From Badlands To Good Times A Cyberpunk 2077 Tale | By : Crystal_Dreams_Writes Category: -Misc Video Games/RPGs > AU - Alternate Universe Views: 4201 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Cyberpunk 2077 nor the characters from it I do not make any money or profit in any way from the writing of this story |
V woke up when the sunlight hit her in the face. Taking a few minutes to get her bearings, she realizes she’s in a very busy bed with Jackie and Panam. She sighs in satisfaction as she remembers what transpired the night before, the moans, the heat, the pleasure, and the unholy amount of synthetic booze. She can’t help but get aroused as she remembers, her hand slowly trails to her pussy as she starts to play with herself, biting her bottom lip and gyrating her hips, she soon feels a hand caressing her torso, as she sees Panam awake, and without saying a word, she starts kissing V’s belly, licking, trailing low until she spreads V’s legs and starts kissing her crotch, V breathes in, her hands on Panam’s head. “Hmm… fuck yeah” she whispers as Panam flicks her tongue on V’s clit, kissing and nibbling it. V starts to breathe shakily, wrapping her legs around Panam. The bed moves as Jackie is awake too, grinning at the scene, he slowly moves out of the way, taking in the scene before him and enjoying it, he walks behind Panam, whistling softly at the sight of her fat ass, he then starts teasing Panam’s pussy, prodding it with his cock, rubbing it against her. Panam tries to look back but V’s hands hold her in place, with a grunt, Jackie pushes forward, penetrating Panam. With a muffled moan, Panam’s eyes roll back, but she continues to service V. With every thrust, Panam’s ass mesmerized Jackie, one slap was heard, Jackie’s hand on her ass as he started to pump faster. V continued to pull Panam closer, feeling closer to climax, Panam was lost in the moment, taking Jackie’s length and licking V’s pussy, slobbering while she did that. With one more pull, V finally climaxes, squirting over Panam’s face. Jackie kept pumping, puffing more and more every time, Panam’s moans getting louder until they turned into screams, Jackie pulled her back as he finally blew his load into her. The three were a mess of sweat, breathing heavily, panting. Panam finally lays on her back, catching her breath, she looks at both V and Jackie “You two… really work well together” Jackie winks at her “You know it chica, we can always work together again if you think you can handle it” Panam scoffs “That a challenge?” V rolls to her side, sweating, looking at her “You want it to be?” Panam smirks, standing up “All I want right now is a shower… Dibs”.
A while later, the three of them were already cleaned, Jackie and V were leaning against their bikes as Panam approaches them “I guess this is where we part ways for now” she announces “Listen, I know I can be stubborn at times, I just feel strongly about everything and I will always voice my opinion… I still think it’s absolute bullshit we didn’t go after Nash when we had the chance but I appreciate you two talking me out of it… You’re right, if I’m gonna keep trying on Night City, I’ll have to play by the rules” Both mercs nod at Panam “So you’re gonna stay and still do runs, chica?” Jackie asks, Panam smiles “I think I’ll stick to the Red Peaks area for now, though Militech is increasing its presence, it’ll also put me close to the clan if they need me… You two got my number, and I got yours, so, we’ll be in touch, alright?” she gets on her truck, and as the windows roll down, V waves at her “Take care Panam, don’t be a stranger”.
The Warhorse took off, and soon it was just V and Jackie “So, back to the Afterlife, chica” he says as V nods “Yup, we gotta report back to Rogue, maybe she’ll change her opinion about Panam now” Jackie smirks, shaking his head “Nah chica, Rogue is set on her ways, Panam will have to do something big to make her change her mind, but this is a good start…” he then falls into a sudden, yet awkward silence. V smirks “You are just thinking about that fuckfest we had, aren’t you?” Jackie chuckles “I mean, aren’t you? You were into it as much as I was… We should do this more often, chica” V laughs, shaking her head “What, picking up fat assed nomads to do jobs with, and then celebrating at a bar in a motel in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and ending the night fucking each other’s brains out?” Jackie grins, starting his bike “Yeah, what’s so wrong about that?” V starts her bike too “Absolutely fuckin’ nothing, choom. You are right, we should be doin’ this more often”.
