Forsaken Forborne | By : Sealink Category: +S through Z > World of Warcraft Views: 6849 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own World of Warcraft, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
“Are you strong enough to make the trip to town?” Galen’s
concern was borne out of the thanks he owed her, or so he told himself. She
nodded slowly, and took his proffered hand as she got to her feet. Galen was
about a head taller than she was, even though he was only average height for a
blood elf. Only after he was confident she was in top form, did they start the
long trek back to Tranquillien. He lead the way and she stood back as he cut a
safe path through the grimscale murlocs that were waiting for them on the
beach, employing her considerable holy talents toward keeping him in fighting
condition. Her magic was powerful, and though not arcane, it was a soothing
balm on his fevered need for mana.
Once the way was clear, they found
themselves on the deserted roads of the Ghostlands. The fiends kept their
distance from the lighted paths, and without having to fight for their lives,
conversation was an easy distraction.
“How did you….?” Galen paused, wondering if the subject of
death was taboo.
“Die?” She shrugged as they walked, avoiding an upthrown
cobble. “The plague came. We all died.” She looked down at her feet and then
back up at him, a half-smile on her grey lips. “Some of us just didn’t stay
“What’s it like? Dying, I mean,” he added.
The Blood Elves had twice lost the source of their power;
first at the Well of Eternity, and then at the Sunwell, as Arthas corrupted the
fount with his foul necromancy. Their immortality was forfeit, and most blood
elves, while vehemently hating the undead, were obsessed with their own limited
time in Azeroth. Finding ways to extend it occupied many of the more educated
minds in Quel’Thalas.
“It isn’t as bad as you think,” she said cryptically. “Death
isn’t the bad part. It’s what happens to make you die that is unpleasant.” No
matter how he pressed her, she would not elaborate further, and eventually he
dropped the subject, settling into a gait that complimented hers.
“What about you?” she asked. “How is it that a holy warrior
does work for the Horde?”
He shrugged. “Lord Bloodvalor receives his missives from the
Regent, and I receive my orders from him.” He ducked to avoid a low branch over
the path. “The why is not my concern; I just go and fight where I’m told.”
She nodded, but something in the way she directed her head
told him she was not completely satisfied with the answer he gave her.
“We’re not really holy anyway,” he continued. “The Order
doesn’t work through the traditional avenues of Light.”
“I know,” Tamsin said, but she didn’t elaborate.
The paths fell away behind them,
and all too soon, they were upon the hardscrabble buildings of Tranquillien.
She turned to him, her face nigh unreadable to him. “Thank you for your help,
Galen regretfully realized that he had gotten used to the
pleasant company she offered on their walk back from the coast. “It is I who
owe you thanks,” he said, bowing to her. “If you ever have a need, call on me.
I do not forget my debts.”
Tamsin chuckled, although the
softness of her voice made it more of a giggle, a sound that Galen never
thought he should hear from an undead. “I shall keep that in mind, paladin.” Her
soft voice was touched with mirth, and her full lips twitched with restrained
laughter. She backed away, and then turned, walking toward the bat handler. Galen
watched her go for a moment, feeling something strange tug at him, and then he
turned, walking toward the command outpost.
Galen found Dame Auriferous
conferring with High Executor Mavren. Her silky auburn hair was tucked back
behind one slender ear, and she was bent over a schematic of one of the nearby
celestial Sanctums, her décolletage presented invitingly against the tools of
war. There was a certain masculine satisfaction in Mavren’s face, his ghostlit
eyes offered the choicest of views. Galen ahemmed politely, and Auriferous’
face turned toward him with a pointed eagerness. He felt suddenly like a deer
caught in the time-nulling gaze of the nightsaber, but managed to shake off any
sort of common sense that might suddenly have seized him.
As he handed over the scrolls of
plans to an elated Auriferous, Mavren eyed him with shrewd approval. “I’ll be
damned if you didn’t find a good one in this paladin, Auriferous,” he rumbled,
his deep voice speaking of a life of privilege before undeath. He smiled at
Galen, who blanched at the grisly grin. Mavren had been dead a long time, and
his state of decay was far more advanced than the priest whose company he’d
just parted.
“I am quite impressed with you, Silverdawn,” he continued,
standing from his small chair by the table of maps and holding out a grey and
bony hand. “Though you’re alive, you serve your people courageously.” Galen
grasped the skeletal paw and shook it, inwardly panicking at the half-cold
bones that gripped his hand firmly. “If you ever have need of us, the Forsaken
will come to your aid.”
