Wet Cherry of Truth | By : uztre Category: +S through Z > Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Views: 96896 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 5 |
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not own or claim ownership of or make any profit of any of the characters or other elements of The Witcher 3 contained within the story. |
Triss and Priscilla land on unknown location that turns out to be Mistress Irene Engelberg's last sanctuary deep beneath the city of Novigrad and its famous, dark sewer system. While teleportation is not an option, both girls set off through a zone full of deadly, horny beasts for a place called the Pretty Witch. Guess what happens then...
Tags: FF/fiends, bestiality, gangbang, dirty talks
- Spell-checked on June 14, 2018
"Triss? Are you alright?" Priscilla asked curiously, checking her body. "What happened? Where are we?"
That was the one million crowns question now. Getting up, the red-haired Sorceress braced herself against a wooden table nearby and looked around. The room itself was long and square-built. Three desks crowded with tools and flasks were placed in a circle on a more highly situated platform including two stairways leading downstairs. Shelves filled with books and instruments of alchemy were on each side. As Triss walked towards a megascope laying between two crates, she was able to oversee the next part of the room, which was divided into two areas. The left side was containing a bed, a great workbench, and an oven. It was clearly used as a bedroom and kitchen with several candle chandeliers throwing light upon every side. The right side, however, was looking strange and filled with a dozen large but empty cages, fifteen to sixteen feet in size and thirteen feet high. The doors were wide open and nobody, or nothing else, seemed to have been here for a very long time. Both areas were separated by a flagged floor with pillars, leading to a tunnel shrouded in darkness. It was so quiet that Triss could literally hear the wax of the candles melting and dripping down to the floor.
If she didn't know it better, she would have guessed that this was a laboratory of a mage or a sorceress.
But who?
"I'm okay, Priscilla. Just really exhausted and really, really angry... And you?"
"The same, kinda," the blond troubadour replied and eyed over the weird alchemy devices filled with green and blue substances. "What is this place? Why did you bring us here?"
Looking over the dusty books on the desk, Triss uttered calmly, wondering, "I've no idea. We're supposed to appear in the Kingfisher Inn's basement. The plan was to part there so you can go back home and me to the sewer tunnels." She starred at the romantic poet reproachfully. "I'm so sorry, Priscilla, that you got involved in all this... in this messed-up situation. Again. And you could have died there in the docks, just because of me. Again. I'm so sorry... You have to believe me. Hope you can forgive me one day."
Priscilla slowly walked towards the tearful Sorceress and threw the arms over her shoulders, hugged her friendly. "There is nothing to forgive, Triss. Bad things happened and you're not responsible for each one of them. And I'm sure that your friend Brialla survived the attack as well. You even saved her life there. Everything will work out well, you'll see."
"Yes, after I GOT HER involved in this mess, and she even got shot by a freaking bolt. Without me-"
"Without you, the Witch Hunters would make other people the scapegoat for their cruelty and kill them. You are a victim like any of us. Like me. Like Brialla. Like every woman in the north. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise. It's not true. You don't deserve this!" The blue-eyed troubadour's strong words achieved to touch Triss' conflicted soul. "And never give up hope, because hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness... And together, we will find a way back, a way to rescue your friends and let those, who want to harm and kill you, suffer in the darkness they've created by themselves. Together, you and me, we'll put things right, no matter what happens!... Even though I've no useful abilities like you do..."
The little speech of Priscilla was remarkable and exactly what the red-haired Sorceress needed. Right at the moment, she noticed how much she really needed someone to talk with and about her worries, someone who understood her situation and stood by her. A friend.
"Thank you, Priscilla, for everything. I really needed this," Triss smiled and wiped off the tears. "You're right. You're absolutely right. Let's get focused again and try to find a way out, or at least where we are. My feeling tells me that we're in one of the sewer tunnels of Novigrad, but let's look around first."
Turning around, the green-eyed witch walked downstairs and carefully headed to the left side of the room. According to the moldy smell and dust on the workbench and bed, it must have been years since the original owner lived here. The torches on the pillars were still burning, but this was because they were magically inflicted. Opening a drawer, Triss pulled out a heavy book that seemed to look like a diary.
"I know I've no clue about it, but when you do the... what was it? The teleportation thing. Could you not directly 'take' us to one of your missing friends? Or just to someone you know... like Dandelion for instance... or Zoltan?"
One of Triss' eyebrow lifted in surprise. Dandelion? Zoltan? How did she know them?
"Um... Actually, it doesn't work that way. If I want to open a portal, I've to channel a lot of energy to a specific point in time and space where I already was once or had the exact coordinates of it. And you have to know that just the most powerful mages are capable of teleporting more people than one with them or an entire building at once. Unfortunately, I'm not one of them. But this is not something which concerns me right now, Priscilla."
"Alright. What is it then?" The romantic poet asked with a concerned and curious voice, acting like she hadn't just recently mentioned Dandelion's and Zoltan's name.
"Firstly, the teleportation itself. You can really believe me that I've done this so many times already, and something like this happened never before. It's almost impossible that an existing, established portal gets redirected to another or unknown place... According to Heinrich's equation and law, this is simply impossible, for magical and physical reasons. Although people ARE ABLE TO destabilize the portal BEFORE it gets fully operational OR destroy its integrity WHILE subjects and objects are trying to go through AND AFTERWARDS, it's impossible to move or shift the tunnel through time and space as a whole... Well almost, it seems," Triss explained and wondered out loud, ignoring the blond troubadour's clueless expression.
"Almost? How much is that?"
"We're talking about a number of four digits AFTER the comma," Triss explained worriedly. "There are only two possibilities that are coming to my mind right now and could explain this kind of an incident. The first is the most probable one: Something of high magical but natural power disturbed the stream and led us here, somewhere near where its magic is the strongest. This would also prove my feeling that we're in the sewer of Novigrad. The second possibility though is the least likely and most terrifying one at the same time..."
"And what's it?" Priscilla asked timidly.
"It means that someone exceedingly powerful has accomplished to manipulate the portal and also to wrest the tunnel's existing from the points A and B through time and magic space. In that case, we would be exactly there where he or she wants us to be. And we've gotten into something we don't know yet. Theoretically, such a wizard must be capable of separating two completely undefined points in magically void space... What a power would that be in just one living being's hands." Shaking her head in disbelief, Triss noticed how extremely unlikely it was that a mage, regardless of sex, race, and age, would reach that magic power of concentration. Heinrich's law of traveling through magic space was more than one thousand years old. Philippa and even Vilgefortz, who supposed to be the most powerful mages of the last centuries, had never gotten even close to that point they could 'bend' the physical reality by their magic force, only learned to shape it and live with it. "Anyway, we should find out where we are, quickly, and then head off. Better not chance our luck too much."
"Okay... Can't you just open another portal again?"
"From a place I don't know? No. If we were outside and I could see the stars, it would be possible for me to triangulate our position, maybe. But not here and underground... But wait a moment, Priscilla. You said something about Dandelion and Zoltan. How comes that you know who they are?"
Triss looked straight into the troubadour's innocent eyes.
"And where do YOU know them actually?" Priscilla asked back, puzzled too. "Dandelion and I know each other for months since we entered a contest of poesy and theatre in Novigrad, and I won." She chuckled girlishly. "Zoltan was there too and visited me from time to time... If I'd known that you're friends too, I'd have informed you, of course."
