Naming Souls | By : Light7 Category: +A through F > CastleVania Views: 2280 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own CastleVania, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Naming Souls
Sequel to those who are hunted
Disclaimer: Castlevania belongs to Konami not
me. I am making £0.00 out of this
fic, it is written purely because I have a burning need to create. Although I
would like to own Adrian . . . then he’d be mine.
Warning: this fic contains YAOI (GuyXGuy), Bloodplay
and a lemon; if this offends or
upsets you do not read this, it that simple.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Richter/Adrian, Adrian/Richter
Setting: post Castlevania symphony of the night
Dedications: this is dedicated to all Castlevania
fans, there could never be to many.
Summery: The trials that must be endured while Adrian tries to adapt to
what he has always wanted, a normal life.
Authoress note: Those who are hunted was
probably the first long-ish fic I ever wrote; I have written this to
commemorate that fact. For those who asked please forgive me that this has
taken so long to come out.
Italics mean either flashbacks or thoughts
* / * / * / * / *
hummed contentedly as they prepared the house and gardens for the guests who
would be arriving tomorrow. Richter was currently setting tall torches into the
ground, for no doubt the party would continue late into the night. Many men
feared to remain outside after dark but having the night gathering on the
Belmont estate they felt safe, after all how many monsters would come to the
Belmont estate, Richter grinned at the thought looking absently around for
Adrian. He’d managed to capture his immortal on the way down the stairs and
‘convince’ him to reconsider. He’d left Adrian
upstairs a boneless heap half covered by a now shredded sheet, the immortal had
promised to be down as soon as he could get his legs to work again but had not
yet arrived on the scene. This both inflated the vampire hunter’s ego and made
him worry slightly.
guessing you two made up then?” Maria smirked at Richter’s obvious contentment;
Richter looked at her and smiled,
why I start fights,” Richter smirked “making up is always most enjoyable.”
Maria blushed but did not snap at the hunter as she had in town for she knew
how pointless the effort was, for Richter was just a bubbling pot of unsubtle
is Adrian then?”
Maria asked and just as Richter was about to reply ‘trying to get his legs to
work’ he was interrupted.
am here lady,” the dunpeal had left his finery upstairs, knowing that he would
be expected to help prepare. He had simply slipped into a shirt and trousers
and left his hair unbound. Adrian
had small blood drops on his side and shoulders, cuts made by Richter’s nails
earlier bleeding underneath the soft white material,
Maria smiled and blushed while Richter glared at the dunpeal he had often told
him to wait until he healed before putting a white shirt on.
of you to join us,” Richter spoke calmly, “I have a little job for you.” Adrian tilted his head in
a strangely adorable and curious fashion, “this will go on into the night, and
we want a lot of light,”
Adrian echoed,
absently scratching at his throat. Richter smirked at the fading bruise he was
clawing and watched as a blushing Maria turned and walked away.
did that on purpose,” Richter smirked, knowing the dunpeal would not usually
draw attention to his ‘wounds’ unless there was a reason behind it, the
immortal nodded and stepped up to him walking into the mortal’s arms tongue
laving at his throat. Richter sighed, he had fed Adrian just a short half hour
or so ago, usually the immortal only needed blood every two days, sometimes he
would go longer worried about his mortal. For Adrian to still be hungry such a short time
after feeding, it let Richter know what the dunpeal was going to say. “You’re
going into the woods again?” Richter asked
think I must,” Adrian
answered “it’s not fading, and it has been three weeks since I last went.”
less time than before,” Richter sighed, but knowing he would not argue, “Before
you disappear off anywhere though would you mind helping me.” The dunpeal actually smiled at the
think I could deny you anything after what you just did to me?” he asked and
Richter laughed, it was not often Adrian smiled and Richter was glad that he
knew how to make it happen, the dunpeal stroking his ego helped to.
I said,” Richter continued to smirk proudly, his ego slowly inflating “we need
light, but the wind is strong this time of year, your fire seems immune to it.”
not actual fire,” Adrian
shrugged “its magic not natural, but I’ll light your torches for you if you
you, would you do it now, to save us the time tomorrow.” The mortal asked
sticking the last of the torches into the earth. “We can spend time out here
tonight that way,”
you wish,” Adrian answered stalking across the gardens to obey his mortal,
holding out his arm the flame seemed to form out of nothing and launched itself
out to land on the torches remaining tiny and insignificant like candle flames.
