Dark Descent | By : PyramidHead316 Category: +S through Z > Silent Hill Views: 8645 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Silent Hill, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Disclaimer: Silent Hill is dead. Konami has killed it, and it will soon wipe out Metal Gear and all the other series under its banner. But, it still owns it. It's a cruel, cruel world. :-(
No money is being made from this fic.
AN: Hello there! It has been a long time since I updated this fic. However, to make up for that long wait, here is an extra long chapter from yours truly! This motherf***er is 49 pages long!!! O_O This chapter was a struggle to complete, and I had my difficult points at many times. I'm still not fully satisfied with it, but it's as good as it'll ever be at the moment. -_- I think I lost my focus during the sex scene, and it shows. That'll have to wait until the next revision, for improvement. ;-) Still, I think it is an important chapter, because besides showing us what we've been waiting for ( :-D ), it also shows some of Alessa's feelings towards Lisa, and sets the work for the consequences of that which will happen in the next chapter. And...there's also a surprise for you involving two other characters, which you may like. ;-)
When I posted the first section of this on fanfiction.net, it received an F-bomb from a reader. I believe I know exactly who it was, and so I've learned not to let it bother me anymore. However, I also believe it may have been because I posted a small section, and so the chapter ended up being only a few pages long. I integrated some of my old writing for the fic, and I may have unintentionally led readers to believe that I had spent several years on a few measly pages. Hopefully, it'll get a better reception here. ;-) If not, just leave it alone, and remember that I will revise it at some point in the future. I just don't have the time now, and I want to keep the story moving.So with that, enjoy! ;-)Chapter 20: Blissful RespiteJack's Inn
The room gradually lightened around Alessa. Light streamed in through the barred windows, the beds and floor were becoming illuminated with the filtering clarity, and the air around her had taken on a lighter atmosphere. The woman sprawled out on the floor didn’t notice any of that, though. Had she been awake, she would have noticed that the walls of the hospital had reverted back to their dirty brick façade, and the floor was no longer constructed from wire mesh. The woman looked dead to the world, had anyone been around to see it, but she was very much alive. Sunlight shone all around her, almost illuminating her with a calming halo that would have been soothing to anyone else.Alessa slowly pushed herself up from the ground. She felt like she had been out for a long time. Her entire body was tired. God, she felt drained. She tried to remember where she had been before. The last thing she remembered was being in a dark, wet cave underground in the hospital depths. Suddenly, it occurred to her that she was touching the dirty hospital floor with her face and hands, face-down on the ground. Oh God. Time to take out another health drink. God, what she wouldn’t give for a working, viable sink around here, to get this filth off her. She stood up, and looked around at the surroundings. The Otherworld had reverted back to the normal world. Huh. It looked like she was done here, with whatever she had been doing here. She tried hard to remember what she’d been doing here, placing a hand to her forehead in thought. Suddenly, it came to her.
Alessa smiled menacingly in growing triumphant victory. She had finally defeated Leonard Wolf. Her old nemesis, who had caused her so much pain and misery over the years, and tormented her in ways no one else would ever know, was dead. She had stomped the life out of him, as easily as one crushed an ant under their boot. She felt free; at peace with herself, in a way she hadn’t been in a very long time. Now all she had to do was deal with Claudia, and get rid of this god they were trying to summon, and she could get the hell out of this place. Revenge truly was the best justice, she thought. Those who thought otherwise were fools, or were just carrying it out in the wrong way.
Leonard’s body was gone. She searched around for it, but it was nowhere to be found. It was probably still stuck in the Otherworld. Good, let it stay and rot there, for all eternity until it was eaten by the very demons in that place. It was what he deserved.
She was about to leave, when her foot accidentally struck something that was sent sliding along on the ground. Alessa hurried to get to it, before it got too out of sight. She examined the object on the ground, before she knelt to pick it up. She picked up the object and noted that it was some sort of circular talisman about the size of her hand, made from solid bronze and engraved with an unusual triangular design. Right, she had forgotten Leonard’s claim of having a “Seal”, whatever that meant. This must be it. Alessa stared closer and recognized it instantly. The symbol was the same red crest inscribed in the passageway between the hospital’s regular and nightmare versions, the same one that had brought her a sense of peace and calm. Alessa gasped softly to herself: this was the Seal of Metatron. She remembered it well; she had used it to escape from the town’s plane of torment before. Once she had sought to destroy herself, and the Seal was the incredibly potent method that would have accomplished that task. The Seal was an object of great power, and was to be commanded by the caster with great wariness as to its power. Alessa frowned to herself in thought. It was a powerful tool for her to utilize against the Order, if she could only remember how to use it?
What was Leonard doing with it? Did he really think he could wield such a powerful spell? Alessa scoffed to herself. Leonard was no magic caster. He was simply a deluded old man, nothing more. This had to be the object he was guarding. But on whose orders? Claudia couldn’t have offered it to him for safekeeping, since it was the one object that could derail her plans. It made no sense for Leonard to have the Seal, unless he wanted to keep it in the one place Claudia could never get to it.
There was nothing else to do in the room. She was done here. Alessa looked around the room. The cookie was still glued to the board, along with the bug, and the Christmas card, but there was nothing else of use on the board. She hadn’t realized that it was day again, when she first woke up. She had gotten the impression that it was night when she had been in the normal hospital searching for Leonard, and who knows how long she had been in the Otherworld. How long had she been here? And Douglas! She suddenly thought with a start. Had Douglas wondered where she was, if she had gotten lost and why so much time had passed? Or was he dealing with his own issues, and was too occupied to notice that she had been gone so long?
The hallway outside the room was deserted. Stanley Coleman’s detached heartbeat still lingered in the air, but there were no traces of any monsters around. Alessa wondered how it was even possible that she was still hearing it, if the hospital was reflecting his breathing when he was alive, but Alessa knew he was dead. There was no coming back from that. She still needed to get out of here. It wouldn’t do to take too much time to do so. She decided to just ignore the breathing, the heartbeat.
She ran through the hallways at a leisurely pace, being unnerved at the deserted corridors. It was weird, but now that she had seen the hospital monster-infested, it actually looked kind of unnatural. There needed to be some life around here. It wasn’t natural for buildings to be this vacant. Maybe she was growing too used to seeing these places crawling with monsters, to think of them otherwise. Or maybe she was losing her mind, becoming weird with each hour she spent here. She hoped not. She still had lots to do; too much to accomplish, to go crazy now.
It was dark, too. For some reason she expected this place to light up once she defeated its Otherworld self, or return to a normal state. Nope, it was still dusty and dirty. This place truly was abandoned. She wondered why Leonard had been kept here, and how he had even slipped into the Otherworld without anyone noticing. Or maybe the hospital was on its last legs, and the staff was barely noticing what was happening around them. She wondered if she had been finding signs of the present, or traces of the past, as she gathered those memos and read the stories of this sordid, decrepit place.
While she was running, Alessa noticed that she hadn’t seen hide nor hair of Lisa. There was no trace of the nurse whatsoever. It was like she had completely vanished into the ether, back to wherever she came from.
Alessa had reached the main exitway. The map was still missing and hadn’t been replaced. No surprise there, since she still had it. Further proof that there was no one else here. The doors were unlocked now, just as she had left them. She knew they had locked there for a while. Motivation no doubt intended to keep her on her trail while she searched for Leonard. The town knew how to manipulate its objects of interest. She recalled that there had been dogs outside, and monstrous versions of those things with needles that sounded like a dentist drill. She shuddered, knowing she would have to go out there anyway. She readied her gun, ready to aim in case something came at her through the door. It was stressful like hell, knowing there was something out there that could try to eat her as soon as she opened the door. Another reason why she could have used a helping hand around here, in one form or another, wielding another gun. She was getting tired of doing everything herself, and getting handed a raw deal of bad luck at every turn.
Alessa stopped to think. She had hoped it was real, the genuine article this time. Alessa frowned. A part of her had hoped the nurse would come back to apologize to her. She should have known better.
I guess it was just another one of their sick little tests, she told herself, trying to make herself believe there really was nothing more to it than that.
She didn’t want to believe the alternative.
She opened the door, and aimed her gun outward in case she needed to fire. Okay, time to get ready, she told herself. She counted down to the deciding moment: three, two, and one! She threw open the door and stepped out onto the hospital entryway. She extended her gun the full way, aiming out into the fog covered streets in case of any approaching attacks. She found…nothing. There was nothing out there in the fog. Alessa searched all around for any signs of malevolent life, but there was absolutely nothing on the streets of the town. Huh. She guessed all that worrying was for nothing. She relaxed her gun, and let down her guard.
Alessa sighed heavily to herself. She felt tired. Alessa sat down on the first steps of the hospital. She stayed there for a long time, waiting, and waiting, until she found the sufficient motivation to move again.
She could do with a break for a while.
~Lisa drifted throughout the hospital after her confrontation with Alessa. She stalked the corridors angrily. The joy of seeing Alessa alive had quickly turned to outrage after she realized the girl was no different from the others, that she wouldn’t lift a finger to help her.She was furious. It wasn’t like she was asking for an instant solution to her problem. She wasn’t blind, damn it. She knew full well it would take nothing short of a miracle to get her out of this waking hell her life had turned into. All she wanted was for someone to at least try to help her for a change, instead of dismissing her as some monster just because she wasn’t alive in the same way they were.
All she wanted was some sympathy and compassion. Was that too much to ask? Worse, if there was one person in the world who ought to understand that, it was Alessa.
Lisa ended up in the exam room of the first floor. She sat down at one of the cluttered tables. To do what, she wasn’t sure. She didn’t exactly have anywhere else to be right now.
She had wandered for a while throughout the hospital, walking aimlessly throughout the place, except for that couple of hours where she had passed out. Lisa didn’t know where she went during that time, and she was afraid to ask too closely. She got some images that flashed in her mind, pieces of things and locations, and some vague sense of something she didn’t understand, but that was all. She didn’t question it too highly. She always woke up in the hospital, unharmed and in one piece, and so she didn’t concern herself with it too much. She always felt a little bit different after, though. Perhaps it was just one of those things she wasn’t meant to understand. She had long since given up trying to understand how this place worked.
She found her thoughts drawn towards Alessa. Despite her anger, Lisa couldn’t bring herself to just completely ignore the girl’s presence in this place. She toyed with the idea of talking to Alessa again, before deciding she really had no choice. Insensitive or not, she had to know more about where her former patient had been. Perhaps it would explain a few things about what she was truly like now.
Lisa scanned the surrounding areas of the hospital with her consciousness. She stretched her awareness out to the environment, zeroing in on Alessa’s unique aura, distinguishing her from all the other presences, human and otherwise, in the hospital. Finally, she got a sense of where the girl was, and connected to that image. Lisa drew in a sharp breath. She was in the Otherworld. Lisa connected automatically to the aura, not knowing what she’d step into when she saw the location.
Alessa was on the ground, curled into a fetal position on the grimy floor. She gritted her teeth, eyes screwed tightly shut; the expression was one not just of pain, but of utter agony. Looming over her stood a hideous replica of herself. The double wasn’t wearing any clothes, though one could hardly tell; her naked flesh was burnt almost beyond recognition. Only the vague outline of a female body and a somewhat less scarred face identified her as a copy of Alessa. Lisa watched in nauseated horror as repulsive reddish-brown fluid leaked from her charred breasts and between her legs, serving as a grotesque mimicry of normal bodily functions.
Dark Alessa gave her counterpart a light shove with her foot, shifting Alessa onto her back. She placed a foot on her chest, holding her down, and unknowingly, allowing the unseen spectator a glimpse at Alessa’s injury. Lisa gasped when she saw the blood filtering through Alessa’s hands as she gripped the area between her legs, where her private parts should have been. Instead there was only bloody, mutilated flesh, and with her jeans pulled down the way they were, it was all too clear to Lisa what Alessa’s gruesome doppelganger had done to her.
Dark Alessa gave a sinister grin as she straddled Alessa’s trembling body. She tore open Alessa’s shirt, exposing her bare chest to her double’s ferocious eyes. Dark Alessa’s hands roamed over the girl’s breasts, roughly kneading the tender flesh, leaving blood and flakes of charred skin over her torso. Alessa looked at the abomination with anguished eyes, tears trailing down her cheeks, as she pleaded quietly, desperately, for her to stop this torment. Dark Alessa’s sadistic dark red eyes told her she would get no such mercy.
Alessa squirmed under her doppelganger’s ministrations. She was helpless, both from her terrible wound and from the double’s overpowering strength. She approached Alessa, grinning with malevolent intent. Lisa felt her heart beat quicker in her chest, as she saw the double grow closer to Alessa. The double had a pipe, and she raised it over her head in a vicious arc. Lisa withdrew contact from the vision before the pipe came slamming down. Oh God, no! She couldn’t watch any more of this.
Lisa came back to herself, shaken beyond belief. Oh God, she had to help Alessa! It didn’t matter what she had to do, she had to get Alessa out of there! She went to touch an entry point to the Otherworld, but she found herself pulling back, letting her hand drop. She was shaking all over, and tiny beads of sweat were forming on her forehead, rolling down her face from her sheer worry about Alessa. Still, despite how desperately she wanted to help Alessa, she just could not bring herself to enter the Otherworld again. That place was too scary, it was too traumatizing, and she just could not handle being there anymore.
Lisa was a coward, she knew it. But there was something else that was nagging at Lisa’s consciousness. She stretched out with her senses, trying to determine the odd quality to the situation, and suddenly she realized what it was. Despite all the horrific appearances to the contrary, this wasn’t real! The whole savage incident was a hallucination that was being caused by the Otherworld, by the town summoning its combined power to get into Alessa’s mind through a sheer carnage-filled delusion. Alessa wasn’t really being tortured by her double, and the double was wielding a pipe on the verge of killing her only on first glance. It was all in her head. Lisa breathed a sigh of relief.
Alessa hadn’t really been mutilated grotesquely, and on the verge of death. It was all a trick the town was playing on her. That did leave the issue of what Lisa would do when Alessa came back.
The issue of what she’d seen still left a mark on her. Lisa knotted her eyebrows as she pondered what all this was about. Why did they want her to suffer so much? That was the worst hallucination she had ever seen in this town, in any of the situations she had come across.
Lisa wanted to rescue Alessa right away and wrench her away from the Otherworld. But then she thought about what Alessa had said. Alessa already didn’t care about her, and she barely needed Lisa at all. Lisa certainly didn’t need her for anything. Why should Lisa be concerned about her fate?
Lisa lowered her arm, backing away from the opening she’d been about to make into the Otherworld. Alessa could take care of herself. She didn’t need Lisa’s help.
Screw her, she thought silently. She had no reason to be concerned about Alessa. It was petty, it was spiteful, and she was probably going to make herself feel awful about it later, but right now Lisa was hurt. She didn’t need the reminder of that staring her in the face right now; the fact that she could never live a normal life again.
An hour passed. Lisa shrugged it off. That girl didn’t need her for anything. She could obviously take care of herself. The girl was armed to the teeth, and clearly didn’t require Lisa’s services for anything.
Time began to pass by slowly as Lisa waited for Alessa. Lisa began to feel bad about her rash course of action earlier on. Maybe she had been too harsh in her assessment. The girl was only trying to survive, and she clearly couldn’t be bothered to do something that was probably impossible. She hadn’t been nasty at all to Lisa, or called her names, or told her to get out. She had even been downright sympathetic to Lisa; she had just told Lisa that she couldn’t help her. That was nothing to get angry about. And now it may have cost Alessa her life. She would never forgive herself if something happened to the girl because of her, after all this time.
Out of habit, she started chewing on a lock of hair, as she had a tendency to do when she was so nervous she couldn’t stand it.
She was worried. Very worried. She knew Alessa could take care of herself; the girl, no, woman Lisa corrected herself, had certainly proven that just by being alive. But she had also been gone for nearly three hours. And after what she said to her…
She would never forgive herself if something happened to Alessa because of her. Lisa still found it hard to believe her old patient had been alive and well all these years.