"Dandelion was in Novigrad all the time and I never came across him? Dammit. What is he doing now?"
Priscilla's expression saddened and she took a deep breath. "I've no idea, Triss. That's why I hoped you could tell me something about his current whereabouts. The last thing I know was that he inherited a brothel called Rosemary and Thyme in the Glory Lane district. Zoltan and Dandelion wanted to run the place together as a tavern, but both of them disappeared and I never heard a word of them... till Brialla mentioned you Zoltan's name. I'm worried that something terrible could have happened to Dandelion, but at least I know now that Zoltan is okay and sound."
Cheeks blushing unwittingly, the red-haired Sorceress struggled for words to give Priscilla a good explanation.
"I don't know where Dandelion might be. But you should know that it's not unusual that he lets things and plans unfinished and then simply moves on to somewhere else. You shouldn't be afraid of anything... As for Zoltan, I just met him yesterday and he seemed to be in peak form... Everything was there where it belonged... yes, right... believe me." Triss was a terrible liar and she hated herself for it, tried to act like the conversation was over and to focus on the books on the workbench again.
"If you say so... but wait a minute. You said you met him yesterday? At the docks? Under which circumstances?... Oh!" Priscilla uttered in shock and surprise, eyes gaping open and cheeks reddening shamefully. Triss felt the urge to explain herself, "Priscilla, you can't say a word of this to anybody, do you understand? Nobody. Never. It was just a... mistake, an accident... That night, I-I was only doing my job as a whore and Zoltan his as an ordinary client. Nothing else. Really."
More than ordinary and big client but this was not important right now Triss thought.
"You don't have to explain yourself, Triss. It's none of my business at all." The blond troubadour smiled shyly. "But you and Dandelion... I mean you both have never-"
"No! Hell no! Dandelion and I were- are just friends. We never- you know what," Triss blurted, hoping this awkward conversation would be over now as fast as possible. Luckily, Priscilla ceased going more into it and let the red-head Sorceress have a look at the diary finally. After brushing off the dust, she began to read out aloud to give the blue-eyed troubadour reason to focus herself on something else.
// 1252 - Entry 1
// It finally happened. They kicked me out of Aretuza, told me I would be too crazy and sick.
// Damn bastards. Damn Philippa Eilhart and all those whose ignorance and stupidity have
// brought me here today. They think if they expel me from my laboratory and studies,
// I'm gonna stop doing the right thing and abandon my responsibilities towards the
// nature, humanity and MY BABIES! To hell with all of them! I'll never give up!
// Never!
// Irene van Engelsberg
// Former Mistress of Necromancy and Preservation of Species
"Irene? This can't be true."
"Do you know her?" Priscilla asked, bracing her back against the workbench and folding her arms.
"Yes, I do, or better say I did. She was one of the most controversial teachers in Aretuza, where I and hundreds of other female apprentices were trying to earn their degree and become sorceresses. Mistress van Engelsberg was specialized in finding ways and solutions to perpetuate species threatened with extinction like relicts, ogeroids, draconids, and insectoids. She took the radical view that every species of magic origin became with the events of the Conjunction of the Spheres an essential part of the natural balance and food chain. According to her, the species equilibrium was only given, if people learn to live with the monsters, accept them as part of the environment. Even the necrophages."
"Necrophages? You mean-"
"Yes. The dead. Ghouls and such things," Triss replied and had to laugh as Priscilla shuddered at the thought. "Mistress van Engelsberg was holding the unorthodox view that every creature's primary life purpose, regardless of whether it was technically alive or not, was to breed and propagate oneself as much as possible. But in case of the ghouls, they weren't actually able to do this and therefore were forced to eat and kill to satisfy their aggression drive. So, she believed if the reproductive organs were given back to the ghouls, that would fix the problem by its core: The ghouls would be capable of breeding like normal people and their aggression drive would be channeled to the right place. Problem solved."
"Ugh! Gross! And what happened to her?"
"Like she wrote here. Mistress van Engelsberg was exiled and forced to stop her studies. Back then, other mistresses told us that they couldn't tolerate her inhuman and unethical studies anymore, but they were also ugly rumors and aspersions that she was actually caught in the act when she was doing her test animals. Later, she should have stated in her defense that she'd have finally found the key element and a way to save all those critically endangered monsters; we, the infertile sorceresses."
Priscilla's angel face contorted with confusion and instinctive disgust. "What does that mean?"
"After the rumors, Irene should have stated that the conjunctive element between the rescue of all monsters including those who were of natural or unnatural origin, and the true peace among all earthly inhabitants of the continent would be the magically sterilized sorceresses, our wombs' resilience and adaptability in particular. Mistress van Engelsberg should have claimed that she'd have found a way that sorceresses would have been able to get bred and pregnant again, not only to human beings but to beasts and monsters as well. We just had to accept the truth and dedicate ourselves to become, quote, 'bitches and breeders of those who are of the same kind like us, because it is our biological destiny and true salvation'.
Speechless and fascinated by simply everything, Priscilla looked like she was simply too puzzled to say something.
"The Board of the Mistresses and the Archmistress Tissaia de Vries herself immediately acted on Irene's so-called insane fantasies by arresting and burning all her books and studies to ashes, even her test animals. Tissaia, who was the inventor of the sterilization paradigm, declared her work of fifty years as an abomination and atrocity against humanity and all sorceresses. After Irene left the academy, other rumors came up that a wealthy savior would have put her up and even financed her researches again. And this place must be it, I think."
An awkward silence fell over the place, as Triss quickly skimmed over the book and mumbled to herself. Luckily, Irene had chronicled the findings and results of her researches with meticulous precision. After losing everything twenty years ago in Aretuza, she actually started all over and reached her state within only six months again. Impressive. It seemed it was very hard for her to accept how her formerly best friends had treated her. But luckily, a well-financed savior had provided her with an entirely new laboratory and animals, giving her the opportunity to test her invented potion by herself. And much more.
"And anything found out? Something that could help us in any way?" Priscilla asked curiously after handful minutes.
"Actually, yes. And, I was right. We are in the sewer of Novigrad. Irene has even drawn a map with closest tunnels and treading hubs, which should be in an upper drawer there." Triss pointed to the desk on the platform. Instantly, the blue-eyed troubadour went off and came back with a roll of paper. After opening out, both girls' eyes almost beamed with joy. "Yes, that's exactly what we needed. Over the years, Irene experimented with more than twenty species, used the sewer system to provide herself with new beasts. When she was finished with them, she set them free to the tunnels again and added their location to this map. Look, Priscilla, Irene even marked few trading hubs and places of interest to it. See?! Here! The Pretty Witch. We have it!"
Both girls smiled at each other as they found a treasure full of crowns.
"And what are those colors of red and green all over the tunnels?" Priscilla asked curiously, looking up to the reserved Sorceress who needed a moment to decided how she was going to say it. "Those are the hunting ground of the several species and their territories of copulation... And err... as far as I can see it, the easy way through the main area is not recommended. We've to avoid the territories if we don't want to run across some of the beasts."
