Starro: Gotta Catch 'Em All | By : LiquidPhazon Category: +M through R > Pokemon Views: 5800 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon, the characters or the legal rights. No money or profit is made from this story. I just want others to enjoy it. |
With their mating over and a whole Region to take over, the alien mind controller decided to move on from Pallet Town to the other cities and towns of Kanto, to add every last human and Pokémon he could to his hive mind.
Getting out of Ash’s bed and putting the clothing back on his host, pants, shirt and even his hat, Starro, alongside Serena, who dressed as well, the pair headed downstairs to see those under Starro’s thrall, awaiting his commands.
And alongside the mother of Ash and the Pokémon under his control, Starro also saw the two mysterious eggs, making the alien mind controller face the parasite controlled Pikachu.
“Good work.” He said to his servant, causing Pikachu to nod in respect, feeling a tiny amount of pride at being praised, while watching as his Master picked up one of the eggs and handed it to Delia.
“When this egg hatches, I want you both to assimilate as many as you can in this area.” Starro instructed.
“Yes, Master Starro.” Delia replied obediently, taking the egg and heading off with Mimey, leaving Starro with Pikachu, Serena and her brainwashed Pokémon.
But not wasting time, Starro faced Serena and told her. “We have work to do if this world is to be one with me.”
“Of course, Master.” Serena replied, withdrawing her Pokéballs and recalling all three of her Pokémon, while Starro faced Pikachu, drew out a Pokéball, doing something to show that Ash was no longer in control of his body.
“Pikachu, return.” Starro commanded, causing a red light to shoot from the Pokéball and envelop Pikachu, before the Electric-type was called back into his Pokéball.
And with the Pokémon back in their Pokéballs, where they awaited further commands from the alien mind controller, Starro headed off, knowing there were other areas in Kanto for him to enslave and for females to mate with, he just needed a way of transportation to get him there.
And from Ash’s memories, Starro already knew the perfect Pokémon to assist him, Ash’s Charizard.
Leaving the Ketchum residence, Starro and Serena, now in possession of the second egg, snuck into the paddock Professor Oak’s and made their way through the field, walking past all the Pokémon Ash had captured during his adventures through, making Starro think all would make excellent servants in helping him conquer the planet.
But with two Starro clones left and the egg yet to hatch, the alien mind controller had to choose the right Pokémon to assist him.
And after slowly passing the sleeping forms of Snorlax, Torkoal and Boldore, Starro had found the Pokémon he was looking for, Charizard, who too was fast asleep, oblivious he was to soon become nothing but a powerful pawn for Starro to control.
Approaching Charizard, Starro held up his right arm, revealing a Starro clone, which he then placed on Charizard’s face, instantly assimilating the Fire/Flying-type, evident when the eye of the clone opened up, stared at Starro, before Charizard slowly lowered his body, getting into a position to allow Starro and Serena to climb onto his back.
And with the Master of the Starro hive mind and the first female Starro had mated with now ready, Charizard took off, flying high into the night sky, where, following the mental commands of his Master, headed to their next destination, Cerulean City, where Starro knew it was not only a good place for further assimilation, but there were several females that would prove useful in baring his spawn, one of which was the first of Ash’s female companions, Misty.
However, while making their way to Cerulean City, three familiar faces that had been bothering Ash since he started as a Pokémon Trainer were camping on Route 4, noticed Charizard flying through the sky, the shortest of the group spoke first.
“Hey look, it’s the Twerp. And he has that Kalos Twerpette with him.” Meowth said, causing Jessie to smirk.
“Then it’ll make things much sweeter when we capture not only Pikachu, but her Pokémon as well.” She commented, causing James to nod in reply and say. “And this is the chance we needed, to test out our latest Pikachu capturer. This time we will be the victors.”
“Wobbuffet!” The Psychic-type Pokémon suddenly called as he popped out of his Pokéball, showing his agreement and eagerness to cause trouble with those he allied himself with.
All four unaware they would actually be up against one of the most powerful beings in the universe.
----Sometime later----
After landing atop the Cerulean City Gym, Charizard lowered his body down, allowing Serena and their Master to safely climb off of his back and continue in their plans of unification.
While Charizard remained, staying in place, unless called by his Master, approaching the door to the stairwell, Starro opened it, part of him glad he could get in without causing a panic, while thinking how foolish it was to keep a section of one’s home unlocked.
But focusing back on his objective, Starro headed down and inside the building, alongside Serena, where their numbers in clones were to soon increase, just after the alien mind controller had found, assimilated and mated with Misty.