At one point while she was waiting, Lisa overheard a conversation Alessa was having with someone, in the Otherworld. Oh God, what Alessa was saying couldn’t be true…it was bad enough the girl had lain in a burnt coma for seven years, but now this on top of everything. She saw only bits and pieces of the conversation, but that was enough. She blocked out all the images, closing off her mind to the tableau of images and words coming at her from the Otherworld. She was not going to listen to this.
She was in the exam room downing a health drink when she felt it: an almost imperceptible shift in the air that signified the opening and closing of something akin to a portal. Someone, or something, just crossed over from the Otherworld.
Lisa rushed out of the office. She checked all around the lobby, but there was still no one else there. Undaunted, she reached out with her senses. She smiled when she sensed Alessa’s presence nearby.
Alessa was outside, sitting on the steps of the hospital entrance when Lisa found her. Lisa almost smiled, but then she remembered how upset they were at each other. Lisa approached her tentatively, not wanting to startle her in a negative way. Alessa turned her head, and she gaped minutely at the sight of the person she thought long gone, but then she went back to her usual impassive face.
“What are you doing here?”
“What do you mean ‘what am I doing here’?” Lisa asked in disbelief. “I’m here for you."
Alessa stared skeptically at her. “Really? Why? Are you going to yell at me again?”
“No,” Lisa hurriedly assured her. “No. I shouldn’t have done that. It was a mistake, and I’m sorry.”
Alessa glance at her curiously. “Really? Wow, an apology from someone who nearly slapped my face off a while ago,” she deadpanned.
Lisa winced. “Alessa, please…”
“What made you change your mind?”
Lisa hesitated for a long time. “I heard what you said in the Otherworld.”
“You were watching?”
“Yeah, I was watching,” Lisa nodded. She answered Alessa’s unspoken question. “I’m sorry I didn’t help you out, but, I try my best to stay away from that place. It scares me.”
Lisa felt compelled to elaborate. “Those monsters don’t just come out of thin air, you know,” she said solemnly. She didn’t want Alessa to think she was a coward. She just knew there were certain places in this town she couldn’t afford to venture into if she hoped to retain what was left of her sanity.
“I see,” Alessa said, grimacing as she understood what Lisa was implying. She’d wondered about that, where the demons she kept encountering came from. Somehow, she wasn’t surprised to find out they had something to do with the victims of this place. She would expect no less from the puppet masters behind this place.
“So, given that,” she went on, nonchalantly. “How do I know you’re the real Lisa? How can I be sure you aren’t just another one of those monsters that just happens to look exactly like her?”
Lisa sighed. “Alessa, we’ve been over this before…”
“Yeah, right before you bit my head off about not caring about you,” Alessa said, matching Lisa’s tone in frustration.
“The Lisa I remember wouldn’t have yelled at me like that,” Alessa went on, starting to grow upset. “She was a kind and wonderful person who treated me with respect. She never would have accused me of trying to ruin her life!”
Alessa paused. When she spoke, her voice was strained with emotion. “That really hurt.” All her earlier pretenses of apologizing to Lisa had gone out the window. She had wanted to apologize to Lisa, so that she wouldn’t be alone in this place, but now that she looked at her she realized that she could not apologize to this woman. She was still too hurt. Alessa began to break down, slowly losing control over herself. She could feel the tears welling up inside her, threatening to burst out like a ruptured dam at any minute. It was too much. The words Lisa had told her were too hurtful. The emotions she was feeling were too overwhelming, too painful for her to keep them inside. She would not cry, she told herself repeatedly. She would not cry over this. She still had her pride, damn it, and she would not apologize for something she did not do. But it was a losing battle. She began crying freely, letting the tears fall down her cheeks and trying not to hyperventilate too much. She didn’t bother to hold them back, and knew it was pointless to even try.
Lisa sat down next to her on the steps. She had seen Alessa reaching the edge, and she saw her face scrunching up in a raw display of emotion, as she struggled to control her tears. The revelation filled Lisa with a sense of horror. Oh God, I caused this, she thought. Alessa began to cry, and Lisa was struck with the realization that she was responsible for this. She had hurt Alessa. This woman hadn’t done anything to ruin her life. She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, metaphorically speaking. She had hurt her, and the revelation was a tough one for Lisa to take. Alessa was broken. Lisa had lashed out at her in anger, and she had no right to do that whatsoever. Not when this woman had been through so much already. She had violated her nurse’s oath to never hurt people, and the thought made Lisa feel nauseous. She was a terrible, awful human being.
Lisa tried to pull her into a hug. “Lisa, no,” Alessa fought as Lisa tried to pull her close, clenching her fingers tightly and shaking her head. But it was a struggle she lost, as Lisa pulled her into an embrace. She held her close, despite Alessa’s attempts to get away. Alessa still resisted, shaking her head and denying it as she gave weak pushes, but it was a useless gesture against Lisa at this point. Lisa pressed Alessa’s head against her breast, and held her tightly in her arms. Alessa settled against the soft nurse, and she began to cry freely with no compulsion to hold herself back. There was no shame in letting herself lose it at this point. Lisa gently patted the girl’s back, comforting her as best as she could while holding her. Her heart ached for Alessa, but this was the only thing she could do for her right now. Lisa pressed a cool kiss to Alessa’s forehead, letting her know that she wasn’t alone in this. She had someone here.
They stayed there for a while, crying together and holding each other while the fog passed them by in the empty accursed town. There were no monsters that came to bother them, and no threats presented themselves at this time. For which they were glad; they couldn’t have handled dealing with a threat at the moment. They lingered there, content to simply rest in each other’s arms and let Alessa cry out all the emotion that had accumulated in her over the past few hours. The emotion poured out of her in waves, causing her to cling tightly to Lisa’s form, while the nurse held her tightly in her arms. For once, there was nothing chasing them except the past, and the miracle of them finally having a moment together again. The brunette girl sunk into the older woman’s larger grasp, Lisa offering her all the support she needed.
Eventually, Lisa pulled away and faced Alessa directly. Lisa stared into her eyes, with her own tears reflecting in her irises. “I am so sorry for what I said to you,” she said, her own voice breaking a bit in emotion. “You didn’t ruin my life. I never should have said those things to you,” Lisa said, with all the sincerity she could muster. It was the least she could do.
Alessa nodded quietly, not trusting herself to say a word. She simply lay across the nurse’s shoulders, and rested her head on her chest again. Lisa simply laid a hand on her scalp, cradling her head gently against her shoulder blade. There was no need for the nurse to say anything else.
For once the town of Silent Hill was entirely peaceful to its residents, permanent or otherwise, while the two lost souls recovered in each other’s arms, blocking out all else.
~“Why did you send her to my father?” Claudia burst out.“Was that wrong?” Vincent asked with exaggerated innocence.
“Bastard,” Claudia growled, enraged at his smugness. Vincent merely smirked. A lesser man might have been intimidated by the look of rage on the pale blonde’s face. Not him. He was far too used to it.
The minute Claudia entered the motel room, Vincent knew his gamble had worked. At last that bastard Leonard was dead. Good riddance. Perhaps Claudia’s father truly was a great man, once, but the Leonard Wolf he had come to know personally was a deluded, petty, tyrannical monster who beat his own daughter into submission and raged against anyone he didn’t approve of.
Vincent knew that first hand. More than once had he found himself on the receiving end of a vicious scolding from the supposedly wise “Father Leonard”. He harbored no remorse over orchestrating the old parasite’s demise. Leonard was nothing more than an animal; an insidious beast who preyed on victims too weak or reluctant to fight back. Now that justice had finally been served, Vincent hoped the bastard spent eternity rotting in Hell like the depraved garbage he was.
Claudia should have been equally as thrilled. And yet, Vincent sensed she was genuinely outraged. That surprised him. More than anyone, Claudia had earned the right to be elated over Leonard’s death. The torrent of abuse, both physical and mental, that she had endured at his hands was abominable. Vincent suspected often strayed into sexual assault. No, scratch that. He knew Leonard crossed that boundary long ago. The signs were all there. Especially if he took into consideration the few nights of earthly passion he and Claudia had shared before her descent into madness. She was terrified of any sexual contact, and a person didn’t reach that point without a history of molestation.
In Claudia’s case, such punishment probably started when she was very young. And that led to another unsettling conclusion. Claudia only had one single friend as a child and that was Alessa. From what Vincent knew, the two girls spent a lot of time staying at each other’s houses. Therefore, if Leonard took advantage of his daughter during that time, there was a sizable chance he took advantage of Alessa as well.
The thought made Vincent ill. Again he felt a strong current of anger and hatred. A depraved, embittered fool like Leonard didn’t deserve to experience the delights of the Holy One’s body, especially so many years before she matured enough to even learn about sexual pleasure, much less appreciate its beauty for herself.
Alessa deserved better than that. She deserved a loyal follower, not a hideously perverted tormentor. Someone who would worship her and treat her like the Goddess she truly was.
Someone like him.
“You knew what would happen,” Claudia accused. “It’s your fault that he-”
“But surely it’s a good thing. It means that he was one of God’s beloved, no?” Vincent said. The tone was mocking, but there was a hint of legitimate curiosity. Apparently it was lost on Claudia. She gave Vincent a steely glare.
“Those who mock God shall never receive salvation,” the pale woman bit out. You’ll go to Hell, Vincent! You’ll never feel the joy of God’s everlasting paradise!” She felt a rage she had never known before, knowing this man had manipulated her father into meeting his doom. Vincent stared at her with an asking glance, and she met his gaze right back. She was outraged, and by right she should be! What kind of daughter was she, if she didn’t defend her own father? But it wasn’t perfect by any means. Vincent’s sardonic rant had brought up a very valid point, one she wasn’t prepared to face. A nagging little voice whispered at the back of her mind, telling her that he was stating the truth. She had tried to ignore it, but it was there, pushing her at every turn. By any means, she should be outraged. She knew that. But it was a conflicted feeling ultimately. She was confused. Claudia looked down from his gaze. Her father was an unstable man, but the idea of Alessa shooting him, stabbing him, and mauling him to a pulp, like Claudia knew she had, was disturbing. It just wasn’t right.
Vincent rolled his eyes. “Oh not that crap again! Damn it, isn’t it enough that’s all you rant about nowadays? Can’t you leave it alone for just one second?” He knew he was pushing it, but he didn’t care. He was tired of hearing this utter garbage day after day.
Where did I go wrong? He asked himself. Why couldn’t I preserve her?
Claudia scoffed. “Oh, what do you know anyway?” Foolish man, she thought. Why couldn’t he just stay out of this?
Vincent offered her a feral smirk. “I know about the pleasures of this world. The same ones I introduced to you so proficiently.”
Claudia felt herself blush, a bit of color flushing her pale features. She knew full well what he was referring to. And truth be told, she still couldn’t bring herself to hate him for it. Not in the least.
“And I want to find my happiness while I’m still here.” Another knowing look. “You hated your father, didn’t you?” Claudia avoided his gaze. “I saw the way he hit you, kicked you, and made you cry. And,” he paused dramatically. “We both know he did much more than that.”
Claudia’s breath caught in her throat. She felt like her heart stopped, prompting her to place a hand on her chest to make sure it was still beating. No, she told herself. He couldn’t know. That…that was her darkest secret. He couldn’t know.
But he did.
“What did he do to you, Claudia?” The question was merely rhetorical. Vincent knew full well. He just wanted to hear her say it.
“I…I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Her voice was weak, enough so for Vincent to perceive the trembling…the fear…belying the denial. She was afraid. Afraid of her shameful secret being exposed.
“On the contrary. I think you do,” he countered. “Tell me what he did to you, Claudia,” he ordered, allowing a surprising amount of authority into his inflection.
“…I can’t.” Claudia choked out.
Vincent nearly growled. Foolish woman. He would have to do this the hard way. “Well, I’ll tell you then. He raped you, didn’t he?”
The pale blonde looked stricken, as if Vincent had slapped her right in the face.
“He raped you and Alessa when you were children. And after Alessa escaped her torment here, he continued to do it to you.”
“No…” She was close to sobbing now.
“Yes.” The word was a dagger on the tip of Vincent’s tongue, cutting deep into Claudia’s soul. “Don’t lie to me, Claudia. I’m not so easily blinded. You know it’s the truth.”
The harsh rebuke broke her. “Yes! It is!” Claudia cried. Without saying a word, Vincent took her into his arms. He held her close, but not out of sympathy. More like pity. Claudia cried briefly into his vest, before glancing up with the same hardened, fanatical eyes Vincent had come to know so well over the past few years.
“And that’s why we need God,” she insisted. Tears continued to flow down her cheeks. “Why can’t you understand that?”
Vincent sighed. He could almost sympathize with her. Almost, being the key word.
“Perhaps because it’s you who doesn’t understand.” Vincent shook his head. “Claudia, Claudia. Don’t you see what you’re doing to yourself? You’re driving yourself insane looking for the ideal solution to your problems. No, let me rephrase that. You’re looking for the easiest solution to your problems, the one that won’t require you to put any effort into fixing your own life. That’s what you want to do, isn’t it? Just put all your ‘faith’ in God and let Her take care of everything, right?”
Claudia didn’t answer.
“There are other ways, Claudia. Other paths to deal with the ghosts that haunt you. Don’t you realize that?”
Claudia avoided his gaze. She didn’t notice the way his eyes trailed over her body, taking in the curves barely visible through her uniform dress.
“Like what?”
Vincent leered dangerously at her. “I’ve already shown you one of them.” He clasped an almost vice-like grip on her forearm. Claudia drew back in alarm.
“What are you doing?”
His glance was fully suggestive. “You know what I’m doing,” Vincent said knowingly, guiding his hand up her arm. He surveyed her appraisingly through his spectacles. “Perhaps I should show you some of the pleasures of this world. Maybe it’ll dissuade you from this foolishness that you’ve embarked upon,” he said smoothly, guiding her towards the bed.
Claudia grabbed his hand. “Stop this,” she pleaded.
Vincent paid her no mind. “Why?” He spoke the subversive thought. “Isn’t this what you want?” he mocked her, while acknowledging what he knew were her true desires.
Claudia shuddered all over her body. “Ah,” she found it hard to speak.
He shook a finger at her. “Don’t be like that, Claudia. Don’t be like the stupid, barbaric Christians, the heretics who tarnish our beliefs,” he admonished her, taking a harsh tone. “Our Order doesn’t even require you to be celibate. Don’t be like them, Claudia,” he told her; there was a definite hint of urging this time. He didn’t want her straying too far into their beliefs, and toying with her mind’s stability like Leonard, but going too far in the opposite direction was also dangerous; doubting herself, and following the will of those wretched, hag-like pagans.
Claudia had no retort to that. There was nothing she could say, because it was the truth. Every single word that he had spoken was the truth.
She let go of his arm. Vincent gently urged her back.
Inwardly, Claudia cursed her own foolish reluctance. Her will was weak. What was it about this man that sent all her defenses tumbling down like cards? She was normally strong in church during her sermons, but somehow she just couldn’t gather her thoughts around this man. She knew she had strength; she never would have been able to pull off the events with Alessa if she didn’t. Yet somehow, this man always got the upper hand on her. It had always been the same, ever since their childhood, when they had known each other as children. Claudia listened to those around her, and Vincent pushed his ideas on her, and no matter how much she tried, little Claudia was never strong enough to say no. Her will was weak, when it came to him. Damn him. Damn him and his irrepressible will, she thought sourly.
Vincent guided her back onto the bed. She was like a pupil in one of his sermons, staring at him raptly with frightened, yet reluctantly willing eyes.