"That's crazy too. If we avoid the beasts, it'll take at least three weeks to reach the Pretty Witch by the auxiliary tunnels. See. We shouldn't forget, Triss, that not only the beasts are a problem down here, but the slavers and what Melitele knows what kind of shady people are hanging around in the tunnels as well... How did Mistress van Engelsberg achieve to pass these tunnels over the years? She must have found a way to slip through without getting mounted or eaten by her animals."
"She had, kinda," Triss explained, hiking her shoulders. "Before she left this place two years ago to finally meet her wealthy friend at a place called 'Victoria's Secret', Irene put on a collar and drunk a potion she had developed by herself. She wrote that the collar would primarily help to prevent the beasts from attacking and killing her. The potion, on the other side, was meant to lead the beast to believe that she was one of them... Some sort of altered pheromones, I think. Both elements would be essential and not working on their own."
A queasy feeling rushed through Priscilla' hungry stomach when Triss headed off to one of the crazy Mistress' crates and then came back with a box full of collars and clinking vials. Both women's eyebrows arched in amazement as they saw what kind of collars Irene used to wear in the sewer. Each of the remaining five was made of black leather with brass rivets and a D-ring next to the buckle from which dangled a small metal tag in the shape of a bone. These were clearly dog collars rich aristocrats were putting on around their little pets' necks. A degrading piece of accessory.
Triss liked it for unknown reasons.
"It is how it is. But don't worry. We'll take them off as soon as we've crossed the area. Don't have to wear it forever," Triss uttered and smiled, chuckled as the beautiful troubadour picked a dog collar up and examined it carefully. Seeing not much of a deal, Triss, however, removed her golden, green medallion and then strapped the dog collar on her slim neck in its stead. To the red-haired Sorceress' surprise, it was very comfortable and didn't chafe her soft skin. The used materials and the leather were obviously made of high quality and fine pieces of craftsmanship. Impossible that it was Irene who crafted them. Someone else must have helped her to get these.
"And how do I look?" Priscilla asked, biting her lower lip nervously.
"If I were I beast, I'd definitively leave you alone," Triss chuckled girlishly and caused the romantic poet to laugh as well. "Now the potion too and then we can head off for good. Come on, Priscilla. Let's drink it together." Opening the two vials' corks, both girls heaved their potions in the air and drunk the orange liquid with two deep swallows. Its sweet and refreshing taste wasn't exactly what they expected as they licked their lips in delight.
"And do you feel something? Anything that wants to make you believe you're brutish and nasty?"
Even as the blue-eyed troubadour wanted to say something, she recognized with shock that some words began to engrave and appear on Triss' small metal tag in the shape of a bone; 'Worthless Cumbucket'. And with it, the buckle vanished and only the D-ring remained, making it impossible to put off again.
"Triss, your collar. It has changed... Your tag is now engraved with the words... err... Worthless Cumbucket," Priscilla said with a blushed face. "And the buckle has disappeared... Oh no..." She touched hers too, noticed it was the same.
"Both of us," the red-haired Sorceress countered. "Yours is tagged with the words 'Public Fuckmuffin'."
"What? Can't you take it off with magic or something?!?" Priscilla asked in a panic. "And why am I a fuckmuffin anyway?"
The dog collars were clearly protected by magic and programmed to fulfill a specific purpose. Irene must have wanted to ensure that they were correctly functioning until she was back here again. A safety mechanism, nothing else. At least the vanishing of the buckles. The kinky engraving was something she couldn't explain. Nevertheless, the only question was at the moment: What was the intrinsic trigger or the code to revoke the protection spell in the case they didn't want to come back again?
Irene must know it.
"Calm down, Priscilla. These are just words. We better look now which path through the tunnels is the best and then go. Come on." Triss grabbed the annoyed troubadour's arm and pulled her to the map on the workbench. Looking over the sewer system, she recognized that it was colored with green and red areas and serially numbered from one to twenty-two.
"Do have any idea what those colors mean, Triss?"
Furrowing her brow, Triss tried to remember the passages in the diary mentioning something about the greatest project in the sewer system. "I'm not sure. I think the numbers belong to the species. The colors, though... I think Irene had used this technique to classify the species by their mating seasons. As far as I understand it, she had found out that the biological clock was separating each species into two categories of time. Spring and summer. Autumn and winter."
"And which color belongs to what category?"
"I've no idea... But maybe we don't need to know this. See, this little area of green and twenty-two? This must be the last group of a species she let go and it only calls for one giant tunnel or hall... If we're fast and don't play dumb, we'll pass the area without any trouble," Triss explained, trying to ray out confidence. "And if the situation in the tunnel really seems too bad or murky, we'll return and try another path. In the last resort, I still have my magic and can fight our way through the beasts. But let's hope it doesn't get so bad. What do you say?"
Both girls were tottering through the sewer tunnels for hours, not coming upon one monstrosity during the whole time. It was pitch-dark and freezing cold, and Triss was still wearing the same skimpy clothes for days. Even though she had pulled the thigh-high socks up to her buttocks, the material of her booty shorts were too thin and her shirt too tight to prevent her from shivering. To cap it all, her feet in the five-inch ankle boots began to cause some pain, forcing her to move slower and breath harder. And she was thirsty and hungry as hell.
Being very close beside her, Priscilla was closely following the red-haired Sorceress at every turn. Unlike her friend, she was having clothes on that kept her warm enough, with the black cloak and blue trousers for instance. Her legs didn't hurt at all, and in contrast to Triss, it wasn't long ago when she had last meal. Only having no water was running her hard, but something else began to cause her more anxiety; her red-haired friend's health. Although Triss hadn't complained about anything even once, it became clear to her that her friend must have been gotten totally exhausted during the last twenty-four hours, especially because of the use of magic at the docks. It was necessary to rest a bit but Priscilla knew that Triss wouldn't accept that.
Too much was at stake and she obviously wanted to bring them to safety first.
No matter what, even though the term of safety was an extremely relative one in the sewer of Novigrad.
"This must be the place I think," the redhead uttered, standing before a paled door and catching a glimpse through its bars. The tunnel on the other side looked like a large, multi-storied hall. Not a sound was to be heard. Nothing. Triss could even see the exit at the far end. They just had to cross the hall and that was it. From there, the next trading hub was only one hour away, two hours to the Pretty Witch. "Do you see something?" Priscilla whispered, having the uncomfortable feeling that someone was watching them while listening to the absolute silence.
"No. Nothing. Maybe the creatures are gone. Couldn't live down here."
"We haven't encountered even one of the beast so far, despite the fact the earlier tunnels should be overrun too."
"What do you suggest then? Should we go back and try another path?"
"No, it's just... I have a queasy feeling about this, that's all."
"Me too, you know. But we just have to reach that exit there. Come one!"
After taking Priscilla by her hand, Triss slowly led the way while the clicks and clocks of their heels resounded through the massive hall. It was still quiet. Both girls' hearts were throbbed in their chests when they looked around, trying to find a discrepancy between the darkness and anything that resembled a broad outline of a beast. The bitter cold steadily increased the more they came closer to the exit on the opposite side. "We almost did it. Just a bit m-"
An ear-deafening and strong noise echoed through the hall, like Ragnarok of the Skellige saga appeared in the flesh and triggered the beginning of doomsday, the end of the world. Thunderstruck and paralyzed to the core, both women stopped dead in their tracks and couldn't move. Their eyes shot wide open when the largest and scariest looking beast ever appeared on the platform of the second floor and gazed down to them with his three big, scary eyes. Being scared shitless and pattering nonsense in between, Priscilla saw how more little types of the brawny three-eyed ungulate monster with antlers that resembles a were-elk jumped out from the shadows and encircled them, luring them into their trap.