The mercs made their way back to the Afterlife, finding Emmerick not to be a problem anymore, they proceed further, but before they could reach Rogue, Claire called them “Hey guys, the drinks you ordered are ready!” V stops in her tracks, looking at Jack. They hadn’t ordered anything, they had just arrived, and they decided to play along. Approaching the bar, Claire slides two drinks their way, leaning in “There are some Arasaka suits looking for you, they are talking to Rogue now, be careful” V and Jackie looked at each other. V felt like someone dropped a bucket of ice water on her, metallic aftertaste and all. Downing the drinks, they both head to Rogue’s private booth, when they are stopped by Crispin, a tank of a man watching the booth “Just a minute, friends, Rogue’s havin’ a meeting” Rogue notices them arrive and addresses Crispin “Let them in, this concerns them too” Crispin steps aside and the duo joins Rogue “Rogue” greets V, Rogue nods to them “V, Jackie, I heard from Boz, says the delivery was on time and without problems, thank you for taking care of the issue” Jackie smiles, looking at her “Ain’t a problem Rogue”.
Rogue finally clears her throat, motioning at the three gentlemen standing, they all wore black suits with red touches, an unmistakable Arasaka uniform “These gentlemen arrived not too long ago, they are looking for a couple of mercs for a highly classified and, I’m told, very well paid operation” the man standing in the middle steps forward. He looked young, maybe as young as V “My name is Vaughn” he announces as he turns to look at Jackie “Good to see you again, Jack” Jackie just groans as the man continues “My superior is in need of the services of this establishment, it’s a very delicate operation that requires the utmost discretion, you will be very well compensated for your time and services, I require one of you to accompany us to the office for the rest of the debrief from my employer” Vaughn glances at Jackie, then at V “I don’t care who” V got a weird feeling from Vaughn, something familiar yet vastly different at the same time, as she was about to reply, Rogue chimes in “V, why don’t you join them? I need Jackie to debrief on the operation” Jackie was about to protest when Rogue continued, looking at him “Isn’t that right, Mr. Welles?” Jackie grunts, just looking at V “I’ll be alright chica, go on ahead” Vaughn heads on ahead, as V follows him, the escorts walking behind her. Once leaving the club, V was surprised they were getting into the elevator, going to the roof access, turns out the men had arrived via Arasaka AV “Of course” she thought to herself “The less they interact with us filthy commoners the better”.
The AV was the epitome of luxury, it had a customized AI not too different from Delamain, as well as advanced navigational systems, and all the luxurious amendments a corpo would ever want “Help yourself to anything” says Vaughn as the AV takes off “We’ll be in the office soon”.
The journey was extremely stressful even if it only took a few minutes, V felt more like a prisoner being escorted to some cell other than whatever she was supposed to be. Finally landing at an Arasaka hangar, several hundred meters above the street level, Vaughn is the first to disembark, offering V his hand to help her. Her first impulse was to slap the hand away, but she remembered where she was, there were probably dozens of eyes trained on her even before the AV landed. She opted to take his hand and disembark herself.
Following Vaughn as he walked down the corridors was a unique experience, everyone was stepping aside and no one would even dare raise their eyes to meet his. However, another man joined and matched Vaughn’s pace “Vaughn, I need a word” Vaughn simply sighs “You got two minutes, Frank, we’re on our way to meet Jenkins, what do you need?” the man realizes Vaughn was escorting V and just cleared his throat “It’s about the bio issue, let’s make room to talk about it later? It’s kind of urgent, and Abernathy will have my ass if nothing is done by the end of the day” Vaughn simply nods “Give me an hour or two and then find me, we’ll handle it” Frank nods and gives the man a brief smile “Thank you, Vaughn, I owe you one”. A few minutes later, the group was at a reinforced and yet, luxurious door, Vaughn makes a discrete signal, and the two escorts step aside, after a brief scan, the door opens and both Vaughn and V proceed inside.
The office was enormous, probably significantly bigger than V’s apartment, and it was decorated with Japanese motifs, in a black and red scheme. At the end of the office, a man was looking at a giant screen with several numbers flashing, Vaughn stops Valerie, lowering his voice “Wait here”, with that, Vaughn went ahead and joined the man.