“Thank you, sir, for your commendations,” Galen said,
relieved when their hands fell apart. His skin wanted to crawl into a corner.
He turned to look at Auriferous, who had spread the plans out on the table for Mavren.
Her eyes were smoldering, and she smiled, a smile that a sensible man would
regard as dangerous, but Galen was hardly a sensible man. “Mavren’s praise is
certainly enviable, but perhaps we could fatten his pocket as well, High
“Of course, Auriferous, give him a reward for his fine
work,” he said offhandedly. The undead warrior was already poring over the
plans, and for a moment, Galen envied his focus. Then Auriferous said in an
overly loud voice, “I don’t think I have enough silver; I’ll have to go to my
room to fetch some more,” and walked out, looking over her shoulder at Galen with
a heated glance. Galen excused himself hurriedly, barely hearing Mavren’s grunt
of assent on his way out the door.
The rooms of a frontier town inn left much to be desired in
the way of privacy. Somehow Auriferous had managed to get a small room to
herself, barely larger than a closet. It was hung with red drapes, in the style
of Silvermoon City’s inns, although Galen had no doubt that she had affected
this change on her own. He didn’t have much more time to reflect on the décor
of the tiny boudoir; Auriferous crushed herself against him and his thoughts
went in an entirely different direction.
“You have no idea how long it’s been,” she said, her breathing
already coming fast. She tugged at the fastenings of his armor and cape, her
fingers unfamiliar with the trappings of a warrior. Her eagerness was
infectious, and he found himself frustrated with the slowness of his armor’s
removal. At last, she pulled it free and gently put it on the floor, mindful of
the noise his chestplate would make on the stone.
She kissed him at last, a bruising,
demanding kiss that surprised him. She was needy and wanton, her hands roaming
over him, unable to settle on one place to touch. Her nails raked his skin as
she all but tore his shirt off him, making a satisfied noise as she took in his
lean, muscled body. “You’re everything I’d hoped for,” she breathed, leaning
close and seeming to scent him, breathing in the smell of steel and sweat.
Galen was getting over the initial
shock of her forwardness, and as she leaned in, he caught her chin in one hand,
tilting her head to the side and nibbling gently down the side of her neck,
smiling to himself as she gasped and clutched at him. She was doing a good job
of working herself up, and he had barely started.
Galen slid his fingers down over
her collarbone and then down the side of her breast, watching as her nipples peaked
under her thin vestments. He smirked at the small whimper that escaped her as
he left her breast and slid lower over her bare midriff. He looked at her,
eyebrows slightly raised at her pebbled flesh.
“Goosebumps, my lady?” he murmured.
“Don’t sound so surprised,” she moaned, her hands clenching
into fists as he lazily stroked her hip. “You’re the first real man that’s been
here in too long,” she ground out, fidgeting as Galen’s hand slipped under the
waistband of her skirt and slid to the soft flesh of her buttocks, and then up
her back, sliding under the edge of her vest and lifting up to pull it over her
head. He hummed his appreciation for her smooth skin and the soft, breathy
noises of anticipation and urging she made as he stripped her.
Her breasts fell out of her robes,
her pink nipples darkening to coral as they were fully hardened by the cool
air. Galen enjoyed seeing her perfectly coifed hair mussed by the removal of
her top, flyaway strands falling into her face. She slid her hands around his
waist, pulling at his mail leggings with shaking fingers, and he undid the belt
that held them, listening to the links hiss in a pile on the ground around his
ankles. His undergarments were similarly disposed of, and by the time he was
naked, Auriferous was standing near her bed, her skirt in a heap on the floor.
She stepped forward to meet him,
leaning up and wrapping her arms around his neck, her breasts pressed against
him. Slowly, she slid her body down him, her nipples burning a path down his
chest. Galen purred his approval, watching as she sank to her knees in front of
him. His arousal was flush with heated blood, standing out from his body, and
Auriferous reached down, wrapping her fingers around him and beginning to
stroke him with a practiced hand. Galen closed his eyes and let his head fall
back, his silvery hair swinging freely over his back. He gripped her shoulder
as her technique had its desired effect, bringing him far too close to a point
beyond which he might lose control. “Enough,” he said hoarsely, looking down at
her face, which was painted with animal lust. Defiance burned in her green
eyes. Keeping her gaze locked with his, she moistened her lips and then leaned
forward to touch them gently to the tip of his erection.
