A Match to Tinder | By : Anesor Category: +A through F > Dragon Age (all) > Dragon Age (all) Views: 4105 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Age 2, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. Aldera is my character, as are a few new ones. |
The Dragon Age world, plot, and their characters aren't mine but belong to Bioware. I get no money for writing this sequel.
--- x x --- -- Road to Orzammar Hawke: We were a few days out of Halamshiral and our talk about Ferelden and Lake Calenhad had slowed down, and Anders was sitting in front of the fire playing with his kitten. Ser Mew had already lost a little of his fluffy kitten stage in the last few weeks and was busy chasing a feather dangling from a long stick. It was nice to hear Anders' occasional chuckle, but I didn't miss Merrill's gesture that she wanted to move off to speak privately. I gestured for Paws to stay and guard Anders and moved away. “What do you want to talk about, Merrill?” “Hawke, you have not been yourself since after my visit with the hahren...” Merrill fiddled with her staff, only slightly visible in the dim moonlight. “While Anders has been very quiet about anything important to him, only telling travelers' tales.” Dropping down to the ground, I had to sigh. “It's nothing new, Merrill. Justice came out to kill those Templars that attacked us, but there was no warning this time. This wasn't just killing attackers, we've had to do that so many times, it was how he killed them. It scared me a little, and even upset Anders when he saw it.” “You know that my lore says there is no real difference between any kind of spirit that has walked the Beyond, lethallin. I can see that denying that gives the Circle mages a feeling of safety until it is too late.” She knelt down beside me. “Merrill, I sometimes wish you and Anders would stop arguing about this point. If the spirits abide by the constraints of the virtues as much as the others seem to relish fulfilling the sins, that concept is useful isn't it?” I couldn't talk to Anders about this as it looked like Justice had a special loathing of being called a demon. So did Anders, but I wasn't sure if it was because he hated demons too, or it was Justice's opinion leaking through. She shook her head, barely visible in the dark. “This spirit does not seem to have many limits anymore, does he? Anders must keep control every hour of every day. Possessed Keepers have had to be hunted down long before this point. Marethari... she could not have done what she did more than a few months before the truth would be revealed.” A silence hung between us, and Merrill took a deep breath before speaking again in a very small voice. “You do have a plan don't you, Hawke? You aren't selfishly forcing him to stay here when it is time for him, for them, to move into the Beyond?” I looked up at the moon for a moment before meeting her eyes. “I have a plan. Actually it's more of a hope. He was drenched in blood after that fight, which scared him. I was never even touched, but he was so worried... He told me explicitly that I should do whatever was needed. I think he expected me to do something else, but I don't think he's a lost cause yet.” Unsaid was something I prayed would never happen: that he, that they, would truly become an abomination, unable to be reasoned with. I wasn't sure I could give him that mercy. I don't know if I wanted to live after that battle that I'd have to win twice. “So what does this hope require of you, Hawke?” Merrill asked soothingly with a smile I could hear in her voice. Relief that she didn't think my opinion was insane made me feel giddy for an instant. “I need to talk to the Hero of Ferelden, or at least others who knew her and of events during the Blight. I think I've gotten all I could learn from Anders without his realizing I'm fishing for information. I need all I can ask safely, without possibly angering his spirit. I hope they might know more about forgotten places they found during the Blight.” Merrill looked interested. “Oh, yes, that could help me with the assignment that the Keeper gave me too.” “Wardens do seem to end up in corners forgotten by the rest of us. I don't know if finding darkspawn in most of them is connected, but they seem to pick up odd knowledge, don't they?” I hoped that it was a Warden thing, not an Anders thing. “That sounds hopeful, Hawke. You won't run into too many of those that stir him up like a hornet's nest. You go back to him. He is better with you, like you were some kind of stuffed... Now what kind of animal would you be?” “I don't know, I'll go ask him,” I said with a grin as I rose to move back to our campfire. Anders was listening for me and caught when I returned from Paws' reaction. Beckoning, he only said, “Love.” “Always,” I agreed, settling very close. “Merrill is trying to figure out what kind of stuffed animal I'd be for you.” Anders' crack of laughter was music. “A hawk would be an obvious choice, though you have nothing like the feathers you should have. A