Accidental Infatuation | By : crymsonpassion Category: Kingdom Hearts > Slash/Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 10501 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Accidental Infatuation
Chapter 28Sorry about the delays on all the stories that I have only just now gotten around to posting. I'm having a lot of issues with the new text field areas on here, and the file upload seems to hate me,. i needed to take a day that i wasn't in the least bit stressed in order to attempt to post everything from the past couple of months without putting my fist through my computer screen. Well, I;ve delayed you long enough, so....On to the story!
A little more than a week after Aerith, Cloud and Tifa came up to visit us, Cloud called us to tell us that Tifa said yes. Like we ever though that she'd say no. Luckily though, they have promised to wait to have the wedding until after Roxas and I are released from the clinic. This is completely fine for both of us because Cloud has asked us to stand for him, and I told him that I needed to actually stand on my own to be able to do that. I swear I might have heard an almost laugh from my older brother at that.
After learning about all that, I timidly asked if Riku would like to be my date to the wedding. It was kind of a bitter sweet moment for us. It was really the first time that we talked about the fact that sooner or later, I will be discharged from the clinic. We kind of just lay on his bed together and discussed it far into the night. It really kind of hit us then that my recovery won't take forever, but despite the fact that I live over four hours away, we want to try and figure out some way to stay together. Well, as long as we are able to last until then. After all, we are only teenagers and relationships don't always last. But after out talk took that direction, our hormones clued in and realized that we were alone together and decide that we needed to satisfy them. Not that we argued with that need or wanted to deny them. It seems that now that we have had our first intimacy that wasn't interrupted, those disruptions have been stopped. We aren't complaining what so ever, but now know that we know that we can actually start something without being interrupted, we find more time to be alone together. Now I know why Roxy and Axel sneak away so often. Sexual gratification is so addictive. Not that Riku and I have ever gone beyond heavy petting yet. Unfortunately for me though, today Riku got one of the migraines that he has been getting more and more often. I wish that there was something that I could do to help him, but he always just smiles gently to me and tells me he'll be alright after a nap. Then he suggested that I go and spend the day with Roxy as we haven't had much time to spend together just the two of us lately. We spent the day together just hanging out, eventually ending up here in the common room where Naminé has been hanging out all afternoon drawing. At least it gave us something else to do. With her finally having come clean about her relationship with Lexaeus, it has open up a whole new subject for us to pick on her about. "So, has Lexaeus made you any good new desserts lately?" Roxy asks with a grin. Leave it to my twin to only be thinking with his stomach. Naminé just laughs a light little laugh and doesn't look up from the sketch pad that rests on her lap. She is stretched out on one couch, her walker next to her while I am on one of the comfortable arm chairs and Roxas is on another of the couches. "Do you ever think of anything other than food? It honestly surprises me that for the amount that you eat you aren't any taller. It's amazing how short you really are. I think I'm actually taller than you," she says with a grin, looking over at him and sticking her tongue out at him, knowing how sensitive he is about his height. "Hey!" I exclaim, laughter in my voice as I finally realize what she is saying. "What does that mean about me?" "That's right," Roxy smirks, "I'm taller than you now, aren't I? That means I'm the big brother now." Unfortunately Roxy has let his hair grow out a little here at the clinic, while as another test of my tolerance of Kairi and Naminé coming closer to me, I got Kairi to give my hair a little trim last week. That went over alright, though both Roxy and Riku had to hold my hands to prevent me going into an attack. That haircut, combined with the fact that for some reason Roxy decided to have a little growth spurt without me, it makes it so that his hair spikes higher than mine now. As with our rule, it makes him the older twin. It is the first time in three years that he has been the big brother, so I can consent defeat, at least for now. Naminé just gives us an odd look before she goes back to her sketch pad. "You know, I don't think I even want to know," she laughs. "Usually that's best with us," I chuckle, attempting not to think about what I could be doing with Riku right now. Oh man, if I had known that after my first taste of anything sexual, it would have lit a fire like this inside me, I would have…done exactly the same thing. Who am I kidding? I love these feelings. They make me almost giddy. "Sora!" the sound