Vincent stared at her as he looked her over, taking in all her fine details. Dirty blonde hair, pale skin, a slender form ill-concealed by the dark dress she wore; it made it look baggy on her, and he didn’t approve of it at all. No, she wasn’t Alessa; not by a long shot. But she would do, for now. Vincent smiled roughly to himself, remembering all the times he had misguidedly indulged in nights of passion with this woman.
She would more than do.
Vincent gently laid her out on the bed. Claudia stared warily at him, trusting him, but knowing he was unpredictable. She was like a child in a church gathering, he reflected, wanting desperately to learn something new, but being intimidated by what was going on around them.
He began to undress her. Claudia laid back in slight uncertainty. He climbed on top of her, and captured her mouth in a kiss. The kiss was affectionate and gentle, meant to easily lull her into the situation. Vincent moved down her body, kissing her on the neck, collarbone, and chest, kissing the covered areas right through the cumbersome material. He knew he had to go slowly for her sake. Any aggressive action and she would crack. He gave up on trying to wrangle her out of the constraining dress on the top. He didn’t need to have her fully undressed for what he was going to do. Vincent traveled lower down her body until he reached her apex. He hiked up her dress, pushing the material upwards until he had exposed the entirety of her lower body, abdomen, pelvis and legs. Claudia was trembling under him, subtly but noticeably. Vincent approached closer to her smooth, white stomach. He took a sniff of her skin, unable to resist testing something out. Hmm, she smelled pretty good. He would have feared she had stopped bathing by now. It was nice to know she hadn’t let herself go completely. So why then doesn’t she wash her hair, and go barefoot? He thought privately. He would never understand Claudia; she was beyond his understanding now.
He ran his hand across her stomach. For all her flaws, Claudia had always had incredibly smooth skin. She wasn’t toned like Alessa like he had felt, fit or powerful, but she had her own special qualities. She was soft and beautiful, beyond her militaristic cultism. He wouldn’t have traded her for any other way, and his only wish was that she could shake off the beliefs that were keeping her from being so much more.
“Vincent,” came Claudia’s soft reply, barely audible in the room. He didn’t know if she was pleading or urging him on. He didn’t care. She was going to enjoy this, whether her religious background protested against it or not, because she needed something to think about other than those crazed ravings of hers. And it had been far too long since he had someone, waiting for Alessa to pop into their lives. It had been too long since he had her. He needed this.
He began to kiss his way down her stomach. Every inch of her soft skin was like heaven to him. Claudia drew in a sharp breath, from the feel of his lips on her skin. She hadn’t been touched like this in a long time, he was sure of it. His warm breath rippled across her skin. He could see it reacting to him. With her smooth stomach and soft skin, she almost would have been classified as cute, if she allowed herself to think of herself that way. He reached the apex where her legs met her waist and stopped.
Vincent sat back and admired the view of Claudia’s whole body. She was pale, the skin having taken on a heavy pallor from years of not seeing sunlight. And where the certain special area was, there was a thick region of blonde hair. Vincent smirked to himself. She didn’t shave herself. Perhaps she thought it was beneath her. Or maybe she was too ashamed to do it herself. The hair covered most of her area, and he could only see the barest hints of pink lips. Vincent smiled to himself. He had left the top of her dress on with the material pushed up to just below her ribcage, so he couldn’t see her breasts. Not that it mattered, he already knew what they looked like, and they tasted good. He leered at the thought. He had worked his knees down to the floor to get more comfortable, while she laid near the edge of the bed. It definitely made it easier to pleasure her. The legs weren’t bad either. Long and lithe, with pale skin running down the surface of them. Although they weren’t as great as Alessa’s probably were, strong and powerful.
Vincent kissed his way down her stomach, and then he reached her sex. He began to kiss her mound, encompassing the entirety of her soft, pink flesh. Claudia gasped as she felt his mouth on her mound, causing a bit of shock. He began licking the soft slips of flesh delicately, giving quick licks at every inch of the pink skin, and planting kisses all over her region. She smelled fresh, another surprise there. He wondered if she had been preparing for Alessa, in the vain hope that she would accept her despite her crimes. He massaged the sides of her thighs while he stroked her orally, running his hands down her thighs and moving his hands in whatever way possible, so as to keep her occupied. Vincent pulled back and parted her lips with his fingers, getting a close-up view of the target area. She was beautiful like this, he realized. He admired the view for as long as possible, as long as he dared to hold the moment. Normally, he would have kissed the inside of her thighs, caressed her everywhere possible, taken his time, and absolutely made her feel loved and welcome, building up the anticipation until the experience erupted in a crescendo of pleasure that overtook her form. But time was running short, and so was his patience. They needed to get out of here, before Alessa and her little semi-automatic friend returned to the motel room, to check up on the situation. And he needed to do this, while he was waiting in anticipation for Alessa. With that thought in mind, Vincent dove right between her legs.
He began to lick at her lips and clit with enthusiastic energy. Claudia gasped as she felt his warm mouth on her sex, exploring the contours there. He took the sensitive slips of flesh into his mouth, as he laved at the succulent sensitive skin there. He traced every pattern he knew of over her lips, exploring every single detail and texture on the slippery folds. There was a shift as he then focused on her clit, brushing his tongue over the hardened little peak. He didn’t have time to love her and slowly drive her towards orgasm as he otherwise would have, but he knew what she liked and what spots to hit. Claudia moaned audibly in a shaky voice as he focused on her center point, working over the hardened little organ. He licked strongly over her clit, using every pattern he could think of, alternating between speeds, and then went back down over her entrance, tasting at her juices. She had a tangy, slightly sour taste that he absolutely adored; it was so much heaven on his tongue. He encompassed her entire region with his mouth as he feverishly licked over the entirety of her lips and clit, ravishing her all over. He went back up to her clit, focusing his entire attention on her pleasure point. As he was licking at her so thoroughly with his wonderfully skilled mouth, he ran his hands down her hips and over her body, providing her with all sorts of stimulation to keep her from getting bored.
Claudia gasped as he laved his wonderfully warm tongue over her soft lips, grasping at the bed sheets hard from the pleasure. By the Gods, he was good. A small part of her was ashamed of what her will was allowing this man to do to her, even as she gasped in pleasure and arched her hips up from the bed. She knew she should be resisting him with all her might; she should be focusing on Alessa squarely and encouraging her plan to bring forth their God, but she just could not resist the affections that Vincent was giving her. It had been so long; so long since she had been touched like that. And the weirdest part was that there was almost a kind of love to his affections. She knew he was a letch, she knew she shouldn’t trust this man at all, and yet there had always been a kind of tenderness to his interactions with her that was most peculiar for him. It made it tolerable, and allowed her to surrender herself to him just this once. Claudia had always believed that she needed to retain purity in order to be closer to her God, even though as Vincent said it wasn’t a requirement, so that she could remain concentrated and focus on her work. But right now she found it very difficult to pull away from the gift that he was offering her. God help her, she wanted more. Despite her own better nature, she just could not resist what this man was giving her.
Vincent continued with his efforts, mouthing the sensitive region with every ounce of effort he could muster. The arch of her hips and ragged cries of passion were all the proof he needed that it was working. He inhaled the fragrant scent of her musk, stemming from her arousal that was dripping down her entrance. The smell was intoxicating, going to his head with a heady aroma that absolutely drove him wild. He began to suck at her clit, as he shifted into a more serious effort. Claudia gasped and arched her back from the bed, as he took her hardened little pebble between his lips, sucking at it and running his tongue over it, sending jolts of electricity up until her nerves sparked with pleasure. Vincent smirked, as he continued to lick her hot pussy, enjoying the moisture that was pouring out of her in a leaking flow from her entrance. He had her close to a release now. Vincent saw her lower entrance, as he sat back for a moment. He had touched her there once during her point of orgasm, and she had slapped him for it afterward, but he was pretty sure she enjoyed it. He leered at her, thinking about how enjoyable it would be to touch her again. He would have loved to take her there, in the ass. That was best served for later, though. Right now he needed to concentrate, and focus on arriving at that point where he wanted her to be.
Claudia gasped as she felt the wonderful sucking motions around her clit. The pleasure was intense and overwhelming, filling her all around her body with a tension that was poised to make her spring forth in a burst of ecstasy. Sin should not feel this good. By God, sinning in this way just shouldn’t feel this good. She felt like she was losing control of herself, and forsaking everything she had ever believed. She felt a pulsing down in her groin, from how close she was to finding a release. Her juices were dripping forth from her entrance, drenching the bed with the evidence of her arousal, or so it seemed; in truth, she was entirely unaware of what was going on below. Her head was distracted with her arousal, and she felt a heat overtaking her body everywhere while flushing it with a red sheen, as her head was pounding with the daze of heady arousal that was shattering her so vividly. Fuck, she was going to come. Her tits were pressing through her dress, tight against the material restraining them as the arousal flowing through her was causing her nipples to become rock hard. Vincent licked furiously at her pussy, and Claudia gasped with a forceful breath as something broke inside her. She clenched the sheets tightly and her back arched off the bed, and her mouth was open in a silent scream as she felt something build inside her and overtake her, from Vincent licking and sucking at her clit. She rode the feeling helplessly in a daze, until she gave a single little cry and released in a powerful climax. Vincent never stopped licking her, lavishing her with all the attention he could muster as her flesh pulsed and clenched underneath him, but he did hold her down as best he could so as to not lose control of her. Her orgasm was mostly a silent one, with Claudia’s mouth open and gasping for air, as she writhed and clenched under Vincent’s grasp in a burst of pleasure. Vincent smirked as her juices flooded down her sex, savoring the taste of her enjoyment, gripping her tightly by her buttocks. The orgasm was a powerful one, shaking her and gripping her all over with a vice-like grasp, until she fell back on the bed in an entire state of exhaustion. Vincent let her go, finally letting her get a cease of their activities so she could rest.
Claudia rested on the bed, her mind completely dazed from their experience. She was drenched in sweat, and breathing hard from her exhaustion that had overtaken her so thoroughly. She thought about taking off her dress from the top to cool down, even though it would be completely improper, in this situation.
Vincent loomed over her, staring at her with a smile. “You see, our Goddess wouldn’t have given us these gifts, unless she wanted us to use them sometimes,” he teased her, placing a finger on her lip and pulling back. He smiled at the frowning expression of accusation on her face. “There’s nothing wrong with sinning sometimes, from time to time,” he said knowingly, giving her a confident smirk.
Claudia glared up defiantly at him. She didn’t appreciate his smugness. He had won this time. She despised having to admit it, but he had. Damn him. He had even made her sink into depravity, for a minute. She had been having thoughts earlier and using words in context to herself, which she didn’t use to refer to herself. She blushed, thinking of the thoughts and how unlike her they were. Her purity was gone. She was ashamed. She was ashamed of what this man had led her to do, and that she didn’t fight to resist him more in her moment of lust. Yet, she could not deny the hint of pleasure she had felt, during the time spend under his incredible ministrations and his exceptionally skilled hands.
Claudia shifted over to the left side of the bed, near the headboard. She sat in a contemplative state, and began to try to regain her balance. She had already fixed her dress, and allowed it to cover her lower body fully again. The mortification was still there over what he had seen and the reactions he had drawn out of her, but she knew she was only human and she couldn’t help responding that way, when he was so good. Her hair was still messed up, although she made no move to fix it. Vincent tried to straighten it out for her, only to find himself swatted away viciously with a flailing hand.
Claudia nearly growled, inching away as he tried to help her. “Let me do that,” Vincent said, frustrated at the woman’s stubbornness. Claudia shook her head, trying to deny the reality of him doing so. “Claudia,” he said harshly, determined to push through the reluctance. She finally relented, letting him straighten out the blonde strands of hair falling down in cascades from her head. It was a rare gesture, that he was doing this for her, with this level of affection, so she allowed him to do it for her, or so he imagined she told herself.
They sat in silence on the bed, Vincent straightening out her hair, Claudia thinking about whatever was going through her mind. Both of them were having questions pop in their minds about what just happened, but neither one was willing to voice them, unwilling to break the fragile truce. It was a fragile truce, and they were so rarely on the same page, that neither one of them was willing to argue about it. For Claudia’s part, she was wondering why it was this man had such a hold on her, and why she was willing to allow him to do things to her that she would never do with anyone else. For Vincent’s part, he was wondering why it was that he felt a bit of affection for this woman, and didn’t just look with lust at her tits and face whenever he saw her. He wasn’t one to love, but he looked at her with more than just a bit of lust and he wondered what that affection meant. But neither one was brave enough to admit it, so it went unsaid. It was a moment of peace, when they had often been so at odds with each other. And so they savored it, enjoying the lack of arguing for once, not willing to break the silence. But the issues in the background were still there. The tension was still lingering in the atmosphere, and there was nothing that was going to make that little fact go away, no matter how much pleasure they took in physical distractions.
If they could only find some way to address it…
~The two girls still sat on the steps of the hospital. Lisa leaned in close to Alessa, smiling at the young woman beside her. They had talked about everything, sitting there for the past couple hours or so. Alessa had talked about her life, her parents, her background, high school, the places she’d been to, at length; anything that Lisa could deem it fit in her mind to ask about. Alessa had asked Lisa about her life in Silent Hill, the things she’d seen in the town, the places she’d been in, and some of the situations she’d found herself in; there were some fascinating stories there, to be sure. All of which Lisa was eager to answer. Alessa didn’t mention Leonard, and Lisa didn’t ask. If Alessa wasn’t ready to talk about it, then Lisa wasn’t going to bring it up. She forgot all about the matter entirely. She moved in close to Alessa, whispering to her when necessary and knowing when to adjust her tone depending on the conversation. She was curious about this young woman and her life. Eventually, Alessa had settled down enough to where Lisa felt comfortable asking her the obvious question, and not having it seem awkward.“Are you okay now?” Lisa asked her gently. She had stayed by Alessa’s side for about two hours, keeping her company and comforting her whenever possible; she was happy to see her calming down a little.
“I’m all right now,” Alessa said, wiping a few stray tears away from the corners of her eyes. She felt like she had been crying for a long time, and she was physically drained from the experience. It had helped a lot having Lisa there to talk to her, and reassure her a bit. She was mostly all right now, with the stray sniffle and bleary misty eye here and there. She found she was growing used to having the nurse’s presence nearby, and she wondered if she would have to go away again anytime soon. Because she was not looking forward to that at all. Alessa straightened herself up on the steps, sitting a little straighter with fresh energy. She was okay now.
“Come on, it’s time to go,” Lisa said, urging her up a bit. It wasn’t that she didn’t appreciate this moment of calm and resting, but they had lingered here too long. She liked seeing the town calm and the fog soothing rather than threatening, but they really needed to get to a more secure place. She stood up casually from the steps, stretching her legs a bit and working out the kinks.
“Do you need any help?” Lisa asked her, putting her arms close to Alessa in case the girl needed her help to stand. She didn’t stumble, but Lisa still maintained a certain close distance anyway. She looked exhausted, and Lisa could only imagine how tired she was after everything she had fought and the things she had been through.
“No, I’m fine,” Alessa replied. She was tired, and she was bruised, and she was aching everywhere from the day’s ordeal, but she wasn’t dead yet and she could still stand. They had lingered here long enough. She needed to go back to fighting again, and Douglas was waiting for them at the motel. Well, her. He was going to have quite a surprise when they turned up. She would tell him that.
They walked off the steps of the hospital. There were still no monsters around to attack them. The fog rolled by harmlessly alongside them, almost enveloping them in a protective cloak. Alessa knew something was wrong here. The town wasn’t normally this placid. And yet, she couldn’t bring herself to care. She had had far too many frightening battles and struggles, to not appreciate this moment of calm.