Their numbers seemed to be endless, as Triss let go of the troubadour's sweaty hand and fanned a flame in its stead, threw a burning ball to the ceiling to keep them at distance, to no avail. "Get off, you filthy bastards! I said bugger off!" The red-haired Sorceress yelled in constant fear and didn't want to give up yet, recognizing that the beasts on the ground were much smaller and rough than the leader on the platform upstairs, but still as big and strong as fully grown bears in the wild. The smaller ones must be the big one's youngsters, and this hall their nest and home.
Now Triss began to remember something from the bestiary lessons of Mistress van Engelsberg.
Fiends. Those creatures were fiends. Her heart refused to pump blood for a second.
Large, fast, and brutally violent. Fiends were walking mountains of muscle capped with horned, tooth-filled heads and amongst the most dangerous relict species from the Conjunction of Spheres. They were extremely rare and their numbers declined so much by Witchers' actions over the centuries that no female of the species had been sighted in over three hundred years. Like their more common cousins, chorts, they used to live in thick forests, swamps, bogs, and sewers of large cities. Their size alone made fiends extremely dangerous - one blow from their powerful paws could kill a horse along with its fully armored mount. Their enormous muscular strength also made them invulnerable to fire and any sort of magic, even illusions. Furthermore, any wounds they received usually healed at lightning speed.
If that weren't trouble enough, fiends needed not only rely on their strength and stamina alone when fighting. They were also able to call on a more refined weapon: The third eye located in the center of their forehead, which they used to draw their clueless prey into a state of hypnosis. During these times, their victims didn't see anything beyond what the beast was allowing them to see, hear and even taste. Ironically, this powerful ability and the fact that possible impregnable mates were almost extinct had led the beast to a strange behavior during the last decades: A rutting fiend was often traveling out of his territory to hypnotize virgin women of villages with its third eye and then luring them back to his breeding nest. Trapped in the fiend's thrall, these ovulating women had no choice but to obey and lend themselves to the forbidden urge of becoming keen bitches for the fiend and his growing brothers of the pack.
In accord with Mistress van Engelsberg's findings, Triss remembered that her former teacher had never found written records in which the ravished women actually fell pregnant, but now and after what she had read in her diary, she wasn't really sure whether this thesis could be still valid or not. On the other side, Triss was sure that if the leader of the fiend wanted to have them killed, he would have already done that. The potion and the dog collar were definitively working as well. If Irene's plan was to get herself into this situation, why had she developed two things to disguise herself which supposed to help her to sneak through the beasts? It didn't make sense at all.
"Priscilla, are you a virgin?" Triss asked bluntly, whiffing off the fire in her hand.
"Do you really think this is the right moment to ask me such a question?" The romantic poet countered, cheeks red.
"Now it means everything, I guess... Priscilla, are you still a virgin and on your period?! Out with it!!"
A horny fiend pup stepped forward, roaring at the women before stalking forward, sniffing. It was strange to watch how the beast made some careful and nervous steps back and forth and kept smelling around. Later on, the massive puppy moved forward and leaned toward a terrified Priscilla, just about ready to start wailing on its head when it pushed its head up against her thighs and didn't actually open its mouth. Continuing to sniff, the fiend left the romantic poet gasping and pushing nervously back against the standing Sorceress behind as it pressed even further forward, its weight heavy against her pelvis through her clothes as it sniffed excitedly at her, quicker and more frantic.
"Yes! Yes, I am!!" The blond troubadour shouted in panic, confused and ashamed at the same time.
“Oh dammit,” Triss uttered, staring in worry, only to feel one creep up behind her and doing the same, his muzzle pressing against her tasty ass. She pushed nervously forward, only to feel a claw reaching for her pant leg and begin to slowly but steadily tear right through her tight booty pants. “I don't know how to say it.”
“T-to say what?” Priscilla groaned, trying to stand up on her tiptoes in a futile attempt to shirk away from the increasing vigorous sniffing of her crotch by one of the biggest beasts of the puppy pack.
"Your... current condition makes the dog collar's and potion's effect useless." Triss never mulled over the possibility that one day she was going to come to a point where she was forced to swallow the pill. She had to save her friend's life by convincing her that it was good to lose her virginity to rutting beasts during a mating season. This way, Priscilla would have her first time not gently with Dandelion but roughly with a horde of fiends. In the end, she would shed bitter tears for one or two days and get over it.
That's it.
Triss' problem, however, was much more complicated. She was absolutely sure that the potion they drunk in Irene's laboratory was meant to make infertile sorceresses fertile again. Only this way, the beasts living in the sewer tunnels would pick them for potential bitches and not attack. But she also was sure that the effect only applied to sorceresses, not normal women like Priscilla. The tonic was surely brewed for Irene based on her physiology. So, if Triss was going to choose to save her friend's life, she had to bow to the inevitable, accept her subordinate role as a devoted breed mare and let these massive and potent creatures gangbang her till she was knocked up for sure.
Ironically, the kinky idea of being fucked by beasts to become their submissive baby oven wasn't a problem. Bestiality was widespread amongst the sisterhood of sorceresses. Yennefer of Vengerberg, for instance, was known for doing it with unicorns and stallions. Triss knew that Yennefer had never told Geralt the truth about how she really got the stuffed unicorn in her bedroom, that it wasn't actually stuffed but magically paralyzed for those moments he wasn't with her, and those times were a lot. Philippa Eilhart was loved to get banged by giants, Keira Metz by trolls, Sheala de Tancarville by baby kayrans, Margarita Laux-Antille by endregas, etcetera. The list was literally endless. It was taboo, yes, but nothing really special or forbidden. Every sorceress was doing it.
What made the situation really ironical was the fact that both of them had to give up their virginity to survive. There was a just subtle difference. Priscilla was losing hers after carrying it over two decades. Triss, on the other side, had to abandon hers after only having it back for two hours again, and live with the consequences.
The red-haired Sorceress grunted as a fiend forced its muzzle between her legs from behind and sniffled at her recently fertile pussy. "There's only a way now we can get out of here in one piece, but you're not going to like it." The seemingly eldest puppy of the pack pulled away, but before Priscilla could even relax a little, it shoved its muzzle right up her thin trousers, pushing its inquisitive nose through the fabric against her panties, making her cry out in worry and shock.
"It's not what I think it is, is it?" The blue-eyes troubadour asked, lip quivering as she looked in distress toward Triss, who had already begun to undo her belt. The fiend who had taken to sniffing the red-haired streetwalker had pulled itself up onto its hind legs, its forepaws resting on his willing bitch's shoulders as it pressed its body tightly against her form from behind. Priscilla could see the emerging, throbbing canine shaft pushing forward, its tip pressing into the small of Triss' back.
"Oh no, this can't be really happening," she groaned. "Are you sure there isn't any other way?"