sad, sad lapse on your part.” “I'll leave the feathers to you, Anders, you're the one that likes them so much. They'd look silly on me.” “Maybe a mabari, even if I've never had any urge to cuddle with one.” Frowning a little for a moment, he added, “I prefer cats, but I can't see you as one, grace and sleekness aside. I will just have to settle for the woman and hug the stuffing out of you once in a while.” His embrace made my ribs creak a little, but the following kiss was fine. We reached the Fereldan border a couple of days later. I knew it was an important posting with the usually chancy relations with Orlais and the sheer number of soldiers bore it out. The uniforms looked familiar from my time fighting with Carver in the army, but I didn't feel as much about it anymore. I wondered if Aveline had taken up the offer for recommissioning after Kirkwall. It would be just our luck to run into her here. I was looking for her height as we moved through the crowd and listened for trouble. Anders' stiffening was my first warning that we'd found it. I glanced to where his gaze was, and saw what possibly would be the absolutely worst thing for him to see: mages in Templar chains. Whatever else had changed, they still bound them like animals or criminals. It made me sick too, but I could not let him lose his temper now. There were too many innocents in the crowd, even if it was only the handful of children in the market. I had to stop this, because he was already crouching as Justice wanted control. Throwing myself against him and knocking him to the ground like some overeager lover, I gave him, gave his spirit and him, a sketchy plan that would prevent needless deaths and still free these mages. This close, I could see Fade energies in his eyes, though the fiery blue kept shifting. The spirit wasn't convinced yet. Holding his face to hide more of that light, I kissed him. Not that I minded that at all. Anders' arms went around me quickly and I breathed a sigh of relief between our kisses. By the time whistles broke my concentration, my mage's brown eyes showed how smug he could get. I brushed his stubble with my fingertips, so glad I managed to stop a fight. With two powerful mages and myself, we probably would have won. I'm not sure I could take killing so many Fereldan soldiers at the border post. I had sworn an oath for that army once. Standing up, the prisoner mages were still in sight, and we only needed to follow them discreetly. Catching up with the Templars was successful and soon there were only dead Templars and freed mages. I think one mage had a case of hero-worship and seemed delighted to go to Amaranthine when Anders told him who to ask for. I'd been so glad we'd managed to avoid another slaughter that I hugged Anders as soon as the fight was over. We had to divide our supplies with them before they left us. I hoped they found a safe place to live, but staying with us was not safe. The weather was getting cooler, and I would be glad to replenish our supplies in a village I saw ahead of us. It was supposed to be the last village before Orzammar on the map, but colder weather was arriving so much earlier than I was used to now. Kirkwall had been warmer than Lothering. The village was named for ducks, the kind of bird that seemed in short supply here. I was pretty sure they'd already flown north for the winter. We also found a large and well armed caravan, leaving for any one of the human nations that surrounded Orzammar. I wondered if they were moving precious metals or lyrium, but the foul tempered guards didn't encourage any interaction. Since the traders got here first, they already had all the rooms. The merchants, lanky sorts named Mikhael and Leond argued about their path. I couldn't decide if they were related or lovers. I could only get us some shelter up inside the barn. It didn't bother me that much, as it had been an exciting and daring place to sleep when I was a child. And it would be a bit warmer than our tent and we could cuddle away from Merrill's view. When we got to the barn, Anders wasn't that pleased to see that the loft was built into the side of the hill, so Paws could join us. Still, Mew stalked off after some rodents before we slept. We got ready to leave in the morning but an Antivan led a crowd to attack us as we left the village. Most were dwarves or just foolish. He'd underestimated us badly. I supposed he thought defeating the Qunari attack was easy and he could collect whatever bounty the Divine or Sebastian were offering. And the fools thought numbers alone would give them victory or that they weren't disposable to their leader. I could pity them, but I wasn't going to let them kill us. Moving on in a hurry, I thought we weren't the only ones moving towards Orzammar, but I never saw anyone. I heard too many sounds coming from the wrong direction. I didn't want to think I was getting as edgy as Anders had been the last few months in Kirkwall, but I was feeling it too. And Anders? He had gone far beyond me in paranoia, and