Adrian sent
flames to all the torches and walking back towards Richter clicked his fingers,
the tiny flames sprang upwards, roaring to full life.
lamps on the roof tops need doing as well,” Richter called before muttering
“bloody show off.” Smirking Adrian
turned to go into the house.
torches look good,” Maria commented as she approached
think there’s enough?” Richter asked contemplating returning to town to retrieve
more. He would have to go tomorrow as evening was quickly rising, absently he
cursed his lack of self control when it came to his dunpeal, he
always took a lot of time over his immortal.
worry Richter everything will be perfect tomorrow.” Maria soothed knowing the
vampire hunter was edgy about this party
just . . . I just want a normal life again,” Richter sighed “this is my chance
to re-establish that.” The hunter turned and stared fiddling with a lighted
will be fine Rich . . .What the . . .,” Maria’s small
gasp made Richter turn, spotting what she was so surprised about he smiled. Adrian was currently
displaying vampiric balance to its fullest by marching across the rooftops iron
railings to reach the lamps; he’d donned his cape for which Richter was pleased
about. The house’s rooftop railings were thin enough to barely support birds and
now they held the dunpeal aloft it was enough to make a man shiver, Richter
laughed as Maria seemed to be entering a panic “He’ll fall!” Maria hissed
likely,” Richter smiled then paused taking a deep breath as a strange thought
hit him “three months ago this would have been the strangest thing in the world
to me . . . but now its perfectly normal.”
sound sad about that,” Maria smirked “after all the effort you went to get that
dunpeal now you sound disappointed,” she paused and the humour left her voice
“you do love him Richter?”
do love him,” Richter insisted “I just . . . there are times when . . . I’m a
vampire hunter and . . . I’ll never lead a normal life will I?”
Maria smiled “is what you love, what you want not what everyone else thinks,”
her smile widened “you know there are tribes in the northern mountains who
strip naked and bathe in ice pools . . . is that a normal thing to do?” she
asked Richter shook his head “it is for them. See ‘Normal’ is what you want it to be.”
still . . .” Richter began but was cut short by a startled yelp from the
rooftops as Adrian
discovered the just how precarious his balance was and fell. Maria screamed but
Richter just sighed and watched as Adrian’s cape billowed around him and seemed
to stiffen, opening out and reshaping itself until seconds after the fall began
Adrian glided to earth on a pair of cloth wings.
Maria began before marching over to the dunpeal “THAT WAS THE STUPIDIST THING
I . . . I can fly Maria.” Adrian
mumbled seeming almost terrified of the now screaming woman
. . . you awful creature you scared me half to death! . . . . You’re not hurt
are you?” she asked, Adrian shook his head, eyes still wide from being scolded,
Richter laughed watching the once impressive dunpeal cower behind his cape from
the tiny woman’s rage, kindly he decided to save his lover.
if you would be so kind could you help me. Adrian didn’t you want to go somewhere?” he
hinted that the dunpeal should make himself scarce and with a grateful smile
the immortal fled, his stomach growling loudly.
Adrian hated killing for
blood. It was that simple, he hated it, hated it more than he could ever hate
anything else and so he refused to murder mortals for his bloodlust. While he
might not ‘like’ mortals or enjoy the company of mortals that didn’t mean he
would kill them. At first he had been dubious about the little sips he took
from Richter but the mortal seemed not only not to mind but out right forced
him to at times, the poisons of a vampires kiss were
highly addictive. But while he refused to murder mortals he understood that at
times things would die from his bloodlust and he would rather it were an animal
than a human. He disliked what he was coming here to do, but tension sang in
him like s truck tuning fork and he knew that if he didn’t eat something it
would get more and more intense until he hurt himself or someone else and
knowing fate the one he hurt would be one he loved.
feelings they should not be this strong, he’d fed from Richter a little over
two hours ago, small sips but enough to keep his blood lust under control so
much so that the bloodlust should now be small and easy to ignore but then
sometimes despite all his efforts and Richter’s it would continue to rise in
him. This happened every twenty five to thirty days, because of the simple
reason that vampires do not feed on blood alone. When a vampire kills he
absorbs ‘life energy’ from his prey, vampires need the life energy as much as
the blood, for it is that energy that animates their corpses. Adrian being half mortal had life energy of
his own and thus only needed to kill every month or so unlike his father who
had to kill every few nights.
it to call tonight,” he muttered sliding through the woods, the first time
Richter was trying to host any type of gathering since he’d brought the dunpeal
home and up comes bloodlust. Fate was a daemon in disguise.