"We can't go back or win this fight by force... The only way out goes by their rules, I'm afraid," Triss replied and shuddered as she felt the fiend cock pushing against her, the low cut of her booty shorts ensuring that she could feel some of the too warm flesh against a small stretch of bared skin. "But personally, I would rather have to get my pussy stretched painfully open than get eaten alive and disgorged back to one of the tunnels again."
Triss raised a good point of course, even if Priscilla hated to admit it. Dire as this looked to be, the alternative of trying to escape without her sorceress friend wasn't really an option, and there was a level of pride inherent in choosing this one that Priscilla did not possess. "Perfect," she groaned, wincing as she closed her eyes, her acceptance of the terrible paw she had been dealing since doing no favors to her nervousness in terms of helping her actually step forward and get down and dirty with the massive relict canine.
There was a little bit of ground between the two girls, and that was a leap she wasn't ready for. Triss, unsurprisingly, seemed to take it easier, getting her shorts and panties down to her flexed knees and placing her hands and face against the muddy floor as she stuck her bare bottom out toward the creature, but her willingness to play failed to induce the same feeling in Priscilla.
Luckily for her, kinda, the blond troubadour didn't have to be ready. The aggressive beast, who got hornier with each deep inhale of her scent it took while pressing its muzzle right up against her mound and taking in the purest essence of her folds, seemed to be ready to take matters into its own hands. A single paw at her back was all it took to motivate Priscilla to move, the small poet's body easily shoved down onto all fours as claws began to grab at her trousers, roughly shoving its hem down to her knees. Immediately, her fingers were down at the band of her panties in a hurry, the troubadour whining nervously as she got them down to her knees as well before the beast had a chance to tear it apart.
She winced as she felt the cock pressing against her inner thigh. It was embarrassing, especially as the fiend climbed onto her, mounting her butt and slobbering, its warm and worryingly viscous saliva dripping down into her hair as it feverishly started to hump the air in an attempt to slam into her tight hole. No amount of near misses seemed to give it pause, just kept hammering away, trying clumsily to line up with her, and in doing so, it gave Priscilla a worryingly vivid mental image of the very canine shaft fumbling about the act of violating her. She stared nervously forward, hands finding the muddy floor and trying to hold her steady as she braced herself for impact.
Triss' fiend was less clumsy, and the red-haired Sorceress loosed an embarrassed, strained groan as the thick cock plunged into her, making its mark on only the tenth try. The struggled noise was a shaky one, as the strong pup's member spread her open more than she was ready for, proving perhaps a bit bigger than a human was meant to accommodate. Which would have been bad enough, but fiends were certainly not the most caring and tender of lovers, as it started to thrust hard into her, fucking her madly from the first thrust as it gave no mercy to her frame, its belly smacking hard against her taut ass as it had its way with her. Her tight pussy being spread open and clung tightly around the invading fiend cock stretching it out left the experienced and battle-hardened sorceress groaning, head pitched forward as she held hard onto the floor and tried her best to keep steady and focused. Triss knew how to handle sweet pain, but this was not the kind of pain she had ever tried to get used to.
"Aawww fuck he's biiigg!" The red-haired Sorceress groaned and gazed over at the trembling poet. They were in a terrible situation, but she could sense that her friend was strong enough to survive it. The only question was whether she came out the other side stronger or broken. She tried to remember how her own first time had been for her, and the several times with feral dogs in the woods too, knowing that a large part of how a woman handled a raw animal fucking was psychological. As the fiend was in attack position behind her, she saw Priscilla trembling as fear once again took over her friend and she knew that she had to strengthen her for the assault that was about to happen.
"Priscilla, look at me." As the romantic poet reluctantly glanced over at her red-haired buddy with fearful eyes Triss knew she had no choice. "What's about to happen to us is exactly what we're made for. Our pussies, our mouths, our asses... women have been getting fucked and used by animals and men for thousands of years. We've been lucky to live in a society that protects us, but this is what we were built for, and we can survive it. You have to accept it, Priscilla..." Her sense of urgency increased as she felt her own fiend's thrusting getting harder and rougher. "This is their right, and we're fulfilling our purpose as women by being there for these beasts. It's going to hurt a little, but we can still enjoy it. Just remember that we're giving these beasts the pleasure we were designed to give."
Priscilla still trembled with uncertainty, but she had always trusted her red-haired friend. And she knew the history of the continent well enough to know that Triss was speaking the truth... throughout history conquered women had been fucked mercilessly by invading armies, and the mongrel dogs and beasts terrorizing villages and cities later. Her thoughts on the issue were quickly interrupted, though, as the fiend suddenly thrust forward, burying his cocks in the blue-eyes troubadour.
"Triss!" Priscilla gasped in shock as she felt her tight cunt suddenly penetrated roughly, but the low, strained grunts of a struggling sorceress paled in comparison to the scream of shock and agony that came as the fiend mounting her made its mark. The aggressive slam forward of its cock hilting inside of the slender girl's narrow hole drew a violent reaction from Priscilla, whose fists struck the hall floor so hard that some splashes of mud spread around from the impact. Triss had been around her fair share, but Priscilla was a virgin. A virgin deflowered by a throbbing, massive fiend cock plunging recklessly into her, and like the smaller one taking Triss, this one didn't like to go slow. She was mercilessly railed into and left to sort out for her damn self how to get through it.
Triss listened as friend grunted and gasped as the fiend behind her fucked her pussy.
"Unf, ahhh, unf, Tr-riss-s," Priscilla said between thrusts, "Aghhh it hurts!"
"I know," Triss moaned. "Just give into the hurt. You're nothing but a stupid little bitch now, Priscilla. Let him fuck that dumb cunt of yours until he cums in you. Prove you are worthy to get bred like a bitch they only see as such one!"
The blond troubadour was shocked at her friend's language and humiliated even more.
"But Triss, I don't want it! I don't want to be fucked, I just want to leave this awful place!" She whimpered, but Triss knew that if she could degrade and goad her friend enough that her body would start to take over. The words she had spoken to her blond friend were more than just empty justifications; they were a truth. Triss didn't want for her and Priscilla to be knocked up by beasts, but she knew that giving these creatures what they wanted and keeping a positive outlook was a key to their physical and psychological survival.
"Give into the pain, Priscilla. Let him hurt you as much as he wants. All that matters now is that he owns your worthless pussy. Let him take it. Women were born to be fucked and impregnated. Our bodies were made to give men and beasts pleasure. Why do you think it's so easy for them to tie us up and take us against our will? AGHNN!" Triss gasped as the bulky fiend increased the pace and rammed harder than ever. "Its because that's what we're for. We're just dumb cumbuckets, meant to be raped and plowed."
Priscilla continued to moan, but Triss knew that her friend just needed to understand to be a piece of meat.
"Say it with me, fuckmuffin: I'm a bitch," Triss prompted. "Say it!"
"I... I'm a bitch."
"Yes, exactly. I'm a slut. Come on, say it."
"I'm... a slut," Priscilla whimpered.
"I was made to be fucked and used."
"I was made to be fucked and used, Triss."
"Oh, yes, right," Triss moaned. "You're just a public fuckmuffin. Say it."
"I'm just a public fuckmuffin."