With a growl, he hauled her up off
her knees and threw her to the bed. She giggled, an airy laughter that didn’t
match the devilish look on her face. He slid between her raised knees, sliding
a sword-roughened hand over the soft curls on her mons. Galen lowered his eyes,
watching her through the veil of his lashes. Auriferous wiggled, moving her
hips up under his hand, pleading with her body for him to continue. “Don’t
tease me,” she begged, and he smiled sardonically. “Of course not, my lady,” he
said, sliding one finger suddenly between her swollen labia, pressing and
stroking in an agonizing pattern. “I live to serve,” he said softly, though it
was lost in her loud moan. Galen found the small nub of flesh at the beginning
of her cleft, and it stood proudly out from under its hood, offering itself up
to the sweet torture. His vain competitiveness began to thrill to the game of
delaying her climax. She was more than willing, and her back arched up off the
bed as she strained toward her orgasm. Galen’s fingers worked her slowly,
refusing her the release she sought. Her moans of pleasure rose in frequency
and pitch. His body ached, and the longer she stretched out her build to
orgasm, the more heated his skin grew. At last, when he thought he could handle
no more, he heard her cry, “Enough!”
He looked down at her, her breasts
heaving with every gasp for air, her arcane-fired eyes gleaming. “Shall I
continue?” he asked, flicking a fingertip across her clitoris.
“No,” she said, a little too suddenly. “No, I want to have
you properly,” she corrected, her breathless voice sending Galen’s nerves into
a twitchy sort of overdrive.
“Then have me you shall,” he said huskily, moving between
her raised knees and lifting her until his straining cock was in line with her
slit. Galen pressed forward, listening to her suck in a gasp, barely keeping
himself in check. She was small, but her body was more than wet enough, and he
glided in and out of her effortlessly for the first few strokes.
It was only after she hooked her
legs around him at the waist that he began to feel his own climax building. He
thrust into her several times, and her walls closed down on him, creating
heavenly friction that threatened the seat of his control. She was crying out
as he rocked into her, her stomach muscles trembling as she writhed underneath
him. Her eyes suddenly widened and before she could open her mouth Galen
covered it with a harsh kiss, taking her scream of release into him. His hips
pumped into her faster through her trembling climax and they rode her orgasm
out in near silence. Only when he felt her thighs relax around him did he let
his lust take control of him, leaning back and fucking her mercilessly. She laid
back with a satisfied look on her feline features, watching him as he slammed
into her. A few moments more and he came at last, spilling himself inside her with
a groan he couldn’t quiet.
He collapsed on top of her, panting
his exhaustion into her hair. His muscles trembled in confusion, his powerful
orgasm having drained his stores of strength. At least, that’s what he
believed, but a soft tingle at the edge of his mind snapped him out of his
post-sex afterglow. He looked at the woman in his arms, finding the fel-energy
in her eyes flaring. He realized with abrupt horror that she was sucking his mana
away, feeding her addiction with magic stolen from his soul.
Tamsin sat outside Silvermoon City, quietly watching the
occasional passerby. The bat handler had told her to wait here, that there were
some herbs she had dried that she might part with in exchange for the healing
of her son. Priests were relatively rare in these parts, she’d found, with many
succumbing to the promise of power that the paladin Order represented. She’d
been happy to heal him, for free even, and only accepted the herbs reluctantly,
realizing that the bat handler was a proud woman who did not want to accept
charity. The woman approached, pressing a small green pouch into Tamsin’s
“Thank you again, priest. I never
would have expected such help from an undead,” she said, looking at the blood
elves that surrounded her. “Never thought we’d have to look to outsiders for
help,” she said sadly, before realizing that she was speaking to one of the
outsiders. Her face looked panicked, but Tamsin smiled and waved it off.
“You needn’t worry. I am sworn to help those in need regardless
of their race.” She looked down at the pouch. “Thank you for this,” she said,
gesturing with the leather pouch.
The bat handler smiled and dipped
her head in a gesture of thanks. “You’re most welcome, lady priest. My home is
always open to you.” She lifted her face up as a bat careened in toward the
stocks. Tamsin narrowed her eyes, recognizing the male blood elf astride the
Galen fairly fell off the bat as it
landed, which earned him a harsh look from the bat handler. He looked at Tamsin
weakly, and leaned heavily on her arm. His mail was haphazardly thrown on, and
he was deathly pale. “I apologize,” he said in a thin voice. “We seem to meet
under the worst circumstances.”
“Don’t worry,” Tamsin soothed, her
black eyes narrowing. “I’ll take care of everything.” She already served the
Light, even in undeath, so assuming the mantle of healer was nothing new to
her. No matter how handsome her patient was, one more wouldn’t matter. Galen
finally nodded weakly and leaned on her as they walked into the City, grateful
for her strength.
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