after two days of ever more hidden camps, he looked a wreck. I didn't think he'd slept since the bounty hunter found us. Every time I stirred at night, he was alert and soothed me back to sleep. I wasn't always that alert when I woke and felt guilty in the mornings on seeing him. The next night after a brief argument, Merrill and I split watches while Anders slept almost like the dead. He looked better, and we packed up for our travel. The frost had been a warning that we shouldn't dawdle too much if we didn't want to stay in Orzammar for the winter. Paws growled a moment before I heard the sound of many bow strings letting loose. I was only grazed, but I scanned those closing on us, looking for the leaders. I delayed almost an instant too long, and hastily dropped a grenade to provide me some cover to divert attention. That gave me the seconds I needed to find a warrior with better armor and shield. I managed to backstab her, a clean hit and she went down. Unfortunately several more were close and one hit me with what felt like a big tree branch and I lost my footing with my head ringing for a long instant. Lightning arced down from the sky from Merrill as I blinked. I heard shouts and battle cries from all around me as I looked for my next target. I managed to shake it off and attacked another with two blades. They were too many and I tossed one of my few grenades straight up in the air as they were still converging on me. I could only pray that they'd take the worst of it as I was inured. A spike rammed into my side told me I was wrong. The shouts were getting quieter and the ground was so solidly supporting me. I still felt empty when the sounds around me came into focus, enough that I could hear Anders' howl. His shout ending with the interrupted grunt of him being hurt. I couldn't move, jump up to help or see what was happening. All I could see was an unmoving leg and some rocks. His next shout scared me as I got cold, so cold before hearing new shouts. The new shouts must have been friendly as one woman's voice ordered. “Drink a healing potion, duster!” I still couldn't move through endless moments and arms lifted me up enough to coax a potion into my mouth. Merrill encouraged me. “Drink this, lethallin. We found some Gray Wardens.” Partly upright, I could see Anders was on his knees, covered in his own blood and looking dazed. But he lived and breathed. The handful of Wardens, all in the blue and starred uniforms my sister wore, except for the dwarven one who was giving the orders. She turned to Anders once they'd finished, her facial tattoos looking oddly like a skull, and said. “Well, Sparklefingers, you went and did become political despite all your denials.” I wasn't sure if she was angry or not at him and began to struggle to my feet. I only relaxed after he spoke. Anders' voice almost sounded grave when he said tiredly, “You just want to see me eye to eye.” Her laugh finally let me truly relax. “Didn't expect to find you out on a patrol, Anders. Is this your Calling?” Already pale from his exhaustion, Anders still managed to blanch. “Maker, no. I won't take non-Wardens on that trip. You know how I hate the Deep Roads, Sigrun.” The other Wardens watched our group with differing shades of suspicion. There were only three of them, but they were barely marked by the ambushers even if I could see a lot of melting ice scattered around. Merrill and Paws looked well enough, though she had blood on her. I felt a little sad that my first thought was that she was doing blood magic again, but I was not going to ask. “Then what are you doing here?” He looked at me and smiled slightly. “We went into a set of ruins to retrieve something for Merrill here. Inside is this huge spider-like guardian that is keeping some darkspawn penned in. It needs to be investigated and that should be for a larger group of Wardens.” “Hah, I'd bet Oghren that we'd see you again, doing Warden duties. You can't escape it.” She crowed and playfully punched his arm. Just kind of absorbing the punch with a wince, Anders complained with the tiniest of smiles, “I'm trying to, just not very well.” “Well, we'll need to get back to the outpost and update our maps with that location. You're a popular fellow, mage, and I'd like to hear what happened since I saw you last.” Her voice turned serious, even if not menacing. “I need to rest,” Anders admitted. “It's harder to do magic in this armor and I'm exhausted.” Pulling him up by his belt, Sigrun smiled in a friendly manner. “Bhelan granted us Wardens our own tunnel-hall, outside Orzammar proper, so I can assign you some rooms while you're here.” Barking a tired laugh, Anders was surprised. “You? You're commanding, or are you the butler?” “Being some fancy butler would be a lot more fun some days. I thought I wouldn't have to worry about politics when I joined the Legion... or the Wardens. Shows how young I was still. And you?” She paused on seeing Anders do a jaw-cracking yawn. “Well, we can talk later.” Sigrun led the larger group along the