And after wandering through the Gym, Starro had found her room, to which Serena stayed out to secure the area and report to her Master the instance any trouble occurred, while Starro made his way inside the bedroom and found Misty, in her bed, sound asleep, cuddling one of the many toys she had won at the Princess Festival Tournament, which were scattered all across her room.
But as the orange haired girl continued to sleep, the Starro controlled Ash knew Misty’s assimilation would only take a moment, not just because she was sleeping and her mental defences would be down, but also, from the way Misty moved and moaned in her sleep, he could sense Misty was having an erotic dream.
“Ash...” Misty then moaned as she continued to sleep, revealing her dream did involve the black haired boy, for she had feelings for Ash, but never acted on them.
Sometime after she and Ash had parted ways, she had been having the occasional erotic dream about him, where she’d find herself at the beach, just her and Ash, both naked and expressing their feelings for each other in the most intimate of ways, making Misty wish she could be with the real Ash, say how she felt about him and to actually feel what it’d be like to actually make love to him.
But after Starro was finished with her, in a way, she and Ash would be together.
And with that, wasting no more time, Starro withdrew the final Starro clone, where he pressed it against Misty’s face, causing her to moan and shift in discomfort for a moment, before her movements stopped, where in the orange haired girl just lay in her bed, while the eye of the Starro clone opened and stared at the Starro controlled Trainer.
“Starro lives.” Misty said, showing she was now one with the alien mind controller, further showing it as she tossed the toy she was cuddling aside, removed the sheets covering her body, revealing she was wearing a red t-shirt and a pair of white panties.
----Upcoming Lemons----
“My body is yours’ to do with as you desire.” She then followed up, remaining on her back and spreading out her legs, offering herself to her Master, where in Starro responded by stripping his host of his clothing, leaving the Pokémon Trainer naked and revealing his manhood, which Starro then enhanced with his mental domination over Ash to make it fully erect.
And with Ash now naked, Starro positioned himself over Misty and engaged the orange haired girl in a lustful kiss, which Misty returned.
With the pair locked in their kiss, from the combination of having Ash’s body on top of her, as well as knowing they’d experience the pleasure their host had been dreaming about, the primal part of Misty’s mind was increasing in arousal, causing her to act on her instinct as her hands roamed across Ash’s being, liking the feel of her Master’s host body, where in Starro broke the kiss, giving Misty room to remove her shirt and underwear, leaving her lying naked beneath her Master, where the pair then continued in their mating with Starro lining up Ash’s member with Misty’s threshold and then pushed forward, inserting it deep within the orange haired girl, making her immediately moan out in pure pleasure.
“Oh, Master, it... it feels so good... Ah... Give me pleasure... please keep using Ash’s cock... Ah... Use my body as you see fit...!” Misty moaned loudly, her mind clouded by pleasure and her pain receptors dulled, to which Starro responded by thrusting Ash’s manhood deeper into Misty’s womb, making her moan louder.
“That’s it Misty... Feel my host inside you... Enjoy the pleasure only I can give you... You are mine...!” Starro groaned out, feeling himself losing part of himself to the primal form of reproduction, but remained dominant.
“Yes… Oh, yes... Ah... I... I’m all yours’, Master Starro… Now and forever...!” Misty moaned in reply.
Getting more into human mating, Starro pulled Misty up, bringing her up into a sitting position, her arms around his shoulders, her legs still around his waist and her head resting on his left shoulder as she continued to moan from feeling Ash big cock slide in and out of her vagina.
However, the two Pokémon Trainers started to move around frantically as their climaxes drew closer with each passing minute.
“Misty, I... Ah... I can’t hold it... I can feel Ash is to cum…!” Starro groaned, causing Misty to moan in response. “Me too, Master Starro... Ah... I’m so close... Ah... I’m... I’m cumming...!”
And after several more thrusts, Misty experienced her climax.
“Master...!” She cried out cried out in pure ecstasy, releasing her sexual fluids all Ash’s manhood, which triggered a climax to build within Ash’s loins, causing Starro to then let out a loud groan as he had his orgasm, releasing his semen into Misty’s waiting womb, making sure Ash’s cock was milked of all his cum so Misty would be another of Starro’s thralls to bare his clones.
With their climaxes over, Starro removed Ash’s cock from Misty, got off of the bed, his attention remaining on Misty as she moaned and her stomach bulged, making it look like she was in the late stages of pregnancy, but was actually about to give birth to more clones of the Conqueror, something Misty felt to be an honour.
“Master?” Serena interrupted as she entered the room.
“I apologize for disturbing you, however, we will soon have company.” The blonde informed.