of my twin's voice breaks through my thoughts and I look blankly over at the grin that is plastered on my brother's face. "You've got to stop fantasizing about your boyfriend naked and stay focused here." I blush deeply before giving my twin the finger. "I was not thinking of Riku naked." Naminé's laughter makes me look over at her, trying to focus on not blushing, but I know from the renewed laughs from both her and Roxy that I still must be blushing hard. Why is it that when it is just the three of us hanging out, Roxy and Naminé tend to pick on me? It's really not fair. Then again, Kairi and I pick on Roxy when it's the three of us, so it's really kind of payback in a way. "Come off it, Sor. You've got this dreamy look on your face that is just screaming that you want to ditch us and go for a romp in the hay with Riku." Man, Roxy's not pulling out any stops today. "Why are you picking on me?" I whine playfully. "Hey Sora, incoming," Nami grins and I barely have time to look over at her before a ball of paper is thrown my way. I have just enough sense to grab it as it falls into my lap to prevent it from falling onto the floor and out of my reach. Roxy just raises an eyebrow, as confused as I am. "What's this?" I question as I begin to unfold the paper that was obviously ripped out of the back of her sketchbook. Chancing a glance over at the blonde girl, all I can see is a mischievous grin plastered on her face. "You were complaining about us picking on you, so I'm changing the tide. This is a list of all the places that Roxas and Axel have been caught or overheard having sex on this property. I thought you could use it as some form of blackmail," she smiles sweetly before flipping back to the picture she had been working on before. I let out a bark of laughter as I begin to read the list, seeing the many different places beside a list of names, which is what I assume to be who caught them. When I start laughing and listing the places and names off, Roxy sits up abruptly from his laying position, his jaw dropping. "What the hell? How do you know all of this?" Instead of the blush that I expect, my brother's face has gone completely pale. He's definitely more embarrassed than anything, but still it kind of funny to see him like this, especially because from his reaction, I can tell that the list is true. Turning to Naminé, I'm once again treated to her shit eating grin. "You'd be amazed what you can learn when your boyfriend's best friend is sleeping with the son of the clinic's head physician." "Ugh," I groan, placing my hand against my forehead. "That was confusing." "Give me that," Roxy groans, reaching over and snatching the paper out of my hands before I can make it any further down the page, causing Naminé and I to crack into even louder laughter. "Naminé!" A loud cry of the blonde girls name rings through the common room and hallway. All three of us wince at the shrill sound, Naminé at least having the grace to look sheepish. "Crap. Is it that late already?" She questions with the barest laugh as she begins to move on the couch in order to stand up. Within seconds, Kairi comes racing down the hallway, still crying out for her sister. As soon as I see her, I have to withhold my laughter. She is only wearing only a fluffy pink bathrobe with one shoulder falling down the side to reveal the strap of a white lace garment. Her hair is nowhere near its normal state, sticking up in several different directions. "Nami! You were supposed to be back to help me get ready half an hour ago!" there's a little touch of desperation lacing her voice as Roxy and I both try and hide our laughter and our presence from her. She seems to have a one track mind when she's in a state like this, and we know that it is better to not let her notice us. Naminé just grins, winking at Roxy and me over her sister's shoulder. We know her well enough that that means that she's going to get us some gossip. Kairi is oblivious that we are sitting there, and is likely to say just about anything. "Sorry, Kai. You know how I get when I'm drawing. I just lost track of time." Kairi lets out a huff of air as she rolls over to where her sister has moved into an upright position. The redhead then pushes the walker in front of her blond twin impatiently. "Tidus is going to be here in only two hours! I need help!" Ahh. So that's it. Roxy and I look at each other and share a grin. This is the reason why Kairi has been so on edge this week. According to Naminé, Kairi and Tidus have been growing closer and closer over the phone, and whenever the blonde asks her sister when she and Tidus are finally going to get together, the redhead becomes all timid and coy. Always a good thing I've learned when it comes to girls and their relationships. If he's coming up to visit her, then it definitely is a good sign in the move towards them starting a real relationship. I'm actually really glad. For a while, it seemed as if Kairi was the only one of us in our little group that didn't have someone. Obviously she has been working on changing that behind our backs. That just means that we're going to need to bug her about it later tonight. Naminé just laughs as she eases herself up