road and it was only an hour when we reached an open bowl tucked next to this huge and grand doorway into the mountain. We'd passed statues of dwarves as we got closer, but the road never quite reached the finished polish that the Imperial Highway had. The bowl looked like a kind of market, and there were some buildings made in the human style, but they now looked flimsy compared to the massive structures in Kirkwall and the Door itself. Still there were more temporary merchant stalls that I doubted would last until the second big snow. The other wardens, two dwarves and a human, hurried ahead to a smaller doorway with a griffin carved above it. Following the Wardens, I ended up supporting Anders once we got inside. Merrill had been pleased at having her own quarters. I got Anders washed and settled in the bed inside the room that one of the uniformed Wardens led us to. Anders dozed off even as I got his bloody and grimy things off of him and tucked him in. I washed myself and my armor too, and put on my Champion armor. I wasn't sure if it was for necessity, or that I somehow found the armor a comfort now. I used my damp towels to wipe off Paws, but then found myself too restless to sleep even if it was a real bed. When I stepped outside our quarters, Sigrun was leaning against the wall there. No one else was visible. “So you are the Champion,” Sigrun said with a cheerful smile. “I really would not have expected Anders to fall in with another leader like the Warden, nor rebel quite so much.” Looking back at our room, I suggested, “I'd rather you do this catchup when Anders is awake.” Her smile faded a little before it broadened. “Fine. We will all talk later. Though I will admit I was surprised when I heard from other Wardens that he was in Kirkwall and wasn't still plowing every field away from the Circle he could find.” I only blinked, as at first I nearly missed the allusion. I wasn't sure how to take that. Usually comments were nasty ones, or kidding and concern from friends. Anders wasn't quite as prickly as when he'd met Stroud or Nathaniel, so she must have been a friend. Not that I was actually thinking that for the first seconds after she said that. My jaw had dropped and my mouth may have actually hung open. Sigrun giggled while looking at my face. I'd never heard another Warden giggle, my sister hadn't. Once my jaw worked, I said, “He wasn't like that at all when I met him in Kirkwall. He'd back away from even flirting for years.” That made her look at me in surprise. “Hmm, that doesn't sound like the mage I knew. How about I give you a guided tour of the market inside Orzammar? That's not usually available to humans or elves, unless they're Wardens.” Relieved at the change in topic, I agreed. Our entrance into the dwarven thaig, the most prosperous and largest, was almost anticlimactic. Sigrun was greeted by name or as Warden and I was mostly ignored. Looking out over the bustling and echoing market, I had the very odd feeling of being the tallest in the room. This wasn't exactly a room, more like one of the largest spaces I'd even seen. I was underground, under a mountain actually. This was the first place where tons of rock overhead didn't, quite, make me cringe while waiting for rocks to start falling. We talked a little as we looked at what the merchants had for sale, partly about mabari and Paws. Sigrun had only met a few over the years, as few Wardens had mabari before they Joined. With that comment, she changed the talk away from Wardens and Joining, and I didn't think it wise to admit that Anders had told me much. I heard too much of the sounds of commerce all around us to panic just now, and paused to smile down at Sigrun as we walked. “I'm not that used to being underground and not having darkspawn lining up to kill me.” I'd been glad to see that like Howe, she didn't feel the need to be in the blue and stars uniform. I know I had mixed feelings about it, because Anders hated what it represented to him and I suspected that it would look good on him. Bethany had always wanted to feel part of something bigger than our shrinking family, part of something better. I shuddered now to think if she'd been in the Gallows bodies Orsino 'harvested' at the end. Sigrun grinned up at me, “Sometimes it takes me weeks to relax up here again. It's so bright!” “Not to forget noisy,” I admitted, putting my hands over my ears for a second. “Ogres and other darkspawn are all 'rarrgh' and roars, until they finally die, aren't they? Quiet is good, darkspawn make the oddest gurgles when they die someti...” Sigrun'd stopped in front of a merchant's table, and smiled at him. “Wardens! Honored to supply you with the best in weapons and... fine jewelry, much finer than the damaged things you might find in your duties.” The merchant smiled at us, and then more at Sigrun. I was about to correct that when she elbowed my leg. “We do want to see your weapons, Legnar, and anything new in the way of traps. My friend here, has some loot off a skirmish too,” Sigrun said