"Oh, by the goddess, Priscilla, I'm going to cum on my beast's cock in a minute. And you know why? Because my pussy was made to be fucked, used AND knocked up."
"My pussy was made to be fucked, used and knocked up," Priscilla repeated.
Triss noticed that there was a lot less whimpering in her blond friend's voice.
"You're such a public fuckmuffin, you stupid piece of fuck meat."
"Oh, Triss," Priscilla gasped as her pussy started to tingle. "What's happening? It feels soo gooood."
"That's your worthless cunt proving that you were meant to be a beasts' public fuckmuffin. Oh, Priscilla, I can't wait until he cums in you and your pussy takes its first load like it was meant to. Oh, goddess, their cocks are so nice and hard. Don't you just love it? Cum for him, Priscilla. Show the superior beast who's fucking you what a good inferior bitch you are by cumming all over his big, fat fiend cock."
Priscilla moaned constantly, feeling something unlike she had ever felt before... a sense of pleasure amongst the pain. Hearing her red-haired best friend guide her, realizing the truth of her words... she knew that that was what a woman was supposed to be... a bitch, a public fuckmuffin, a fertile ground for beasts to cum and plant their seeds in. Suddenly Triss moaned out and her cunt began to spasm around her fiend's cock. She moaned and gasped as she came, pushing the creature over the edge. Seeing her red-haired friend do it, hearing her sultry orgasm, Priscilla couldn't hold back any longer and the forbidden, depraved pleasures washed over her as she came, having her first real orgasm during her first bestiality fuck.
And her body happily continued to give in. The aching of her vaginal walls stretched out gave way rapidly to a different kind of ache as Priscilla took the situation like a big girl. The fact that this was just about the rawest shit someone could get into for the first time and the lingering sense of utter depravity lying beneath the innocent, virginal surface was enough to double the pleasure. It pandered to her in some rather twisted ways, and she soon found herself wet, sore pussy leaking sticky, sweet nectar down onto the muddy floor as she was violated by the overly aggressive fiend and his meaty cock. It was twisted and wrong in so many ways, but the wrongness of it was what turned the blue-eyed troubadour on so much.
Although not quite as perverted as Priscilla and lacking in the depth of depravity, Triss found herself taken by the feeling of the big, overwhelming body pressing against her, so heavy and forceful. The hard thrusting was like no fuck she had ever had before, so forceful and vicious. One hundred percent animalistic. The speed was peerless, and the biological needs that guided the fiend pup into breeding her induced a sense of duty within it that she felt was utterly conducive to Triss having a good time. As long as the beast didn't blow its load too fast, she could see herself getting off to this with far less guilt than she would have expected.
"Nngh, maybe this won't be the worst thing after all. Right, Prisc-" Triss' sentence stopped dead as she looked back at her companion, saw the blue-eyed troubadour on all fours, pushing back against the fervid thrusting of the fiend, biting her lip as her pussy leaked all over the ground. Enjoyment came worryingly rapidly to Priscilla, and Triss watched in delight as the girl was fucked from behind by the beastly fiend, loving the whole situation to the last bit. The red-haired Sorceress was in no position to harshly judge the girl for her quick submission, and she would have much rather Priscilla be into this situation than violently opposed to it the whole way through.
Triss' plan seemed to work.
"I feel it, Triss. Oh, yeah, it's so hot inside of me. I LOVE getting fucked. I LOVE fucking at all," the girl groaned, gladly rocking back and forth as she was drilled by the feral relict's body pushing down hard against her back as he savagely pounded her dripping pussy. Priscilla loved the raw, feral feeling of being on all fours and getting ravished, her body even accustoming to the sheer size of the cock penetrating her before too long, translating the agony of being stretched open too far into a masochistic rush of pleasure she was ready to get utterly addicted to. Priscilla bit hard on her lip as she felt the body crashing down against hers, the feverish pounding of the fiend trying to breed her proving much, much harder than the little experiment she had done with the little cucumber that one time, let alone anything her fingers had ever accomplished.
"This is what you and Zoltan have done all the night yesterday, Triss?" Priscilla asked wit a bitchy undertone.
"Yes- argh fuck- And much more."
"Does that mean- nghn you're Zoltan's bitch now too?"
"Yes, yesss! I am. Ohh by Goddess..."
It was a raw and twisted sense of sexuality that pushed both women toward heavy release, even if Triss was less gone than Priscilla was. The blond troubadour was still moaning quite loudly as she was fucked like breed mare by the canine relict. Her pussy leaked all over her thighs, and one hand had even let go of the floor to massage her wet clit as she was violated. There was no use in denying to herself how good it felt when she had the opportunity to make the best of a bad situation, and Triss was ready to take this violation as a chance to get the best beast fuck she had in a long time from the needy rutting of the pack of fiends.
Meanwhile, the other beasts formed a loose semi-circle around the unlikely couple, keeping them in the middle of the hall as they waited for their turns, cocks unsheathed and throbbing. They all wanted their turns with their keen bitches, who also were the only potential breed mares far and wide and worthy of bearing their children to ensure the persistence of their superior species, leaving an entire army of very horny males who needed to work out their own biological needs the most brutish way possible.
Triss and Priscilla, sweaty from all the moaning and whimper, had smelled ripe to the creatures, who didn't care what their breed mares wanted as long as the bitches were warm and fertile. Priscilla howled as she came and Triss followed soon after her with a more gleeful cry than she had imagined. The blond troubadour's enthusiasm for getting banged by fiends was proving oddly infectious, and she didn't want to bring down the big party. The two girls writhed as their bodies burned in heated bliss, the pulsating contractions of their pussies around the hard intruders causing the fiends fucking them to blow their sticky loads, cocks massaged as they throbbed and spurted hot streams of incredibly thick, incredibly potent fiend splodge deep into their spasming holes. The beasts roared along with them, before pulling out and waddling sluggishly away, and after a male fiend pup ejaculated, it needed a long nap to restore the energy he had just burned by rutting and breeding.
"Aaaaah so hooot. His cum makes me go cum so baaaad," Priscilla's moan resounded through the hall.
Triss gasped as she moved her knees, crawling toward Priscilla to check on her. The romantic poet remained on all fours, moaning and twisting as she looked over to the pack, a little too consumed by lust and a strange, sudden appreciation for bestiality that Triss wanted to sparkle and keep it at this level. And as much as she didn't want to bring the fun down, as enjoyment was better than the alternative, Triss worried the young troubadour might be a little too into beast fucking for her own good. But before she could get there, two more fiends dashed toward the girl, both vying for the taut ass that faced them, swaying and bouncing gently with each forward motion.
Paws pressing against her ass, they made her yelp as the winning fiend started to mount her, while the other decided to take second place by circling swiftly around her front and mounting Triss' face instead. The fiend from behind made its mark on the first shot, shoving quickly into the red-haired Sorceress and rutting her furiously, filling the hall with the sloppy thrusting noise as it slammed into her already violated and creampied hole. Triss groaned, twisting as she let loose a worried, "Priscilla!" even as the second fiend cock fumbled in trying to get into her mouth. The thick, veiny, red cock rubbed against her face, losing some pre-cum that left her feeling marked and more than a little degraded, but she wanted to get her warning across to the other redhead before she utterly lost herself.