dunpeal sighed suddenly feeling an aura of calm slide over him, these woods near
castlevania despite being filled with monsters made the half blood relax,
strange that he should be more relaxed around hell spawn than humans but then
again he’d grown up with these creatures, his best friend had had fur and a
tail it had been humans who had hurt him, humans who he had to fear. Ingrained
fear is not something that is easy to let go of; the dunpeal grumbled under his
breath it was stupid really that an ogres roar just made him sigh while an
angry yell from a mortal man made his blood run cold. He shivered, that sound
still frightened him, it really was well and truly pathetic and so
embarrassing, he remembered when Richter had first brought him here and he had
refused to bite him for fear of hurting the mortal, it was becoming painfully
obvious that the dunpeal needed blood and still he refused. Richter had lost
his temper and Adrian had been weak and unable to run or fight or even move
much and Richter had yelled, the mortal had actually thrown things across the
room in his temper and what had the half vampire son of Dracula done, he’d
pulled the blanket over his head and trembled, fear causing tears to build
behind his eyes.
had been horrified with himself for frightening the dunpeal; Adrian had just been mortified that such a
thing could affect him so. The mortal had sat with him for the rest of the
night and held him absently running fingers through his hair. The next evening Adrian had tried to
explain why the sound bothered him so much
“Its ridiculous,” the dunpeal snapped
“I have faced down dragons, but have a mortal man shout at me and I become a
gibbering wreck,”
Adrian jerked suddenly,
wrenched from his thoughts as the sound of something small caught his attention
and his fangs tingled in his mouth. He was starving, it hurt to be this hungry
but it was a feeling he had become used to after such a long time not eating
properly and seemed so trivial at the moment but left alone it would quickly
become uncontrollable. Creeping closer he tensed, he didn’t need to see it his
nose was pinpointing exactly where his prey stood on the other side of the
bush, he tensed again and sprang. Feathers, fur and cloth rose into the air,
the scream of a griffin echoed through out the forest then silence which lasted
for three seconds
YOU THINK YOUR DOING!” The griffin was
bright red and the size of a big dog and currently it was yelling at the
dunpeal now pinning it to the forest floor.
sorry Archanon.” Adrian
would have blushed had he enough blood to spare “I was . . .,” he trailed off
letting the best up
were going to eat me!” the beast sounded well and truly insulted “well of all
the things!”
was hungry,” Adrian
muttered now trying not to smirk
so am I,” the beast snapped “but you don’t see me eating you now do you?” Adrian sighed half
wanting to dare the bird/beast to try his luck but stopped himself, he always
became more violent when he was hungry
Adrian swallowed, the griffin huffed loudly and Adrian rolled his eyes,
it was going to take more than a verbal apology, reaching into his pockets he
came up with nothing until in one of his coat pockets gave up a meal card. A
magical card that when invoked could form food from nothingness, the only
downside being that you didn’t know what you were getting; throwing the card up
Adrian smirked relieved as a roast materialised before him. He pushed it to the
griffin who glared for a few more moments before snapping at the roasted
meat Adrian,”
the griffin made a sound akin to a purr “I may have to let you hunt me more
often. Although if I were you I would get your nose checked you should have
been able to smell it was me.”
was paying little attention,” Adrian
admitted the griffin gave him a look, not un-similar to one his father used to
give him.
judging by the fact you have flesh I doubt that’s what your hunting for
tonight,” Archanon spoke calmly now “you’re hunting blood this night,” he
guessed his beak full of torn flesh.
I not always hunting blood,” Adrian
sighed feeling melancholy creeping up on him once more
the bird/beast dragged him back to the surface of his mind “you’ve always got
that mortal you seem to be keeping as a pet why don’t you eat him?”
not my pet,” Adrian
snorted a strained laugh “I doubt he’d enjoy hearing himself being referred to
that way,” the griffin shrugged red feathers falling into the moss
not, you keep him, feed from him and by the smell I can tell you’re mating with
him, that sounds like a mortal pet to me,” the griffin smiled which was strange
on a bird and consisted more of a movement of the eyes than beak. Adrian couldn’t help the
laugh that escaped him and wondered what Richter’s reaction would be if the
mortal knew the griffin had called them mated. Not wanting to continue this
train of conversation Adrian
to tired to debate my relationship with my mortal
tonight Archanon, please let us talk of other things,” Adrian sighed ignoring the pain in his gut,
he really was starving tonight, more so than he should be.