They wrapped an arm around each other, Lisa sliding an arm across the small of Alessa’s back, and Alessa did the same with Lisa’s body eagerly. They leaned in close, holding each other up for support. It was nice to have some human contact in this vacant, accursed town. Alessa, in particular, didn’t want to let her go. She had waited six years to see this woman again in her lifetime. She didn’t want to let her go now, not this time. They broke the weak grasp after a while, but they didn’t lose the close contact. It wasn’t something they could give up easily at this point. They walked arm-in-arm as they headed in the direction of the motel, where their next objective lay. The fog continued to pass them by, as they walked further into the abandoned shambles of the town, clinging to each other tightly in case they needed to defend each other. Visibility was poor in the mist, but there didn’t seem to be any monsters around. Thankfully so, they needed the break from any disruptions. Hopefully it would last until they reached the motel.
~Twenty minutes later, Vincent was still at the motel room. Claudia had departed for the chapel across the lake. She wanted to prepare herself for the inevitable confrontation with her ‘sister’, or at least that was the excuse she gave. Vincent suspected she was simply scared of getting caught here when Alessa returned. Either that, or seeing how much she still enjoyed the pleasures he could offer her disturbed her more than she cared to admit.He had opened the door for a bit, and then fixed things up accordingly. It was a necessary task, though he loathed to do it. He wanted to leave no trace that Claudia was here, for Alessa to find. The last thing he needed was for her to question him about it, and jump on him in rage for hiding Claudia from her. He knew the woman had a serious grudge against Claudia and she was going to kill her if she caught her, and that was why he wanted to protect her from her. Unfortunately, Claudia was still unwilling to consider the possibility that Alessa would seriously kill her. She seemed to think that despite all she had done, Alessa would embrace her ideology in the end and they would be a happy couple together, with all that sweet-and-sugary nonsense. As if anyone would forgive you for killing their parents and completely ruining their life, Vincent scoffed. You’d have to be completely out of your mind to forgive that.
It was ironic, if Claudia had only suppressed her cultist tendencies, approached Alessa as a human being and reminded her of their childhood, Alessa would have easily been hers. Vincent knew a bit about Alessa’s background, and he knew the woman would have reciprocated her feelings. Instead she had gone straight for the sacrifice method, indulging in her neo-zealot urges and tearing down everything Alessa had built, and now here they were on the verge of her being killed by Alessa. She just couldn’t resist herself, Vincent shook his head. Claudia had no idea how easily she could have had Alessa’s heart, and now she never would. She had taken the hard road, and now she was paying the price for it. No matter how hard she tried, Leonard’s bullshit got into her head and she was driven to do unconscionable things she never would before. Vincent was almost tempted to smirk at her ignorance and stupidity in handling the matter, if the situation wasn’t so dire. Ah well, he couldn’t help those who wouldn’t help themselves, he thought.
It didn’t matter. While he would always care deeply for Claudia, she wasn’t the woman who captivated his heart. Perhaps she could be, if she only brought herself to let go of the past and her blind crusade for “Paradise”. But she couldn’t, and that meant Vincent could take things no further with her.
No, his heart belonged to Alessa now. And she belonged with him. Whether she realized it or not.
Vincent was well aware that most worthless Christians outside the Order had little of value. But he still appreciated the gifts the world had to offer him. Food, sex, and money were all paramount. They were what made life worth living. Even so, it was never far from Vincent’s mind that most people outside the Order were worthless. But Alessa was different. The time spent outside the Order had made her valuable and intriguing. She was special. She wasn’t the tallest, strongest, or most beautiful he had ever seen, but she had a spark about her that Vincent found excitingly intriguing. The time spent outside the town had made her stronger, and more powerful, and she was sexy too, Vincent thought! He knew how rare that trait was, someone who commanded both power and beauty, and Vincent appreciated that heavily. He looked forward to breaking her, and showing her exactly what he could do for her with the pleasures that he knew.
He was waiting for her now. She was late, though. Of course he wasn’t worried. It was a long walk from here to Brookhaven, and depending on how tired she was, she might have stopped somewhere to rest. The logical part of Vincent’s mind accepted that reasonable explanation and told him he should just be patient. But another part of him was getting restless. He needed to see her again.
And here she was. Just when he was pondering whether to go out looking for her, the door opened and Alessa finally stepped inside.
Vincent barely managed to contain his smile. Upon noticing his presence, a confused frown marred his Goddess’s beautiful features.
“What are you doing here? Where’s Douglas?” she asked sharply.
Vincent allowed a small smirk to touch his lips. She still didn’t trust him, and rightfully so. Alessa was no fool. She had to recognize that this was a game, in a way, and one he was determined to win.
But Alessa had proven to be more resistant to his charms than he would have expected. He would have to tread very carefully. One wrong move and she could very well shoot him, leaving him just another rotting corpse in the hell that was Silent Hill’s alternate realm.
“He had to go out again,” Vincent said casually.
“Yeah. He left you a message, though,” Vincent said.
He was too casual in his stance. Something was off here. “Was there someone else here just now?” Alessa asked suspiciously. She could sense…something in the air, a sense of someone, but she wasn’t exactly sure. It was most irritating.
“No, no, just me,” Vincent assured her, holding up his hands. Alessa regarded him suspiciously.
Vincent maintained that cool, arrogant smile in his stance. Alessa wanted to deck him, but there was something about punching an unarmed man, who wasn’t threatening her, that just felt wrong. She didn’t know why, but it just felt wrong. If only he would make a move, she thought. “Why are you helping me out?” Alessa asked suspiciously. It was most interesting that this man was going out of his way to help her, and it was a mystery that she was determined to solve.
“I told you, Claudia and I disagree about her methods. I don’t want her causing any more trouble or harm to others than she already has. She’s heading down a troubled path, and I don’t want her to get hurt. And I know what you’re going to do to her, if she gets caught by your anger in the middle of your little quest. She’s acting like an overzealous cultist. Is it so wrong that I’m looking out for her? I’m just concerned about one of my flock,” he said, trying to sound innocent. He had an ulterior motive, of course, but she couldn’t be allowed to know about that. Not yet. His earlier flub had embarrassed him enough.
And probably cost him the ability to have children, he regarded her silently.
Alessa stared at him. “So, you want mercy for her? Do you think my mother got mercy, when she begged for it!? Huh? What about Cybil, the police officer she murdered? Did she get any mercy, from whatever the hell that thing was that killed her!? Claudia’s not going to get anything close to mercy from me; I’m going to make her regret everything when I find her,” Alessa said, slamming her fist back in the air. She couldn’t believe it, the idea that this man would want her to go easy on Claudia, after everything she had done. Was he completely insane? Or maybe he was, being from the Order there was no way he was anything resembling sane.
“You see! That’s what I’m talking about! You’re going to kill her. And I don’t want her to die. And I don’t want that for you,” Vincent said, pointing at Alessa with one perfectly justified finger of accusation. “I want to resolve this peacefully between the two of you, with open communication and compromise,” he said, putting on his best smile.
Alessa shook her head. “It’s too late. There’s no mercy for her. I’ve already decided it,” she said.
“She was your childhood friend. Doesn’t that matter at all?”
Alessa gave him a flat look. “No,” she said. No hesitation, no remorse.
“I see. That’s rather sad.”
“I didn’t ask you for your opinion,” Alessa bit out.
“Is that the only reason?” Alessa asked, giving him an appraising glance with her hand on her hip.
“Of course. What other reason would there be?” Vincent tried to play it safe. He gave her his most trustworthy grin.
Alessa stared hard at the suspicious man. “You do realize that I’m a lesbian, right? I have no interest whatsoever in your gender,” she said. It was a lie. But it was easier than explaining her complicated feelings about how she vastly preferred women due to her experiences, and her slight attraction to some males, namely ones who were shy and more withdrawn, and not musclemen. Besides, she couldn’t give him an inch.
He looked shocked. “What? Of course that’s not it!” Vincent protested, reassuring her with his hands up. He was trying to sound innocent, but failing miserably. “That thing earlier was…I was just overwhelmed by your beauty, and didn’t know how to respond to it. You are the Mother of God, after all, and we do worship you,” he said lamely. He gave her a winning smile. He was trying to maintain an impassive stance, but he knew the gig was up, for now. Alessa wasn’t fooled, and he could see it on her face. She loathed him; she was disgusted by him. He had come on too strong, pushed too soon, and now he was paying the price for it. Oh well. Vincent felt the sting of disappointment.
Alessa scoffed at him. That was the lamest excuse she’d heard. “Yeah, right,” Alessa said. He didn’t fool her one bit. That had as likely a chance of being true as the other cult members did of coming to her and apologizing to her for their treatment of her. She wasn’t a little girl, or goddamned naïve. She couldn’t believe he’d be stupid enough to believe she’d even fall for that.
Maybe he wasn’t. Maybe he was just desperate.
Alessa looked at him suspiciously. “Let’s get back to the message from Douglas. You said he left one for me. What is it?” she asked, getting back on track with the important stuff.
Vincent pointed at her with his fingers.
“Right. He said to go to the church on the other side of the lake.”
“The church on the other side of the lake…you mean that old chapel?” Alessa asked him, remembering the structure she used to pray at during her childhood. “It’s still there?”
“Oh yes, it’s most definitely still there,” Vincent assured her. “In an improved state, I might add.”
“Thanks to yours truly, Father Vincent,” he answered haughtily. Alessa’s face twisted into disgust as she finally pieced his full identity together.
“‘Father Vincent?’ You mean you run that insane cult now?”
“Don’t sound so shocked. I’m much more capable than I look,” Vincent chided. “And I prefer that you not refer to my organization as a ‘cult’. We’re far more sophisticated than that.”
Alessa scoffed. “Whatever. I suppose Claudia’s there right now?”
Vincent raised his eyebrows. “Very good. I didn’t even have to give you a hint,” he praised.
“Don’t sound so shocked,” Alessa said mockingly. “Is that all?”
“It is concerning Douglas.”
A cryptic response; her eyes narrowed. “Meaning?”
“You know what I mean. Are you honestly telling me you haven’t considered my offer?”
“No, I haven’t. Because there’s nothing to consider. I won’t go back to the Order, especially not for you,” Alessa declared. Vincent shifted uncomfortably under the daggers she glared at him. “Don’t you get it? Your so-called ‘God’ is nothing more than some demonic monster that nearly ruined my life. You don’t have the slightest idea what that beast did to me, how it tormented me night and day, every single day, for seven goddamn years. That thing put me through Hell incarnate, until I wanted so badly for somebody, anybody, to just kill me so I could finally die and escape that agony. And after all this, you expect me to come back and play out the same bullshit all over again?”
Vincent was taken aback at the level of hatred in her voice. Alessa was shaking with emotion. Her eyes showed a depth of torment he couldn’t even begin to fathom, and for a moment, he wondered if he should seriously listen to her.
Was she right? Was their God really just some hideous abomination the likes of which he couldn’t even imagine? Or had Dahlia simply done something to make her believe that? He wouldn’t put anything past that deranged old hag.
For all his vices, Vincent did consider himself a faithful follower of God, if from a somewhat distanced point of view. He had made that offer to broker peace between Claudia and Alessa, so that he wouldn’t lose one of his most faithful followers. He was still convinced that it was Claudia’s actions, not their God, that was causing the problems here. But at this moment, he had to admit he was feeling something he never had before: doubt. And fear. Fear of what he wasn’t sure, but suddenly, he didn’t feel nearly as secure in this place anymore.
Oblivious to the conflict arising in him, Alessa continued. “And what about my mother? She’s dead because of you and your God! My own childhood friend murdered her! What does that tell you about how sick and twisted you all are?” she screamed.
Vincent held up his hands. “All right, I get it. You’re not coming back to us. You’re never going to forgive Claudia, I get it,” he said. Vincent frowned at the growling young woman before him. She was too full of anger and hatred, he realized, too aggressive and prone to violent actions. There was no way she was going to return to the Order, and even less that she was going to broker a peace between her and Claudia. Taking her was going to be much harder than he realized, he contemplated. And she inspired doubts in him, which couldn’t be allowed to progress. He needed his faith. “Let’s just move on,” he said. For a moment, he contemplated if he should just let her go completely as far as his really imaginative desire, but he decided against it. He wanted her too much. He decided to change the subject.
Alessa smiled pleasantly as if nothing had happened. “So…the church on the other side of the lake?” she asked nonchalantly, with her hand on the side of her hip.
Vincent recovered. “Yes! It’s on the other side of the lake,” he said, pointing his fingers at her. He was grateful for the subject change. “The north side, specifically,” he continued.
Alessa mused on that. “The north side of the lake,” she said contemplatively.
Vincent continued with his advice. “If you’re going, you’d better go through the amusement park. It’s probably the only way in now,” he advised her. The young woman listened carefully, wondering what had happened to the other entrances. “Go northwest on Nathan Avenue. It’s a bit far, but closer than heaven!” Vincent said, giving her his winning smile. Alessa wanted to punch it off his face.
Alessa stared suspiciously at him. Lakeside Amusement Park was a bit far to walk to, but she guessed she would have to go on foot. There was no way she could hotwire a car and drive there. She considered if this was some kind of trap he was setting, but she dismissed it. He didn’t seem too fond of Claudia, and she doubted he would be stupid enough to lay a trap to her face knowing the consequences. “Fine, thanks,” she said. Alessa considered his following statement and wondered if he was mocking her. After all, she was the Mother of God, and if anyone was supposed to know where heaven was it would probably be her. She hoped not. Nobody mocked her and lived without the consequences of it.
Alessa posed sarcastically. “Is that it for the message?” she asked. She wouldn’t put it past him to come up with something to stay here for.
Vincent nodded eagerly. “Uh huh,” he said, with a sly smile on his face.
Alessa nodded in satisfaction. “Good. Now get the hell out of here,” she responded. Vincent frowned at that, but Alessa couldn’t care less. She wouldn’t put it past him to try to convince her of something else, and she didn’t want to talk to him any further. This man’s sheer presence irritated her; like a vile, slimy serpent that slithered all over her body and just wouldn’t go away. And she needed the hotel room to rest. She didn’t want to spend any more time in front of him than was absolutely necessary. “I need to rest. If I go out there like this, I’m not going to be able to fight her,” she said, hoping he would take the hint. She didn’t want to irritate him any further, but she also didn’t care to be in his presence any longer. Whatever scheme he had cooked up would fail, if she wasn’t rested enough to confront the Order. She needed him out of here.
Vincent frowned at that directive; the unspoken question was on the tip of his tongue: ‘isn’t this my hotel room?’ he questioned sardonically. But he let it go, determined to keep his private thoughts at bay. Alessa obviously wasn’t feeling any bonds of friendship at the moment, and if he pushed her any further he might lose her. She might lash out at him in anger, and then he would be unable to convince her to come to his side about anything. Distantly, he wondered what sort of life Alessa had lived, that her first response to anything was violence. Regardless, he couldn’t afford that, and so he had to keep his mouth shut. It stung, but he would swallow his pride. It wasn’t the first time he had done so, for the sake of something better.
Alessa paused, looking at the ground. Vincent sensed she had something to ask, but was uncertain. “What is it?”
The woman furrowed her brow. “Douglas really said that?” Alessa asked, sounding skeptical.
Vincent turned. “What’s wrong, you don’t trust me?” he gave her a roguish grin.
Alessa gave him a look that clearly indicated it was better not to hear the answer to that. Vincent smirked at her smugly.
Vincent began walking towards the door. As he maintained his stride, he thought about what he expected when he had come here. She was tougher than he expected, and he knew now that it was going to be a challenge to get to her. He had thought that perhaps her outburst at the office was just a one-time shot that was the result of the stress she’d been through, but no she really was that hardened and tough. It was going to be difficult to break her. He knew that perhaps he should just give up that surface attraction he had to her while he still could, but he had come too far to give up now. He was treading on dangerous waters, he knew that. He still wasn’t ready to give up, though. But it was clear to him that he was going to need an edge if he was to gain an advantage over her. And he knew just how to do it. Turning around to look at her, Vincent got one last look of ravenous desire at Alessa before he left, his mouth turning upwards in a devious smirk. He walked through the door.