"Priscilla, try not to lose your mind completely, we have to try to escape later. Otherwise, they keep us here forever and--glurk!" Triss was cut off by the cock finding its mark and driving itself right into her tiny throat, careless and aggressive as it sought to quell the aching erection by just fucking the warmest available hole. Triss' hands and knees dug into the ground for stability as she was spit-roasted by fiends, both of whom seemed to fuck her with sloppy, frantic vigor. No finesse, no rhythm, no pace. Just going at her and not stopping until they had pumped her full of more hot, thick, baby- giving spunk. The last puppy's cum trickled out of her pussy amid all of her sticky juices, and she had a feeling by the time they were done she was going to have more than her fair share of fiend semen to worry about. But this time, adding to the impassioned ravaging of her stretched out pussy was the most brutal facefuck she had ever received, her mouth treated with reckless disregard by the vicious fiend after nothing but getting off.
Triss gagged and choked on the cock, finding this double-ended assault far, far less easy to manage. Priscilla, however, ignored her red-haired friend's attempted warning as she eagerly watched the advancing beasts, and had ended up on her shoulders, body upside-down and vertical as she was railed into from a new angle by the next fiend in line. The strange take on the wheelbarrow position proved insanely pleasurable for the troubadour and her growing bestiality kink. She stared up at her body, legs spread and high as the beast hammered into her, giving her a wonderfully vulgar view of her own penetration, her pink pussy lips parted deliciously by the throbbing red shaft. Priscilla rubbed her clit in circles meant to be steady but quickly devolving into frantic, friction-addicted madness as she was fucked even deeper and harder than before. Her other hand grabbed at her breasts, fondling them through her top as she reveled in the utterly filthy thrill of getting fucked by a fiend, deciding that as long as she enjoyed herself, there was nothing to be ashamed of.
It was an attitude that Triss was beginning to adore, a lot. Hot saliva dripped messily from her mouth as she was throat fucked, matching well with her drooling pussy. She was getting hammered from both ends, and any part of her mind that wasn't primal, pleasure-seeking impulse seemed to dull and fade. It was harder and harder not to get swept away at the moment, to not only get off on the twisted delight of this bestial lust but to revel in it fully and need to get impregnated by those creatures. She could taste nothing but fiend cock and pre-cum, and both ends were stuffed by savage, brutal thrusts deep into her, leaving her nose pressing against the soft belly of the one in front of her as it bottomed out. Triss gagged and choked and shivered as her body throbbed with utter lust, and it was a more addictive thrill than she was ready to actually concede it.
"Give it to me! Harder! Come on!" Priscilla cried, finally giving Triss, who couldn't see anything but the fiend in front of her, an answer about whether or not she was gone. The blonde-haired girl moaned, scooping up some thick mixture of semen and cum spilling out of her sloppy hole it was ravaged for the second time and sucking it right off of her fingers, the salty and tart combination proving an extra little bit of nastiness on top of the whole thing. "I fucking love beast cock! Triss, let's stay here and never leave. As you said they've conquered us. We belong to them now. We are their breed mares and bitches. It's our only and true purpose of life now!" Her vulgar, utterly crazed blather was constantly punctuated and interrupted by moans, yelps, cries, and just howled profanities as she relayed the crazed thought process of her increasingly gone and perverted mind to Triss, even if all she was getting in response were sloppy, wet gagging noises.
Once more, the raw girls' bodies were driven by the potent, heady drive of feral need, getting frantically fucked until they were definitively bred. Priscilla screamed in pleasure, howling about how she wanted another hot load to flood her womb, while Triss could say nothing as the two fiend pups pumped her full of jizz from both ends, making her cough and choke as it splattered down her gullet and right into her stomach in addition to the spreading warmth throughout her deep canal. They shivered and make sticky messes of themselves as their pussies leaked plenty of nectar all over their thighs, their wet and messy orgasms signs of just how gone they were.
A second, blindingly hot orgasm shook the last sense of worry and trepidation from the experienced sorceress. Triss slumped down breathless and purring, a hand reaching to toy with her gaping, dripping pussy, shoving cum back in and rubbing the sticky white fluid against her labia, into her throbbing clit. Priscilla crawled toward her, licking a few drops of fiend cum off of her chin before pulling Triss into a heated, needy kiss shared between the two toys of the fiend pack, and the red-haired Sorceress met her excitedly.
"You're such a naughty fuckmuffin, Priscilla. And my true soul mate through and through," Triss chuckled, then biting her lip as the two girls stared at one another, both surrendered to raw pleasure as they looked toward the pack. The three they had gotten off were down for naps, and only two dozens remained, all of them advancing upon the girls who at that point had both surrendered to the acceptance that they were in love with fiend cock, and they were so ready for more. "Forget about being a stupid troubadour and become a whore like me. Together, we were unstoppable. Just pleasure, no worries!"
"That would be the dream of my life," Priscilla stated honestly, as the low note of their conversation was quickly perked up by the paws on their backs, the adored and very welcome weight of the large canines pushing against them once more. She licked her lips, then dove back for Triss' frantically kissing and occupying her as the two were once more filled up, their pussies filled with two hot spurts of cum and stretched, gaping for the third fiend in line, who still proved woefully incapable of getting into them on the first try.
The third fiend was a bit of a loss. Their pussies had been taken, and with the girls facing each other and so close, he couldn't mount their faces and get humping. So he went for a third option, slipping down underneath the two frantically kissing women and rolling onto his back, letting the perky and rigid fiend cock stand upright at attention, hoping for their mercy and attraction. Triss smirked as they broke the kiss, staring down at the delicious and throbbing member. "Am I right if I guess that you have never sucked a cock before?" The red-haired Sorceress asked the formerly virginal troubadour, who shook her head with a naughty smile.
Priscilla had been far, far too shy when it came to the question of flirting or having sex so far. Dandelion never dared to make the next step in their weird friendship, although he had already shagged so many women she knew about. He was an incorrigible gigolo but not when he was with her. Too bad for him Priscilla thought.
"Then you'll have the best opportunity to learn it now." Triss reached for the thick base of the canine shaft and leaned forward, showing Priscilla how it was done with a few steady bobs of her head, lips wrapping around it tightly as she sucked it down. After being facefucked, a steadier blowjob she was in control of would be a breeze, of course. Priscilla watched enraptured, moaning as the red-haired Sorceress sucked fiend cock right in front of her needy gaze. The moan turned into a high-pitched gasp as she was penetrated, body bucking forward as the thrusting began, just as intense as the two rounds before it.
"This is probably a bad time to tell you Triss that I always thought you were so hot and sexy, isn't it?' Priscilla confessed, biting her lip as Triss smiled up at her with her green eyes. A little wink confirmed that things were definitely going to be different between the two fiend bitches moving forward. Priscilla moaned, reaching a hand forward and caressing the base of the beast's ten-inch cock as well, running her fingers along the very sensitive bottom of it, tracing the sheath it emerged from to vocal results from the large canine creature.