well,” the griffin agreed “I nearly died this morning,” Adrian raised his
eyebrows in a curious fashion “the great white griffin, Rashida he came at me
talons and beak, I think he’s trying to claim the territory. But I’m not sure
why he came at me, it’s your territory Adrian.” Adrian went very, very still; the kind of
still only vampires have.
that’s . . . lovely,” he whispered,
dunpeal had claimed these woods as his, being the strongest of those living
here he was the undisputed ‘alpha’ and when powerful monsters came here they
had to come through him, he had to assert dominance over them to keep them
under his control. His father had done it to all the monsters in the castle and
now Adrian was
doing it in the woods. The dunpeal sighed he really was becoming his father, he
was corrupting the Belmont’s and preventing the Belmont family to
continue and he held a small court over the forests . . . daddy would be proud.
“Adrian!” the shout of Richter echoed through the woods and
the Griffin
hunts been cut short again,” he laughed as Adrian shooed him away and turned walking
towards Richter
“ADR . . .,”
shouldn’t shout in this place,” Adrian
appeared behind Richter who jumped about a foot in the air before turning and
glaring at his dunpeal
going to by you a little belled collar,” the mortal snapped as Adrian took his
arm and led him out of the woods “like what Maria’s got on her cat!”
sure you will Richter.” Adrian sighed his
stomach growling loudly, Richter raised an eyebrow but Adrian shook his head “I’ll hunt before
tomorrow evening don’t worry.”
because tomorrow is going to be wonderful, nothing will go wrong.” Richter
beamed and the dunpeal decided to wait until tomorrow before telling Richter he
was in another fight over his territory.
was that time which is either very later of very early when Adrian woke to find his stomach growling and
his control slipping. He hadn’t fed claiming he would do it tomorrow, thinking
he had enough control to at least sleep next to the vampire hunter without
eating him alive. It seemed he was wrong; fortunately vampires are very skilled
at manipulating their own lusts and Adrian
had learnt this trick well from his father. At the moment his body ached with
the lust to hunt, to chase something run it down and sink his teeth into it;
this was something he could not do so he twisted it, he couldn’t give the beast
inside of him a life but he could quieten it with sex.
won’t let him hurt you,” Adrian
whispered at Richter, before leaning over to his lover
kissed and licked Richter’s shoulder and neck delicately as his hand wandered
down the man’s back and round to trace his claws lightly over the mortal’s
abdomen, Richter sighed in his sleep but did not wake; he did however let out a
little gasp as the dunpeal gripped him and slowly began to stroke his sleeping
member, coxing him to hardness. The mortal groaned still sleeping and Adrian
purred, wondering what other little sounds he could draw forth before waking
him; he traced his tongue over Richter’s throat, over the thin scar on the
man’s shoulder where the dunpeal had fist bitten him, the wound had been made
with a knife so luckily for Richter he didn’t have teeth marks in his shoulder
where all could see; after he first time Adrian had been biting the mortal in
places where it would be far more difficult for a passer by to notice. Lapping
at the sensitive skin made Richter groan louder and press his shoulder upwards
towards his lovers mouth; the mortal was becoming quiet addicted to his Dunpeal’s
Adrian was
becoming so absorbed in Richter’s responses that he didn’t feel the subtle
manipulation of his beast pressing down on him, twisting inside of him slowly.
He began to nip harder at the smooth skin he was worshiping, sucking hard on
the skin raising bruises. His breath came faster, and the desire to roll Richter
onto his back and take him was making Adrian
dizzy. He needed something now and blood was easier, working down his lovers
chest slowly Adrian nipped a little to hard at the mortal’s left nipple and
drew a droplet of blood which was lapped away the dunpeal’s arousal was growing
at an astonishing rate, and he clenched his teeth and ignored the voice telling
him to bite down hard, drain the mortal for all he was worth. Slowly he kissed
a trail down the hunters abdomen pausing the lap for a
moment at the dew gathering on the mortal’s tip. Richter arched in his sleep
making the immortal smile before he went for his goal, pushing the mortal’s
thighs apart harshly he dipped between them laving at the soft scared skin
had at lest six scars down here, it was starting to look like a patch work
quilt. The mortal also had a scar behind each knee, a knife scar on his elbow
and shoulder and strangely a bit scar on his waist when the immortal had lost
it too quickly. Adrian
glanced quickly to make sure his love was still sleeping before leaning down
and sinking fang into vein.