with the help of her walker and before she is even upright, Kairi is right there behind her, hands on here back and attempts to push her down the hallway faster. "Uh, Kai, I can only move so fast with this thing, remember?" there is more giggles in Nami's voice and both me and Roxy have the feeling that she is just trying to piss her sister off. And if the shade of red that Kairi is turning, she is succeeding. "That's a loud of bullshit and you know it," grumbles the redhead as she moved directly behind her twin, forcing her to move faster. "I've seen you heading off to Lexaeus and know that you can move pretty damn fast when you want to. So hurry up! I need you to help me get ready!" "Can I at least say goodbye to Sora and Roxas first?" Naminé questions as she looks back over her shoulder at us, that mischievous grin never actually leaving her lips. I have no idea why she has decided to bring us into the conversation so late, but I just know that she has to be up to something, and I'm not sure I want to know what that something might be. "I don't care about them! Don't you understand? Tidus is going to be here in two hours! Just because you and Lexaeus are all mushy and smooshy together now, it doesn't mean that the rest of us are!" Kairi continues to rant as she and Naminé disappear down the hall, Nami's laugh echoing down behind them. "Did she just say…?" I trail off, wondering if I actually heard Kairi right. "That we don't matter? Yup," chuckles Roxy as he lies back down on the couch, his good arm folding behind his head it what looks like a comfortable position. "Girls are so weird," I laugh, pushing myself up higher in the chair from where I have slid down slightly. "I think I'm glad that I'm gay just for that reason. They just get too worked up about boys." Roxy just huffs. "Like you weren't getting worked up about hanging out with Riku when I first came here." "Well," I say, trying to ignore my blush, "I'm different." With a smirk, my twin just rolls his eyes. "More like special." "Hey!" I laugh, throwing the throw pillow from my chair over at him. I receive a silly grin before he just puts the pillow behind his head. Well, that plan obviously failed. "If I recall, you were the one who threw both mine and your clothes all over our room the very first night you were here because you were so anxious to meet the guys, especially Axel." "You two were getting naked together and you didn't invite me? Now how is that fair?" A familiar voice sighs from behind us and in unison, my twin and I turn to face my brother's smirking boyfriend, coming in from the direction that Naminé and Kairi just went. "Axel!" Roxy and I say in unison thought the tones of our voices are completely different. Mine is one of curiosity while my twin's is one of pure happiness and excitement. Am I like this around Riku? The look on Roxy's face is so happy and sweet that it almost makes me sick just looking at him. Unfortunately I know that I am just as bad if not worse when it comes to my silver haired boyfriend. "Any idea where Kairi and Naminé are off too?" The redhead asks, pointing his thumb back over his shoulder. "They just about bowled me over in the hallway." Roxy sits up as Axel comes over and plunks himself on the couch with my twin, sitting behind my brother. "Kairi is just feeling a little anti-friendly at the moment," Roxy chuckles as he leans back into his boyfriend. "Anti-friendly? Is that why she called me a fat douche bag and told me to move the fuck out of her way or she would shove Nami into me?" Axel grins, wrapping an arm around my twin's chest, holding him close. Great, that's just what I need. Roxy draping all over his boyfriend while mine is in having a nap. Lovely. Why do I want to let Riku sleep again? Roxas scoffs, bringing me out of my thoughts. "No. They said that because that's what you are. And they threatened to bowl you over to get you out of the picture because they both want me so bad no matter how many times I tell them that I'm gay. I'd say that you're the competition to them and they want to get rid of you." To my credit, I don't burst out laughing at the ridiculousness of Roxy's words, or the fact that he said them in the most deadpan voice I have ever heard from him. I just continue to watch as Axel rolls his eyes, then proceeds to trap my brother in his hold and gives him a noogie. Now my laughs are coming out freely as Roxy is laughing and cursing, all the while attempting to pull himself free of the fist that is grinding into his skull and messing up his hair. Only once does he call for my help, and I just raise an eyebrow in disbelief. Does he really think that I am that stupid to get involved? He better not answer that. "So, Sora. I just saw Riku in the hallway, he was going to come look for you," Axel says to me, never once letting up on his torture of my twin. Instantly my motions free, the sound of my boyfriend's name demanding and drawing the attention of every fibre of my body its way. Sometimes it scares me a little at how deep I am falling into this relationship, but then I remember that he is the driving force behind my recovery, and because of that as well as so many other reasons, I need him. "Where