V felt uneasy, the more she looked, the more nervous she got: There were no escape routes, and even if she could shoot a window, which she guessed was going to be nearly impossible, the fall would definitely kill her. She breathed slowly, trying to calm herself, she remembered that some of these corpos had implants that specialized in reading someone. She saw how Vaughn had approached the man, a tall corpo with a sleek black suit, she could feel how he was watching her even from a distance. Finally and after a few seconds that felt like an eternity, both men made their way to meet her.
“My name is Arthur Jenkins, head of Arasaka Counterintelligence, Night City Division” V breathed sharply, she had heard of secret divisions in all corporations, why would anyone reveal that information to her so willingly? The more she looked into it, the more wrong this felt. “V” she announces and leaves it at that. Jenkins simply nods “I heard you and your partner have been making waves lately, taking jobs here and there, doing some work for the NCPD, even for the Mayor, impressive, truly impressive” She could have asked him how he knew so much, but considering where she was, she also guessed his answer would be akin to ‘It’s my job to know’, she simply remained quiet “I’m also aware that at some point, you were approached by one Dexter DeShawn, a so-called legendary fixer, for a job that he hoped would be his triumphant return to ‘the major leagues’, his words, not mine. Is this information accurate?” he knew damn well it was accurate, but V knew this was a test, she simply nods “It is”.
Jenkins looked at her some more, he had some prototype optics, she could tell, so if she could see much with her Kiroshis, who knows what could Jenkins see “You can relax, I know you and your partner worked for this man, but I know neither you nor your partner were involved in what happened next. Information is the currency of the realm of Counterintelligence, and that’s what I’m after. So I’m going to be asking you some questions, and I’d appreciate it if you gave me straight answers” V breathes out, nodding as Jenkins points out at a couple of chairs on the side. The three head there, as V takes a seat. She can feel both men watching her every movement “How did you come to meet Mr. DeShawn?” Jenkins asks “He reached out to my partner for a job, after we discussed it, I met him and talked details, and he explained what he needed” She replies concisely “What was the job?” Jenkins presses “He said it was some chip, prototype, that belonged to Arasaka” Vaughn frowns momentarily but Jenkins seemed still at ease “Did he happen to show you any plans or blueprints of this chip?” V shook her head “No, only what it looked like, but no blueprints, it looked like a regular shard” Jenkins nods quietly “And then what happened?” V continued her recollection “His plan was to steal that chip, he said he needed a Militech bot, the Flathead, then working something out with the client who had commissioned this job, I refused the job” Vaughn looked at her, then at Jenkins, as if looking for some sort of order “You turned down the job?” Jenkins asks V wasn’t sure if he hadn’t heard, or misheard, but she decided to play ball for now “I did” Jenkins remained in the same position, his eyes still set on V “Why?” a simple question with a complex answer “Stealin’ from small corps is one thing, but everybody knows not to mess with Arasaka, it’s a death sentence, and he didn’t offer any assurances for me and my partner. So I refused the job”.
Jenkins remained quiet for a moment, considering the information he was getting “But you didn’t turn down all of it” V shook her head again “No, we renegotiated, I agreed we could do the bot retrieval for him, and that was it” Vaughn turned to look at V, but much like Jenkins, he barely moved “Did you go through with it? Recovering the Militech bot that is” V nods quietly “We did, there was a corpo agent trying to recover a missin’ convoy, the Flathead was part of that convoy, so we used her to get into a Maelstrom joint and buy the bot from them” Jenkins nods quietly “But things didn’t go that smoothly, did they?” V looked at Jenkins, he was almost like a specter. Wrapped in shadows, with a discrete and distant glow in his eyes “No, corpo agent pulled the trigger early, there was a massive gunfight between Militech and Maelstrom, we barely made it out alive, but we made it, bot in hand, and went to deliver it to Dex at the Afterlife” Jenkins breathes out, it was like he was putting a puzzle together “How did the exchange go? Did he pay you and send you on your way?” V shook her head again “No, he tried to convince me and my partner to take the job again, but my partner and I refused again and that was the last time we saw him”.