Alessa looked at the door, through which the head cultist had exited. Finally, he was gone. She thought he’d never leave. She sighed. She should have just shot the bastard where he stood. Then, she called out a message to the entity that was awaiting her command outside.“You can come in now,” she said, knowing that the other could hear her.
Moments later, a blonde woman in a nurse’s outfit came in through the door. Lisa smiled slightly upon entering the room, brushing away a lock of hair from her face, and locked the door behind her.
“He didn’t see you, did he?” Alessa questioned.
The other woman shook her head vigorously. “No. I have ways of not being seen, unless I want them to see me,” Lisa answered, reassuring the younger woman.
“Good thinking. You’ve suffered enough already. The last thing you need is to have to deal with that guy,” Alessa said, sighing with relief. She didn’t want to encounter any more problems than was absolutely necessary.
There was a moment of silence, while they awkwardly got adjusted in the room.
“You don’t want him to see me, do you?” Lisa said knowingly.
“No, it’s just…” Alessa waved her hand helplessly. She didn’t know how to explain what it was that she was feeling right now.
There was a moment of clarity in Lisa’s mind. “Are you afraid I’m not real?” Lisa asked knowingly, with a touch of awe in her voice. She had finally figured it out.
Alessa bowed her head in silence. As much as she wanted to shake her head in denial, she couldn’t. In some weird way, she almost didn’t want anyone else to see Lisa. She didn’t want to know whether she was slowly going insane, or whether only she could see Lisa, whether Lisa was even there. Lisa was a reassuring presence in her life right now, and that was all she needed.
“I am as real as you are,” Lisa said, putting a finger under Alessa’s chin and giving her a look that might have been called seductive if it were anyone else.
Alessa gulped. That was definitely not a figment of her imagination right there. There was something there, that registered in her core; there was life there, there was passion, and there was comforting reassurance, which above all was something Alessa needed right now. Alessa groaned to herself internally. She didn’t know how she could ever think that Lisa was imaginary. There was a ghost here, and it was definitely not a figment of her imagination.
Perhaps it was just best to drop the subject, permanently.
“Anyway, why don’t we take a seat? I’ve been on my feet for hours.”
“Sure, I’m feeling a little tired too,” Lisa agreed.
Once the two women were comfortably seated on the motel bed, something occurred to Alessa. “How much of that did you hear anyway?”
“Everything. That guy reminds me of every asshole I’ve ever met in my life. Who the hell is he anyway?”
Alessa sighed, though she was also a little surprised at the venom in Lisa’s voice. She didn’t think Lisa would ever use language that was so…vulgar. Then again, she had cursed Alessa out a few hours back, so maybe Alessa didn’t have ground to stand on, with regards to holding onto that little delusion. “His name’s Vincent. He’s apparently the Order’s new leader. I ran into him in some office building yesterday and he’s been following me around ever since.”
Lisa made a face. “Eugh.”
Alessa stared at her questioningly. “You didn’t know he was in charge?” she asked.
“No, I’ve followed some of them around. I’m not able to enter their sanctuary, though,” Lisa said, shaking her head in regret. She wished she had more useful information. “To be honest, I prefer to stay away from there,” she said, sheepishly. She wouldn’t hesitate to admit it, the Order scared her. They were fanatics, and cultists. And they were fully dedicated to their cause. There was no scarier combination, in Lisa’s mind.
“Hmm.” That was interesting. So Lisa couldn’t enter into the Order’s sanctuary? Alessa wondered if it was because of the Order’s God. Was there some kind of protective halo around there? Perhaps that was an important clue. Maybe that was why the authorities could never get to them, even when they tried. Not that anyone had tried in a while – Alessa could tell that nobody had cared about this place in a long, long time. Or was it because Lisa was dead? Was there some sort of protective aura around them, keeping out the spirits who would do them harm? Not that Lisa would do that. She didn’t know, and it was impossible for her to ever know. There were too many mysteries here, and too many things that she had no way of knowing. She wanted to get out of here to go back home, where things were simple.
Alessa nodded. “I see. So you can’t go inside?” she asked rhetorically. Lisa was a little cowardly Alessa was starting to notice, at least when it came to confrontations. That was okay, she could be brave enough for the both of them.
A shake of the head. “No, I’m kept from entering there, for some reason,” Lisa said, casting her gaze downward. It was a letdown for her, that she couldn’t give Alessa more useful info. She wondered if it was something to do with her dead state that barred her. “Anyway, you said he kept following you all this time?” Lisa asked, changing the subject broadly.
“Yeah, he did,” Alessa said, grateful for the change of pace. She didn’t want to address such depressing subjects any more than was absolutely necessary.
“Hell if I know.” Actually she did, but she didn’t want to upset Lisa.
Lisa stared at Alessa like she didn’t quite believe her, but she let it go. “Did he hurt you?”
“Not yet,” Alessa assured her. “Don’t worry, I can handle him.”
“I’m sure you can. After everything you’ve dealt with so far, I’m sure you can handle anything,” Lisa said.
Alessa wanted to believe her. But she wasn’t so sure of herself anymore. She shuddered, thinking back to the horrors at Brookhaven only a couple hours ago. It had been the worst place yet on her journey. The mall had been a macabre shock, and the office building had genuinely unsettled her, but Brookhaven had terrified her. It was like taking a tour of the darkest, scariest, most disturbing parts of her mind leftover from her original ordeal here. The gore, the decay, and good god, the sheer stench of the place left her feeling sick to her stomach. Even now, she felt as if the evil lurking in the gruesome flesh-covered walls had somehow crawled all over her body.
“I need a break from the insanity,” she sighed. “And a shower too.”
She shivered again, and this time, Lisa didn’t miss it. “The hospital?” she asked simply.
“Yeah,” Alessa nodded.
“Take your time. I’m not going anywhere,” Lisa said. She paused. “You, uh…you want any help?”
Alessa was surprised, but she shook her head. “No. Thanks, but I think I’ll manage,” she replied. She was too distracted to really think about the implications of that.
“Okay.” For some reason, Lisa found herself a little disappointed. “I’ll be here if you need me.”
“Alright.” Alessa stood up and proceeded into the nearby bathroom.
Lisa watched her go, let down that Alessa hadn’t undressed in front of her. The sound of running water soon started up, and Lisa couldn’t help but picture Alessa nude in the shower, lathering her body under the warm streams.
Lisa shook her head. What was she thinking? Alessa was her friend, not her girlfriend. Heck, she didn’t even know this girl was Alessa until only a little while ago. It was true that she had taken care of the girl for some times, but they barely knew each other. And she certainly had no ideas about Alessa’s…orientation.
Boy that’s strange, she thought. The little girl she took care of having a sexual preference…
But then, Alessa wasn’t a little girl anymore. She had grown up into a gorgeous woman. But there was so much more to her than just looks. She was caring, intelligent, and brave; little wonder that Lisa found her very appealing, after all of the people she had dealt with. Lisa felt something for her, that she couldn’t yet identify. It was an intimidating thought, and one that couldn’t help but make her a little uncomfortable. Was it just morbid curiosity at how she looked underneath those clothing, after being covered in all those burns? She hoped not; and that it was compassion that was motivating her and not twisted curiosity. Alessa deserved better. It was a little scary for the nurse. Rarely had she felt something like that before, and it was something that she couldn’t explain. And yet, it was oddly comforting that she did. It meant she still had some humanity left in her.
Taking off her red high heels, Lisa sprawled back on the bed, waiting for Alessa to finish. About fifteen minutes later, she emerged from the bathroom, still drying her damp hair with a surprisingly clean towel. Lisa stared when she saw her. The white vest, jeans, and leather boots that Alessa had been wearing were gone. She was now wearing only a tight magenta crop top and a small pair of silky, dark blue panties. Lisa noted that she didn’t seem to have a bra underneath her shirt.
The young woman noticed Lisa’s stare. “The rest of my clothes are in there,” she explained, gesturing to the bathroom. “They were dirtier than I thought, so I decided to leave them off and wash them a bit. You don’t mind, do you?”
“No. Not at all,” Lisa quickly replied. “We’re both girls here.”
“Yeah. Besides, I think you’d be used to seeing people without any clothes on.”
What? Lisa gaped at Alessa.
“You know, since you were a nurse and all.” Alessa was confused about why Lisa looked so surprised.
“Oh. Oh yeah,” Lisa said, feeling rather silly. Alessa hadn’t been insinuating anything; she was just pointing out the obvious.
“What did you think I meant?” Alessa asked curiously.
“…It’s nothing. Forget about it.”
Alessa was still perplexed, so Lisa decided a change of subject was in order. “You must be tired by now. Why don’t you lie down for a while?”
Alessa shook away her previous thoughts. “I guess I could. It’ll be a while before my clothes dry up anyway.”
“Good. Come here then,” Lisa said, patting the empty space beside her. Having finished with her hair, Alessa tossed the towel onto a chair nearby. Taking a seat on the bed, she lay back next to her friend. There were no spare sheets to cover herself with, but she didn’t mind. The mattress was somewhat lumpy, but not uncomfortable. At the very least, it was something tolerable in a town full of torments.
Shifting on her left side, Alessa faced away from Lisa. She didn’t stare at anything in particular; she simply relaxed. Idly her thoughts turned to woman behind her, no doubt watching her carefully. How amazing was it that after all these years, Lisa was still here in this place to take care of her? Had she not been aware of how the nurse got to this state, and how painful it was for her, Alessa might have considered it a miracle. It didn’t really matter, though. No matter the circumstances, at least Lisa was still here. That was more than could be said for Julie.
The deep pain was still there, hidden just beneath the surface. She was keeping a tight lid on it; now wasn’t the time to get all weepy about it. However, Alessa doubted the feeling of emptiness would ever go away. Douglas told her revenge didn’t solve anything, and she realized now it was true. Killing Claudia wouldn’t bring Julie back. All it would do was ensure the bitch paid the price for what she had done. But her innocent victim would still be dead. Nonetheless, it had to be done. She still had to kill that person, because no one else was going to bring her to justice.
Her childhood friend…
Moisture stung her eyes, but she kept the tears at bay. She wasn’t the only one suffering. The woman beside her was too. Lisa, poor Lisa, who had been through so much for the tortured little girl she was forced to take care of. And despite being dead now, her ordeal still wasn’t over. Just seeing Alessa again had to be bringing back some awful memories. Yet she wasn’t crying. If she could be strong after the hell she’d experienced, then so could Alessa. She could grieve for Julie after this was over. And Cybil. Poor Cybil, who’d accepted her so thoroughly, after getting off to a rocky start, and then died for her at Claudia’s hands.
And maybe, just maybe, Lisa would still be there to help her deal with the pain.
She felt the nurse’s gentle touch on her shoulder. “Hey, you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Alessa sniffed, wiping away her tears.
“You sure?”
“Yeah. I’m just trying to cope with the insanity, you know?”
“I understand.” She did. When it came to situations like these, you either found some way to deal with the stress, the agony, or you lost your mind. While her current existence was severely depressing at best, at least she still had her sanity, Lisa reflected. Even if it was more a curse than a blessing nowadays.
Alessa took in Lisa’s exquisite visage. She’s beautiful, she thought. Maybe Lisa wasn’t technically alive anymore, but you would never know it just by looking at her. Alessa doubted she had ever seen a more angelic looking person. She’s my angel, always looking out for me...
The corners of her mouth curved upwards. She hadn’t really thought about Lisa in years. It was easier that way, to keep away the pain and guilt. However, being so close to the nurse was stirring some very interesting memories in her mind now.
Alessa recalled how her feelings for Lisa changed over time following her rebirth in this town. During her stay at Alchemilla, Lisa had been like the mother Alessa never had. She wasn’t there of her own free will, but she was very caring in the way she treated Alessa’s wounds. She would spend hours keeping Alessa company, reading her nice children’s stories, talking to her about different things, or simply holding her delicate hands, praying that a miracle would happen and Alessa would get better, or at least slip into a peaceful death free of any pain.
She rarely got any response from her patient, but that didn’t mean her loving deeds went unnoticed. Alessa appeared hopelessly lost on the outside, but she always recognized the attention she received on the inside. She knew how much Lisa came to care for her, maybe even love her.
Tragically, Lisa never got to know the feeling was mutual. Alessa knew that rotten son of a bitch Kaufmann was the reason Lisa became addicted to White Claudia. Taking care of Alessa was an exhausting, emotionally grueling job. At first Lisa needed only a little help to get her through the days, but that didn’t last long. She cared too much for Alessa and it took its toll. The burnt, perpetually bleeding girl lying comatose in that dank, filthy basement was a human car wreck, and Lisa an unwilling spectator who grew more saddened and repulsed by the sight with every day she spent there. Alessa would never get better, and there was no use pretending otherwise.
Eventually…inevitably…she reached the point where she couldn’t take it anymore. She had to get away. And Kaufmann, that sick, depraved, motherfucker wouldn’t stand for it. She was no longer able to exercise good judgment. She simply had never figured out how to get away, as incredible as that sounded. Lisa was in precarious shape, Alessa could see that now. And Kaufmann took advantage of that. He murdered her in cold blood while that damned Gillespie whore watched with sadistic glee, both of them completely oblivious that they were stealing the only good thing left in Alessa’s life.
Strange, where did she get the idea that Dahlia watched while Kaufmann killed Lisa? It certainly wasn’t in that little snippet of memory she watched. Was she subconsciously picking up on something? Or was the town trying to tell her something, something that was vitally important to her search? In any case, it was the last devastating blow to her already tragic life.
But just as Lisa reached her breaking point, so did Alessa after her caretaker’s murder. She finally snapped out of her coma, shattering the spell Dahlia had placed on her and sending half of Alchemilla’s staff to meet grisly fates. She didn’t really regret that anymore; most of the doctors and nurses were also nearing the brink of insanity, thanks again to the drug Kaufmann and the cult had spread all over town like a cancer. As harsh as it sounded, she had done them a favor by killing them. Kaufmann and Dahlia had eluded her, but they too had met their deaths eventually from their own evil. And by nothing short of a miracle, Alessa had been lucky enough to survive the carnage wrought by the Order’s God.
After leaving the town with her father, she tried to put the horrible past behind her. But trying to start a ‘normal’ life, or at least as normal as she and her dad could get, proved harder than expected. No surprise there. She was only fifteen, and yet she had already seen horrors beyond the imaginations of most people. It was little wonder she would have a tough time adjusting.
Especially with regards to her revitalized body. Puberty hit her full force, bringing with it all the awkward moments and feelings that came with discovering one’s sexuality. When she began masturbating, she felt like a whole new world had just been opened to her. After she got comfortable with it, she started pretending that it was someone else’s hands on her body. Most of the time, it was another girl making love to her. And often enough, that girl was Lisa.
She couldn’t help it. Lisa was gorgeous, and she had taken such good care of Alessa given the circumstances. Alessa wondered if the nurse would have taken care of her in a different way, had she gotten the chance to see her patient grow up into a healthy young woman. Somehow, something told her she would have. It wasn’t difficult to imagine Lisa’s soft hands trailing over her bare skin, cupping her small breasts, playing with the soft folds between her legs.
Fantasies like those had given Alessa some of the most intense orgasms from those early years.
But then, things changed. She began to move on from her past in Silent Hill, especially her nightmarish coma. As more people came into her life, most notably her mother, Alessa found herself thinking about Lisa less and less, until one day she reached the point where the late Ms. Garland seemed but a distant memory from another life.
She had never expected to see Lisa again. How ironic was it that her former caretaker would show up again when her life was falling apart for the second time? Nonetheless, Lisa was not at all an unwelcome surprise. And the more time she spent with the nurse, the more Alessa yearned to show her that she still cared. That she wanted her.
Suddenly, it occurred to her that she actually knew very little about this lovely woman she was so admiring of.
“Lisa,” Alessa began, turning to face her. “Can I ask you something?”
“Sure. Ask me anything.”
