Timeless: a Wranduin Story | By : flagfish Category: +S through Z > World of Warcraft Views: 4172 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Warcraft nor any of the characters,nor do I make any money or profit from writing this story. |
Kael'thas had become aware the queen's scrutiny had fallen on Jaina; while he'd quite enjoyed the attention shown to him by the others, he didn't wish to make her suffer on his behalf. At last he'd let on that he was awake, he regarded the queen, whose hand still held his legs helpfully parted for Illidan and Dath'remar to examine.
"Your Highness," he quietly said, "I bear this mark because I had been a personal love servant to the Lady Sunstrider."
At that, Jaina met Kael's eyes with silent astonishment; for a prince of his once-esteemed position to say such a thing—
Dath'remar, for one, appeared entirely unfazed, like personal love servants were nothing out of the ordinary for highborne women; he wondered only about his mother's exotic tastes. For some time, Azshara's expression remained unreadable; she gently set Kael's legs down on the examination bed and asked, "Is that so?"
"That is so," Kael replied, "But since that time she had relinquished ownership of me—"
"Has she?" the queen asked; "But your loyalties lie enough with the house of Sunstrider that you would retain this mark?"
"Your Highness, that is correct."
For some moments, Azshara hadn't said a thing; then, she turned to the others conclusively and spoke with reserved irritation;
"Very well," she said, "Dath'remar, come here and have a taste of his lips." She never moved her gaze from Kael'thas; "In plain view, that I may see him respond in kind."
Jaina's hands came on her mouth in mute panic, she felt her pulse race with the awareness of what Kael had got himself into— but he appeared completely unbothered. He made no protest and put up no fight, while Dath'remar leaned forth as per the queen's command to have at his lips. Jaina silently watched this transpire, uncertain if she ought to feel horrified or aroused— because they both went at it with such passion and grace it was impossible to look away; she had never seen Kael'thas in such an intimate context, and had never been aware he was so bloody good at it.
Vashj had been staring with undeniable interest, as well, this was almost better than that wrestling match between Illidan and Malfurion; only Azshara appeared dissatisfied somehow, she said nothing when finally Dath'remar drew away.
Still lain on his back as per Jaina's earlier request, Kael regarded Dath'remar breathlessly, he wondered if he'd satisfied the queen's curiosity enough that she'd let the matter alone; but soon Azshara's voice came from behind him, with none of the good-natured humor of before.
"In that case, then I shall take ownership of you," she deadpanned, decidedly unamused; she rapidly cast a spell that lifted him from the cushions and into the air, still lain on his back— and within moments, she cast a second spell that opened a portal out from the room.
"Wait...!" Jaina spoke up, "Your Highness— but—" Her eyes darted to Kael fearfully, then back to the queen; she hesitated for a second and then quickly said, "But— he is my personal love servant now."
For some moments, time seemed to have stopped; Kael regarded Jaina with complete disbelief, defeated and undone by the weight of her offer.
But the queen's face remained unreadable; she did not relent and did not relieve Kael'thas of her spell.
"I shall grant you compensation, then," she said to Jaina, "Because, you see, I've decided to claim him for mine."
She left no room for argument after that; Vashj held Jaina back while she tried to reach for Kael, before Azshara passed through the portal she'd summoned, and with Kael'thas in tow.
When initially the queen had cast her spell, Kael'thas readied himself for the worst; he thought of Jaina's warnings, how she didn't trust Azshara and claimed Kael didn't know any of these people— he, too, was well-acquainted with the legendary stories of the beautiful and terrible naga queen, who could easily enchant handsome men to do as she pleased. Maybe he just didn't want to believe she had really been like that, after all the accusations made about him— about how he'd presumably been insane with power, and how he had betrayed his people; the Quel'dorei as a whole had been subject to loathing and disdain by the rest of the world, even before they had become the Quel'dorei.
Arthas' rape of Quel'thalas had been a figurative conclusion to what many had subversively felt the high elves had a long time coming; in truth, the world had looked down its nose at the high kingdom for millenia, a people founded in sin, and whose sin they wore like a badge; a harlot painted and dressed in ornaments, in self-inflicted shame.
Who would help Quel'thalas?
At Kael's darkest hour, when the world turned its back on the Quel'dorei, only very old relations had come with aid.
He regarded Azshara now while he was naked and overpowered, and thought he would willingly lay his life in her hands.
He wasn't certain where she'd brought him, but he prepared himself for what she might do; after she'd taken him with her through the portal, she had closed the magical gateway behind her and gently lay him down on what he now recognized was a very large bed.
But she didn't enchant or spell him for her pleasure; she didn't restrain or command him, but merely climbed after him on the mattress, and appeared very exhausted and overworked.
He watched in the dim light of crystals affixed on the walls while she reached toward her hair and pulled out her elaborate floral pins, she set them tiredly on a bedside table and then proceeded to unravel the binds of her shoes.
"My feet hurt so bad," she mumbled, "My mother always said that shoe cuteness times shoe comfort was a constant."
Kael actually chuckled at that, because it was so true; Azshara turned to face him then, and she also laughed, like it couldn't be helped— after that, she pulled her legs slowly into a crossed position and slouched her back forth, because her back fucking hurt, too, that was what happened when your shoes were especially cute.