“Are you familiar with…” Jenkins turns to Vaughn, snapping his fingers “T-Bug, sir” Jenkins nods, turning to V again “T-Bug. Are you familiar with T-Bug?” V nods “She was a netrunner, she teamed up with Jackie and me for a few jobs, and she was at the meet with Dex” Jenkins nods at her “Anything else you can tell me about her?” V looked at Jenkins and shook her head “No, she kept to herself, she rarely left her den, she couldn’t stand people, and I could tell she was uncomfortable when we met” Jenkins slides a tray with fruit towards V “You’ve been doing well, go on, most people live most of their lives without tasting these” V blinked momentarily reaching for an apple. A real, organic, healthy-looking apple. She hadn’t seen one other than in ads and old pictures, and now she was holding one. Jenkins returned to the questioning “You mentioned there was a client who reached out to Dexter DeShawn for this job, what do you know about this individual?” V took a bite from the apple, it was a flavor she had never experienced, it took her a second or two to get her bearings “Not much, her name was Evelin Parker. Dexter said she had a way into Konpeki Plaza, but he never specified or got into any details, he did mention that vetting her wasn’t easy and someone in Pacifica had threatened him if he didn’t stop”.
Jenkins had finally gone silent, he glances at Vaughn, and then at V “Thank you for your straight answers, you’ll see that if you work with us, you’ll be rewarded. There’s no reason to fear Arasaka, V, unless you’re planning to fuck the corporation over. Dexter DeShawn and your friend T-Bug found out the hard way” Jenkins stood up and turned to Vaughn “Handle the rest of phase 1 from here on out, get the papers ready” Vaugh nodded “Yes, sir” Jenkins then turned to V “I want to make something perfectly clear to you, we are going to be working on a few instances, you will see things you don’t normally see, and you will see resources that you have never even dreamed of seeing being burned out just to find answers, you might even need to go against people you would rather not go against, but you will do it anyway because you’re a mercenary, and you will be paid to go against whoever and whatever we tell you to go against, you whore yourself and those around you to our satisfaction because our satisfaction leads to your satisfaction, am I understood?” V didn’t like that speech at all, but she wasn’t sure she could protest, but her mask fell, that much was certain. “Perhaps our friend needs some motivation, Vaughn, if you please”.
Vaughn reached out for a tablet and loaded a few files, giving V the tablet. The images there showed her riding that old Galena shitbox of hers, showed Jackie too, and the moment they crossed the border into Night City and were intercepted by Arasaka transports, the last image was a very clear picture of V shooting against them from the car. Her face went pale as Jenkins continued “I have no interest in keeping you as a collaborator longer than I absolutely have to, but know that if you intend to ‘think outside the box’ in any way, I have ways to bury you so deep, you’ll never see any kind of light ever again. Do these tasks for us, complete them to our satisfaction and this goes away, just like that. Just another Arasaka shipment that got lost on the border, probably taken by some lone nomads. Your main contact will be Vaughn, but I may need you to come and brief me personally if there are significant advances made. Try to sabotage us in any way and you, your friends, your neighbors, your fellow mercs, and every single person who has interacted with you in any way, shape, or form will share your fate. Am I understood?” Jenkins was terrifying in the way that he didn't express any emotions, but anyone could tell he was completely serious “Crystal” V replies, Jenkins nods “Vaughn, as you were, keep me posted”.
A few moments later, Vaughn met V and showed her a tablet “This is a corporate contract, which also doubles as a non-disclosure agreement” he starts explaining “You’ll be paid for your time and services rendered in both eurodollars, weapons, gear, or all. You will need to sign this, but Jack will also need to sign, so I’m going with you back to the Afterlife and collect his signature too”. V and Vaughn made their way back to the hangar, and as they boarded the AV, she finally looked at him “How do you know Jackie?” she asks, Vaughn chuckles “What, he didn’t tell you? Almost a year of knowing you and he never mentioned me? Why, we are best friends” She frowns, best friends? Jackie was best friends with a corpo? She hadn’t seen anything like that “You’re so full of shit” she says casually, he shakes his head “We have been friends for almost ten years now, I had just started working in Arasaka, a lowly corpo employee working distribution, and storage, I used to take any surplus implants or products and cut him in, he didn’t have a problem with who I was or what I did as long as he got his weekly cut. But when I was finally noticed, and the corp set me on the ladder and stopped doing storage runs, then he started preaching the virtues of anti-corporation thoughts and principles, nevermind that I tried looking after him and his mom” the trip, even if brief, was going to be extremely awkward, V could already tell “Any man or woman who dedicates themselves to the corp, any corp, will tell you the same: The focus is always on the top, so you don’t starve again and you make sure you always have a roof over your head, you do things that you may not be particularly proud of to keep going up, but I fail to see how this is any different from doing what you do as a merc. Jackie is a Valentino, and you know he has taken jobs that target Valentino activity, tell me I’m wrong” She wanted to tell him that he was wrong, with all her heart. But she knew she couldn’t. Most of the gigs they got from Padre were usually about doing something against the Valentinos, taking something from them, or dealing with them in any way, and Jackie never had an issue with that. She fell quiet, not knowing how to reply to that.