while examining some trip wires nearly hidden under a pile of daggers in many styles. That prompted me to start bringing out the things I was planning to sell, including a few things too expensive to sell since we left Kirkwall. He wasn't interested in where they came from, and provided me enough gossip on the King here and his policies that were ruffling the clans. Legnar was scandalized that there was even talk of allowing surface clans to be remembered, or get respected. Bartrand was an impatient fool, but I was sure Varric would find this ironic if he didn't already know. Time could win him all his brother lusted for, as little as Varric did. Legnar didn't care about Towers or Grand Marches or Qun, only buying and selling. I was selling and I bought a few things too, mostly parts for grenades. One set of armor looked better than what Anders had, so I'd have to ask him later if he wanted it. We visited more dwarven merchants for several hours and I bought some potions, mostly stamina ones. One tried to pressure Sigrun and I into teaming in a special proving in the Warden Commander's honor, but she stopped smiling and slapped that down before we moved on. “What was that about?” I asked her once we left and went above ground again. “What's a proving?” “Blood sport to amuse the commons, and let the rich bastards prove who's got the deeper vein,” she said with a grin. “If we decide to clean up on the betting we can enter. It's better if they don't know who you are when they place their bets.” “I'm not some duelist or mighty warrior,” I objected. “Varric Tethras did a lot of embellishing in his stories. We all worked together for combat, unless we were bickering and threatening each other. Isabela is the duelist. I don't fight for honor or inside silly rules,” “That's fine, not that there are many rules in a Proving. We can think about it later, if someone offers us enough of a temptation to enter. No one here doubts that it was a Blight.” Sigrun was annoyed for only an instant, but then grinned again. “Since you're not a Warden we can get better odds if we let that fact out before the match. Not many want to bet against me or my students anymore, but they don't think much of humans as fighters.” Thinking about how spare our purse had been, I changed my mind and said, “Maybe we should, as long as it's not to the death.” Clapping her hands together, Sigrun looked eager. “Maybe can make arrangements with the Proving Master that Sparklefingers is allowed to prevent death. Not that I'm worried, since your armor won't look like proper protection to them.” With that, we reached the smaller archway into the Warden tunnel with the griffin rampant over it. Once inside, Sigrun breezily ignored the young dwarven warden on duty as we passed him. Once in the hall I looked towards the tunnel where our room was. Sigrun waved at me and said, “Go, find Sparklefingers, he owes me a drink and a sovereign still.” Now that we were inside and I wasn't rushed with a collapsing mage, I saw the halls were whitewashed with the occasional wooden beam, maybe in deference the humans and elves for this post. I threaded my way back to Anders' particular assigned cave, through tunnels that tried to look above ground and bright. I really thought I'd find Anders sleeping, with Ser Mew napping on him. No, he was sprawled out only partly under a blanket and humming, playing with a strand of his hair for a long moment. In the low light, the deep blue blanket was wrinkled and gathered around him as he lazily rubbed his chest. His skin glowed bright blue where the liquid flowed so slowly. When I stepped inside and shut the door, I couldn't move. The glow outlined his muscles and bones, just a little. I knew what his skin felt like, the old scars and the often too-lean muscle. Looking back at his face, his was an easy, inviting smile. Moving for the first time since I entered, his hand shifted, pressing down and the glow followed his fingers down his chest and belly. The luminescent liquid or salve dribbled off his side as he breathed, and he groaned as our eyes met again. Whatever else was different in all the time since Kirkwall, only one thing stood out to me right now. He smiled. This was a happy smile, happier than I'd ever seen, his eyebrows didn't even droop like they so often had. I'd thought that was just his facial structure. But no, it was from all that had happened to him. Maker help me, he was happy now, more than for so long now...if ever that I knew him. My throat tight, I was having trouble breathing. Anders was happy and calm. It was obvious that Justice didn't disapprove of this 'distraction.' Every bit of my self control, won hard from bluffing Templars and Varric was barely enough to keep my face calm. Anders' fingers reached out, beckoning me and saying in a coaxing voice, “Hawke.” His lips were almost white from whatever he'd imbibed, and his irises were glowing blue. But Anders' skin wasn't cracking like when Justice was out and his smile was almost beatifically happy. I smiled