Alessa hesitated briefly. “Can you tell me about yourself?”
For a moment, Lisa was silent. “Myself? That’s a tough one.”
“Could you start at the beginning?”
Lisa sighed, but seeing Alessa’s hopeful face, she found it impossible to disappoint her friend. She began to tell Alessa about her childhood. Lisa’s mother was a single mother, originally from the nearby town of Silent Hill. She had Lisa when she was only seventeen. The father wanted nothing to do with her, and Lisa’s mother Elizabeth struggled to finish high school. After she graduated, she had to devote most of her time to taking care of her daughter, and as a result, she struggled to attend college. Even so, the family tradition held firm. Elizabeth’s mother was a nurse, so it was expected that she was going to be a nurse. Elizabeth’s parents helped her as much as they could, and so with help from menial jobs, she was eventually able to make it as a nurse. However, it was still a struggle to maintain a single-parent household, living on her own. Taking care of a daughter, and being a full-time nurse at the same time, wasn’t easy.
Elizabeth’s troubles as a single parent had a negative impact on Lisa’s childhood.
Though her mother claimed she loved her, Lisa was always under intense pressure to succeed at everything she did. In elementary school, Lisa quickly learned to maintain very high grades. Nothing less than an A in every subject was acceptable. Even a B+ was grounds for punishment. Still, Lisa was able to rebel against her. Lisa learned to get her kicks in wherever she could do it, doing petty things here and there to annoy her mother. It surprised Alessa to know Lisa wasn’t the picture perfect angel she imagined. She had her naughty side, and it only got more prominent as she got older.
Alessa noticed that some of the stories Lisa told were somewhat vague, like she was hiding some things from Alessa. But that was okay, Alessa would find those things out later. Lisa’s rebellious acts definitely pushed the boundaries of what her mother allowed. There were times when they barely got along, and they certainly had more than their fair share of screaming matches. Still, she managed to become a nurse in the end.
And then there was that stint in Alchemilla when she was 16.
Lisa had done some time as a trainee nurse at Alchemilla during the time she was a teenager, before Alessa came into her life. Alessa didn’t know that. She had always assumed that Lisa was a new nurse who arrived at Alchemilla and took care of her, having been settled with the gruesome task of doing that every day by Director Kaufmann. She didn’t realize that Lisa had already done a stint there before, and knew the Director personally. Kaufmann sent her away to get more training, with the promise of a job if she graduated nursing school. Lisa returned six years later, to undertake her oh so fateful assignment. Alessa suspected Lisa regretted ever taking him up on that offer. She returned expecting an easy job, with guaranteed pay, only to be assigned the most hellish assignment anybody could even envision.
One thing Alessa learned that surprised her was Lisa wanted to be an actress. Lisa’s mother wanted her to be a nurse. Alessa didn’t think she would be the type. She wondered if she could cast Lisa in any movies, once she got out of here.
She found herself empathizing with Lisa’s desire to escape from her hometown and her usual routine. She’d wanted to escape from Silent Hill when she was a child, and it was hard not to imagine what could have happened if she had. She could have had a perfectly normal childhood, with no cult, no bullying, and no supernatural powers, if only her parents had had the courage to take her away from here. It was difficult not to resent them at times, but she knew that they meant well. That was why she didn’t resent them. She could empathize with Lisa’s desire to escape. It wasn’t quite the same, of course, but the situation was close enough.
Lisa found herself staring at Alessa with something she couldn’t identify. She had never talked to anyone about herself before. Not even when she was alive, had she been able to tell her story. She found that there was a great feeling of relief, being able to tell someone about herself, and having them sympathize with her situation. It was a great weight off her chest, and gave a great sense of validation. And there was something else. Lisa wasn’t sure what she was feeling, looking at Alessa, but it was something she had never felt before.
Alessa noticed that Lisa was staring at her with something concerning on her face. She didn’t know what it was, but it appeared to be a fascinating world of emotion that was circulating behind those eyes. Was it curiosity about her or something else? Alessa didn’t dare to hope. That was a possibility she wasn’t prepared to acknowledge, yet. All she knew was that Lisa seemed unusually serious all of a sudden. She tried to determine if it was anything she’d said, but she couldn’t think of anything that would trigger that response.
“Lisa? Is there something you want to tell me?” Alessa asked softly.
“I…don’t know,” Lisa replied, uncertain.
Alessa looked hard at the blonde woman. This was it, the opportunity she’d been waiting for. The time was right, and Lisa was in the pensive mood that she needed to put her plan into motion. She would never again have this chance to make a move on the woman she had admired since childhood. Summoning up her courage, Alessa leaned in and took Lisa’s lips with her own. She softly brushed her lips against Lisa’s, giving her a flurry of gentle kisses, enthusiastically showering Lisa with affection. Lisa pushed her away a bit, overwhelmed by the sudden rush of emotion.
“Alessa…” she started, then stopped. The truth was she had exactly no idea what to say.
There was a soft shush. “I want this,” Alessa said.
She continued to kiss her. Lisa didn’t protest any further, and this time she allowed herself to be drawn into the kiss. There was nothing else she could say. What could she say? This was an entirely unexpected move on Alessa’s part, and Lisa wasn’t quite sure how to deal with it. Alessa pressed on with her kiss, and Lisa decided to just go with it. She stopped fighting the girl’s efforts to show her affection, gave herself over to the moment, and even allowed herself to reciprocate a little. It was…nice. She had never kissed a girl before, or done anything with a woman before, but it was obvious where this was heading. Alessa was a good kisser, if a little…enthusiastic. Her lips were impeccably soft, and it was a much different texture from the rougher feeling of a man, without the stubble. The sensuality of it was actually…interesting. Alessa slipped her tongue into her mouth, and Lisa took it gently with her own mouth, their tongues mingling with a cool, unrushed exploration, allowing her body to respond naturally. There was a tension in the room that was building, and it was growing with every moment, as their actions gave way to a point of no return. It was actually very soft and sensual, and she felt something stirring in her own body.
They knew where this was going.
Lisa nodded uncertainly, continuing to allow Alessa her exploration. Alessa kissed her repeatedly, brushing her lips over her neck, behind her ears, and her upper chest. Lisa leaned back breathless, breathing hard from the barrage of affections Alessa was bestowing on her. Alessa stared her over for a moment, before making a decision. Stretching back, she lifted her shirt over her shoulders, leaving herself exposed in the motel room. She smirked deeply at the nurse, smiling at the wide-eyed expression on Lisa’s face.
Lisa stared at Alessa’s breasts with an awed expression, enraptured by the sight. They were large, pale white and stood proudly from her chest, with her dark rosy pink nipples looking swollen from their activities. She had never seen the girl she had taken care of like this, and she had never imagined that she would ever see her like this. Her adult body was a sight that she had never conceived of. She had noticed the girl she was taking care of growing as was normal for her age, of course, but she had largely ignored it as it disturbed her to think of her becoming a woman like this. But now the evidence was staring her in the face, almost literally. Lisa was still getting her head around that. Just that particular thought – the little girl she had taken care of had breasts – was astounding! Lisa was still wrapping her mind around that. But Alessa had no qualms about it. Alessa smiled at Lisa, making it quite clear that she was very happy at the moment.
She kissed Lisa deeply, cupping her delicate face in her hands. Alessa pressed her breasts lightly against Lisa, making contact through the fabric that covered the nurse’s body. She breathed heavily as she planted kiss upon kiss on Lisa, smothering her lips enthusiastically. Lisa was astounded that she was only less than an inch of clothing away from Alessa’s naked body, touching parts of her she had never dared imagine about before. Alessa looked downward and Lisa saw what she needed; it was evident enough from her body. “Touch them. Please,” Alessa suggested, smiling impishly at Lisa as she referred to her breasts. Lisa gasped a bit as she realized that she was going to have to touch Alessa’s naked body. She had never touched another woman in this way before, in all her lifetime. She was a nurse, but she had never touched another woman in a sexual way before. She placed her hands on Alessa’s breasts, and began to ever so delicately massage them. Not bad, she thought. Alessa’s breasts were firm and yet soft, with the skin being baby smooth. She was definitely impressive, even compared to Lisa’s body. Alessa sighed the slightest bit as Lisa massaged her breasts. Still, there was the slightest expression of impatience on her face. She urged Lisa to make the caresses deeper with her eyes and Lisa obliged, working her hands. She ran her hands deeper over her breasts, feeling every texture of the delicate curves. Her nipples barely touched the crevices between her fingers, but they felt hard and silky. They were beautiful, and Lisa had to admit, stood out proudly on her chest. Lisa knew she needed to use her mouth and bent over Alessa’s chest. She took Alessa’s right nipple into her mouth, and began to get used to sucking on another woman’s breast. She glided her tongue lightly over the engorged peak, and began to suck delicately on the exquisite little peak. It was a curious feeling she had never had before. Was this what guys felt like when they did this? It was curious, because while it was interesting for her, Alessa was absolutely enjoying it, she could tell, from the noises she was making and the gasp she had made when Lisa took her breast into her mouth. Alessa moaned lightly with enjoyment, drawing Lisa close to her with one arm as she enjoyed the sensations and tiny sparks. She arched her back, pressing her breast further into Lisa’s mouth, as she asked for more of the sensations this wonderful woman was providing her.
Alessa moaned in pleasure as she enjoyed the blonde nurse’s treatment. God, the sensations Lisa was giving her were incredible. She wanted, or at least a part of her wanted to reach down and cup Lisa’s ass, but she didn’t know how that would be perceived. It was obvious this was Lisa’s first time with anybody in a long, long time, and she didn’t want to be too overzealous. But she soon overcame that hesitance. She stared down at Lisa’s body, surveying the gorgeous body she had underneath. She wanted to taste those. In that moment, she made a decision. She pulled down the front of Lisa’s shirt, taking the nurse by shock and spilling the contents to the open air. Alessa drew back as she surveyed Lisa’s huge breasts. Oh God, they were the most gorgeous breasts she had ever seen in her life. They were absolutely huge, larger than hers even, with creamy tan skin, and they were absolutely juicy looking. There was no hesitation. She buried her face in Lisa’s breasts, furiously kissing every inch of her skin, grasping the mounds and fondling them. She pulled the shirt further down, further from Lisa’s breasts and relieving the tension of the cloth, which allowed her to further fondle them. Lisa gasped as Alessa kissed her sensitive breasts, overwhelmed by the intensity of her assault. Alessa enjoyed being this up-close to her. Alessa saw that her nipples were erect, and she eagerly took them into her mouth. She sucked the nipples eagerly, more fervently than with any other lover she had had. She sucked the left breast hard, and then moved to the right, holding the juicy flesh firmly in her hands.
Lisa gasped in pleasure loudly as she savored the sensations she was receiving. God, that felt good. Her former lover had never stimulated her breasts that much, choosing to focus on other things; he would play with them roughly, but she had never experienced the type of full prolonged stimulation she was receiving right now. Alessa was good. She knew her breasts were sensitive, but it was entirely different feeling that stimulation firsthand. God, she was making her feel good now. She definitely understood what guys saw in this now, if having a woman scream like this in pleasure was enough to give them a raging hard-on. Alessa was good, and she seemed to be fully enjoying what she was doing. It was almost like she was worshiping her breasts, treating them like some sort of sacred objects. She reached down on Alessa’s body, cupping her rear as she drew her body closer to her. She was firm; Alessa definitely worked out, if this was any indication. Alessa arched her body, and Lisa realized in amazement that she was grinding against her, rubbing her covered sex close to Lisa’s body.
Alessa drew back from Lisa, smiling eagerly while looking flushed from their activities. “I have to take these off,” Alessa said, breathlessly murmuring from the way she was breathing hard. She pulled down her panties past her legs, tossing them aside to the room’s carpet. Lisa was shocked at the other woman’s boldness, and didn’t know what to speak. Alessa sat back and placed her hands over her knees, waiting for Lisa’s assessment. Lisa stared at the sight with widened eyes. That was not what she expected at all. Lisa was shocked at the sight before her, and didn’t know what to say. There was a dark patch of hair between her legs, covering the triangular area of her sex. She could smell Alessa’s arousal from here, and from the dark triangle of hair between her legs Lisa realized fully that this was no little girl anymore. This was a woman, and one who knew exactly what she wanted. Of course, she had already known, but seeing her like this brought that home in a way all the kisses and whispered words of affection didn’t.
She had never dreamed she would see Alessa like this. The little girl she had taken care of had grown into an incredible, gorgeous woman, and Lisa had missed it. But a part of her was also glad to see that Alessa had escaped and had a life beyond this, seemingly with all the experiences adulthood could bring. The most startling thing was the complete lack of scarring, or burn tissue like she had – she was not burned in any way: she had recovered completely, and to a degree that astounded Lisa with her fair creamy skin looking so heavenly. There was almost nothing she could say to express the amazement of the situation. “You’re beautiful,” she said simply, looking at the young woman. Alessa smiled at the compliment, obviously taking great pleasure in being complimented by her favorite nurse.
Lisa moved down to go down on her, if that was what Alessa wanted, when she saw something that alarmed her. Lisa stopped short, as she looked closely. There were bruises along the inner sides of her thighs, over her mound, and along her stomach; just all over her lower body and the middle section of her body. They were black and blue, running along the surface of her mound, and along her inner thighs, and others were just forming. They were pale and discolored, and not yet black and blue, but they were definitely there. Lisa pulled back in alarm, placing a hand delicately on Alessa’s thigh. “You’re hurt,” she said, somehow managing to put a world of concern in that voice.
“It’s okay,” Alessa waved it off.
“No, it’s not. We need to get something to fix these bruises,” Lisa said, searching about for anything she could use in the motel room. The motel room was bare, but maybe she could find something outside. “We have to put something on them. Ice, or something. I don’t know, we just can’t leave them like this,” Lisa said, taking the initiative as the sight directed her into action. She was a nurse and it was in her nature to help people. There was no way she was going to leave Alessa like this. What were they doing? Here she was battered and bruised, and they were getting ready to have sex. This town had the ability of manifesting the most unusual items, at certain times. Maybe Lisa could find something, somewhere, as impossible as it seemed.
“Lisa, please,” Alessa stopped her, putting a hand on her shoulder. “I need this,” she begged her, praying that Lisa would understand just how much she required this right now. She needed something to distract her from the pain. She wanted to feel, enjoy making love to Lisa.
Lisa looked down at the mattress. It didn’t feel right, taking advantage of the girl like this, while Alessa was still injured. But then, Alessa was the one who started this in the first place. Still, that didn’t make it right. Shouldn’t they be getting the girl some help, rather than…getting naked in a hotel room? Lisa wanted to please her, and she wanted to make her happy, even if that meant doing something she wasn’t entirely comfortable with. She was struggling with the image of the child Alessa had once been. Still, she couldn’t deny that there was a woman with a very real physical need in front of her.
“Don’t you see?” Alessa urged her, gripping her by the shoulders. “I’ve figured it out. Positive feelings keep it away. Negative feelings make it stronger. I have to concentrate on the positive feelings. That’s why I was able to keep it away for so long, because I chose to concentrate on what was currently going on in my life rather than dwell on all that past pain. And there’s no more positive feeling than being with you, in that way,” she explained excitedly. She had pretty much figured out by now that the god fed on negative emotions, and therefore the way to keep it dormant was to keep those feelings away.
Lisa considered that dubiously, while she looked at the anxious Alessa. She wasn’t sure at all about what Alessa was saying, and she had her doubts about the whole thing. Could it really be that simple? Lisa was doubtful of Alessa’s claim that positive feelings were enough to drive this thing away. But on the other hand, she had to admit that it sort of made sense. This thing fed off negative emotions like hate and anger, whatever it was. If Alessa didn’t allow herself to feel any negative emotions, or repressed them deep down, then the god had nothing to feed off of. It was a vaguely irrational hope, but at least it was better than sitting around and waiting for this thing to take her.