“That is fine. Just be ready with that egg.” Starro replied, causing Serena to nod and obey as she turned, facing the door, just as Misty’s sisters burst in.
“Misty, we heard screaming, are you...?” Daisy began to say, sounding concerned, only to find she was unable to continue speaking, for seeing the naked form of Ash, as well as what looked like her sister to be pregnant left her, Lily and Violet all puzzled and shocked.
And the three were left in further awe when Misty let out another moan, her sexual fluids started to leak out of her vagina at an increased rate, before a starfish like the one on her face slid out of her womanhood.
Seeing enough, Violet broke from her stupor and began to ask what she and her sisters were thinking.
‘Misty, what is Ash doing here?’
‘Who is the blonde girl with the Pokémon Egg?’
‘Why are you all naked?’
‘And did you just give birth to a starfish?’
However, Misty remained quiet, just staring at her sisters with indifference, while the starfish on her face gazed at them, creeping the three out.
“Misty is no more. She has become one with me, as will the three of you. The time is now.” Ash then said; his statement and lack of emotion confused the three.
“Ash, what are you...?” Daisy began to ask, only to stop when the top of the egg the blonde was holding burst open, before three more of the freakish looking starfishes shot out and latched onto their faces.
Daisy, Lily and Violet all screamed, both from shock, as well as feeling the unknown creatures on their faces.
But like Misty, Daisy, Lily and Violet were assimilated, turned into mere drones for Starro to command.
“All traces of freewill have been removed from these host bodies.” Violet said in an emotionless tone, while she, Daisy and Lily all knelt before their new Master.
“Command us and we shall obey.” Lily added, matching the obedient tone of her sister.
“Very good.” Starro said in reply, picking up his pants and withdrawing a Pokéball.
“Pikachu, come out.” He ordered as he tossed the Pokéball lightly, causing Pikachu to emerge.
Facing the Electric-Type, Starro instructed. “Though our numbers are increasing, we still need more clones to bring order to this world, which is why I want you to impregnate one of Misty’s sisters.”
“Allow me.” Violet offered, slipping out of the blue nightgown she was wearing, revealing her naked body to Pikachu, her sisters and their Master, before Violet picked Pikachu up, carrying him out of Misty’s bedroom and to her own.
And with Pikachu’s departure, so too did Starro leave, taking Daisy and Lily’s hands and headed off for the blonde’s room, leaving Misty and Serena alone, awaiting further orders from the Master of the Starro hive mind.
However, Serena had other ideas, to which she caught Misty off guard as she too relieved herself of her clothing, before getting on the bed and on top of the brainwashed girl.
And before Misty could react, Serena moved her head down, claiming Misty’s lips in a kiss, surprising her from Serena’s actions, as well as the part of Misty that liked it.
“What are you doing?” Misty asked, not receiving any mental commands from their Master to engage in such lewd actions with each other.
“From my Master, I have learnt to appreciate the female body.” Serena replied as she started to rub Misty’s left breast.
“And I can sense you too feel the same way.” The blonde added, continuing her actions, before kissing Misty a second time, only this time, Misty returned the kiss, allowing Serena’s tongue to enter, dominate and explore her mouth.
With the girls losing themselves to their primal urges and desires, Serena continued in pleasuring Misty, heightening it as she continued to rub Misty’s left breast with her right hand, while her left moved down the orange haired girl’s body, to Misty’s pussy, which Serena moved her fingers around, making Misty moan in Serena’s mouth.
And after letting two fingers slide into her, Misty was unable to control herself as she broke from the kiss and cried out in pleasure.
“Oh, that feels so good...!” Misty admitted, which made the Starro controlled Serena smile, emotions being a rare occurrence for the alien parasites, but feeling both pleasure and dominance, it was an exception.
But focusing, Serena continued to finger her pussy until Misty arched her back and cried out as she had her climax, cumming all over Serena’s fingers and staining the bed sheets beneath her legs.
Removing her fingers from out of Misty, Serena, desiring both pleasure herself and sensing Misty wished to act on her own desires to please, turned around, her pussy hovering over Misty’s face as the pair got into a sixty nine position and started licking the other’s pussy, filling Misty’s bedroom with the moans and cries of their female pleasures as they continued to indulge in their pussy licking.
----Meanwhile, with Starro----
From the actions of Daisy and Lily kissing down his host’s chest, as well as sensing the arousal and pleasure Misty and Serena were sharing, Starro could feel he was losing himself to his own primal urges.