did you last see him?" I ask, trying to keep the eagerness out of my voice, but failing miserably judging by the extra chuckle that escapes my brother's boyfriend. At that moment, my twin is released and he slumps forward, gasping heavily for breath, though it isn't enough to send him into a full blown asthma attack, or even enough for him to need his inhaler. At least Axel has the sense to stop before it gets that far. "He's just gone back to his apartment. I told him that I would go find you because I figured that where you were, I'd find Roxas, and it just started raining out and I wanted to take him outside to get naughty in the garden in the rain." Roxy shoots up into an upright position at Axel's words, his blue eyes widening to the size of saucers before shrinking back down into small slits. "And who said that I was going to agree to doing that?" grumbles Roxy as he pouts, reaching up to attempt to fix his noogie flattened spikes. "Like you could resist all this," smirks Axel, running a hand dramatically through his long red hair. Rolling his eyes, Roxy adjusts the strap on his sling before winking in my direction. I don't know if I like that look that has come over his face…"Whatever, you hot little sex pot of love. You have won me over with your smouldering good looks. I have no will to resist you." My brother hasn't given up his deadpan voice, but Axel obviously doesn't catch the sarcasm that is dripping off the words and just grins deviously at his triumph. "Fine then. Let's go. And remember, you promised that we can try…" "Stop!" I interrupt with a cry, stopping Roxy midsentence as I slam my palms hard over my ears to block out any sound. Obviously this is my brother's revenge for reading that list out loud earlier. "Twin brother right here! I don't need to hear what who promised who, especially when you've been talking about sex!" Both Roxy and Axel laugh at me as they stand up. "Alright then," Axel grins, talking a hold of Roxy's hand. "Riku's waiting for you. Go enjoy him for a bit and we may or may not be back in time for dinner. I'd suggest not coming to look for us, but then that would be breaking my sacred oath to never discourage twincest. Feel free to look for us, and if you find us and we're still in the act, join in and we can all get lost together." I grimace at the redhead's words, as does my brother as he is dragged along behind his boyfriend towards the garden entrance. Rolling my eyes, I begin to lift myself out of the arm chair and into my wheelchair. It really surprises me how easy it has become to do things like this. To think that only three months ago, I couldn't even sit up without support to me regaining more and more movement after every session I have. But now is not the time to think of that, because it reminds me that my recovery is coming along well, which means that my discharge date is coming closer. Right now, all I want to do is go and see Riku. Making my way down the hall, my mind drifts to a less than innocent train of thoughts involving my boyfriend. It doesn't help that ever since that first time just over a week ago, we have become so much more comfortable around one another, our nerves fading out to want and desire. One good thing is that we have both promised ourselves that it is way too early for us to even consider going all the way yet and we agree that we want to wait until I have regained most of my sensation down there before we do. From the direction that my thoughts have taken, I can feel the blush that has risen on my cheeks. Instead of causing me embarrassment thought, it just kind of strengthens my desire to see my boyfriend. With a grin that I know has to be absolutely stupid, I pick up my pace, wheeling myself down the hall as fast as I possibly can. I guess I really can't make fun of Kairi for being so eager to see Tidus. She hasn't seen him in like five months. I haven't seen my boyfriend in three hours and I'm acting like it's been forever. Man, I really do have it bad. In record time, I am in front of the door that leads into Riku's apartment. I can remember when I used to be so afraid to knock; worried that Sephiroth would be the one to answer the door. Lifting my hand up to knock, I am startled when the door flies open just as my fist is about to make contact. Completely surprised, I jump back as best as I can in my chair, pressing my hand to my chest in an attempt to sooth my heart which is beating rapidly. "Crap, Riku!" I exclaim, seeing my boyfriend leaning up against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest, a broad smirk plastered on his face. Translation: he is looking so totally hot. "Why did you have to scare me? And how could you even hear me to tell that I was there?" I'm not angry at him, and he knows it. "Oh, come on, Sor," he smiles, grabbing onto the arms of my chair, pulling me into his apartment with him. "Your wheelchair has one squeaky spoke. I could hear you all the way down the hall." We are instantly brought into the living room in front of the couch and it is obvious that our thoughts are running along the same track. "Stupid super human extra senses," I mumble jokingly, accepting the assistance from my boyfriend to get me