“You’re a merc because you want to be the best, you want to make a name for yourself, forge your legend, and to do that, you start from the very bottom, you take shit jobs with shit pay and you sleep in shit stained mattresses on a shitty street until you scrounge enough eurodollars to rent a room semi-regularly, so you can stay alive long enough to afford a half decent apartment and go from there, while still entertaining your vices and your pleasures. I want you to know there’s nothing wrong with that, the other side of the mirror is more similar to your life than you think, we all start from the bottom, we get stepped on, spat on, pushed around… Until one day we decide to be the ones pushing others around and making it to the top. So tell me again why doing that is so different from being a merc?”.
V and Vaughn eventually reached the Afterlife rooftop and rode the elevator to street level, entering the Afterlife, V noticed Jackie was at the bar “Chica! You’re back! How did it—oh” he sees Vaughn walk back behind her “Jack” he greets, but Jackie only groans “So, your partner knows the deal, there are certain tasks that the Arasaka corporation needs to be done, but as always, there are protective measures to be taken, there’s a contract, you’ll be paid for your time and services, but you’re also forced into silence” Jackie looks at V “Chica, tell me you didn’t agree to work for these fuckers” V went silent as Vaughn continues “She didn’t have a choice, and neither do you, Jack” Jackie stands up, furious, looking at Vaughn “Like fuck I don’t!” he draws his gun as both Claire and V try to calm him down, the club went to almost absolute silence, Jackie had his gun aimed at Vaughn’s forehead “Really, Jack? A gun?” Vaughn’s eyes glowed momentarily as Jackie starts to groan. His arm shaking, he slowly aims the gun at himself “J-Jackie? Jackie! What are you doing!? Stop!” V turns to Vaughn “What are you doing!? Let him go!” Jackie starts to pull the trigger, the gun aimed at his temple “C-carajo!” he puffs “Stop! Stop! Here!” V signs the contract, shoving it to Vaughn’s chest “I’ll do the fucking thing, just leave Jackie out of this!”
The pressure on Jackie stops, and he regains control of himself, Vaughn takes the contract “So, only you then?” he asks calmly, looking at a very shaken up V “Yes, just… Let me know what you need, I’ll work things out, leave Jackie out of this” Vaughn looks at Jackie, half expecting him to say something or to offer to sign the contract too, but nothing happened. “These terms are acceptable” Vaughn finally announces as he looks at V “I’ll send word to you tonight, of what Jenkins called Phase 1, from this moment on, you’re not to speak to anyone about anything pertaining to these operations, are we clear?” V nods, incensed but managing to keep her cool “We’re clear” Vaughn looks at Jackie again, giving him a few seconds, but he didn’t say anything “Really Jackie, I’d have expected her dear partner to jump in and take the bullet for her… Then again, this isn’t really the first time you have used someone and then disposed of them, is it?” Jackie was about to say something but Vaughn simply turns around “Expect my call tonight, V”.
As Vaughn left, the Afterlife was still blaring music, but it felt like time had stood still. Jackie looked shaken up, ashamed too. V was just pensive, Claire made two drinks but she didn’t know if it was a good idea to offer them anything. Jackie finally looks at V “Chica, I—” V turns to him, she was furious, and she was about to repeat the Panan number a while back “You and I need to have a word, I want you to fucking tell me everything about Vaughn, choom, and don’t you fuckin’ dare leave one single detail out!” she reaches out to his collar and drags him out of the Afterlife, it’s not like Jackie could resist, V had saved him from certain death, again, and it was clear she had talked with Vaughn. V and Jackie made their way to the rooftop. “Fitting” Jackie thought to himself “If she’s fed up with me, all she has to do is push”.
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