back at him, happy that he was happy; enough so that I could smile even as I let my eyes half close to hide my uneasiness. My eyes filled as I stepped lightly closer to sit on the edge of the bed. I could not look at his face for a moment as I blinked my suddenly painful eyes. My only thought kept circling: he was happier just now, when I was away, than he was with me for so long now. His being a mage had never loomed as high over me before. Dregs of his affection would break me, but... I couldn't think beyond that. I didn't know if I was strong enough to see him go. He rubbed his chest again and and the glow spread a little more and I could almost hear a purr as he moved so slowly and sensually. "Love, 'Better come drink sweet dreams with me, face to face we'll get mellowly drunk," he said in tones so warm it almost hurt. Reaching out, he ran his hand from my knee to my hip in a familiar caress that made me lean closer without thinking. I ran my hand along his arm, being careful to only touch where he wasn't glowing blue like lyrium, or an even brighter white. I shook my head and said nothing, though I still smiled a little. I didn't want to spoil his mood with my sudden melancholy, and I didn't trust my voice right now. He trailed the glowing further, and I was fascinated with how specks of lyrium glowed between his chest hair and how tiny bits collected in his belly button. Squirming, he moaned the tiniest bit again, and I looked at his face for the first time in some minutes, blinking at his intent stare. I loved seeing him like this, happy and at peace. Void take it, I'd never seen him this relaxed, and I felt my smile fade a little more. “Dera,” Anders said in a seductive voice that made me shiver every time. Then his free hand slid up and grabbed my tunic and pulled me down with a sharply for a kiss. A crashing of something small and tinkling glass on the stone floor got my attention, but I would swear he almost purred again as I turned my head to look. He started licking above my ear and mewed when I started to get off the bed. “Anders, you're barefoot and bare arsed,” I said with a reluctant smile as I got up on my knees and felt around for more vials. “I want to clean it up before we forget. How many vials were there here in the blankets?” “Four I emptied...” he admitted with a pout and reached for me again. “I want to share this with you, love.” I evaded his reach, but caressed him before moving away to look for something to clean up with, “I need to collect the glass.” “Then take off your boots, and shirt, and... Never mind, I'll help you with all that, Hawke,” Anders smirked from behind me. Between the glow from the lamp and from Anders, I didn't have much trouble sweeping up while he kept quiet. When I turned about, he'd pulled another glass vial from somewhere; drinking a sip, he poured out the rest onto himself to play with. He held the empty glass in one hand, making more glowing trails, humming contentedly. Licking a finger off suggestively, he asked with a playful growl, “Wanna play?” My breath catching again, I had to remind myself why it was a bad idea. “I don't think so.” I could say it with regret about something, another thing, we couldn't share. Would we have anything in common if he was freed from Justice? Would he remember me or again become the butterfly he'd described himself as, that Sigrun remembered so well a decade later? I wasn't some fair flower to attract someone like that as he fluttered free again. I'd had a life of tragedy and sacrifice, not flirtations and it showed. Not that it mattered at this point. He'd burn himself out in some way if Justice couldn't settle so it had to be done, whatever the cost to me. Still I had to remind him that the lyrium was a poison to me, and I carefully took the glass from his hand to place on a table. “It is lyrium, right?” “Oh,” he said with his face almost comically sinking when he remembered. “It's so much fun, and we never had enough to spare before. I think Justice is intoxicated, he's almost purring. Drink wine with me?” he finished hopefully. Snagging a towel, I returned to the bed to give it to him to clean off the potions so I could join him. I undressed, desperately wanting to not disrupt his cheer. Mine was broken enough, even though I hoped he wouldn't notice in his state. “I'd be happy to drink wine with you, love, even if you are intoxicating enough.” Anders' smile returned, brighter than the lyrium again. --- x --- A/N: The chapter title was adapted from a quote by Christopher Forrest McDowell. Anders' rather learned quote when he's drunk is adapted from a poem by P Chü-I. One scene was inspired by a sketch posted by haweward on Tumblr on August 20, 2011. Thanks to my beta readers who have been kind enough to read this and point out stupid flubs. Any typos that remain are not intentional... Reviews or a PM to let me know what you think would be very appreciated.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. 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