“All right,” she conceded, and she decided to let it go just this once. It was obvious Alessa needed some attention, and Lisa wasn’t going to deny her, even if she wasn’t sure about the wisdom of what they were doing.
Alessa smiled, subtly overjoyed that Lisa had given in on this one. Lisa had to admit, there was something about seeing that warm smile, that stirred something in her.
Maybe it was just the feeling of seeing someone else happy, in that state. Or maybe she was starting to feel things she never thought she’d feel as well.
Alessa drew her quickly into a full-on kiss. They fell back on the bed, letting themselves be drawn into a frenzied burst of kissing and affection, rapidly moving their hands over each other. Alessa’s hands were all over her, over her back, across her sides, and down her hips, drawing her closer into an embrace. Lisa was marveling at the fact that Alessa was still lying over her naked, and the effect that this wild burst of kissing and rushed affection was having on her.
Alessa smiled as she gave Lisa another peck on the lips, followed by two more. She was having so much fun kissing this woman. If she concentrated hard enough, she could almost forget about all the bad things that had happened to her over the past day. There was something about her that was just intoxicating.
“You’re not wearing any underwear,” Alessa smiled, a bit of teasing in her voice. Lisa’s eyes widened in surprise as she heard that come from her former patient’s mouth.
The statement had an expected response. Lisa blushed a bit as she realized what Alessa had just found out. She had forgotten about that particular aspect of her wardrobe. There wasn’t much need to concern yourself with such matters in Silent Hill, and she had honestly forgotten about that talking here with Alessa. Still, she had to say something. “Well, it’s not exactly necessary around here,” she said awkwardly, still uncomfortable with the sudden change in subject.
Alessa smiled at the young nurse. There was that explanation, but Alessa knew it probably wasn’t the only explanation. “Sure,” she said, causing Lisa to blush a deeper red.
They met in another kiss, letting themselves get wrapped in each other’s arms. Alessa gave her several kisses repeatedly, kissing the side of her neck, sucking on the sensitive skin, and kissing the tops of her breasts, brushing her lips along every inch of Lisa’s skin. She left no inch of her neck untouched, ravishing every inch of the skin. “I adore you,” Alessa said, breathlessly murmuring her desire against Lisa’s skin. “Ever since I was a teenager, I always fantasized about making love to you. You did so much for me, you gave me so much to be grateful for, and I always wanted to repay you. You’re my angel, Lisa,” Alessa smiled, her voice filled with love, completely missing the wide eyed look Lisa gave her. Lisa’s eyes widened as she realized the devotion of this woman. This woman was in love with her. This wasn’t just a simple case of physical lust, as Lisa might have been led to believe by Alessa’s rush of physical stimulation. This woman was 100% devoted to her, on a level that Lisa couldn’t even comprehend, and that she wasn’t even sure she deserved.
And now she found herself worrying about that. What if she didn’t live up to Alessa’s ideal? What if Alessa found her to be unworthy of her, or didn’t like the way she really was or her personality or something, as opposed to the ideal she had built up for herself? Was Alessa going to leave her here?
Alessa didn’t seem to be worried about that, through all her physical barrage. She kissed Lisa with every bit of passion she could handle, smothering her lips over every inch of Lisa’s body, worshiping her like she was some kind of goddess. It was a little overwhelming. Alessa helped Lisa rid herself of her shirt by lifting it over her head, freeing her breasts from their restraint. She went back to kissing Lisa’s body, giving her the same level of attention she was before. She shared a steamy kiss heated with affection, wrapping her hands around Lisa’s hair. Lisa couldn’t believe they were breast-to-breast, smothering their bodies against each other. This was more than she ever could have hoped for, despite not really expecting it in any way. Another human being was actually touching her again, and getting off on it, not being repulsed, not being afraid, but simply enjoying it. Lisa had to admit, she had never thought of being with a woman before, but Alessa was actually surprising her. Alessa kissed every inch of her breasts, tasting the soft flesh and sucking on her breasts roughly, before fondling them with her hands. Alessa worked her way downwards, making her way past Lisa’s skirt, until it was obvious that she was going to take off Lisa’s skirt. She paused in her tracks, breathing hard while smiling at her. “I’m going to go down on you, Lisa,” Alessa said, smiling eagerly at the flustered sweaty nurse. Lisa panicked a little bit for a moment. Go down on her - - ? That meant, was Alessa going to put her mouth on…? But she was left with little choice, as Alessa proceeded with her intentions. She pulled off Lisa’s skirt, helping the nurse rid herself of the dull fabric by sliding it down her legs. Lisa drew back a bit, feeling self-conscious now that she was fully exposed. She kept her knees closer, not really hiding anything and also not splaying her legs open either.
Alessa looked at Lisa’s body, a big smile on her face as she surveyed the nurse’s form. She was beautiful. Her smooth thighs were creamy and full, looking very enticing in their smooth plateaus. A full thatch of blonde hair was nestled between her thighs, settled over her sex. It was exactly what Alessa expected. Lisa was modest, conservative in some ways, and wild in others. She didn’t expect her to be shaved or anything. The hair was thickly nestled over her flesh and disappeared downward between her curves, making Alessa wonder what she looked like from behind settled on all fours on the bed. It was an exciting image. Looking closely, Alessa saw the barest glints of wetness in her smooth juicy lips. She was restraining her excitement a bit, but there was definitely a hint of it.
Lisa blushed at that a little bit. She didn’t know whether it was just her body reacting to the intensity of the experience, but Alessa was making her feel things stirred inside her that she had not felt before. She was shaking, she was breathless and trembling, and it was more alive than she had felt in a decade.
Alessa knelt down close to Lisa, getting a close look at her sex. God, she smelled so good from here. She settled down on her stomach, making sure she was comfortable for the following actions. And then she lowered her mouth over Lisa’s body. She worked her arms under Lisa’s legs, to steady her as she experienced this, cupping Lisa’s smooth rear as she secured her in her grip. She had such a smooth backside, she thought, marveling at the feel of it against her skin, and it felt great against her skin, to hold her like this.
Lisa couldn’t believe Alessa’s mouth was on her sexual area. God, this was more than she ever would have imagined. And just the thought of Alessa, innocent little Alessa going down on her crotch, licking her, tasting her, was blowing her mind. She started off slowly at first, tentatively licking over her fleshy lips, kissing her mound, and just gently stimulating her sex. Lisa gasped at the sensations she was receiving from Alessa’s tongue passing over her, and yet it wasn’t overwhelming yet. She then moved on to kissing the insides of her thighs, slowly stimulating the sensitive skin there and staying away from the ‘target’ area as long as possible. She had always been ticklish there, and being so sensitive meant Alessa’s kisses were driving her wild. But still, Alessa held back, not making things too intense. Lisa sighed as she lied back on the bed, relaxing as she gripped the bed and allowed Alessa to do her work. This was the type of thing she could enjoy all day, just lying there and allowing Alessa to work on her, stimulating her to her heart’s content.
Alessa continued to kiss every inch of Lisa’s smooth things, savoring the creamy skin. It was tough being this close to Lisa’s gorgeous smelling aroused sex and not stopping to lick her, but she was determined to restrain herself for as long as possible. She knew girls liked to have the insides of their thighs played with, at least the ones she knew, and she was determined to get Lisa warmed up before giving her some really strong stimulation. She kissed the insides of her thighs and licked gingerly along her thighs, as close to her sex as she could get and ran her hands over Lisa’s thighs, until she was sure Lisa was worked up, and she couldn’t resist anymore. Finally, she moved on to her mound. Alessa almost licked her lips in anticipation. This was going to be good, for her most of all. With little hesitation, she moved in. She enveloped her mound with her mouth, tasting the entirety of her sex. Lisa shuddered as she did so, forcing Alessa to press her down lightly with her hands. She began licking more vigorously at her luscious sex, licking along the lips and focusing a more significant portion of her effort on her clit, flicking her tongue all over the sensitive organ. Lisa was aroused now, she could take it. That tiny little nub was the pleasure point to giving Lisa incredible amounts of pleasure, and Alessa could just eat it up all day. She loved the little noises and moans the nurse gave when she flicked her tongue over it.
Lisa arched her head back in pleasure, as she laid there enjoying the wonderful sensations Alessa was sparking in her. She had thought having Alessa’s mouth on that area, licking her slowly, was an incredible feeling thing; it was nothing compared to having Alessa actively working that area, vigorously licking her, pleasuring her, her warm tongue moving over every delightful inch of Lisa’s flesh. It had been too long. Her most prominent lover hadn’t liked going down on her. He wanted to get down to the fucking, and that was it. Alessa was different. She loved it, obviously. And being stranded here, in the other side of Silent Hill practically, left her with a dearth of physical contact. She wasn’t sure what she felt about Alessa yet, but she needed the touch. Lisa arched back on the motel mattress, grasping the sheets tightly as she lost herself in the world of sensations coming from between her legs. She was going to come soon, and it was a sensation that she hadn’t felt in several years. She wondered whether it would be explosive or mild; but judging from the build up that was going on, it would probably lean towards explosive.
Alessa dived vigorously into her task, working her mouth over the entirety of Lisa’s sex. She was so slippery, so engorged from her arousal, Alessa loved it. Lisa’s fragrant scent was overwhelming and powerfully arousing, doing things to stir arousal in Alessa’s own loins that she wouldn’t have thought possible. God, she could die between this woman’s legs, and she would die a happy woman. This was her childhood crush, her best friend during the darkest period in her childhood, whether she appreciated it or not, the source of her many teenage fantasies, her angel – and here she was buried between her legs eating her out, bringing her pleasure. This would have been the greatest day of Alessa’s life, were it not for the horrible circumstances that precipitated their meeting. Alessa licked eagerly over Lisa’s lips, tracing patterns over the folds of her delicate sex, and lavishing a fair amount of attention on her clit. She was tempted to lick even lower on Lisa’s body, to that second opening between her thighs, but she resisted. Even without the usual concerns, Lisa wasn’t ready for that. Besides, what they were doing now was plenty enjoyable. She knew Lisa was close and decided to push things. She licked deeper on Lisa’s body, laving at her clit and making love to her with her mouth. She slipped two fingers inside her, searching for that spot that would drive Lisa wild, and she found it. While licking firmly at Lisa’s gorgeous flesh, she began to stimulate it, combining both efforts to give Lisa the greatest amount of pleasure possible. The sounds Lisa was making were the most erotic she had ever heard in her life, and she was thinking that there was no way she could ever go back to regular girls after this. The nurse was just too delicious, too perfect. She pushed the tension between their bodies as far as it would go, until Lisa gripped the sheets tightly and arched her hips on the bed, crying out in release. Alessa smiled to herself knowing she had pleased the nurse, continuing to work her mouth over the nurse’s moist sex, while Lisa rode out her orgasm. The beautiful blonde nurse was completely off in another world, her chest heaving from the release of her climax. Lisa shook and jerked under her, shuddering under her in ultimate pleasure, until it was over and she fell on the bed in a tired heap. She was utterly exhausted.
Alessa leaned back for a moment to survey her handiwork. She set her palms on Lisa’s thighs, marveling at the warm temperature under her skin. Alessa tasted the essence of Lisa’s sex, taking in the warmth she had leaked during her arousal. Oh God, she tasted so good. She was the absolute favorite lover Alessa had ever tasted. She could stay down here for hours just between this woman’s legs, lapping up her juices and tasting her incredibly exquisite sex. Alessa sat back and surveyed Lisa’s tired body, taking in the entirety of her sweaty exhausted form. She was utterly exhausted, lying back on the bed. Her body was covered with a thin sheen of sweat, where it was exposed, and the skin had turned red from her exertion; she looked dazed, out of it. It was the hottest thing Alessa had ever seen, because she had done this. She had brought her childhood crush to orgasm, the woman who had been her best friend throughout the darkest time in her childhood, even if she didn’t know it. She leaned in closer, scooting up on the bed to cuddle with the nurse. Alessa hoped Lisa had enough energy left for round 2, because she really wanted to have some fun too.
Lisa breathed in deep on the bed, sighing in the last stages of latent pleasure. Alessa, the little girl she had once taken care of and attended to, had brought her to orgasm. She hadn’t even known that was possible. It had been a long time since she had been interested in anything other than just wandering through the town. She had a feeling of peace and serenity spread throughout her entire body, and she really liked it. It was something she hadn’t felt in a very long time. The little girl she had taken care of was gone, replaced by a woman who had a voracious sexual appetite, and knew exactly what she wanted. Lisa still marveled at that, how Alessa was older now, and had completely recovered from her injuries, to the point where Lisa wouldn’t ever be able to tell she had been burned.
Alessa crawled up towards Lisa, lying up close next to her. She gently stroked Lisa’s cheek, smiling with contentment while she laid there next to her best friend. Lisa looked at Alessa and came to a decision. “I want to do that for you,” Lisa said, smiling at Alessa and really wanting to bring her the same pleasure she had just experienced.
Alessa smiled at Lisa. That was the absolute best thing she wanted to hear. She slid down further on the bed, positioning her body so that Lisa could have access to her. Lisa moved further down, as Alessa lay back and spread her legs to the open room. She felt coolly serene in her attitude, given the circumstances. She was finally going to get something that she had wanted for a very long time. She felt a bit curious as she opened her legs, wondering what Lisa thought of her.
Lisa looked at the dark triangle between her legs, swallowing a bit nervously. She had no idea where to start. She decided to just go with what she enjoyed, and hope that would be enough to please Alessa. She lowered herself down to Alessa’s hips and took a position between her legs. She trailed her hands over her inner thighs, feeling the smooth skin there. She began to kiss all over the region, planting her lips all over the velvety texture of Alessa’s sex. It was a strange experience at first. She had never been this close to another girl’s area before. Alessa began to sigh with slight shudders, as she felt Lisa’s lips brushing over her sex. Lisa began to lick tentatively at Alessa’s sex, gliding the tip of her tongue over Alessa’s smooth lips. It was an unusual experience, but she was getting used to it. She slipped her arms under Alessa’s thighs, grasping her close to hold her in place. It was a new experience, but she had always been welcome to them, even while she was alive. She decided to use her tongue to pleasure Alessa, just as she had enjoyed so thoroughly. She wasn’t going to do this half-heartedly. It was an intimidating prospect, sure, but she wasn’t going to let that stop her. She slipped her tongue between Alessa’s folds, gliding her tongue over the textures of Alessa’s lips. She had dreaded that she wouldn’t like the taste, but it actually wasn’t bad. Lisa smiled against Alessa’s sex, feeling the curls brush against her cheek. She tasted at the entrance between those soft lips, tasting the essence deep inside that hot core.
Alessa sighed in delight as she leaned back and enjoyed the experience Lisa was giving her. Oh God, Lisa’s tongue felt so good on her moist pussy. She could tell that Lisa hadn’t ever done this before, but that didn’t matter. She was a little rough around the edges, but she was also surprisingly skilled at pleasuring her, and playfully teasing her warm flesh with her tongue. She was finding her way around, and she was turning out to be surprisingly skilled at licking the right spots. Just having her down here was more than enough for Alessa, and she was enjoying lying back and letting Lisa bring her unprecedented amounts of pleasure. Her clit was rock hard under its hood, and her pussy was positively dripping with the arousal of her warm sex, drenching the bed below her. She leaned back and sighed, letting her face arch back in obvious pleasure.
Lisa raised her head and looked up at her in askance. “Is this okay?” she asked, and there were considerable tones of uncertainty in her voice. She wanted to do a good job for Alessa and she knew it was considered bad form to stop in the middle of sex, but the truth was she had never done this before. She was nervous, and she had good reason to be. Alessa’s glistening sex lay before her, but the truth was there was no way to tell whether she was doing a good job besides Alessa’s audio cues. She was just too new at this. And the girl was much quieter than Lisa expected. She expected a lot of noise and moaning, and shifting on the sheets and gripping them with her hands tightly, but Alessa was just quietly sighing in pleasure. It made Lisa nervous.