"Oh, Master, allow us to help with that." Daisy then said, just before she moved her head down and put her mouth over Ash’s erect cock and began to lick and suck the tip, while Lily started licking the balls of the brainwashed black haired Trainer, filling Starro with further pleasure.
All Starro could do was continue groaning as Daisy and Lily continued to lick and suck his member, continuing to fill his body with pleasure.
But after several more minutes, Starro was unable to contain himself and groaned out loudly as he had his orgasm, releasing his cum into Daisy's mouth, which she swallowed without hesitation or a second thought.
From the combination of their blowjob and desiring to impregnate both women, Starro took control as he grabbed Daisy's hips, positioning the blonde on all fours, making her moan in excitement, which increased as Starro continued to show his dominance as he then grabbed Lily and positioned her on top of Daisy, causing Lily's breasts to press against Daisy's back, while showing him their wet pussies, both excited and aroused as they waited for their Master to take them.
With his instincts and the longing to reproduce consume him, Starro positioned himself behind the duo, lined up his manhood to Lily's pussy and pushed his cock deep into Lily' vagina.
"Oh, Master, you... Ah... you are so deep inside me...!" Lily moaned out as Starro continued to thrust his dick in and out of her, causing him to groan out, feeling the tightness of her pussy on his cock.
"So good... so tight... mine... You belong to me!" Starro groaned as he continued dominating Lily, making her nod and moan loudly in reply. "Yes, Master, yes... I am yours'...!"
“As am I...” Daisy moaned in loyalty, before her moans turned to loud cries of pleasure when Starro removed Ash’s member from Lily and pushed it deep inside of her, making sure he thrust as deep and as hard as he could to ensure a climax and for both girls to be next to bare the next batch of Starro spawn.
For the next hour, Starro, Daisy and Lily continued, letting out moans and groans of pure pleasure, with Starro switching between the girls.
But as time passed, Starro movements turned frantic as Ash’s member throbbed and twitched inside of Daisy, showing that his climax was approaching, as was Daisy’s, who was moaning loudly and erotically.
And unable contain her pleasure; Daisy had her climax.
“Master!” She cried out, cumming on Ash’s manhood, while Starro groaned out as he then had his orgasm, releasing a great amount of his seed into Daisy's vagina, before Starro then inserted back into Lily and finished, causing her to climax too and causing the alien parasite to groan out loudly in pleasure as he had another orgasm, filling Lily’s womb with his semen.
And sensing Daisy and Lily would soon accept the DNA inside their wombs, their stomachs expanding as they filled with Starro duplicates, Starro was also certain that his Pikachu pawn was doing his part in the reproduction of the Starro clones.
----Around the same time with Pikachu and Violet----
Just as Starro and his female drones had expressed themselves in its most physical form, within her bedroom, Pikachu and Violet were in the process of mating, to which Violet was on her back, her legs spread, while Pikachu was on top of her, where the Electric-type Pokémon, acting on his instincts, was licking and gently biting around the blue haired girl’s neck, making her moan in pleasure.
“Pika... Pikachu, yes... use me... use Pikachu...” Violet moaned out, while she felt Pikachu’s tail move down, along her breasts and nipples, which tickled a little, but Violet remained focused on the pleasure and for the host Pokémon to impregnate her.
Continuing, Pikachu moved his head down, licking down Violet's body, reaching her breasts, where he took her left into his mouth, licked, sucked and gently bit on her nipple, while his tail moved lower, going in between the brainwashed girls’ legs and into her womanhood, causing Violet to gasp loudly.
“Oh, Pikachu...!” Violet cried out at Pikachu's actions, greatly enjoying the pleasures that Pikachu was giving her. However, several minutes later, Violet's moans increased as she could feel she was close to her climax.
“Pikachu... Ah... I feel it... I am going to... to cum...!" Violet managed to moan out in warning, causing Pikachu to remove his tail from her vagina, placed his paws on the girls’ thighs as he let his manhood slide into Violet's womanhood, making her moan in pleasure. “It's so big and deep… Yes, oh, yes Pikachu... I can feel it... I’m going to come...!”
And after several more minutes of pleasure, Violet screamed in pure ecstasy from her climax, causing Pikachu to let out a loud groan shortly after as he came, filing Violet's womb up greatly with his seed and impregnating her as well, where in the Starro controlled Pikachu removed his cock and gazed at Violet, watching as her stomach bulged, giving her the same look as her Starro impregnated sisters.
And with the three sisters soon to give birth to more clones, and with more energy to spare, back in Daisy’s room, the mind controlled Ash knew it would be a long night of reproduction and pleasure, as well as building up their forces to bring order and control to this world.
----End Lemons----
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