“GODS!” Richter was now very awake, and hands grasped white
hair as he held the dunpeal in place, watching as a slim white throat swallowed
time and time again. “W . . . warn . . . me next . . .
time,” the mortal gasped. “Jesus Christ!”
breath caught in his throat as a slim white hand found his now aching member
and slowly stroked it. Richter groaned when he felt strong slim fingers of the
dunpeal’s free hand dig into his thigh, the immortal sucked powerfully almost
wrenching the blood from Richter’s veins with small frantic movements; Richter
swallowed, it had been a long time since Adrian had been this desperate for him,
normally feeding was a languid experience saved for the after glow of sex but
this was vicious, bestial and almost painful but at the same time it was one of
the most intensely wonderful feeling’s Richter had ever experienced; he started
to feel dizzy as the dunpeal reached his usual limit.
. . . Adrian,” Richter breath “Adrian stop,” the dunpeal stopped at the sound
of his name but couldn’t stop the half sob that escaped his throat, he needed
more, the beast was still pulling on him to take more. Snapping and lashing
inside of him screeching at him to press the mortal down and take what he
needed, blood sex and everything in between.
raggedly, the Dunpeal sat back on his heels between Richter’s legs before
leaning forwards and almost collapsing against the mortal, strong warm mortal
arms wrapped around the immortals lithe form and held him to him. Richter
swallowed worriedly and looked his lover over silently, it had been a long time
indeed since Adrian
had willingly tried to take more. The mortal tried to gather his wits and tried
to ignore how the immortal was pressing against him so he could speak.
you alright?” Richter asked as the dunpeal trembled against him, Adrian nodded
loud,” the immortal whispered “its probably because I’ve been around so many living,
breathing . . . hot. . .,” the dunpeal’s hands tightened on the hunter’s chest
“breathing bloody people but I can’t drown it out,” Richter cooed softly to the
immortal before shifting himself pressing their hips together, he knew this
could help, it had helped before. Richter theorized that the more vampiric and
violent side of Adrian’s
nature could be pacified by sex simply because there was always a certain
amount of aggression in it as well as blood.
alright,” he breathed “shh, it’s alright.” Adrian looked up and Richter watched as
pupils the colour of a storm dilated and flashed red at him as the immortal
began to move down his body.
don’t you wan . . .,” Richter swallowed and reaching to the bedside table
pulled out a little vial of oil, Adrian looked desperately at his lover and
shook his head leaning back up he held the mortal hunter to him, ear on
Richter’s chest listening to his heart beat, still strong if a little fast the
sound soothed him.
he breathed as the blood settled and quietened the beast partly but not wholly,
the monster in him still sung for Richter’s life “I need to feed it,”
breath caught as light kisses were spread across his shoulders and chest, he
would have purred if he had been able, he wasn’t sure how doing this fed Adrian
but if the dunpeal wanted to do this for him then he wasn’t going to argue. The
hunter’s train of thought was stopped dead when his lover nipped, nearly
dangerous at his nipple making him whine, it stung as if cut and surprised Richter
watched the immortal lap tiny dew drops of blood from him. He gasped when a pail
hand crept down between his legs to tease his member. Gentle
touches soft and steady as if unsure. Heat grew within him with a delicious,
intensity growing gently, growing ever more enflamed until he arched up and
whimpered. Wanting something more, to be touched firmly, not the little light
teasing caresses.
Adrian caught his wrists and pinned them above his head with one hand, capturing
his mouth in a searing kiss, Adrian seemed to suck on his mouth swallowing
something from him, and as the dunpeal fed off his mouth the hand on his
arousal moved faster, grip tightening a little. Another cry escaped the mortal,
the sound muffled by his dunpeal’s mouth. Richter moaned and bucked against his
lover, breaking the kiss.
Adrian breathed
Richter nodded not trusting his voice, but he all out screamed as he was
swallowed. His back bowed, hips arching up off the bead. Nothing had ever been
so intense without being pain. But this wasn’t pain, it was wonderful. Those
lips moved up, tongue circling the head briefly, then Adrian swallowed him again and sucked on him
powerfully. It was like he was trying to completely drain him of blood in
seconds through his sex.
the world turned white.
Adrian crawled up and
collapsed next to Richter, the beast quiet for now, it lay inside him purring
and digesting its meal. Richter embraced the shorter man and ran his fingers
through his tangled hair. His eyes were stunned and heavy-lidded from the
intensity of their activities.
Adrian dragged
himself to his elbows and smiled down at him. “Thank you, its
quiet now.”
chapter Three
Authoress note: I think I made Adrian to whinny, did I?
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