending out explosions of sensations when they opened, and leading to ever more, her pussy a center of debilitatingly intense power coursing through her, draining her of all her strength and turning it into pure pleasure. She was letting out a strange sound, a wailing of some kind, breathing raggedly and desperately in between, and the men were so hard inside her, so big, their hands all over her, their bodies everywhere around her, until she started regaining normal consciousness, her whole body still rocking and spasming with the jolts of pleasure, but they were becoming smaller, more manageable, mellowing out, while leaving a feeling of extreme exhaustion all over her, most clearly around her right shoulder for whatever reason. She breathed in quick, shallow gasps, her mind swimming in an ocean of sensual delight. She looked down at Scott, the blonde man's eyes open and attentive, an expression of surprise on his face, and she reached behind her and took hold of Sasuke's hair, and he bent down slightly to kiss her on her neck, the men still yet hard inside her. Even after her climax, she yearned for more, and the men weren't showing any signs of having had enough of her beauty.
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