Finally, she paused and regarded him directly, she spoke like she wasn't some fancy queen at all; "You really aren't from anywhere near here," she said, because anyone who'd known anything of the elven queen would have realized she'd not be so easily fooled. "To think that a boy of your position would try and pass for a love slave—"
Kael regarded her curiously, he'd become gradually aware that perhaps Azshara really had been as clever and sharp as she'd been described in legend; he wanted to tell her he worried for Jaina, he was still shaken with what she'd said before.
Her words still echoed in his mind, He is my personal love servant now—
"Why are you here?" Azshara asked, "You are an heir to the Sunstrider dynasty, I am now certain of this— but what have you come to do here?"
However, as her gaze fell now on his naked, vulnerable form, her heart filled inexplicably with compassion, she didn't need to know who he was or why he had come to recognize the magnitude of his sacrifice.
That a boy of your position would try and pass for a love slave—
She leaned down toward him and reached to brush the hair from his face with tender empathy, and it occurred to Kael'thas she must have been quite lonely as queen; he thought of her close friendship with Vashj, and wondered for the first time why Azshara had never made an appearance during his days at the Black Temple.
"Why did Malygos attack you?" The queen asked, "Why does he think you're so dangerous?"
But even as she asked these things which Kael had no intent to answer, her hand stroked gently through his hair, with maternal kindness he hadn't known in years; he felt compelled to curl against her and bury his head in her lap, but Jaina had asked him not to move too much because of her restorative spell.
Somewhere inside, he knew the queen's spell likely quite overpowered the one cast by Jaina, but he had loved Jaina profoundly for treating his wounds; he paid special care to heed her request.
"Kael'thas," Azshara said, and her voice came inhumanly soft; "You love this woman, Jaina— that staff on her back was comprised of your magic, what have you come to protect her from?"
And while she no longer expected answers from him, there was one thing she still desperately wanted to know—
"Why is it that you have Illidan's magic?" she asked, "I can feel it course through you like lifeblood, it is a thing of untouchable beauty which brings me to utmost humility even now—"
In the dimly-lit room, Kael'thas regarded her silently, he felt moved and perplexed by the unmistakable torment in her voice; earlier that evening, he had hoped for a moment to speak with her privately, because he'd wanted to ask about permitting Kaldorei women to take more than one husband. After Azshara's speech about men, he had thought that perhaps such a thing might gain acceptance in the queen's eyes, and he'd hoped so for Illidan's sake. He had hoped such a law would permit Tyrande to marry both Illidan and Malfurion, instead of having to choose.
During his years spent in Illidan's company, there were few things Kael had come to know so well of him as the fact that his heartache lay beneath everything he'd ever said and done; it was something with which Kael felt he could empathize, because he, too, had suffered perpetually of heartache, and, like Illidan, he had asked countless times, why that other guy instead of me...?
They had both been so deeply consumed with this question, however, that neither he nor Illidan had ever stopped to wonder whether they'd put anyone else through that same sort of agony all the while.
All these years, he thought, all these years that we've been aware it was likely Azshara who had sent her armies in Illidan's defense, we've never stopped to ask why—
—why was it that the naga had come to help readily, when all the world had turned its back on Illidan...?
...Vashj, do you hear that? How I've waited thousands of years to hear this same beautiful voice—
Oh, Az, I've told you, you ought to have spelled him— now look what he's gone and done.
No; I've always liked him exactly the way he is— I've waited millennia to finally save him.
But Az, you've waited too long— you know that now his heart is set on another woman, and nothing would sway it—
Such trivial things are of little consequence; a queen can't cry like some little man. Go now, have the armies dispatched— carry him upon our scepters and scales, and put our sorcery to his utmost aid at this dark hour; I'll see him salvaged even from the final embrace of mortality.
Whatever I may be— whatever I may become in this world— know that I will always look out for you, Illidan.
In the dim light of the room, Kael'thas tentatively reached for Azshara's hand; her fingers were slender and long, he took the knuckles to his lips and kissed them so lightly she hardly felt it; of all her questions, he finally answered only the last one.
Why is it that you have Illidan's magic...?
"But your Highness has already suspected this, hasn't she?" he asked; "That she and I have loved Illidan the same."
Yet only then had Kael begun to grasp the extent of her anguish: while he and Illidan had bemoaned Jaina and Tyrande, Azshara had sent the full protection of her armies to their aid, without ever asking why that other woman instead of me— or without expecting Illidan to understand he was doing the very injustice to her that for thousands of years he'd believed he had suffered.
In the dim light of the room, Azshara turned away and flushed; Kael'thas understood she was proud, and did not wish him to know the contents of her heart.
He could not see, but she clenched her jaw and tightly squeezed her eyes, she reached for her face but then hesitated, because of the markings Vashj had drawn; "I'll have you silenced," she warned, her voice came unnaturally brittle; "What imprudence is this, of you to speak of my heart freely—the Light of Lights hath no heart, and no such base, mortal weakness—"
But the last words came broken and choked, he saw her back slump with visible exhaustion, her fingers clutched the sheets; Kael might have imagined it, but he could've sworn he heard her mouth very softly,
Oh, Goddess, I love him so much—
(On to Chapter 22)
(A/N: Is anyone still reading this...?)
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