Triss came back up, the cock popping out of her mouth as she let loose a heavy purr of her own, the fiend behind her working plenty hard to get off, and in the process giving the red-haired Sorceress a finer appreciation for beast cock than she had been expected. "Your lucky turn now fuckmuffin," she giggled, tilting the cock toward Priscilla with her hand. She watched as the blue-eyed troubadour leaned forward to take it in, only to playfully grab her long, blonde hair and start shoving her face down deep, careless and reckless as she made Priscilla gag on the throbbing dick. Although if she had been intending to get one over on Priscilla, it failed. "Take it, bitch. The entire shaft and his balls. C'mon!"
The happily gagging blonde sucked him down gladly, loving the rawness of the forced and aggressive oral, moaning between choking noises as she got off on the rough and sloppy sensation. It was all just more confirmation for Priscilla that this what precisely where she wanted to be, head bobbing as Triss' hand guided her, conceding the girl's enjoyment and accepting it and helpfully easing her along in the process as the fiend on his back made excited, pleasured noises. Triss had taken Priscilla's lead on accepting how good this all felt, but if she was going to get nasty with the troubadour, she was going to make sure she knew how to do it, using her experience to teach her in turn.
"You're a natural," she purred, licking her lips. "And you're pretty hot too, in an innocent way. As a harlot, you'd be worth a mint. The one million crowns were history in no time if we had worked our asses off together the last week." When Priscilla came up for air, Triss leaned back down and guided the younger girl into following her lead as they gave the throbbing fiend cock in front of them a hot, twofold treat. They licked and kissed all over the shaft, Triss with a firm and experienced approach and Priscilla just going all out as she compensated for lack of knowledge with sheer wantonness. But it was effective wantonness, smother the aching shaft in kisses and lacks, lapping up the pre-cum that trickled down its shaft, the two occasionally licking their way up to the tip and sharing a sloppy and open-mouthed kiss with the head.
It was raw and dirty, and they loved it.
Not that the pounding fiends behind them weren't also much appreciated. Their focus was just on what was in front of them. The two beasts were best left to their own tools, frantically hammering away at them from behind and doing their jobs perfectly fine, with a little pushing back against the soft underbellies was all it took as they pawed at their backs and asses, slamming into their dripping holes with needy, natural fervor. The idea that they were going to knock up the human cunts motivated them, even more, when they sought to rut the two as hard as they could and hope they won out in the heat of the moment.
The girls were hot and receptive, reeking of sex and providing the tight, velvety vices around their cocks that were quickly drawing the canines to a hard, intense orgasm. Priscilla and Triss' hands met at the base, and a steady rhythm upward gave a lovely double gripped handjob to it as they focused on the upper half. Their tandem fellatio was making the fiend quite noisy, and both wanted it to get off just as much as the ones behind them, to finish off this pack, and themselves, on the happiest and messiest way they could. Moaning and kissing and slurping at turgid cock meat, they found themselves happier than ever.
The appreciative fiend, in a position any men on the continent would have loved to be in, between two gorgeous bitches, howled to the hall's ceiling as his fat cock throbbed, and both girls were allowed to see just how much cum a fiend ejaculated, the volume that had been dumped twofold into them. It was more than Priscilla could have imagined as they received a thick, hot facial, both of them shuddering and biting their lips as streaks of thick cum painted their pretty faces. Only seconds later, the fiends behind them followed suit, pumping them with molten splodge and igniting their own fiery releases. A chain reaction that nobody would have been disappointed about brought the other fiends and breed mares to their most powerful orgasms yet.
Priscilla full-on squirted as she climaxed, screaming as Triss began to lick the fiends' cum off of her face, the taste heavy, salt overpowering everything about it, but in the heat of the moment, it was delicious, and licking it off the adorable troubadour's face only made it better. Triss shook and twisted too, but her pussy leaked rather than gushed like hers did. And she hadn't enough yet. There were at least fifteen beasts left, and still, a little bit space in her womb to make sure that it was filled to the brim with puppy-giving seed.
So, she turned herself down to all fours and spread her legs as wide as she could, face and tits pressing against the muddy floor again. Priscilla emulated her sorceress friend's deeds immediately, and it didn't take long when two other fiends mounted both bitches and their canine cocks found their target and slid in, making both girls moan eagerly. The entire breeding session lasted hours, and as it seemed to be over and the last fiend finally cum inside of Triss' and Priscilla's incredibly swelled belly full of jizz, the biggest and massive fiend appeared in the shadows on the platform again, including the outlines of his powerful muscles and majestic antlers.
Still being in the submissive position and asses pushing up in the air, both girls exchanged tired but still horny glances, hoping that the leader, who successfully lured them both to his nest and turned them into the horde's willing bitches, was going to fuck and breed them too, add his seed, which was certainly the most potent and valuable of the whole pack, to their now extremely inflated wombs as well. They were ready for it.
Suddenly, the alpha fiend's third eye began to glow and vibrate, forcing the defiled women to look straight into it, as time seemed to be stopped and standing still. Then what happened next made both girl's pouty lips gape wide open in disbelief. The alpha fiend's impressive silhouette slowly faded and reshaped itself into something different.
Something familiar, new, human. An athletically trained, tall man with a body worthy the statue of a deity. According to his washboard abs of eight pack and broad shoulders, he had something of Geralt's witcher-physique and condition, and Letho's brutish appearance and callousness, and many virtues in between. His hair was short and trimmed, his eyes cold and deadly. Triss tried to see through the shadow and recognize him, his face or anything else but failed.
Except for one trifle. An important one.
A rare magical ability that few mages on the continent possessed. Only those with bowels soaked in oceans of magic arcana - and few who were born with bowels so absorbent - could hope to master it. Philippa Eilhart was one of them. But even she was just able to transform herself into a large grey owl, an animal of none-magic origin. A beast and relict of the Conjunction of Spheres having an active skill set like hypnosis was out of the question, simply impossible.
"W-who are y-you?" Triss asked with a shaking voice, not being able to free herself from the submissive position.
The stranger didn't say anything, just stared at them with his red-glowing eyes while the fresh wind was gently blowing through the sewer hall and the biting frost raised all over the place. Quickly, both girls felt how the dry cum on their bodies froze like water in a pond, and their breath vaporized right under their noses. It was like they were trapped in an ice storm, death slowly sneaking up on them and making their jaws trembling in fear.
"T-t-tris-s-ss..." Priscilla stammered before freezing to death. "I'm s-ss-o ss-o-rr-r-y. Bb-bef-f-ore w-wwe die, y-yyou s-sshh-oul-ddd k-kn-nn-ow... M-mmm-ee... M-mmm-eeeenge-"
As the deadly cold seemed to have no end and their days numbered, the entire hall got completely dark and the stranger vanished into the eclipse, his glowing eyes going black the rest of his animalistic, brutish being. After a moment of uncertainty and near-death experience, the sewer hall was lit up entirely by burning torches, blinding both frightened girls on all fours while making the deadly frost disappear immediately.
After checking Priscilla first, Triss slowly tilted her head up to look whether the stranger was there anymore, as her hazel eyes widened in the utter jolt, seeing a kneeling and motionless person. Her face was smeared with black mascara and makeup, dried up streams of tears covering her cheeks and eyelids. The girl with two braids had a big ball between her teeth. Her hands were clearly fettered behind the back, body making no motion at all. Strangely, something about the petite victim's empty eyes and appearance looked really familiar to Triss.
"Oh dammit!"
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