onto the couch, even though we both know that I don't need it any more. "So I take it that your headache is better now?" I whisper as I feel Riku's strong hands on my back, guiding me to lay back. "Yeah, It's almost completely gone," he grins, leaning down before placing a soft kiss on my forehead. I shiver at the contact, the tremors continuing through my body when I watch, more than feel as Riku positions me so that I am stretched out along the couch. With no other words, I moan lightly at the comforting weight as my boyfriend lays himself down on top of me. I smile softly at him, something I know that he can sense before reaching up to cup his cheek. I wonder how long it will be like this between us, that every time we are alone, we will be desperate for each other's touch. Using my thumb, I slowly begin to massage small circles around the corner of his bright aquamarine eyes, knowing that the motion helps his headaches. He leans into my hand before offering a smile, leaning down and placing his lips on mine. Our kiss starts off gentle as our lips move softly against one another, but soon it's not nearly enough. We are both desperate for more pressure, more friction, more of each other. We start to move against one other with a little more intensity and it feels absolutely amazing. Just as I part my lips to invite my boyfriend in, a strong sense of wrong enters me. For some reason, Riku's movements have completely stilled, and his body has gone completely rigid. I pull away from the kiss, hoping to find out what's the matter. "Riku?" I whisper, and that's when I see it. There is a look of excruciating pain on his face. I sit up slightly, allowing my boyfriend's head to rest on my chest. I'm suddenly assaulted by the thoughts of that day in the pool and instantly I realize what is going on. I feel the heat on my chest through my shirt that is just radiating off of his face. I want to offer him some comfort, but I don't dare touch his head in case it sends even more pain through him and makes it worse. Instead, I rub his back gently. I feel my own heart rate increasing in fear. I really don't know what to do right now. Last time it only lasted for a few minutes. Do I hope that that's the case again and just wait it out, or should I call someone? I know that my body is starting to seize up and trying to fall into a panic attack, but through sheer will, I am able to hold it off. I can't lose myself when Riku needs me this much. It's a tense couple of minutes as we stay like that, finally I hear a long moan escape my boyfriend and I hope that it means that the attack is passing. But as I feel his hand clenching tightly at my shoulder, I instantly know that this one isn't like the last one. It's not passing, it's getting worse. "Oh god, Riku," I whisper, attempted to not allow the building tears to fall. "I'm going to call Dr. Vexen for help." Unsurprisingly, he doesn't answer as the pain is still exploding through him. With care not to move too much, I reach behind me to where I know the phone is on the end table, pressing the call button for Dr. Vexen. I barely get the words out to the doctor about what is happening before he tells me to keep Riku as still as possible and they would be there is just a second before he hangs up on me. Dropping the phone, I finally allow my fear to take hold of me. I feel the tears beginning to fall as I hold Riku, unable to do anything to help him. It feels like an eternity before the apartment door is thrown open, revealing Dr. Vexen and two other people. I gasp as I instantly recognize one of the men. Sephiroth is walking in right behind the blond doctor, a third man bringing up the rear. "How long has he been like this?" Dr. Vexen asks as he moves my chair out of the way, allowing Sephiroth to help his brother into a sitting position. I want to protest, unsure of how my boyfriend may react to his brother being back. But seeing a faint shine of concern in Sephiroth's bright green eyes, I reluctantly allow it as Dr. Vexen helps me sit up straight. "I don't know. About 10 minutes maybe? I don't know. It seems a lot worse than the last one. But he said that his headache was feeling better. What's happening? Is there something that you can do to help him?" I ramble, wishing that I just knew what was happening. I try and voice my concern as I watch the strange man begin to shine a penlight into Riku's pain filled sightless eyes, dropping a medical bag down next to the couch. Dr. Vexen places a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, Sora. This is Luxord. He's a neurologist. He's here to help." As if he senses my distress and the panic attack that is so close to the surface, Dr. Vexen is telling me exactly what I need to hear. "I'm going to find out what is causing these headaches." The goateed man of pale blond hair says, a British accent lacing his words. As soon as he speaks, I gasp as I feel every ounce of blood draining out of my face, downwards into the pit of my stomach where it is churning like a stormy sea. This is him. This is the voice that I heard talking to Sephiroth that day over the phone. This man is Sephiroth's lover.
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