“You’re doing fine,” Alessa assured her, and she felt a bit of irritation at Lisa stopping in the middle of her motion. She was heartened at the nurse being concerned and she was being nice, but still it was annoying. Why did she think it was a good idea to stop?! She needed her to keep going! It was sweet that Lisa wanted to pleasure her, and it was a nice gesture, but Alessa needed her to focus her effort now. She was doing good. She was too mellowed out by the pleasure, so it wasn’t a major issue by any means. This was Lisa’s first time, she told herself. She needed to be patient.
Now that her ego was assured, Lisa went right back to work. She licked fiercely over the bump of Alessa’s clit, giving it all sorts of attention. Well, if Alessa said that she was doing well, then she wasn’t going to question it. She began to lick deeper over Alessa’s clit, with more focused motions, more confident in her actions. She had lots of ideas she wanted to try; she had a lot of patterns she wanted to try tracing over Alessa’s flesh, she thought about slipping two fingers inside her, but she decided to keep it simple. She focused her efforts on teasing that deliciously aroused flesh, and Alessa began to moan and whimper as Lisa increased her efforts on her clit. Now there were the sounds she wanted to hear, and it was rather erotic for Lisa to hear them being vocalized. “Please, don’t stop,” Alessa pleaded to her, and it served to reassure Lisa that she should push things further. She had no intention of stopping whatsoever. She lavished every bit of attention that she could on Alessa’s clit, tasting every little bit of that wonderfully aroused button, and moving downwards to trace lines over her lips and her entire sex. The arousal was flowing pretty consistently from her hot core, and it made Lisa happy to see that juice flowing from her pussy, demonstrating the depths of her excitement. She had a thought to suck on Alessa’s clit, but she resisted the idea. Instead she focused on continuing to keep doing what was working, lavishing long, deep strokes on Alessa’s clit. She gripped the back of Alessa’s thighs to hold her down, and Lisa was determined to make that toughened grip fully necessary. She could tell something was going to happen, as Alessa’s body began to stiffen, her fingers gripped the sheets tightly, and her noises and words became more rushed. Alessa pulled her head down fully against her sex, and normally that would have been a big no-no for Lisa, if it were a guy, but she didn’t mind – she knew Alessa was just acting instinctively, and being overwhelmed by what was happening. She kept at it until Alessa gave a sharp cry, her body tensed, and she gave a second cry as she released in climax. The girl she had taken care of a lifetime ago arched and shook under her grasp, trembling in pleasure, helpless under her full-on assault. Alessa released another rush of fluid, and Lisa lapped up the juices eagerly, savoring the taste of Alessa’s arousal and release. She had gradually grown to enjoy it a lot in these past few moments, and she savored this evidence of her excitement. Finally, it ended. She sat back and waited, as Alessa stopped shaking and settled into an exhausted heap on the bed.
Alessa was breathing heavily, laying her head back on the bed with her arms splayed about. She seemed a bit red from her exertion, and there was a slight sheen of sweat visible on some parts of her body. Her face was flush with the pleasure, and so was the rest of her body. Lisa loved that she had that effect on her; that she could make her come, and drive her to such excitement just by her presence alone. She had never thought of herself as particularly coordinated or that sexy, even though she did have some talent for acting; it was just unbelievable. She was no seductress, but she was feeling pretty confident in herself at the moment; she was a quicker learner than she imagined. And Alessa sure enjoyed it; she was lying back in a state of exhaustion, but it was the happy kind of exhaustion, with a smile and her hands folded across her stomach, after you have had a good time.
Lisa smiled to herself in satisfaction. She had made Alessa come. Just that little fact sent shivers through her body, in a good way. She had taken care of her so long ago, and here was Alessa touching her intimately and indulging in all sorts of physical affection with her, without a trace of shame in the world. Times had changed, and for the better it seemed; never mind that their circumstances were less than ideal. A tiny secret part of her was glad Alessa was here, even though she knew full well the reason for her being here; that wasn’t a subject she was going to bring up. Lisa had been uncertain at first, but she had to admit, they actually did possess a nice physical connection while they were together, and in Alessa’s case, it went a lot deeper. She had to admit…it kinda worked. She wasn’t sure female and soft was something she could get used to, given her preference for rough masculine forms, but…Alessa had her own charms. Lisa licked her lips unconsciously. Oh yes, she definitely had her own charms.
Alessa raised herself up to meet her in a kiss, and Lisa easily caught her mouth in a fervent one. She held the younger woman firmly, their breasts almost touching by mere centimeters as they exchanged a passionate rush of tongues and mouths entangled. It seemed Alessa had regained her energy from earlier, and was once again gearing up for another round of their activities. Alessa flipped her over and positioned herself over Lisa, looming over her with an intense look of lust smoldering possessively on her face. She began to move closer to her, slipping a thigh between her legs, nudging Lisa’s heated, aroused sex. The nurse inhaled a sharp breath. Lisa knew what this was. She had always wondered how this would work – but only from an intellectual distance, because she had never met a girl she was attracted to before. Now she had Alessa, and things were definitely different.
It took a while to get into the right position. They shifted and moved a bit on the bed, with Alessa’s hands guiding her and taking control of her thighs. Lisa stared at the brunette girl in shock. The question rang again in her mind: Again? She was still surprised that Alessa had the energy and the desire to engage in this, after their previous activities. She knew Alessa had renewed energy all of a sudden, but she thought they were just going to make out further to their heart’s content, nice and sensually. It seemed Alessa had other ideas. Finally, they were in the perfect close position. Lisa felt a heat throughout her entire body, which she wouldn’t have thought herself capable of; her heartbeat, if it could be called that, was pounding in her ears. She was nervous, but she wasn’t going to let that stop her. It never had before, when she found herself in more or less unusual situations. And while she was inexperienced, that had never stopped her before either. Alessa began to grind against her sex, moving her hips in a slow, concentrated pattern. Lisa shuddered at the slight gasps of pleasure she was already feeling from the contact. They were sex-to-sex now, with Alessa’s curls and Lisa’s own blending together, their juices mingling at their cores. They began to grind together in rhythm, slipping their hands across each other’s backs while they held each other. Lisa knew what Alessa was trying to do, and she was determined to help in any way she could, even though she didn’t have an ounce of experience as to what she was doing. But it quickly became apparent that Alessa was the more experienced person in this case, and Lisa became willing to let Alessa guide her happily in this circumstance without a complaint. She was happy to let someone else take the lead for once, just this once. The feel of their full lips rubbing against each other was a unique sensation, and one that sent shivers down her back; it felt incredible every time their clits brushed against each other, as they shifted their hips around while they moved in concert. Lisa leaned back against the headboard of the motel bed, allowing the calming feelings to wash over her and letting Alessa take control of her body. It was evident Alessa was stimulating her in a way as to give Lisa more pleasure, and avoiding full strokes of her clit on her end. She was exhausted from their coupling earlier, but the excitement was rising back up inside her again. The curls below Alessa’s waist met Lisa’s hard as she ground her core against Lisa’s center, brushing against the soft flesh there. Her thighs were shaking a bit from just the slightest bit of nervousness, from this new experience. Lisa’s grip on Alessa tightened, as she found herself growing wet again.
The young women transformed into a concentrated tangle of limbs and bodies moving together in an ancient dance of sensual release. Alessa was clear in what she wanted to do, guiding her hips strongly against Lisa’s and stimulating both of their engorged clits and mounds. Lisa had tried to keep up with her at first, but soon she became content to just let Alessa guide the pace and arch her hips upwards in an attempt to meet those thrusts. Alessa’s grip was like iron on her, ensuring that Lisa could let go and didn’t have to maintain any sort of decorum here. She wasn’t going to be mocked for her attempts, or doing things the “wrong” way. Alessa pulled her into a tight embrace, or maybe it was Lisa who fell into it first; it was tough to tell in the pounding crescendo of their pulsing arousal. They grasped each other tightly as they moved their lower bodies in synch, their breasts mashing together as they shared a deep heated kiss and pulled back for air. This was unlike anything she had ever experienced in any of her relationships before, Lisa thought, gasping for breath. There was so much soft flesh, so much moisture, so much affection and sensitivity even with the roughness, and it was nothing like being with a man; it wasn’t better, and she wouldn’t put down all men, but it was different, and it was the kind of different that left her heart racing and her crotch soaked. No man had ever dedicated himself so fully to her pleasure. They clung to each other through a sheen of sweat as they grunted and moaned from the dual pleasure that was trailing from their rocking hips.
Alessa became more focused in her movements, more determined in roughly rubbing her body against Lisa’s. They were close; Lisa could tell something was about to happen soon, and she happily catered to that growing train of pleasure. She allowed her hands to trail downwards to grasp Alessa’s ass, grinding her hips in their circular motion and urging them in their rhythm, as they rubbed their slippery folds all over each other. God, she had a firm ass. She was soft in her skin, but it was obvious that Alessa worked out a lot, and she grabbed the cheeks tightly, spreading them and letting her fingers roam at their edges. She thought about spanking the side of her hard, but she feared they might lose the good rhythm they had if she did so. Alessa intensified in her efforts, as if energized by the urging Lisa was giving her. But Lisa soon found it too difficult to maintain her grasp, and she had to shift to Alessa's midsection for support. The noises came unbidden as Alessa grunted from her exertion, and Lisa lay back as she moaned from the sparks coming from her clit. She allowed Alessa to do all the work at this point, barely moving her body as Alessa shifted her hips erotically above her. She was too tired now, too drained from their exertions to make any kinds of movements, but that was doing nothing to quench the desire riding inside her. It was like there was a fire inside her, and the only one who was going to put it out was Alessa, with her exquisitely rocking hips and all-encompassing movements. Alessa ground into her body with a ruthlessly unceasing pace, pushing her relentlessly towards orgasm. Lisa lay back on the bed, content to let Alessa take control of her completely and do what she pleased. Alessa’s breasts swayed wildly in front of her as she rocked her hips, providing one of the most erotically enticing sights Lisa had ever seen. It was enough to get her loins smoldering. Lisa wanted to keep going, but she suddenly felt an orgasm rising and was powerless to resist it. Lisa lay back on the bed, surrendering her will to Alessa completely and whimpering as the tide of pleasure gradually overtook her shaking muscles and every inch of her flesh. Alessa pumped her hips rhythmically without stopping, watching as the blonde girl tensed underneath her, until Lisa exploded in climax. Lisa arched back and cried out from the explosive orgasm, as waves of uncontrollable pleasure crashed down on her. She was making the area between her and Alessa more wet than it already was, and she could hear the slick sounds of their juices colliding as their bodies slapped against each other. She moaned and gasped in pleasure, the strangled sounds coming from her throat as she barely managed to get any noises out and finally released the tension that had built up in her body during all this time. She collapsed on the bed, drained beyond measure and willing to just let Alessa do whatever she wanted now at this point.
Alessa looked down at her in satisfaction. She had finally given Lisa the second orgasm she deserved, and now it was her turn to get some satisfaction. She slipped her thigh between Lisa’s legs, resting her sex against the crook of her inner thigh, and began to rub her drenched sex against the smooth skin. She pulled Lisa closer to her and circled her arms around the small of her back as she rode the surface of Lisa’s hips with a single-minded intensity. She pumped away on Lisa’s body until she felt the familiar sensation bubbling up inside her, and the tidal waves of pleasure crashed down on her. Alessa arched her back as she was rocked by a fierce orgasm, her body jerking roughly and the strangled cries emanating from her throat as she leaned forward, supported by two shaking arms. Alessa felt the fluid emanating out of her onto Lisa, and she felt herself coming down from the high as the wave receded, her face taking on an open-mouthed expression of numbing satisfaction. Alessa collapsed forward onto Lisa’s body, resting her head against her chest. Alessa trailed downwards, leaving a string of kisses on her neck, until she came to nibble on Lisa’s breast; that big, juicy, beautiful breast that she just couldn’t get enough of. Alessa couldn’t believe this had happened. She had just made love to Lisa, the nurse she had fantasized about for all these years, and the reality was better than anything she could have ever prepared for. Lisa placed her hand on Alessa’s head, content to let the girl draw these last few gasps of pleasure out of her body, and allow her this small comfort. They rested for a long few moments, content to simply enjoy each other’s company.
Alessa flipped off of Lisa and sprawled back on the bed. They rested side-by-side, recovering from the incredible high they had just experienced a few moments before.
Alessa finally spoke. “Wow. That was…” she trailed off, unable to form any more words.
“Yeah…” Lisa confirmed, easily agreeing with the sentiment. She was still breathing hard.
Alessa regained her voice fully. “That was amazing,” she said, and she hoped Lisa could hear that she meant every word of it. This was one of the best experiences of her life, recent or otherwise, and it almost put all of the crap things that had happened to her over the past few days out of her mind. Almost, but not quite. Still, she was serene for now, and she felt a lightness in her soul that took her mind out of the darkness for a short while. She stopped short of telling Lisa those three magic words, “I love you”, because Lisa wasn’t ready to hear that yet, and she wasn’t going to be that cliché. She didn’t remember if she had said it earlier or not, but she wasn’t going to say it again until the right moment.
She really wasn’t going to be that cliché.
Alessa yawned and stretched her arms over her head. She was exhausted; there was absolutely no way she could go out there like this right now, and expect to fight. She had used up almost all her remaining energy during this encounter, but it wasn’t the same kind of exhaustion she felt when fighting for her life out on those streets. Still, she needed to rest for a while, and recover some of her energy. Still, there was one thing stopping her…
“You need to rest,” Lisa observed sharply, from where she was sitting up leaning back against the headboard of the bed.
Alessa stared down with a troubled expression. It was what she had thought, but there were numerous thoughts racing through her mind. What if something happened while she was asleep? What if some monsters broke into the motel room? Or what if members of the Order found them? Any number of things could happen, while she was asleep and not watching the door alert, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to play that card. What if the…the god awoke during her sleep, and Alessa suddenly found herself powerless to do anything about it – because she had let down her guard?
Lisa seemed to pick up on her anxieties. “Don’t worry. I’ll watch over you, and if anything of alarm happens, I’ll wake you up right away. You can rest up for a few hours, if you need to,” she assured her confidently, and offered her what she hoped was a reassuring smile. She could keep watch, monitoring Alessa’s condition with her abilities, and if anything happened, or that…thing that was inside Alessa activated all of a sudden and started to overtake her, she would deal with it and do her best to contain it. She was not going to let any harm come to this young woman, no matter what it took. She had had the first human contact she had in ages thanks to Alessa, and she owed her. The gratitude she had for her was depthless. After the joy Alessa had made her feel, it was the least she could do for her.
Alessa smiled at the nurse in gratitude. “Thank you,” she said, and the sense of gratitude she felt was enormous. What would she do without her? She was growing too dependent on Lisa already, but she didn’t mind it one bit right now.
It was a relief to have Lisa on her side. It was rather heartening, in a way. She could count on Lisa to protect her, if only for these few moments.
Alessa scooted up to where Lisa was and snuggled up close to her. She eagerly put her head on Lisa’s breast, enjoying the comfortable feeling she got just from being in this position. Lisa wrapped her arms around her, and Alessa relaxed fully on the nurse’s chest. She felt safe in Lisa’s arms, she felt secure, and it was a feeling of being loved that was hard to describe; she felt the tension leaving her body as she relaxed in the nurse’s grasp. She allowed herself to be drawn into an appealing slumber, as she felt the drowsiness of the past day’s events finally gaining an upper hand on her.
She was finally inside somewhere secure after all this time, and she was going to relish that.
Alessa allowed the darkness to overtake her, yielding to its irresistible pull, lulling her into what she hoped would be a dreamless slumber.
~AN: Some dialogue may be borrowed from Silent Hill 3.
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